Opinion Commentary & Media VII

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Then it shows that the wrong rules are in place.

Anything that can be called two different ways and said to be right in both instances is a massive fail.

The holding the ball rule is a prime example. If you are tackled and fail to dispose of the ball legally it should be holding the ball. The fact that they bring in an interpretation that you made an attempt is wrong.

Incorrect disposal is incorrect disposal. It’s black and white.

If the player has had insufficient prior that shouldn’t absolve them from having to dispose of the ball correctly. If the rule is simplified, then half the throwing s**t we see will disappear. Players now intentionally take a tackle and throw it to a teammate.

I'm just saying, the idea that you can bring in simplified "black and white" rules in a sport as fast-moving as AFL, and have human beings adjudicate them objectively, is fantasy.

Incorrect disposal is actually one of the most misunderstood rules anyway. If you don't have prior opportunity, you only need to attempt to dispose correctly, but most people just assume any attempt that isn't a correct disposal should be penalised, regardless of prior opportunity.

You could certainly just simplify it and say any incorrect disposal is penalised, which would just lead to players dead-fishing. Then when you also say players who don't make an attempt should be penalised, then you'd end up with every second tackle being a free kick. Which would lead to the same amount of umpire-whinging on here, only this time it's because a player is penalised with no prior because the ball came loose when they were trying to handball and kick.
What's good for the goose and all that.

Can someone remind me why someone like Barrett gets a prime TV gig like the Sunday Footy Show?

A former player who can bring his insights into what's required to play at the elite level? He ain't that.

A handsome, debonair raconteur type that brings a certain polish to a program which is well stocked with rock apes? That certaintly ain't him.

A top line, hard hitting and award winning journalist who breaks the really big stories because of the trust and esteem in which he's held within the industry? Nope, misses there to.

Is he mates with someone?

Is that it?
He's good at ruining the mental health of underperforming footy players and coaches.

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I'm just saying, the idea that you can bring in simplified "black and white" rules in a sport as fast-moving as AFL, and have human beings adjudicate them objectively, is fantasy.

Incorrect disposal is actually one of the most misunderstood rules anyway. If you don't have prior opportunity, you only need to attempt to dispose correctly, but most people just assume any attempt that isn't a correct disposal should be penalised, regardless of prior opportunity.

You could certainly just simplify it and say any incorrect disposal is penalised, which would just lead to players dead-fishing. Then when you also say players who don't make an attempt should be penalised, then you'd end up with every second tackle being a free kick. Which would lead to the same amount of umpire-whinging on here, only this time it's because a player is penalised with no prior because the ball came loose when they were trying to handball and kick.
You could remove prior opportunity as a requirement in combination with a correct disposal. No handball / kick = penalised. Irrespective of whether you just got the ball or it was "knocked out".
I'm just saying, the idea that you can bring in simplified "black and white" rules in a sport as fast-moving as AFL, and have human beings adjudicate them objectively, is fantasy.

Incorrect disposal is actually one of the most misunderstood rules anyway. If you don't have prior opportunity, you only need to attempt to dispose correctly, but most people just assume any attempt that isn't a correct disposal should be penalised, regardless of prior opportunity.

You could certainly just simplify it and say any incorrect disposal is penalised, which would just lead to players dead-fishing. Then when you also say players who don't make an attempt should be penalised, then you'd end up with every second tackle being a free kick. Which would lead to the same amount of umpire-whinging on here, only this time it's because a player is penalised with no prior because the ball came loose when they were trying to handball and kick.
It’s not hard at all. The game is full of teams who just take a tackle and throw the ball.

Incorrect disposal is incorrect disposal, it’s not hard at all to adjudicate.

In fact you actually justified what is wrong with the game, multiple interpretations for the same situation.

The players will quickly adapt if they know any throwing action is penalised. At the moment they know it won’t so they do t bother to try and handball properly.

It would actually be easier for the umpire, because then they don’t need to factor anything else but if the disposal is correct or not?
It allows them to never be wrong.

