Confirtmed Soccer does want to kill off Australian football!

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Mate, I know what you are saying, I follow RL and in France it was banned and had Union and Soccer gang up on it and in South Africa it was banned and had the same shit like glass put on grounds.

In Italy it was banned, the same in Serbia and a few other places.

Please don''t try and use that type of thing on me because quite simply, RL has had a hell of a time getting the right to play the damn game anywhere were as your code in most places has had a saloon passage.

Yeah - big deal - how easy is it for the Danes to run their footy comp?

The favourite sport of all soccer fans is to blame others for their misfortune - in the end, they needed the Government to step in, pay off all their debts (tens of millions of dollars, all done with zero fanfare), and then put in a governance structure that mimicked the AFL's.

But the blame culture comes from the game itself.

watch any game of soccer.

Watch Matt Mackay hit the winner against the Mariners at the 90th minute the other week.

What's Mariners' immediate reaction? To point at others, ask who was meant to be minding Mackay, etc, etc.

No joint admission of culpability, no team ethic, no sticking together - it's never my fault - it's always someone else's fault.

Soccer ought to TALHLAI

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So what? There's examples of the same thing occurring in NSW and NZ when Australian Football was establishing itself. The union types banded together to ban Aussie Rules being played in schools, thus stifling it's growth because they were afraid of it becoming more popular and was seen as a sport for the lower classes, not the elite. Happens to every sport.
Oh please, everybody knows that Australia has neither.

All soccer fans should be embarassed by this response in relation to Australian history and culture.

Soccer fans are imploring all Australians to get a touch of the same cultural cringe they posses, do what every other basket case and failed state in the world does, turning our backs on our own grand traditions that makes us unique, being told that we actually don't have too much to be proud of, that our only salvation is to join up with the likes of Argentina, North Korea, Honduras and Gambia.

Well - folks - it's a piss poor argument.

Let me tell you why Australia stands tall amongst the world's nations, without even needing to mention sport once:

1. one of the world's oldest continuous democracies
2. one of the world's most successful political-economic entities
3. with about 40% of the Australian population, either born overseas or with a parent born overseas, a shining example of racial integration; and
4. an ongoing link with one of the world's very oldest cultures.
All soccer fans should be embarassed by this response in relation to Australian history and culture.

Soccer fans are imploring all Australians to get a touch of the same cultural cringe they posses, do what every other basket case and failed state in the world does, turning our backs on our own grand traditions that makes us unique, being told that we actually don't have too much to be proud of, that our only salvation is to join up with the likes of Argentina, North Korea, Honduras and Gambia.

Well - folks - it's a piss poor argument.

Let me tell you why Australia stands tall amongst the world's nations, without even needing to mention sport once:

1. one of the world's oldest continuous democracies
2. one of the world's most successful political-economic entities
3. with about 40% of the Australian population, either born overseas or with a parent born overseas, a shining example of racial integration; and
4. an ongoing link with one of the world's very oldest cultures.

You're not serious, are you? Look, I love Australia, but you know when the Olympics (which you seem to champion) were on in Bejing, and they were going on about how they invented writing, gunpowder, paper and all those other things that actually changed human history?

In Sydney, what did we have? A big fat NOTHING. :D

But that's what's great about Australia - you can paint whatever picture you want on the canvas, rather than being pigeonholed.
Such a comment is not surprising coming from you, who feels Austrlalia has no history and no culture.

It doesn't. Not in relation to other countries - it's only been around for, what, 222 years? Pretty young to be claiming any sort of history or culture.

Or are you talking about the indigenous occupants of the land that Europeans invaded? I agree, they have a rich history and culture - but you see, they never actually called the land Australia before Cook got here - so you fail on a technicality. :p

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You're not serious, are you? Look, I love Australia, but you know when the Olympics (which you seem to champion) were on in Bejing, and they were going on about how they invented writing, gunpowder, paper and all those other things that actually changed human history?

In Sydney, what did we have? A big fat NOTHING. :D

yeah well refrigeration isnt that significant, neither is the combine harvestor.

and I suppose the Boyds, the streetons, McCubbibns, lindsys et al are just insignificant illustrators

its people with attitudes like yours which give rise to the pauline hansens
It doesn't. Not in relation to other countries - it's only been around for, what, 222 years? Pretty young to be claiming any sort of history or culture.

Or are you talking about the indigenous occupants of the land that Europeans invaded? I agree, they have a rich history and culture - but you see, they never actually called the land Australia before Cook got here - so you fail on a technicality. :p

I would include the whole lot under any discussion of history and culture.

Let us not forget that countries such as Italy and Germany are actually quite modern constructs.

Italy in its present form as a democratic republic is only a touch over 60 years old.

In fact the birth of Australian football pre-dates the unifications of both Italy and Germany.
The idea of German and Italian nations is far, far older than Australia. And Germany has been unified, in some form or another, since around the 800s.
and what a grand democratic tradition germany has

not to mention that Australia was either the first or second nation to have universal sufferage.
the colony of victoria became the first jurisdiction to implement representitive democracy. pre eurika only land holders could vote
It has an electoral system of some sort or another from around ~1000 until 1933. And then again from 1949 onwards.

Two points:
1. that's a lot of liberty in describing an electoral system from 1000 to 1933 (especially since Germany was only a political reality in the 1860s); and
2. let's be honest - that hole between 1933 and 1949 is a mother of a hole!
Two points:
1. that's a lot of liberty in describing an electoral system from 1000 to 1933 (especially since Germany was only a political reality in the 1860s);

Holy Roman Empire. Look it up.

2. let's be honest - that hole between 1933 and 1949 is a mother of a hole!

Not really. No different from what goes on in hundreds of countries today.

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