NO TROLLS Homophobia in the AFL - 4 Corners

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Stan is angling for pre selection with the Liberals as a ‘moderate’ to try and win back a teal seat. Ragging on the ABC is par for the course. As for what he said, I mean cheers Captain Obvious. The point of Q&A though executed poorly is to generate debate, no political chat show is there for consensus and kumbaya around the campfire, no one would watch it. Even then the panel is always stacked pretty bloody evenly. There isn’t a consistent line across the ABC, but if you average it out across presenters you probably end up with a moderate ‘small l’ liberal line who would side with the Liberals when push came to shove. Think David Speers, the aforementioned Stan Grant and previously Leigh Sales.

The ABC is just a shadow of its former self, appalling organisation that really needs to be wound up. It cost what, $1b a year to run? For what? Get rid of it and spend the money on people who genuinely need assistance, not a bunch of privileged over paid idiots.

I dont agree with that, ive had alot of pretty engaging and interesting conversations with many a poster on here, sometimes over disagreements and sometimes in agreement.

There are the standard trolls and antagonists but overall i think BF is a pretty decent place. Ive been posting on here for coming up on 16 years now, if it was that bad id leave.

For every decent comment there's probably about 20 that are crap. Fortunately, the idiots out themselves very quickly with their abusive comments
The ABC is just a shadow of its former self, appalling organisation that really needs to be wound up. It cost what, $1b a year to run? For what? Get rid of it and spend the money on people who genuinely need assistance, not a bunch of privileged over paid idiots.
It’s been ruined and bloated by interventions from Liberal governments since 1996 trying to shape it into something more controllable when they’re in power. The cutting edge is gone. Labor has done nothing to reverse the slide when in power either.

Anyway not the thread for this. I’ll leave it there.

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It’s been ruined and bloated by interventions from Liberal governments since 1996 trying to shape it into something more controllable when they’re in power. The cutting edge is gone. Labor has done nothing to reverse the slide when in power either.

Anyway not the thread for this. I’ll leave it there.

My post wasn't coming from a left/right wing view, I think they're as bad as each other, what the ABC is now is terrible and a complete waste of money.

This 4 corners report on the AFL is just another example of how appalling it is.
I agree with you about the right wing trash media, they're even worse but don't try to pretend that the ABC is an unbiased news organisation.

When someone like Stan Grant comes out and publicly admits it then you have major problems.

Oh, and the difference between you and me is unlike you, i won't personally abuse you for making a comment I disagree with, i'll just debate the topic.

Charming person that you are

The ABC does a pretty good job of trying to hold the pollies to some level of accountability. Why do you think the libs tried to gut it?

I'd hate to see where we'd be without it and just Murdoch and stokes running the show.
My post wasn't coming from a left/right wing view, I think they're as bad as each other, what the ABC is now is terrible and a complete waste of money.

This 4 corners report on the AFL is just another example of how appalling it is.

How is it appalling? By the way I don't think anyone goes by "it" pronouns, as per your previous post.

Seemed like a pretty intelligent, well put together story.

What's appalling is the trash wheeled out on 60 minutes and commercial networks.

I suspect you just don't like it because of some undisclosed biases. By the way, I'm a he/him if it helps 🌈
The ABC does a pretty good job of trying to hold the pollies to some level of accountability. Why do you think the libs tried to gut it?

I'd hate to see where we'd be without it and just Murdoch and stokes running the show.

I completely agree with you about the Murdoch and Stokes press, no issues there at all. I refuse to read that garbage.

i don't fully agree with you on your first point though, they are very baised now
My post wasn't coming from a left/right wing view, I think they're as bad as each other, what the ABC is now is terrible and a complete waste of money.

This 4 corners report on the AFL is just another example of how appalling it is.
I tend to think the response of the AFL has justified the story because they're rightly a bit touchy about being unable to provide a safe environment for gay male players.

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My post wasn't coming from a left/right wing view, I think they're as bad as each other, what the ABC is now is terrible and a complete waste of money.

This 4 corners report on the AFL is just another example of how appalling it is.
There was a lot I didn’t like about the program as a bi man who loves footy so with a bit of a stake in the issue. There was plenty they could’ve covered that would’ve been useful but didn’t and the focus on Bob Murphy was OTT, just as he was and the AFLW feature was just irrelevant as it’s a totally different environment.

