UK Liz Truss - Shortest serving UK PM in history

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NFI who this person is but this one of the best posts I’ve ever read haha
A very pro Brexit poster who had many others patiently try to explain why Brexit would be a really bad thing, with specific examples and predictions (Northern Ireland Border, slowed goods transports, expense, overstatement of benefits to name but a few) who airly dismissed it all as "Remoaner propoganda"

Everyone of the "Remonaer" predictions came true. So meds scarpered.

(See the Brexit threads)

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NFI who this person is but this one of the best posts I’ve ever read haha
Your typical right-winger

Hated the poor, the non-caucasian, simped for murdoch , never took his medicine like the rest of us have to.

Just a 24 karat campaigner

Wouldn't shock me if he still lurks so **** YOU meds, you mutt
NFI who this person is but this one of the best posts I’ve ever read haha

I was whisked away to this.....

Boris Johnson already has 36 MPs endorsing him for leader again.

I just want to see them try and sell this. "Yeah, this guy was a liar, an idiot, and we all resigned en masse not three months ago in disgust, but he's the best we got left, so suck it Britain - vote Tory"

Haha, f*cking hell. That led me to find the original tweet feed. Damn, some of them really come gunning for Gerry!!

I remember when he was considered so dangerous you weren't allowed to hear his voice on the news.

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