And on the very, very rare occasions they are, they issue an apology that counts for absolutely nothing.
The match review system and the matrix bullcrap is exactly the same, enables any desired outcome to be achieved for any incident at any time. On the odd occasion something goes not quite to script, the tribunal is there to lend a hand.
Agents can GAGF.

Hugh Greenwood continues to play in the twos so we obviously don’t see it as an issue.
Did any clubs storm afl house when suns got anderson and rowell??

Dont recall it happening when tiggers took deledio and rance?

What about when hawks took buddy and roughie?
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I don’t normally like the co-captains approach, but wouldn’t be averse to it with Sheez and Warlord. Couple of reasons:-
  • whoever gets it will/should get it younger than normal, so not a bad idea to share the load
  • sheez for the polish and a bit more of the media captains obligations, and Warlord (as much as I also love his straight talking) more for the inspirational on field moments a-la Schimma and (don’t shoot me) Selwood
  • they clearly have a huge rapore, so they’d make it work well together
I agree that Sheezel should be captain and am not necessarily against Wardlaw having a piece of it and this should happen younger than normal. 2026 or 2027.
I agree that Sheezel should be captain and am not necessarily against Wardlaw having a piece of it and this should happen younger than normal. 2026 or 2027.
Sheezel should be Captain simply because his place in the side is not in question. You can’t say the same of Simpkin and McDonald, who have probably avoided being dropped because of their leadership status.

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I don’t normally like the co-captains approach, but wouldn’t be averse to it with Sheez and Warlord. Couple of reasons:-
  • whoever gets it will/should get it younger than normal, so not a bad idea to share the load
  • sheez for the polish and a bit more of the media captains obligations, and Warlord (as much as I also love his straight talking) more for the inspirational on field moments a-la Schimma and (don’t shoot me) Selwood
  • they clearly have a huge rapore, so they’d make it work well together
Personally I never want to see co captains again. Hate it.
I can see North taking the leadership selection away from the players and putting it in the coaches hands.

And if that happens, I can see a leadership group of;

Sheezel (C)

Simpkin for a bit of experience and continuity, but the rest being young stewards for the Joey Roos.
As if rival clubs and player leeches should be dictating terms.
They can all GAGF.
If their shite player is getting paid overs (which we obvs do) or they face delisting all together , I’m pretty sure the grubby agents will be all over taking his % of the cake.

Easy fix though… no more priority picks should exist if there is no draft concessions like academies and FSs. Best players goes to worst clubs .
If their shite player is getting paid overs (which we obvs do) or they face delisting all together , I’m pretty sure the grubby agents will be all over taking his % of the cake.

Easy fix though… no more priority picks should exist if there is no draft concessions like academies and FSs. Best players goes to worst clubs .
It’s not the player going to the FS or Academy club, it’s the stupid discount and clubs using junk picks to make up the points that kills the system.

Clubs should be made to pay the full price.

The biggest killer of the league is Free Agency.

You don’t see the good FA’s moving to poor clubs. All it doesn’t is strengthen the clubs up the top of the ladder for nothing more than cap space.

How many of these clubs would take some of these FA’s if they had to give up draft capital?
So many holes in this so called puff piece of rubbish…assuming its Hs…
This stuff really p&@&#$# me off and that it becomes the accepted norm in their media circles…well lve had enough and are going to take a leaf outta JB’s book from earlier in the week…apologies for the length…please feel free to add more if I’ve left anything out…or got wrong😂
I think it’s high time we start calling out this s**&$$ …if anyone know where it came from or what smug &#&# wrote it …ld love to put these clowns back in their soap box…

