Iran Conflict 2019 - ??

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According to the USA, Iran is the no.1 sponsor of state run terrorism. These groups include Hamas, Hezbolla, AlQueda, Taliban & more. That is what I have been referring to. If your argument is there a bigger funders.. then that is not really a positive thing to say about Iran. Just as someone else may (or may not) be funding or furthing terror more is not an excuse.

My point is you are demonising a group of people based off pure fictional conspiracies... the same conspiracies used over the centuries (including nazis). It's quite sickening to read it on a footy forum
You do understand just how deep-seated the hatred between Sunni and Shia groups is, right?

Your post makes no sense.
Apologies Taliban is an error, my mistake.

It appears their state sponsored terrorism has been used elsewhere and is quite significant.

Just as the Saudies, Iran is responsible for funding numerous terrorist organisations and should not be seen as 'the good guys' in my view. They are both as bad as each other.

Show me where 19 Iranians flew planes into the World Trade Centre and killed 3000 American civilians.

If them and the Saudis are both as bad as each other.

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Show me where 19 Iranians flew planes into the World Trade Centre and killed 3000 American civilians.

If them and the Saudis are both as bad as each other.

Careful now, Awaremind will probably tell you 911 was some jewish conspiracy to somehow lead to jewish world domination... Or some other baseless fictional anti-semetic propaganda.

To respond to your post - what those saudis did was terrible. They are responsible for terrible atrocities. I'm not arguing that, I agree with you.

But Iran are not the good guys you label them as.. "Iran remains the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism with funding networks and operational cells working around the world, a US government report said.

The State Department's annual survey of global terrorism accused Iran of intensifying numerous conflicts and trying to disrupt governments in the Middle East and elsewhere."

They fund terrorism, they send weapons to terrorist groups and they abuse their own people. They use proxies to further their cause.

How you measure them against the Saudis is up to you. You can have one worse than the other if you want. I say they both commit atrocities and and are on the bad side as far as countries go. Both should be held to account.
I'm hardly going to profess to be a great fan of the Iranian regime, but it makes literally zero sense that we've (by we, I mean the West) somewhat aligned ourselves with Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.

The US fooled the world ~15 years ago with Iraq. Surely this doesn't happen again.

I'm hardly going to profess to be a great fan of the Iranian regime, but it makes literally zero sense that we've (by we, I mean the West) somewhat aligned ourselves with Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.

The US fooled the world ~15 years ago with Iraq. Surely this doesn't happen again.

This. We've managed to end up in a situation where the Iranians are on the side of natural justice.

Trump walking away from the deal is bad enough.

But imposing brutal sanctions while making excuses - maybe they did,maybe they didnt - for truly the vilest regime on Earth, it is just stomach churning.
I'm hardly going to profess to be a great fan of the Iranian regime, but it makes literally zero sense that we've (by we, I mean the West) somewhat aligned ourselves with Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.

The US fooled the world ~15 years ago with Iraq. Surely this doesn't happen again.

Do you know what the EU stance is at the moment?

This is the last I read about it. (June 2018)

U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran and reimpose sanctions on that country is spurring Europe to block U.S. measures and shore up support to sustain the agreement.

By pulling out of the 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement, Trump delivered on a campaign promise to “tear up” the deal with Iran, which he has frequently disparaged as the “worst deal ever negotiated.” In doing so, he rebuffed personal last-minute appeals by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during their visits to the White House in late April.

...Trump’s announcement earned sharp rebukes from Washington’s partners in the agreement, as well as the European Union, and commitments by those nations to continue implementing the accord. The extent to which that is possible is unclear, given that major foreign companies face being cut off from the U.S. banking system and other punishment if they do not adhere to U.S. sanctions on Iran.

European Council President Donald Tusk was particularly direct in his criticism, tweeting on May 16 that “[l]ooking at the latest decisions of President Trump, someone could even think: With friends like that, who needs enemies?”

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reiterated Iran’s commitment to continue abiding by the agreement, so long as Iran’s national interests are met, and said he was pleased that “the troublesome member has been eliminated” from the deal.

But Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that he wants to see “definite reassurance” and “practical guarantees” that Iran will receive the sanctions relief envisioned under the deal.

Federica Mogherini, the EU foreign policy chief, said that guarantees are not possible but that the EU is determined to “act in accordance with its security interests and to protect its economic investments.” She met on May 15 with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and the UK to discuss moving forward without the United States.
Careful now, Awaremind will probably tell you 911 was some jewish conspiracy to somehow lead to jewish world domination... Or some other baseless fictional anti-semetic propaganda.

To respond to your post - what those saudis did was terrible. They are responsible for terrible atrocities. I'm not arguing that, I agree with you.

But Iran are not the good guys you label them as.. "Iran remains the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism with funding networks and operational cells working around the world, a US government report said.

The State Department's annual survey of global terrorism accused Iran of intensifying numerous conflicts and trying to disrupt governments in the Middle East and elsewhere."

They fund terrorism, they send weapons to terrorist groups and they abuse their own people. They use proxies to further their cause.

