Play Nice James Hird rushed to hospital - suspected overdose

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Hird and his family have been left alone for a very long time now - it is frankly bizarre for someone like Connolly to now start piping up with lengthy pieces on how a person already being left well alone should be left alone, barely 5 minutes after Hird's overdose became public. Clearly he and his family need to continue to be left alone following this unfortunate incident - hopefully the media will allow this to happen and not use this flashpoint situation as a grubby opportunity to peddle agendas one way or the other. Connolly has already failed miserably in that regard, and I'm sure SEN are doing likewise today.
The media doing a story about how the media shouldn't do stories about James Hird anymore.
Wouldn't dare say that is ironic because I don't have time for a 7 page debate with Swamp Creature about the definition of the word.
""I and we would never do anything intentionally to harm this football club or to harm the game of AFL football that has given me so much and given so many people so much.""

But he and they did. That's not an apology.

Now, getting on to the aparent overdose, I always wondered why, if someone wanted to commit suicide by overdose, that they don't take enough of the drug to achieve that result. Hird's no dummy, he'd know that he needs to take at least x amount of a drug to achieve a result. If what we're reading is correct he's checked himself into hospital and it seems he's walked out of hospital already so it doesn't seem to me that he really wanted to die. On the face of it, I don't believe it's a suicide attempt, but we'll learn more over time.

no but the line above it is

"And I am so sorry for anything that's happened or that's been done wrong to our players or been done wrong to our football club.

"I and we would never do anything intentionally to harm this football club or to harm the game of AFL football that has given me so much and given so many people so much."

you need to have a look at yourself.

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What about marijuana? Can too much of that be fatal?

I did research marijuana in the context of dangerous drugs once. From an overdose standpoint, I don't believe any cases have been reported.

Obviously it has other dangerous side-effects, over the long term (for some users) but it won't kill you after a night out.
Was he left alone before the ASADA stuff!?

The media and AFL enhanced James' reputation into somewhat of a hero for many...were people complaining when people would write articles praising his heroic efforts on the field etc.?

This is what makes his situation particularly difficult, he is a public figure, so his fall will hit him much harder than Joe Public who doesn't face the scrutiny...but on the contrary Joe Public isn't lauded by the masses for doing his job well either!

Sucks for his family, but it comes with the territory of being related to a high profile public figure...plenty of great perks afforded to them in the good times, but the cost is unwarranted and unwanted scrutiny when dealing with private matters.

So basically if you're a public figure people are allowed to write and say whatever they want about you and lead you into this? They are allowed to camp outside your house and harass you everytime? People are forgetting that he is a person with a young family and kids who love him to death. It's disgusting reading all the negative things I see here and on social media.
Hird and his family have been left alone for a very long time now - it is frankly bizarre for someone like Connolly to now start piping up with lengthy pieces on how a person already being left well alone should be left alone, barely 5 minutes after Hird's overdose became public. Clearly he and his family need to continue to be left alone following this unfortunate incident - hopefully the media will allow this to happen and not use this flashpoint situation as a grubby opportunity to peddle agendas one way or the other. Connolly has already failed miserably in that regard, and I'm sure SEN are doing likewise today.

Connolly is an Essendon supporter, of course he's going to go the 'cry for help due to people being nasty' angle. If it actually does come out that Hird wanted to end it all then fine. Until then i'm considering the other possibility. One that tragically happened in Western Australia a few years ago, among other places.
I did research marijuana in the context of dangerous drugs once. From an overdose standpoint, I don't believe any cases have been reported.

Obviously it has other dangerous side-effects, over the long term (for some users) but it won't kill you after a night out.
Just asking for a mate.

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so you think someone having their front nature strip camped out with reporters for the best part of 4 years is in public interest?

its absolutely ******* disgusting that it has taken the bloke overdosing to make people think a line has been crossed when in reality the line was obliterated in 2013. We are now in 2017. Think about that
No. The level of public interest is what drives the intrusion into personal space.

Clearly huge public interest in Hird and football in Melbourne, more footy 'journalists' than political ones.

There is no right or wrong in that, it is simply how it is.

How a person deals with the intrusion doesn't define whether the level of intrusion was appropriate or not.

The media wrote articles about him when he played footy good so he deserves everything he gets when he did bad.

Again, it is not about deserving.

Being a good, actually champion, footballer aforded him a huge public profile.

So much so that there now exists great public interest in whatever he does.

And when there is huge interest you get a myriad of opinions, majority being well wishes, some spiteful, but his public profile is why there is any discussion at all...good and bad.
no but the line above it is

"And I am so sorry for anything that's happened or that's been done wrong to our players or been done wrong to our football club.

"I and we would never do anything intentionally to harm this football club or to harm the game of AFL football that has given me so much and given so many people so much."

you need to have a look at yourself.
What? I need to have a look at myself?

"... I am so sorry for anything that's happened or that's been done wrong to our players or been done wrong to our football club"

Where in that statement has he taken ownership? I'm sorry he's now in the situation he's in 'but I had nothing to do with it'.
No. The level of public interest is what drives the intrusion into personal space.

Clearly huge public interest in Hird and football in Melbourne, more footy 'journalists' than political ones.

There is no right or wrong in that, it is simply how it is.

How a person deals with the intrusion doesn't define whether the level of intrusion was appropriate or not.

Again, it is not about deserving.

Being a good, actually champion, footballer aforded him a huge public profile.

So much so that there now exists great public interest in whatever he does.

And when there is huge interest you get a myriad of opinions, majority being well wishes, some spiteful, but his public profile is why there is any discussion at all...good and bad.

it is wrong

its quite simple

if you cant see it than its your problem. i am glad the bulk of people can see it
What? I need to have a look at myself?

"... I am so sorry for anything that's happened or that's been done wrong to our players or been done wrong to our football club"

Where in that statement has he taken ownership? I'm sorry he's now in the situation he's in 'but I had nothing to do with it'.
Its Abbotts fault
What? I need to have a look at myself?

"... I am so sorry for anything that's happened or that's been done wrong to our players or been done wrong to our football club"

Where in that statement has he taken ownership? I'm sorry he's now in the situation he's in 'but I had nothing to do with it'.

he doesn't have to issue an apology taking total ownership. He is not the sole person to blame.

He apologised for his part. Multiples times.

The fact you are not happy with said apology is your problem. Not the fact he actually apologised.
you need to have a look at yourself.

and maybe you and many others on this forum need to look for the James Hirds in your life and give them love, understanding and assistance seeing you're all so loving and caring about a person you've probably never met. You are only talking about James Hird because of his profile, but with the stats saying 1 in 4 men suffer mental illness I guarantee you there's several people in your life doing it as tough or worse with a smaller support network (if any), lack of funds to get the help or the media scrutiny to help "catch" James this time before it's too late. Look around your own life, do you give half as much of a shit about the people you can help or save? I doubt many people taking the high ground in this thread do.
What? I need to have a look at myself?

"... I am so sorry for anything that's happened or that's been done wrong to our players or been done wrong to our football club"

Where in that statement has he taken ownership? I'm sorry he's now in the situation he's in 'but I had nothing to do with it'.
Jesus Christ. Can you not read? And where did he say 'but I had nothing to do with it'? You're literally making shit up.

If you expect him to say 'it was all my fault' you'll be waiting a long time because that's rubbish. It wasn't all his fault. It was a group effort of appalling decision making or lack thereof.

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