Now let’s address some of the items in your article that was somehow published and passed off as facts…it’s what l like to call accountability…..if you put something in print….you better be ready to receive any type of criticism.
1 . Agents can get stuffed or get out of the industry ….they have no say in the order of how draft picks are allocated to AFL clubs.
2. Name them…to borrow from JB…Put your money where your mouth is and name these agents who are saying this…bet you don’t….because it would be career suicide for them ….
3. Rivals have had enough…p&#&# off…..Again have the balls to name them….because l bet they would remove themselves from your supposed conversation/ research very fast….
4. HAVE THE GUTS TO PUT YOUR NAME TO THE STORY….. This is hiding because you haven’t got the guts to cop criticism for the rubbish you wrote….
5. The Footballing industry would storm AFL HOUSE? This is a very broad statement tarring quiet a lot of people, including your own coworkers…Did you go interview them all? Again l dare you to name them…after all if there experts in the field and we’re all about promoting the facts to your audience…NAME THEM…..Quiet frankly lm bemused at your naivety of assuming you would all send in strongly worded “opinions”, not facts to AFL house requesting North do not receive their allocated draft pickS / assistance based on their ladder position for the year….
6.Despite your amusing fake bemoaning of the spectre of North receiving what you state as more concessions from the AFl at years end…consider the following.
Clubs who received priority first round draft picks…pre and after amendments to the rule…….you will notice the club that is giving you the most angst NEVER appears once……but lm betting many of the clubs that you failed to name in your article can be found within this table….that anyone can find on the internet…you know that thing called RESEARCH….note this was given to clubs who finished on the bottom of the ladder…JUST LIKE WE HAVE …BUT HAVE NEVER BEEN GIVEN ONCE….FACTS…
7. The HANDOUTS your so riled up about what we received, but these pitiful selections were never given to any of these teams in the above mentioned table…not once…
So let’s look at that magnificent HUGE draft assistance that we were given by the AFL in 2023 and 2024 for finishing in bottom rung of the table…..do keep in mind if it’s fair and equitable compared to the offerings given to the clubs you have failed to mention in YOUR ARTICLE that are supposedly up in arms about our superior assistance ...

MASSIVE ISN’T IT…Again with a tiny bit of research one can uncover the bounty that was bestowed on this club for finishing in the lower rungs of the ladder….
One end of first round (pick19) for 2022 for 2023 season
Two end of first round selections (19& 20)for 2024 season and ( and a couple of late round junk picks that had to be on traded or lost)
Two extra rookie spots on list just for 2024

Oh,..and before you mumble Ben MacKay…he wasn’t part of the assistance package that you lot seem to think he was….he was a free agent, Bombers with Mr Scott over paid triggering compensation to be paid to the club…a al AFL RULES….HENCE PICK 3. Its called research and doing your job..something you lot are incapable of doing.

I’d argue due to our wining percentage over last 4 years, total of games won and ladder positions over this time period we are well and truly due/ owed and should be considered for the priority pick that has never come our way…yet it probably won’t happen…l can’t imagine your nameless gutless clubs in your article, or their supporters would be happy with this type of outcome if it were them….hypocrites.

As for the argument…you made this mess….have a look a real hard look at who was there at the time…That is which president, COACH, list manger ect…who cut those players…and went for top ups….and pose those questions to them….hold them to account for their actions….the current board and president, including coach had nothing to do with the mess that was created leading to what we see is a rebuilding phase.

YET these clubs and administrators you can’t name are deeply concerned and upset that the “integrity” of the draft is at stake to quote a famous line from your lot in media land last year….funny while you were all frothing at the mouth about this….you had no qualms with Gold Coast using junk picks to secure Jed Walters at pick 3 which Eagles bid on with pick one ……plus 3 other youngsters with 4 in total… 3 of them in the top 20 the most of any club in last years draft….and all those concessions they had received in previous years….how strange….

Yet surprise surprise CRICKETS FROM YOU AND YOUR MEDIA BUDDIES ABOUT THIS….FOR A TEAM THAT FINISHED 15th ..two places above us and absolutely stacked on every line with top ten talent……I would assume these clubs that are outraged at the prospect of us receiving some kind of assistance this year are absolutely thrilled that Gold Coast was able to have that much access to top talent with only the need to acquire junk picks for points to acquire them….one can only assume this is the case as they are staunchly against assistance like we received as mentioned above.

