Coaching Staff Past Coach: Matthew Knights - Finally gets his second shot - 5/5

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Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

Starting to feel the same way. The thing that has been getting me is that he's come out with some big statements and long term vision that sound great, like having a settled back six to grow together, but he doesn't stick to these statements and chops and changes every other week "trying to find the right mix".

He doesn't seem to have a clue as to what the best position is for half the team, nor does he have a clue about the right balance the team needs for the game plan he is trying to implement.

I think it says a lot that most of the time our team has looked best on paper, and performed best, is when injuries have forced his hand.

He had a few red flags (SANFL and VFL coaching records, comments from PA fans, lack of success as a player, type of player) when he got the job that made me feel very uneasy, especially when someone with Hardwick's credentials (great playing and assistant coach record ) were in the running, and apart from the odd moment when I think he may have turned the corner he still hasn't won me over.

I wouldn't be suprised if we won our next three games and finished the season quite reasonably, but I've decided I don't want him coaching us next year.

This is spot on.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

Our position on the ladder flatters our season.

We're bottom 3 material.

I just want to see improvement, from anywhere or anyone.

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Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

Bring in now Dempsey Myers Williams and later Atkinson and Colyer (Essendon's Brett Holman:p) and maybe Houli
Drop Quinn Prismal H Slattery

Put Zaka on the ball
Play Mcveigh further up the ground
Retain Welsh as a tagger
Play Hurley CHB and Hooker FB

If we get Monfries Hille Dempsey Fletcher back over the next few weeks we will win games.

The absence of David Hille has been particularly damaging. He is just about our best player. I think he's the only A-Grader we have.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

Hey Longy..

Longy, I wreckon I have said every one of those bar numbers 11 and 12..

And I get bagged for saying some of it :rolleyes:

Overall though, good post. Well thought out and sounds like it is what everyone on here thinks.

Why hadn't you agreed with #11? The only guys who get away with such poor discipline are the superstars, and while Dustbin's a loyal servant of the club, he sure ain't no Tony Lockett. I totally agree that Dempsey, Pears and Hurley are our defensive structure going forward, so if it was fair enough to shove Matty early to give Neagle or Gumby more time, why are we keeping Fletcher?
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

Why hadn't you agreed with #11? The only guys who get away with such poor discipline are the superstars, and while Dustbin's a loyal servant of the club, he sure ain't no Tony Lockett. I totally agree that Dempsey, Pears and Hurley are our defensive structure going forward, so if it was fair enough to shove Matty early to give Neagle or Gumby more time, why are we keeping Fletcher?

Read what I said... ;)

I just agreed with Longy and said, I had already mentioned everything he (Longy123) had said, bar number 11..

Thats all.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

1. Dempsey: Keep him in the backline. However dont play him on quality forwards, you cant expect players to shut down the best and be creative in defence week after week.

2. Move Hurley to defence

3. Neagle in as a FF

4. Monfries in for Lonergan

5. Zaharkis in the midfield: If lasts nights game showed us anythign its that our disposal going forward is nothign short of terrible. Zaharakis has shown he is one of the best we have at delivering the ball inside 50.

6. Melksham back into the vfl: theres nothing wrong with being a first year player and managing 10 games.

7. Welsh to be strictly a tagger. He has shown he is a great tagger, however when he has the ball he rushes his kicks and lacks penetration consequently he is a bit of a liability with the ball.

8. We need a rejig to our forward line its just not working, obviously with monfries coming in things change a bit but we need something different. Hurley into defence Neagle in. Lets see if he wants it

9. We lack class in the midfield, we need someone who can deliver the ball with quality inside 50. Im thinknig bring in Myers and Mcveigh to play midfield roles. do realise don't you that these points of yours are pretty much exactly the same as Longy's..?? :D..ahh lmao...

But seriously, I've been reading the great L413's post for many a year now and I know this..

When he finally blows a lid after months of disappointment and drops the 'measured optimist' writing style and he starts listing ideas in bullet point form about players, I get really worried and know we really are in a whole load of shit.

And Longy, you won over the masses with the 'just play Houli' one. It was a nice touch to add to a very interesting post...;)

Don't agree with the Hurley one though. He's a tough unit, good mark, straight kick..we need someone down forward.

Neagle deserves another chance, the Pods story makes me believe just about anything is possible.

I'd play Melksham when he's 100% fit. Learn nothing at BBs.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

Hey Nobby!!

Can I have a try just to get the adrenalin pumping.

A] Get rid of the trash, the players who have not been performing for many a year now and replace them with players who are actually going to take us forward.

B] Play guys in position that they are best suited to. Houli/HFF, Dempsey/Wing, Hurley/FB.

