Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand

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Failure to get the 100000 homes built
Worsening child poverty rates despite that being a “priority “

But there were some very difficult conditions (particularly pandemic) though the housing one was very overly optimistic even pre pandemic
It's amusing because the policies she's being criticised for not completing are also the policies those doing the criticism were against.

They didn't want higher taxes or increased spending on public housing, and then also criticise her for not doing it.

It's double-funny because the criticism from conservatives doesn't go into detail because her agenda has been too conservative. As if the opposition would have built stacks of public housing?

Just like Oz, for everyone complaining about housing affordability, there are 10 people pocketing the profits of house price increases (i.e. increased wealth)
She certainly ruled like one as PM of NZ and only recently the "smiling socialist" stated in November 2022 "bring it on" with regard to the next election. So what in the name of cow flatulence has changed her mind? "jacindamania has fallen flat on its face in the past 12 months and maybe the realisation of an upcoming election loss finally sunk in? She won't go poor though, she is eligible to receive up to $57,000 per year in annuity. There are also travel perks for those who leave the office and their partners. The former Prime Minister, and their partner, may also have the use of a self-drive car. She'll be just fine, but the jig is up...
Again, nothing here makes her a dictator.
Poor old Soc, off on another of his hate filled diatribes against real or imagined enemies. You must really lead a very sad, little life.

Jim Molan was a fine man, who was an Australian patriot and served his country well, which is more than I can say for you and some of the other LWNJ’s on this forum. You would sell this country out in an instant if it suited your purpose.
Molan sold the country out with his laughable climate denial and you know it.

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You can say she failed at meeting her objectives, but you can't deny her objectives had society's best interests in mind.

Something you can't say for any conservative ever.
True but her hypocritical sniping about evil Australia whilst her own country did far far less per capita in terms of refugee intake and foreign aid make her someone who just talks but doesn't plan to deliver.

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app
True but her hypocritical sniping about evil Australia whilst her own country did far far less per capita in terms of refugee intake and foreign aid make her someone who just talks but doesn't plan to deliver.

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app

NZ has gone backwards as a society in the last 5 years. It's actually sad to see. The cost of living is out of control and it doesn't matter how many irrelevant social issues you campaign for, it all comes back to money, wages, cost of living. The only thing that I commend her govt for (and we should follow suit) is to ban foreign ownership of residential property in 2018.
Retire = loss
Losing an election = loss
Stay as PM until she dies and then she relinquishes the title = loss

how could she ever win?
Pretty skewed logic.

Quit when you’re miles behind on points= loss

Quit 9 months out from an election when you’re level on points = split decision

Go full term, lose the election=loss

Go full term, win the election, retire within a few months, not quit 2 and a half years later when faced with certain defeat = win

Spin it anyway you like, but that’s the way it is. It’s not that difficult, surely?
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Pretty skewed logic.

Quit when you’re miles behind on points= loss

Quit 9 months out from an election when you’re level on points = split decision

Go full term, lose the election=loss

Go full term, win the election, retire within a few months, not quit 2 and a half years later when faced with certain defeat = win

Spin it anyway you like, but that’s the way it is. It’s not that difficult, surely?
You’ve used double the words in your response and then had the nerve to say it’s not that difficult. F**k me, talking to my dog’s poo would make more sense.

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