While we’re at it let’s look at this years draft…oh looky here….Brisbane can have cheap access to ANOTHER Ashcroft…like the Will they were able to pick up with the father son rule…..so the argument of it’s for the integrity of the draft can get stuffed……while on father sons…..you lot were happy to stay silent when sydney picked up father son Nick Blakey…..can’t imagine Collingwood or Carlton( Let’s throw in Essendon and Adelaide…they have connections…as loose as Sydneys) this year being happy to accept that if the Daicos and Camporeales went to other clubs due to their academies….oh yeah you forgot that ….bit too hard to write or discuss about l suppose.

8. Palatable solution…..sign 4 state league players?..this is the solution that you and these clubs came to for protecting the integrity of the draft…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What planet are you on? Okay let’s play this silly little quest you have construed…so we get two extra spots on our list from this year…thats it…that’s your solution…..oh we get to keep the other two the AFL said we could have this year and this year only…Question…do you work for the AFL because lm sure they would have to sign off on your two spots and continuing their extra two they gave us for this year…..WOW ..imagine the uproar from your clubs you’ve talked to “supposedly”….extras players…that’s not fair….oh wait…that’s your solution and they agree 🤣
Four list spots to suburban footballers who would be highly speculative at that…..yeah that’s going to help build a competitive team. I’d argue we’d be back here again next year with the same problem…what then …two more and a packet of twisties. I’m sure your angry clubs would love that ….

l noticed you failed to mention that these spots could be filled with current AFL players…oh right the other clubs wouldn’t be happy with that….problem is as you mentioned player agents don’t like sending players here apparently…so isn’t the same problem going to arise…what if we want an interstate player….is the salary cap going to be increased to accommodate these extra players your touting….oh yeah. You really haven’t thought it through…and these clubs would not like the fact we’re getting more financial assistance to support the idea you all think Is brilliant 🤣🤣🤣

What if we want to take said state player who is aligned with an afl club or academy? See the problem with you tinpot ill thought out solution…It’s not really a solution more like pie in the sky that has more problems than its worth…it’s really a LOAD OF RUBBISH…

So next time if you have any decency as a supposed journalist…and l use this term loosely….put some names to these concerned people / organisations, do your research when trying to pass off something that is supposed to be an article …but and most importantly yours and their opinions are not newsworthy…..there opinions and unless backed by their name with facts remain so….baseless opinions ….thought you would know the difference between them and facts ….but based on this piece of garbage l doubt you do….
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It’s not hard at all. The game is full of teams who just take a tackle and throw the ball.

Incorrect disposal is incorrect disposal, it’s not hard at all to adjudicate.

In fact you actually justified what is wrong with the game, multiple interpretations for the same situation.

The players will quickly adapt if they know any throwing action is penalised. At the moment they know it won’t so they do t bother to try and handball properly.

It would actually be easier for the umpire, because then they don’t need to factor anything else but if the disposal is correct or not?
The worst is when Geelong, West Coast or Sydney players simply drop the ball at the first moment of contact, usually drawing an (illegitimate) holding free for. It’s the opposite of how the game should be played.
So many holes in this so called puff piece of rubbish…assuming its Hs…
This stuff really p&@&#$# me off and that it becomes the accepted norm in their media circles…well lve had enough and are going to take a leaf outta JB’s book from earlier in the week…apologies for the length…please feel free to add more if I’ve left anything out…or got wrong😂
I think it’s high time we start calling out this s**&$$ …if anyone know where it came from or what smug &#&# wrote it …ld love to put these clowns back in their soap box…