C] Pick guys on form, not on reputation. No matter who you are ('cept the Captain) should come back through the reserves level.

D] Get a second game plan. If plan A falls down, where do we go if the 'take the game on at all costs' plan fails against the better sides? We do not have a plan B.

E] Change the assistant coaches! Big call I know, but we have had the same coaches for a while now, have we not? have we seen any rapid improvement in the play in any particular area of the ground? I do not think so, i think any improvment we have seen (ie: Gumbleton) is more natural progression rather than coaching genuis.

Just some things to think about...
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

Don't agree with the Hurley one though. He's a tough unit, good mark, straight kick..we need someone down forward.

He's also a natural defender for mine.
Neagle is a good mark and a straight kick. In fact, he's a better kick than Hurley.

I'd play Melksham when he's 100% fit. Learn nothing at BBs.

I just want him to get miles in his legs. Go and play full games at BB and get his tank up.

Another we need to think about is qualification for VFL finals. I don't know what the rules are, but it would be good for our younger players to experience a finals series.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

He needs to have a look at some of the old tapes and see what worked when we winning games well and everything was bright. For the past month i havent seen anything resembling a game plan. We used to get so many numbers behind the ball and run thru the middle. We now go wide up the wings, fwds are forced to lead too far up or not get the ball or lead wide because we are holding the ball up on the flanks trying to handball back to the centre. Our attacking game had disapeared

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Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

How about doing some preparation before a match? He had 2 weeks to get ready for this game, yet it took until we were down by 10 goals to put Hurley in the backline. Ignoring the obvious that Hurley should have started there, why did it take so long to make the move?

If I were coaching I would have dozens of contingency plans to counter each possible thing that could go wrong during a game. Knights just seems to sit there and hope that something will magically happen.

Wouldn't be surprised if Hurley moved himself back there and Knights sat in the box smiling to himself thinking: 'Gee... I taught him how to do that. I'm so awesome.'
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

Team balance is by far the biggest thing killing us.

Not even worried about the adelaide result - was expecting a shallacking and we copped one. That performance had nothing to do with players, our ability or potential - like the west coast game, we have a serious travelling problem which obviously we are struggling to work out why.

Having said that, simple balance again killed us this week. Surely the MC knew we only had Hooker as a defender (Slatt in his first game obviously), so with them playing 2 key forwards it was near certain that at best Slatt would struggle at times and another option down there would be needed.

Yet, Hurley and Gumby, 2 key forwards struggling for impact in the past month or so, were the only key forwards playing. Hurley was near certain to be needed down back. Just mind-boggling that they couldnt see past their nose on something so obvious.

Thus, Hurley goes back and and we again have nothing up forward. Forget form, forget anything, for pure balance a Neagle/Williams anyone had to play as a presenting deep forward, as Hurley was more than likely going to be needed elsewhere.

Heck, Hurley and Gumby's form alone suggests more help is needed down there!

This is just one observation - further to this Hooker, T. Slatt and McVeigh seemed to be the only ones trying to provide run off half back - probably the key ingredient of our game plan. How we went in with this side again was mind boggling.

We did this last season, when certain players came back into the side the side performed as it did. It has happened again, and we aren't learning.

Its the old best team v best 22 players thing.

Atkinson is an example - he probably isnt as good a player as H. Slattery, but I will argue is worth more to OUR team. Infinitely more.

Whilst Slattery can shutdown better, Atkinson gives so much more run and carry, he gives us drive. What Slattery gives us in a lockdown role (no star at that either mind you), Atkinson far outweighs in the role he plays for our particular style. If we were say Sydney, who already have 3-4 players giving drive off half back, Slattery would be in every week over an Atkinson. But for us, thats not the case. Dempsey obviously needs to be in the side for this reason again.

For structure, I will argue all week that Neagle is our best key forward option. He may not be the best key forward potentially on the list, but unlike Hurley will start from the square, and give a solid lead and most importantly knows what to do after the lead is ignored - takes his opponent out of it.

If you watch Hurley, he stays too static in the forwardline, demanding the ball then re-demanding it. This causes traffic where traffic shouldnt be. To be honest, Hurley isnt convincing me as a forward or defender at the moment. Something is lacking with him.

Another example - 4 weeks ago, we lost Monfries and Hille as forward marking options and didnt replace them in the forwardline- it all started going pear-shaped from there.

Reimers or Williams should have been played the role in Monfries' absence. To me, this was a no brainer. Ryder had to ruck more, Belly is a kid - Neagle was needed to take some load off the struggling Hurley/Gumby.

