Portfolio My Vector Portfolio

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Feb 23, 2015
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
Here are some of the vector logos i have created.
Requests are welcome.
First i will start off with...Adelaide, a bit dodgy but first attempt

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It's his vector portfolio, I had one of the same when I started to work on using the pen tool.
Keep going, you'll notice heaps of improvement, but don't limit yourself to AFL, work on other stuff too!
Sandringham Zebras
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colours are still off, i think it's mediafire doing this, it does it to me sometimes, but when you download things it's fine.
Try using imgur to store your work.
I'm assuming your using Ai here.
Use File - Save for web - png - save it - drag onto imgur (need an account, but it's free)
keep giving the mediafire file as well if you want us to have access to the actual file.

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Could work, if you get more time, you could look at cleaning up the curves on these as well.
Or possible, shove these on another layer and build up your own curves on top.
OK, so I have to admit, I looked at the title and opening post and thought to myself "that's cute" in the way internet memes make fun of people having a go at something (see below).

Having considered it, I actually think this is a good idea.
What I was thinking was for some sort of repository for vector images, not to be widely shared, but for the use of a select, invited few.

Does anyone have a website space we could park a few hundred vector images?
I have a problem with my hard drive at the moment, but should have it right next week.
However, on that I have every VFL/AFL logo, obviously all footy jumpers used, and a large collection of logos from other sports. (NFL/NBA/NHL/MLB etc)
Now I don't want to be leaving them in a place where just anyone can download them, but a layout like the country footy board where invited members can download links wouldn't be a bad place to start.

reference to meme

And in the spirit of sharing, here's a vector logo: www.bomberblitz.com/mero/AFC.ai

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I hope I am not doubling up on anyone else's work, but I couldn't find this anywhere on here. I made it today (no uni work yet. Haha).

Obviously, it is only a solid colour... but by tinkering with gradient overlays you can create some real AFL 'masterpieces' :p

Note: Ignore the template issues... I couldn't be bothered prettying it up and centering stuff.

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