Now let’s address some of the items in your article that was somehow published and passed off as facts…it’s what l like to call accountability…..if you put something in print….you better be ready to receive any type of criticism.
1 . Agents can get stuffed or get out of the industry ….they have no say in the order of how draft picks allocated to AFL clubs.
2. Name them…to borrow from JB…Put your money where your mouth is and name these agents who are saying this…bet you don’t….because it would be career suicide for them ….
3. Rivals have had enough…p&#&# off…..Again have the balls to name them….because l bet they would remove themselves from your supposed conversation/ research very fast….
4. HAVE THE GUTS TO PUT YOUR NAME TO THE STORY….. This is hiding because you haven’t got the guts to cop criticism for the rubbish you wrote….
5. The Footballing industry would storm AFL HOUSE? This is a very broad statement tarring quiet a lot of people, including your own coworkers…Did you go interview them all? Again l dare you to name them…after all if there experts in the field and we’re all about promoting the facts to your audience…NAME THEM…..Quiet frankly lm bemused at your naivety of assuming you would all send in strongly worded “opinions”, not facts to AFL house requesting North do not receive their allocated draft pickS / assistance based on their ladder position for the year….
6.Despite your amusing fake bemoaning of the spectre of North receiving what you state as more concessions from the AFl at years end…consider the following.
Clubs who received priority first round draft picks…pre and after amendments to the rule…….you will notice the club that is giving you the most angst NEVER appears once……but lm betting many of the clubs that you failed to name in your article can be found within this table….that anyone can find on the internet…you know that thing called RESEARCH….note this was given to clubs who finished on the bottom of the ladder…JUST LIKE WE HAVE …BUT HAVE NEVER BEEN GIVEN ONCE….FACTS…
7. The HANDOUTS your so riled up about what we received, but these pitiful selections were never given to any of these teams in the above mentioned table…not once…
So let’s look at that magnificent HUGE draft assistance that we were given by the AFL in 2023 and 2024 for finishing in bottom rung of the table…..do keep in mind if it’s fair and equitable compared to the offerings given to the clubs you have failed to mention in YOUR ARTICLE that are supposedly up in arms about our superior assistance ...

MASSIVE ISN’T IT…Again with a tiny bit of research one can uncover the bounty that was bestowed on this club for finishing in the lower rungs of the ladder….
One end of first round (pick19) for 2022 for 2023 season
Two end of first round selections (19& 20)for 2024 season and ( and a couple of late round junk picks that had to be on traded or lost)
Two extra rookie spots on list just for 2024

Oh,..and before you mumble Ben MacKay…he wasn’t part of the assistance package that you lot seem to think he was….he was a free agent, Bombers with Mr Scott over paid triggering compensation to be paid to the club…a al AFL RULES….HENCE PICK 3. Its called research and doing your job..something you lot are incapable of doing.

I’d argue that we are due to our wining percentage over last 4 years, total of games won and ladder positions over this time period we are well and truly due/ owed and should be considered for the priority pick that has never come our way…yet it probably won’t happen…l can’t imagine your nameless gutless clubs in your article, or their supporters would be happy with this type of outcome if it were them….hypocrites.

As for the argument…you made this mess….have a look a real hard look at who was there at the time…That is which president, COACH, list manger ect…who cut those players…and went for top ups….and pose those questions to them….hold them to account for their actions….the current board and president, including coach had nothing to do with the mess that was created leading to what we see is a rebuilding phase.

YET these clubs and administrators you can’t name are deeply concerned and upset that the “integrity” of the draft is at stake to quote a famous line from your lot in media land last year….funny while you were all frothing at the mouth about this….you had now qualms with Gold Coast using junk picks to secure Jed Walters at pick 3 which Eagles bid on with pick one ……plus 3 other youngsters with 4 in total… 3 of them in the top 20 the most of any club in last years draft….and all those concessions they had received in previous years….how strange….

Yet surprise surprise CRICKETS FROM YOU AND YOUR MEDIA BUDDIES ABOUT THIS….FOR A TEAM THAT FINISHED 15th ..two places above us and absolutely stacked on every line with top ten talent……I would assume these clubs that are outraged at the prospect of us receiving some kind of assistance this year are absolutely thrilled that Gold Coast was able to have that much access to top talent with only the need to acquire junk picks for points to acquire them….one can only assume this is the case as they are staunchly against assistance like we received as mentioned above.