Team balance is probably as important as players available. Forget speed per se, but we need players prepared to break lines and get the ball moving faster. This then gets the ball into our open forwardline. Slow movement allows teams to get players back, then kill us on a rebound making our midfield look slow and unaccountable.

We seem to go into games against Carltons and St. Kilda's with the right teams (because we seemingly think they are slow or exposable) and against these better midfields, our midfield stacks up.

Amazing isnt it.

Just another reason IMO players like H.Slattery and Prismall, whilst in our best 22 players, make us a worse team. it is the Opportunity Cost of playing them - what we lack from someone else playing that role which kills us. Prismall can not break a line, is an outside slow player with very questionable decision making. If you could create a guy who is any worst to our structure, I friggen hope he isnt getting a game for us. It is compounded when Welsh is in the side (as a tagger) as offensively, he struggles with the same things Prismall does.

A rookie like Holwett or Colyer (as bad as his skills can be) is worth more to our particular style, than a Prismall for example .
It's quirky things like this that Id argue the inexperienced and stubborn Knights is getting it all wrong.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

1) Dempsey plays at half back and stays there. Our other five defenders work in a way that gives us the easiest match up. Good teams do that.

2) Hurley plays in the position in which he is a natural in. Full back.

3) Let Houli play the year out (yes I really said that).

4) Choose between Slattery and McVeigh. Can't choose? Play Hardingham.

5) Let Melksham play the year out at Bendigo. Get miles into his legs. Had a taste, he'll be good, see you in 2011 a better player for it.

6) Zaka is a midfielder.

7) So is Lonergan.

8) Monfries played his best footy as a defensive forward. That was your idea, it was great. Do it again.

9) Welsh plays as a tagger. Only a tagger.

10) Williams and Neagle has their problems. But they demand the footy. Play them. Williams is a class act and Neagle has a heap of talent. Lets see how our forward line functions with them, it's not working at the moment. Nothing to lose.

11) Have some balls and tell Dustin Fletcher, that whilst we love you, your reports are hurting you. We know it's hard to ask you for more Fletch, you've been amazing, but we would have beaten Sydney with you and it might have been different had we won that.

12) Get more players rotating through the midfield. That means more of Davey and Jetta in the midfield to go with Zaka and Lonergan. That means Myers. Midfield rotations aren't just on and off the bench, they include half forward and half back. That also means Winderlich spends time forward as well, you did that remember? He was good there.

13) Think about putting Gumby on ice at some stage.

I don't think this post can be quoted enough. I like it. I like it a lot.

Longy, get yourself in the coaching group will ya?

Neagle is a good mark and a straight kick. In fact, he's a better kick than Hurley.

Absolutely. The guy makes one poor decision to play on in one early game, gets run down and we don't see him again for the rest of the year.

You've gotta be ****ing kidding me..
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

If we get T.Slattery, Fletcher and Hooker playing in the same side at some point, I'd actually like to see Gumbleton rested (as Knights has insinuated) with Hurley at CHF and Neagle at FF. I just reckon Hurley is much more effective playing a higher forward role and gets lost playing deeper forward (accustomed to being a defender). He gets most of his kicks up the ground anyway, and at least this way there will be someone parked at FF when he does. Until then, full back.

Agree with Longy about Williams. Not only is he a class act, but he'd bring invaluable experience to our young forwardline which struggles in terms of leading/making space etc. He would also take the 1st or 2nd best defender. But his ankle is currently troubling him, it seems.

Oh, and Knights: if you find a lineup that works, stick with it. Back it in. Unnecessary changes only promote instability and diminish confidence. Exceptions made for Hille (Bellchambers unlucky) and Fletcher.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

I agree a lot with what Longy said, but I'll have my say anyway. Some of what I say may already be being done behind the scenes, I wouldn't know.

- Pick my best 25 players for next year and play them for the rest of this year. The exceptions to this being that not all best 25 will be available and that the first year players will need more time in VFL to build fitness.

- As coach, I believe of the available players the following should be played for the rest of this year and given the confidence that they will be persisted with:

B: Fletcher - Hurley - McVeigh
HB: Reimers - Hooker - Winderlich
C: Dempsey - Myers - Zaharakis
HF: Jetta - Gumbleton - Monfries
F: Williams - Neagle - Davey
Foll: Ryder - Watson - Stanton
Int: Hille - Hocking - Prismall - Houli
Emg: Howlett - NLM - Atkinson

- While I believe NLM is in our best 22 and he has had his best season to date, I still believe with the right development from other players he will not make the best 22 in future.

- Houli is given his chance for the rest of the season to show significant improvement in the seniors, with the confidence in knowing he will stay there and is allowed to make the odd mistake without penalty of being removed from the team. Ditto Prismall.