How you measure them against the Saudis is up to you. You can have one worse than the other if you want. I say they both commit atrocities and and are on the bad side as far as countries go. Both should be held to account.
Im no fan of an hardline islamic regime, but its not because of their support for al-qaeda or isis, its their support for the enemies of Israel that puts them in the crosshairs of the USA. Anybody who isnt delusional or lying will agree. They support hezbollah, who is no threat to the west any more, maybe 30 years ago. They support Assad, who is no threat to the west. The support the Houthis, who are no threat to the west, because they are barely surviving along with millions of people in yemen, where our allies and mercenaries commit actual genocide. Mind you i the think if they could they would kill every American and israeli. Their death to usa death israel chant is memorable. These are the enemies of saudis and israel. These nations act like rogue states, attacking their neighbours with impunity. The Usa is a tyrannical monster of a thing, its lashing out as its power wanes. There is no justice here.... yet. The arrogance of the five eyes nations is terminal, and if our enemies are like us it could well lead to us being " bombed back to the stone age "one day to yhe the cheers of people around the world.

But Im a nazi and it sickens you? Give me a break.
Iran a very different kettle of fish to Iraq and Afghanistan (and even Vietnam). The US invading Iran would result in internal conflicts all over the Middle East. Not to mention Iran is a far more formidable opponent in itself. And that’s not to even start on the Russian or Chinese response. I know Bolton has been hawking for regime change for years but even he wouldn’t be stupid enough to invade Iran. Trump on the other hand... :think:

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"Try respect-it works"
That's not going to happen,war for mine.

Yeah, I reckon the Iranians know they can give the Americans a Teutonberg Forest moment and are ready and waiting.
Do you know what the EU stance is at the moment?
The EU - at least publicly - seems to be rebuking the US and doesn't want a conflict.

But who knows what's happening behind the scenes, and if push comes to shove and the US goes all-in, I suspect their European Allies will disappointingly tow the line.
Have been reading accounts of the Iran-Iraq War.

If Pompeo and Bolton REALLY think the poor millions and millions in say, south Tehran alone, are going to piss on the graves of their 14 year old brothers who died clearing minefields with their bare hands, then jeez.

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Dunno how a bloke who looks like a toilet brush has so much power.

Who, Bolton? I always thought he looked more like the Swedish Chef from The Muppet Show.

In a sensible world we would be against the entire Middle East.

This would be the case if the dinosaurs had all died a thousand km further north.

Oil is but one element, Israel the other.
In a sensible world we would be against the entire Middle East.
In a sensible world the arbitrarily (and largely western) drawn national boundaries in the ME wouldn't exist.

"Shit, what do we do with these three left over Ottoman provinces?"
"Just jam them together and call them Iraq"
Israel is the closest thing to sensible in the entire region, and they are nutjobs.

The Lebanese are pretty sensible, but have the problem of Israel invading them all the time. The Iranians were perfectly sensible in 1953 when they democratically elected a pro-Western leader who just anted to be able to use the country's resources for itself.
The Lebanese are pretty sensible, but have the problem of Israel invading them all the time. The Iranians were perfectly sensible in 1953 when they democratically elected a pro-Western leader who just anted to be able to use the country's resources for itself.

Israel invading Lebanon? Now I’ve heard everything.

Are you referring to staving off jihad crazed terrorists Hezbollah? What invasion? Israel don’t and have never attempted to take over the country if Lebanon. What hogwash.

You’re confusing fighting a terrorist group (which requires you to temporarily have a strategic foot hold) with invasion/invading a country.

Israel live in a tiny tiny sliver of land surrounded by enemies every which way, with terrorists on the doorstep. All of which want the obliteration of Israel. But Israel are the invaders. Riiiight
Israel invading Lebanon? Now I’ve heard everything.

Are you referring to staving off jihad crazed terrorists Hezbollah? What invasion? Israel don’t and have never attempted to take over the country if Lebanon. What hogwash.

You’re confusing fighting a terrorist group (which requires you to temporarily have a strategic foot hold) with invasion/invading a country.

Israel live in a tiny tiny sliver of land surrounded by enemies every which way, with terrorists on the doorstep. All of which want the obliteration of Israel. But Israel are the invaders. Riiiight

Oh wwwwwwoooooooooowwww.

Israel invaded Lebanon, went all the way up to Beirut.

They occupied the southern part of Lebanon for decades.

It was this invasion that directly LED to the creation of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah did not exist before Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon.
Oh wwwwwwoooooooooowwww.

Israel invaded Lebanon, went all the way up to Beirut.

They occupied the southern part of Lebanon for decades.

It was this invasion that directly LED to the creation of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah did not exist before Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon.

Wow ok. Yes after "repeated attacks" they had to temporarily get a foothold to contain the attacks.. only to later withdraw as Israel never has (nor ever will) have an intention to take over the country of Lebanon. In fact they wanted the opposite, a long last peace ... the forty years of peace treaty etc.

Again, you confuse fighting terrorist hostile groups with taking over a country. If Lebanon (and its backed allies) never attacked to wipe out Israel (Lebanon not alone here), there would be no counter response from Israel to contain the groups. Hardly Israel "invading them all the time" as you put it. I guess if Tasmania started bombing the sh*t out of Victoria, the Vics would be seen as the bad guys and "invaders" if they entered the Bass straight (only to shortly after leave) to temporarily contain the onslaught?

Iran call for the destruction of Israel
Hamas call for the destruction of Israel
Hezbollah call for the destruction if Israel
Many Jordanians & Lebanese call for the destruction of Israel
Israel calls for the destruction of no country
Israel defend themselves and are called invaders.

Again.. carry on
Wow ok. Yes after "repeated attacks" they had to temporarily get a foothold to contain the attacks.. only to later withdraw as Israel never has (nor ever will) have an intention to take over the country of Lebanon. In fact they wanted the opposite, a long last peace ... the forty years of peace treaty etc.

They only left because they were driven out. They stayed for decades.

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