While we’re at it let’s look at this years draft…oh looky here….Brisbane can have cheap access to ANOTHER Ashcroft…like the Will they were able to pick up with the father son rule…..so the argument of it’s for the integrity of the draft can get stuffed……while on father sons…..you lot were happy to stay silent when sydney picked up father son Nick Blakey…..can’t imagine Collingwood or Carlton( Let’s throw in Essendon and Adelaide…they have connections…as loose as Sydneys) this year being happy to accept that if the Daicos and Camporeales went to other clubs due to their academies….oh yeah you forgot that ….bit too hard to write or discuss about l suppose.

8. Palatable solution…..sign 4 state league players?..this is the solution that you and these clubs came to for protecting the integrity of the draft…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What planet are you on? Okay let’s play this silly little quest you have construed…so we get two extra spots on our list from this year…thats it…that’s your solution…..oh we get to keep the other two the AFL said we could have this year and this year only…Question…do you work for the AFL because lm sure they would have to sign off on your two spots and continuing their extra two they gave us for this year…..WOW ..imagine the uproar from your clubs you’ve talked to “supposedly”….extras players…that’s not fair….oh wait…that’s your solution and they agree 🤣
Four list spots to suburban footballers who would be highly speculative at that…..yeah that’s going to help build a competitive team. I’d argue we’d be back here again next year with the same problem…what then …two more and a packet of twisties. I’m sure your angry clubs would love that ….

l noticed you failed to mention that these spots could be filled with current AFL players…oh right the other clubs wouldn’t be happy with that….problem is as you mentioned player agents don’t like sending players here apparently…so isn’t the same problem going to arise…what if we want an interstate player….is the salary cap going to be increased to accommodate these extra players your touting….oh yeah. You really haven’t thought it through…and these clubs would not like the fact we’re getting more financial assistance to support the idea you all think Is brilliant 🤣🤣🤣

What if we want to take said state player who is aligned with an afl club or academy? See the problem with you tinpot ill thought out solution…It’s not really a solution more like pie in the sky that has more problems than its worth…it’s really a LOAD OF RUBBISH…

So next time if you have any decency as a supposed journalist…and l use this term loosely….put some names to these concerned people / organisations, do your research when trying to pass off something that is supposed to be an article …but and most importantly yours and their opinions are not newsworthy…..there opinions and unless backed by their name with facts remain so….baseless opinions ….thought you would know the difference between them and facts ….but based on this piece of garbage l doubt you do….

I'm giving you a like just for the fact that you put so much time and effort into typing that amount of text.

No way in hell I'm reading all of it though. 😁
I'm giving you a like just for the fact that you put so much time and effort into typing that amount of text.

No way in hell I'm reading all of it though. 😁
Thanks spider…..l got on a roll just miffed at the stupidity of journalists pushing the same thing without even bothering to do research….or naming who these clubs are
So many holes in this so called puff piece of rubbish…assuming its Hs…
This stuff really p&@&#$# me off and that it becomes the accepted norm in their media circles…well lve had enough and are going to take a leaf outta JB’s book from earlier in the week…apologies for the length…please feel free to add more if I’ve left anything out…or got wrong😂
I think it’s high time we start calling out this s**&$$ …if anyone know where it came from or what smug &#&# wrote it …ld love to put these clowns back in their soap box…