- Williams is told that provided he maintains solid forward pressure he will remain in the team. He has enough pedigree that should he only concentrate on that the rest will follow. No goal/possession expectations would be set.

- Neagle is persisted with as a traditional full forward from the square for the rest of the year. His only expectations set is to maintain forward pressure and that when he competes for the ball, that if he can't realistically mark it then make sure the ball goes to ground for the likes of Jetta, Davey, Monfries and Williams to take advantage.

- All players persisted with a consistent specific role and position to start in.

- Hurley is full back and will take whoever goes to the goal square or which ever tall is deepest in attack.

- Hooker to take whoever is the tall at half back.

- McVeigh to shut down the best opposition small forward with no expectation of counter attacking.

- Fletcher to be 3rd man up in defence. I see Pears playing this role when Fletcher retires.

- Reimers and Winderlich to be the defensive counter attack players.

- Myers/Hocking to alternate as midfield taggers/inside midfielders with grunt.

- Watson to keep doing what he is already doing, champion player and great choice as Captain.

- Stanton to focus on defensive running and foot skills. Great player and very under rated but still has to improve in these areas.

- Dempsey and Zaharakis to start off the wing then through the midfield to provide poise, speed and class. I believe Dempsey is better by foot than a lot of people give him credit for. With less pressure on him being in the middle rather than in defense I think we will see this.

- Choose players to play forward that are natural forwards. Then to tell those forwards only to worry about keeping defensive forward pressure. Being natural forwards the attacking parts will come naturally. Of the forwards I have selected above I believe only Gumbleton is not a natural forward, however I'm happy to persist with him as an exception as he is showing rapid improvement in forward play and has a great tank to play the modern half forward KP role.

- Monfries to be the 3rd target up forward.

- Williams, Davey and Jetta to crumb and harass.

- Ryder/Hille to share ruck duties and both can be options up forward when rotations are required or a mismatch possible etc.

- Houli and Prismall to rotate though the Midfield.

- Howlett, Atkinson and NLM to be first choice replacements in the team through injury or suspension to a smaller player.

- Bellchambers first choice replacement ruckman. Don't want to wear Ryder out by playing too many full games as sole ruck. Remember how he was by the end of last season?

- Colyer given tagging roles at Bendigo while focusing on his disposal. Is a natural attacking player and a tagging role would improve his all round game.

- Melksham play out season with Bendigo. Will be better off for it next year.

- Hardingham/T.Slattery be in line for senior call up should a couple of injuries occur with the said backline smalls.

- Still to beef up and continue playing for Bendigo.

- Daniher is a hard one, should be first to be allowed to show his wares as either forward or back player should a tall forward or back get injured.

- Focus on skills under pressure at training.

- Focus on continual movement at training, very sick of attempting to play a Geelong brand of football with flat footed players.

- Simple instructions very specific to each player given, with nothing too complicated added. Remove as much possible chance of confusion when under pressure.

- Lonergan, Dyson, Welsh are depth players. When our team is great as much as it saddens me they do not make our best 25.

- H. Slattery. I love your efforts and passion, but there is too little in every other aspect of your game to keep persisting. I hope you enjoy the sun and surf, all the best.

- Laycock, with another year left on your contract you are lucky, want to go to GCFC?

- Long, Carlisle to get some senior games next year if they are up for it.

- Game plan, keep it simple. Too many instructions and it is too hard to follow for half the players under pressure. If we want to go the speed path with handballs etc fine, but make sure everyone is constantly moving around the pack and that there are players that run by each side of each contested situation. Build predictability to your team mates. This will take time and come through a consistent structure and with consistency in selection.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

I agree a lot with what Longy said, but I'll have my say anyway. Some of what I say may already be being done behind the scenes, I wouldn't know.

- Pick my best 25 players for next year and play them for the rest of this year. The exceptions to this being that not all best 25 will be available and that the first year players will need more time in VFL to build fitness.

- As coach, I believe of the available players the following should be played for the rest of this year and given the confidence that they will be persisted with:

B: Fletcher - Hurley - McVeigh
HB: Reimers - Hooker - Winderlich
C: Dempsey - Myers - Zaharakis
HF: Jetta - Gumbleton - Monfries
F: Williams - Neagle - Davey
Foll: Ryder - Watson - Stanton
Int: Hille - Hocking - Prismall - Houli
Emg: Howlett - NLM - Atkinson

- While I believe NLM is in our best 22 and he has had his best season to date, I still believe with the right development from other players he will not make the best 22 in future.