I think it was a justified look at why gay men don’t feel completely safe in the AFL environment. It could’ve expanded more broadly to more sports sure but you can only do one thing at a time.

As well as that, Four Corners has remained pretty informative in general, for example last week was a feature on women in rehab for ice use with their babies or in pregnancy, which really is a growing epidemic that is being ignored. Things like that means it has value. You aren’t going to ever get it on commercial TV.
No, but you complained about personal attacks then decided the posters you were upset about were an "it".. just trying to help you out so it doesn't look like you're making personal attacks yourself 👍

No, I didn't complain about the personal attack, i pointed out the difference between you and me.

And there are people you who prefer to be referred to as an 'It', pretty poor effort to try and exclude them. You come across and a very angry person full of hatred of the 'it' people.
As well as that, Four Corners has remained pretty informative in general, for example last week was a feature on women in rehab for ice use with their babies or in pregnancy, which really is a growing epidemic that is being ignored. Things like that means it has value. You aren’t going to ever get it on commercial TV.

Completely off topic but check out "soft White Underbelly" a page on facebook, basically a series of interviews of topics like this one. It's tough viewing but definitely not what you'll get on commercial TV and highlights the problems in the Western society.

I won't post anymore in this thread
Completely off topic but check out "soft White Underbelly" a page on facebook, basically a series of interviews of topics like this one. It's tough viewing but definitely not what you'll get on commercial TV and highlights the problems in the Western society.

I won't post anymore in this thread
Was actually just watching his interviews with addicts on skid row in LA earlier today. He is really good at what he does.
ABC is now is terrible and a complete waste of money.

This 4 corners report on the AFL is just another example of how appalling it is.

What made it so appalling?
So, do you think all gay players want to come out? Should come out?
From the testimony of those interviewed it sounds like they live/d in constant terror of anyone finding out. Cos this kind of stuff should be kept hidden to themselves and not spoil everyone else’s day. Sounds like a nightmare.
Homosexuality has been around since Adam bedded Steve. No one gives two *ts what people do in their private lives, what people do care about however, is having naked Marxist agendas shoved down their throats. Bob Murphy should apply for the host of ABCs irrelevant Q & A program, he would be a perfect fit.
Homosexuality has been around since Adam bedded Steve. No one gives two *ts what people do in their private lives, what people do care about however, is having naked Marxist agendas shoved down their throats. Bob Murphy should apply for the host of ABCs irrelevant Q & A program, he would be a perfect fit.
Marx and Engels never mentioned anything about sexuality or gender roles aside from womens roles in the division of labour in various kinds of societies. Either did Lenin apart from mandating that women weren’t treated like absolute shit after the revolution. If anything as well Marx and Engels were homophobes just like the vast majority of people at the time. Their economic theory and philosophy has nothing covering what you’re angry about.
Homosexuality has been around since Adam bedded Steve. No one gives two *ts what people do in their private lives, what people do care about however, is having naked Marxist agendas shoved down their throats. Bob Murphy should apply for the host of ABCs irrelevant Q & A program, he would be a perfect fit.

'No one gives two shits what people do in their private lives '

That's half the point of the story. LGBTQI people should haven't to keep their lives private in fear of what will happen. A gay player should be able to take their partner to the Brownlow. Should be able to have them at their send off game like cotchin and reiwoldt did last weekend. It should just accepted with no fuss. People who say 'i don't care what people do in their private lives ' or 'just don't shove it in my face' - like aka said, are just perpetuating that there is something wrong with being gay.
Marx and Engels never mentioned anything about sexuality or gender roles aside from womens roles in the division of labour in various kinds of societies. Either did Lenin apart from mandating that women weren’t treated like absolute s**t after the revolution. If anything as well Marx and Engels were homophobes just like the vast majority of people at the time. Their economic theory and philosophy has nothing covering what you’re angry about.

Bbbbut bbbut da lefties want to shove the gay agenda down our throats!
Bbbbut bbbut da lefties want to shove the gay agenda down our throats!
Mate, I’m a card carrying communist. If we had the kind of influence these clowns think we do, society would look very different I tell ya.

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