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Second one confirmed today, apparently this person has been out and about in the community despite knowing they were a risk.

A bit closer to home and two children we were taking care of on a temporary basis have come into contact with a confirmed case, we are going into isolation as a precaution. The main problem for us will be food for the 9 people still in the house (the suspected two have been removed) as we have been unable to buy anything in bulk for a while now and have been shopping 5-7 times a week to keep up with required needs. Thanks all you hoarding campaigners.

A maximum of two loaves of bread a day does not go far if 7 kids want toast for breakfast and a sandwich (or two) for lunch.
All the best to yourself and loved ones Jab ,don't you go getting crook buddy we need another hug pre season out of you and I have you penciled in for poster of the year for the around the grounds fred at good odds .

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Bit strange na stats on hospitalised and people in icu
I don’t believe any clubs will go under because of this.

All clubs will take a massive hit though, no doubt.

If players are being stood down without pay then surely coaches and admin staff (who now have very little to administer) will be stood down as well. that leaves loan servicing and rent. The loans may be rolled over at much lower rates based on other developments in the rest of the world. It will be tough but the government are now the ones on the line here- they have to step up and fascilitate money getting back into the economy- the banks have been over regulated out of it since 2008- that just leaves the government.
Reserve Bank has already moved into quantitative easing - essentially buying Govt Bonds as well as flooding Banks with liquidity - that bit is already done. We have no concerns with systemic liquidity .

CLubs have been asked to stand down players- because like other entertainment industries no show no revenue.

In due course, I suspect that the AFL will have to rejig its salary cap limits - downwards, and players will be asked to take less pay pari passu...Dangerfield is in lala land thinking players can negotiate - anything.
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Probably the most significant thread coming through all announcements and by all bodies is the one that urges us all to follow instructions and guidelines.

Regardless of your view of the actions taken by the Govt. this has to be the prime message.

I'll give you a ridgy didge example of the kind of apathy we are seeing. Story is 100% true and I'd bet not an isolated occurrence.

Mother and daughter fly into Melbourne last week and are told to self isolate for two weeks. Next day, daughter rings estranged Dad in regional Victoria and tells him she does not want to quarantine with Mum so can he pick her up. Dad drives to Melbourne and takes her back to his regional home. Dad is a working stiff and returns to work. I know this to be true but don't know exactly who it is, though I have my suspicions.

Point is, however, it matters not a **** what rules and restrictions are put in place, you would be hard pressed to convince me that this (and other instances like it) aren't happening every day.

Sure but they are isolated events and compared to what was happening before the lock down, the situation is a massive improvement. They should be fined- like in France. Expect the government to insist everyone has an app on their phone that shows you your health status and location, for when we go out of lock down. Cheap , quick tests are coming and I predict they will use some sort of block chain or QR code to signify your health that you enter into the app. those that are roaming without the app and a code will be fined heavily
You watch him to this. If I was in the US i'd be scared out of my brain.
This bloke will go down as the worst President the US has ever had.

he will back track- He is just trying to provide hope. Once the huge numbers come through in the US and the deaths start getting huge as well, people will forget and accept
Reserve Bank has already moved into quantitative easing - essentially buying Govt Bonds as well as flooding Banks with liquidity - that bit is already done. We have no concerns with systemic liquidity .

CLubs have been asked to stand down players- because like other entertainment industries no show no revenue.

In due course, I suspect that the AFL will have to rejig its salary cap limits - downwards, and players will be asked to take less pay pari passu...Dangerfield is in lala land thinking players can negotiate - anything.

Banks wont lend though- sure if want to buy real estate- other than that they dont want to know you, so it wont work. That QE needs to get into the hands of the people. Thats why the govt has made the changes to welfare, but much more needs to be done- especially towards small business.
He is now pushing a bailout package to save his hotels complete scum bag

his hotels represent something much bigger dont you think? Could it be that along with his hotels comes the rest of the US economy? Should he NOT reopen the US economy because everyone will think he is doing it just to save his hotels?

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Be interesting to see the results because most Australian experts (including those opposed to the current actions) are confidently stating that any complete shut down must be for a longer period than a month.
6-8 week IMO. They need time to regroup. They need time to get supply chains in order, possible treatment regimes tested, people "motivated enough" so that when the economy opens again, the public have experienced enough pain that they will 100% follow procedures so that we can handle the virus with a reopened economy. If it doesnt last long enough, people will say "nice holiday" and go back to life as normal (not everyone but a significant minority)
I'm not unsympathetic, but honestly everyone needs to take a step back from their own situation, and consider the wider community during this crisis.

Shutting centres is going to hurt workers much more than your current predicament. People are on waitlists right now, not potentially in a few months time. Expecting a bailout so you can hold your spot comes across as fairly self entitled.

keeping them open just hastens the spread of the virus doesn't it? No different to schools and universities IMO
As Paul Keating 'sort of said' many years ago - This is the virus we had to have.
There's a lot more to this 'episode' than meets the eye, as has been the case via many previous attempts to change the course of proceedings.
This is our version of The Purge and there will inevitably more purges in years to come.

Spoke to a nurse at RMH today and she had a pretty good grip on things and as to how and why things will play out the way they're likely to.
It's interesting.
his hotels represent something much bigger dont you think? Could it be that along with his hotels comes the rest of the US economy? Should he NOT reopen the US economy because everyone will think he is doing it just to save his hotels?
Ok let’s not get bogged down in the finer details and just agree he’s a scum bag
As Paul Keating 'sort of said' many years ago - This is the virus we had to have.
There's a lot more to this 'episode' than meets the eye, as has been the case via many previous attempts to change the course of proceedings.
This is our version of The Purge and there will inevitably more purges in years to come.

Spoke to a nurse at RMH today and she had a pretty good grip on things and as to how and why things will play out the way they're likely to.
It's interesting.

Thats one hell of a conspiracy theory, ridiculous.
Of course. Everything is ridiculous and comfort is our friend.

Right now, in the middle of this, promoting such speculative notions does nobody any good. People are doing it tough enough as it is.

More than 280,000 Australians have indicated to Centrelink today that they need financial support.

Government Services Minister Stuart Robert says the MyGov website has had more than 2.6 million logins today.
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He’s arguably the worst person imaginable to be in charge right now.

So many Americans will die in the coming months; their blood will be on his hands.

Am I right in hearing Trump was talking about relaxing some of the US lockdown laws in a few weeks ?

I would call him a moron, but that is an insult to all morons.

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