- Houli is given his chance for the rest of the season to show significant improvement in the seniors, with the confidence in knowing he will stay there and is allowed to make the odd mistake without penalty of being removed from the team. Ditto Prismall.

- Williams is told that provided he maintains solid forward pressure he will remain in the team. He has enough pedigree that should he only concentrate on that the rest will follow. No goal/possession expectations would be set.

- Neagle is persisted with as a traditional full forward from the square for the rest of the year. His only expectations set is to maintain forward pressure and that when he competes for the ball, that if he can't realistically mark it then make sure the ball goes to ground for the likes of Jetta, Davey, Monfries and Williams to take advantage.

- All players persisted with a consistent specific role and position to start in.

- Hurley is full back and will take whoever goes to the goal square or which ever tall is deepest in attack.

- Hooker to take whoever is the tall at half back.

- McVeigh to shut down the best opposition small forward with no expectation of counter attacking.

- Fletcher to be 3rd man up in defence. I see Pears playing this role when Fletcher retires.

- Reimers and Winderlich to be the defensive counter attack players.

- Myers/Hocking to alternate as midfield taggers/inside midfielders with grunt.

- Watson to keep doing what he is already doing, champion player and great choice as Captain.

- Stanton to focus on defensive running and foot skills. Great player and very under rated but still has to improve in these areas.

- Dempsey and Zaharakis to start off the wing then through the midfield to provide poise, speed and class. I believe Dempsey is better by foot than a lot of people give him credit for. With less pressure on him being in the middle rather than in defense I think we will see this.

- Choose players to play forward that are natural forwards. Then to tell those forwards only to worry about keeping defensive forward pressure. Being natural forwards the attacking parts will come naturally. Of the forwards I have selected above I believe only Gumbleton is not a natural forward, however I'm happy to persist with him as an exception as he is showing rapid improvement in forward play and has a great tank to play the modern half forward KP role.

- Monfries to be the 3rd target up forward.

- Williams, Davey and Jetta to crumb and harass.

- Ryder/Hille to share ruck duties and both can be options up forward when rotations are required or a mismatch possible etc.

- Houli and Prismall to rotate though the Midfield.

- Howlett, Atkinson and NLM to be first choice replacements in the team through injury or suspension to a smaller player.

- Bellchambers first choice replacement ruckman. Don't want to wear Ryder out by playing too many full games as sole ruck. Remember how he was by the end of last season?

- Colyer given tagging roles at Bendigo while focusing on his disposal. Is a natural attacking player and a tagging role would improve his all round game.

- Melksham play out season with Bendigo. Will be better off for it next year.

- Hardingham/T.Slattery be in line for senior call up should a couple of injuries occur with the said backline smalls.

- Still to beef up and continue playing for Bendigo.

- Daniher is a hard one, should be first to be allowed to show his wares as either forward or back player should a tall forward or back get injured.

- Focus on skills under pressure at training.

- Focus on continual movement at training, very sick of attempting to play a Geelong brand of football with flat footed players.

- Simple instructions very specific to each player given, with nothing too complicated added. Remove as much possible chance of confusion when under pressure.

- Lonergan, Dyson, Welsh are depth players. When our team is great as much as it saddens me they do not make our best 25.

- H. Slattery. I love your efforts and passion, but there is too little in every other aspect of your game to keep persisting. I hope you enjoy the sun and surf, all the best.

- Laycock, with another year left on your contract you are lucky, want to go to GCFC?

- Long, Carlisle to get some senior games next year if they are up for it.

- Game plan, keep it simple. Too many instructions and it is too hard to follow for half the players under pressure. If we want to go the speed path with handballs etc fine, but make sure everyone is constantly moving around the pack and that there are players that run by each side of each contested situation. Build predictability to your team mates. This will take time and come through a consistent structure and with consistency in selection.


- except Id drop Gumby to Bendigo - Melksham can stay in the seniors

Play Paddy as permanant CHF, Bellchambers first ruck until Hille gets back. Hurley stays at full back. Williams & Neagle must come in - our forward line a shambles so they cant make it any worse.
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?


- except Id drop Gumby to Bendigo - Melksham can stay in the seniors

Play Paddy as permanant CHF, Bellchambers first ruck until Hille gets back. Hurley stays at full back. Williams & Neagle must come in - our forward line a shambles so they cant make it any worse.

Don't quote a huge slab of text and then post, "This."
Re: So.. Your Matthew Knights, what do you do?

How can Williams play. 1. he didn't play yesterday and 2. When he was there, he didn't give a crap.

I would suggest half our players didn't give a crap on Saturday. I would give Williams more of a chance in the seniors to show he does give a crap.

It's not like we have a whole lot to lose.

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