Now let’s address some of the items in your article that was somehow published and passed off as facts…it’s what l like to call accountability…..if you put something in print….you better be ready to receive any type of criticism.
1 . Agents can get stuffed or get out of the industry ….they have no say in the order of how draft picks allocated to AFL clubs.
2. Name them…to borrow from JB…Put your money where your mouth is and name these agents who are saying this…bet you don’t….because it would be career suicide for them ….
3. Rivals have had enough…p&#&# off…..Again have the balls to name them….because l bet they would remove themselves from your supposed conversation/ research very fast….
4. HAVE THE GUTS TO PUT YOUR NAME TO THE STORY….. This is hiding because you haven’t got the guts to cop criticism for the rubbish you wrote….
5. The Footballing industry would storm AFL HOUSE? This is a very broad statement tarring quiet a lot of people, including your own coworkers…Did you go interview them all? Again l dare you to name them…after all if there experts in the field and we’re all about promoting the facts to your audience…NAME THEM…..Quiet frankly lm bemused at your naivety of assuming you would all send in strongly worded “opinions”, not facts to AFL house requesting North do not receive their allocated draft pickS / assistance based on their ladder position for the year….
6.Despite your amusing fake bemoaning of the spectre of North receiving what you state as more concessions from the AFl at years end…consider the following.
Clubs who received priority first round draft picks…pre and after amendments to the rule…….you will notice the club that is giving you the most angst NEVER appears once……but lm betting many of the clubs that you failed to name in your article can be found within this table….that anyone can find on the internet…you know that thing called RESEARCH….note this was given to clubs who finished on the bottom of the ladder…JUST LIKE WE HAVE …BUT HAVE NEVER BEEN GIVEN ONCE….FACTS…
7. The HANDOUTS your so riled up about what we received, but these pitiful selections were never given to any of these teams in the above mentioned table…not once…
So let’s look at that magnificent HUGE draft assistance that we were given by the AFL in 2023 and 2024 for finishing in bottom rung of the table…..do keep in mind if it’s fair and equitable compared to the offerings given to the clubs you have failed to mention in YOUR ARTICLE that are supposedly up in arms about our superior assistance ...

MASSIVE ISN’T IT…Again with a tiny bit of research one can uncover the bounty that was bestowed on this club for finishing in the lower rungs of the ladder….
One end of first round (pick19) for 2022 for 2023 season
Two end of first round selections (19& 20)for 2024 season and ( and a couple of late round junk picks that had to be on traded or lost)
Two extra rookie spots on list just for 2024

Oh,..and before you mumble Ben MacKay…he wasn’t part of the assistance package that you lot seem to think he was….he was a free agent, Bombers with Mr Scott over paid triggering compensation to be paid to the club…a al AFL RULES….HENCE PICK 3. Its called research and doing your job..something you lot are incapable of doing.

I’d argue that we are due to our wining percentage over last 4 years, total of games won and ladder positions over this time period we are well and truly due/ owed and should be considered for the priority pick that has never come our way…yet it probably won’t happen…l can’t imagine your nameless gutless clubs in your article, or their supporters would be happy with this type of outcome if it were them….hypocrites.

As for the argument…you made this mess….have a look a real hard look at who was there at the time…That is which president, COACH, list manger ect…who cut those players…and went for top ups….and pose those questions to them….hold them to account for their actions….the current board and president, including coach had nothing to do with the mess that was created leading to what we see is a rebuilding phase.

YET these clubs and administrators you can’t name are deeply concerned and upset that the “integrity” of the draft is at stake to quote a famous line from your lot in media land last year….funny while you were all frothing at the mouth about this….you had now qualms with Gold Coast using junk picks to secure Jed Walters at pick 3 which Eagles bid on with pick one ……plus 3 other youngsters with 4 in total… 3 of them in the top 20 the most of any club in last years draft….and all those concessions they had received in previous years….how strange….

Yet surprise surprise CRICKETS FROM YOU AND YOUR MEDIA BUDDIES ABOUT THIS….FOR A TEAM THAT FINISHED 15th ..two places above us and absolutely stacked on every line with top ten talent……I would assume these clubs that are outraged at the prospect of us receiving some kind of assistance this year are absolutely thrilled that Gold Coast was able to have that much access to top talent with only the need to acquire junk picks for points to acquire them….one can only assume this is the case as they are staunchly against assistance like we received as mentioned above.

While we’re at it let’s look at this years draft…oh looky here….Brisbane can have cheap access to ANOTHER Ashcroft…like the Will they were able to pick up with the father son rule…..so the argument of it’s for the integrity of the draft can get stuffed……while on father sons…..you lot were happy to stay silent when sydney picked up father son Nick Blakey…..can’t imagine Collingwood or Carlton( Let’s throw in Essendon and Adelaide…they have connections…as loose as Sydneys) this year being happy to accept that if the Daicos and Camporeales went to other clubs due to their academies….oh yeah you forgot that ….bit too hard to write or discuss about l suppose.

