Play Nice James Hird rushed to hospital - suspected overdose

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Im concerned more and more that anyone that has a differing view from the vanilla norm gets labelled a troll.
It's easy to be dismissive and label people, but unless someone is being vile, then it's not always merely trolling...its called Free Speech!
There's little point having an opinion forum if everyone's is just a circle jerk of typing what is expected for some sort of self gratification or being seen to care when I very much doubt they do. A certain song The Chaser wrote is playing through my mind right about now.....
Common decency is what would be normal at this time. Not Vanilla at all.
I'm not saying not to have an opinion but rather to be respectful of him and his family that's all.
Many people blaming the media, but let's not forget how the media works when it comes to footy.

Vlad, Gil... well done, you got the optics right.

Perhaps you'll reconsider your Trigg/Hird/Bailey (RIP) approach in the future.
Ah yes the AFLs fault

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Some would have u believe the whole Essendon saga was all Hirds fault - really? I thought he should have resigned well before he did and tried to move on with his life earlier. If only it were that easy....
Feel sorry for this once happy go lucky bloke who has been painted as the devil. There are far worse human beings out there than James Hird. Get well soon James

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Common decency is what would be normal at this time. Not Vanilla at all.
I'm not saying not to have an opinion but rather to be respectful of him and his family that's all.

I think you can be respectful while also countering the "he was a victim" type posts with "he was in charge and chose his path so he is not a victim".

Anyone just posting puerile or vile posts deserves to be binned, but I would think rational responses to posts should be fine at any time.

That said, we have no idea whether it was even intentional, let alone done because of what happened with Essendon. There have been plenty of other things said about his life which could have been triggers, or it could well be related to something none outside of his close circle have a clue.

As much as I enjoyed what he did being done because of some irrational hatred of Hawthorn, I wouldnt wish what the Hird family is going through on anyone.
"Despite what I think of him..."

Let's not turn this into an opportunity to mine for moral superiority points eh? just as counterproductive as the trolling.
In terms of blaming the media, note that it was mostly the "serious" media (The Age, ABC, etc) who were most anti-Hird and went in the hardest. The tabloids and shock jocks tended to be more pro-Hird and forgiving.

Interesting reversal of what people might expect to be the norm.
Herald sun was an essendon sponsor
Well this is a terrible outcome but one that isn't entirely unexpected even though horribly sad.
The way some people are treated these days and unmercibly attacked tends to take on a life of its own to almost religious proportions.
Hope he can get well,find some inner peace and receive the support everyone on our planet deserves.

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Well this is a terrible outcome but one that isn't entirely unexpected even though horribly sad.
The way some people are treated these days and unmercibly attacked tends to take on a life of its own to almost religious proportions.
Hope he can get well,find some inner peace and receive the support everyone on our planet deserves.

I dont think its a new thing. Look at the treatment of the Chamberlains. That was nearly 40 years ago.

The media will always go hard after their target when they smell blood. And when different media groups take sides then that just makes them even more vicious.
I really shouldn't ever bother scrolling Twitter but some of the comments are just so......... eurgh. A bloke has just (allegedly) tried to commit suicide, and people are sinking the boot in. Seriously, what the **** is up with this society and and the need to trivialise everything for cheap laughs. It is a shame when grown adults feel they have no where else to turn, and if they do go public about anything mental health related, they get drug addict slurs (see: Buddy Franklin).
Unfortunately fck wits have been around for ever but now they have an easy way of actually getting access to their target. They used to be stuck in their own little pathetic world. All it costs now is a few Mb's.
Sorry, no normal human being actively wishes him ill. Trolls and dickheads on social media don't count.

You can feel sorry for a person's situation, while also being honest about their own responsibility for it.

Society has increasing population of dickheads and trolls.

Now I agree about being responsible for your own actions. What I disagree with is that the media response was comparably appropriate. There is a difference between paying for your sins and having your dignity striped from you. The former you can deal with, the latter causes psychological damage.
Common decency is what would be normal at this time. Not Vanilla at all.
I'm not saying not to have an opinion but rather to be respectful of him and his family that's all.

Like I said, being vile is exactly that. But when someone like Hird has polarized so many people and opinions, and shown little to no remorse, it's difficult to say poor Jimmy, lets feel sorry for him (his attempt being unsuccessful playing a big part of this, had it been successful all bets are off). The usual suspects backed by the usual protection preaching about St Jimmy and bringing up the media and AFL crap again is also going to inflame. It's little surprise that this results in a Hawks/Cats type Tish fight on here.

Of course most humans feel sorry for his children and anyone else hurt by this, but yet again it's HIS actions being defended and excused.
That also is going to get noses out of joint, I know it did mine. I could not agree more about common decency though.
Im concerned more and more that anyone that has a differing view from the vanilla norm gets labelled a troll.
It's easy to be dismissive and label people, but unless someone is being vile, then it's not always merely trolling...its called Free Speech!
There's little point having an opinion forum if everyone's is just a circle jerk of typing what is expected for some sort of self gratification or being seen to care when I very much doubt they do. A certain song The Chaser wrote is playing through my mind right about now.....
This is an extremely sensitive topic. If you think Hird made his own bed then that's fine, just don't have a cry when people call you out on it. There are plenty of threads on this site for you to post in if you want to talk about that.
Condolences to his family, but not to him. He didn't care for the health for 34 of his players, so personally I don't care too much for his health. I hope for the sake of personal relationships and for family reasons that he heals and is in a mentally stable position though. Feel free to disagree, that's just the way I feel.
I dont think its a new thing. Look at the treatment of the Chamberlains. That was nearly 40 years ago.

The media will always go hard after their target when they smell blood. And when different media groups take sides then that just makes them even more vicious.
So after this, they're all now about to publish the identity of the Essendon mother who was on Triple M??

I'll be sure to buy a paper tomorrow.
This is an extremely sensitive topic. If you think Hird made his own bed then that's fine, just don't have a cry when people call you out on it. There are plenty of threads on this site for you to post in if you want to talk about that.

Thank you Officer for allowing me to have a opinion.
I also enjoy being called out and "having a cry" for calling you out.
The irony.

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