8. Palatable solution…..sign 4 state league players?..this is the solution that you and these clubs came to for protecting the integrity of the draft…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What planet are you on? Okay let’s play this silly little quest you have construed…so we get two extra spots on our list from this year…thats it…that’s your solution…..oh we get to keep the other two the AFL said we could have this year and this year only…Question…do you work for the AFL because lm sure they would have to sign off on your two spots and continuing their extra two they gave us for this year…..WOW ..imagine the uproar from your clubs you’ve talked to “supposedly”….extras players…that’s not fair….oh wait…that’s your solution and they agree 🤣
Four list spots to suburban footballers who would be highly speculative at that…..yeah that’s going to help build a competitive team. I’d argue we’d be back here again next year with the same problem…what then …two more and a packet of twisties. I’m sure your angry clubs would love that ….

l noticed you failed to mention that these spots could be filled with current AFL players…oh right the other clubs wouldn’t be happy with that….problem is as you mentioned player agents don’t like sending players here apparently…so isn’t the same problem going to arise…what if we want an interstate player….is the salary cap going to be increased to accommodate these extra players your touting….oh yeah. You really haven’t thought it through…and these clubs would not like the fact we’re getting more financial assistance to support the idea you all think Is brilliant 🤣🤣🤣

What if we want to take said state player who is aligned with an afl club or academy? See the problem with you tinpot ill thought out solution…It’s not really a solution more like pie in the sky that has more problems than its worth…it’s really a LOAD OF RUBBISH…

So next time if you have any decency as a supposed journalist…and l use this term loosely….put some names to these concerned people / organisations, do your research when trying to pass off something that is supposed to be an article …but and most importantly yours and their opinions are not newsworthy…..there opinions and unless backed by their name with facts remain so….baseless opinions ….thought you would know the difference between them and facts ….but based on this piece of garbage l doubt you do….
It’s the infuriating thing about the media. They pedal this false narrative and it becomes facts. The “rules” are only relevant for a select few clubs. It’s garbage.
It’s not hard at all. The game is full of teams who just take a tackle and throw the ball.

Incorrect disposal is incorrect disposal, it’s not hard at all to adjudicate.

In fact you actually justified what is wrong with the game, multiple interpretations for the same situation.

The players will quickly adapt if they know any throwing action is penalised. At the moment they know it won’t so they do t bother to try and handball properly.

It would actually be easier for the umpire, because then they don’t need to factor anything else but if the disposal is correct or not?

But there are a variety of different situations where an incorrect disposal occurs, which the rules allow for:
  • Intentional incorrect disposal = free kick against
  • Unintentional incorrect disposal with prior = free kick against
  • Unintentional incorrect disposal with no prior = play on (as long as a genuine attempt is made)
They're not multiple interpretations for the same situation, they're different rules for different situations and are there to encourage players to try and get rid of the ball when tackled.

An intentional throwing action has always been a free kick, as has intentionally dropping the ball while being tackled. Your gripe appears to be that umpires sometimes miss what is already a free kick, which just illustrates that it's a very difficult sport to umpire.
But there are a variety of different situations where an incorrect disposal occurs, which the rules allow for:

  • Intentional incorrect disposal = free kick against
  • Unintentional incorrect disposal with prior = free kick against
  • Unintentional incorrect disposal with no prior = play on

They're not multiple interpretations for the same situation, they're different rules for different situations and are there to encourage players to try and get rid of the ball when tackled.

An intentional throwing action has always been a free kick, as has intentionally dropping the ball while being tackled. Your gripe appears to be that umpires sometimes miss what is already a free kick, which just illustrates that it's a very difficult sport to umpire.
There is no need to have any interpretation. Incorrect disposal should be a free kick, no ifs, buts or when’s.

Simplify the rule and stop with the interpretational shit.

Before you say, that’s not the rule, it should be, because any rule that can be interpreted in many ways is a failure of a rule.

Make it easier, not harder.

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