Conspiracy Theory Pizzagate *DEBUNKED

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No, I don't think he is?

I'm saying disinformation (specifically antisemitic conspiracies such as the PotEoZ, the 'stab in the back' conspiracy, the belief that 'international bankers' were conspiring against Germany and were trying to implement Socialism on the German people to undermine conservative German culture and control Europe and the world) played a central role in the Holocaust.

It was the exact reasoning behind the Nazis persecution of Jewish people.
Perhaps I should have phrased my question in a different way, as there seems to be some insecurity here about the holocaust and getting hung up on it, mods you should know to keep this on topic.

The question is, is it plauasible for group A to eat Lamb, and group B to eat Beef, when society is vegetarian?

Do not get caught up on semantics.

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I'm saying disinformation (specifically antisemitic conspiracies such as the PotEoZ, the 'stab in the back' conspiracy, the belief that 'international bankers' were conspiring against Germany and were trying to implement Socialism on the German people to undermine conservative German culture and control Europe and the world) played a central role in the Holocaust.

It was the exact reasoning behind the Nazis persecution of Jewish people.
Yep, was talking about theouthouse's argument (I think thats what Werewolf was referring to in his reply to me?)

Not that the logic holds up either way - if applied to Pizzagate in the same way, what was the disinfo that led to events actually happening and children being abused? Pizzagate is the disinfo, in his comparison there would have to be other disinfo put out that ultimately contributed to kids (hypothetically) being abused in connection with pizza.

Its all very surreal like I said :drunk:
Perhaps I should have phrased my question in a different way, as there seems to be some insecurity here about the holocaust and getting hung up on it, mods you should know to keep this on topic.

Do not get caught up on semantics.

Your analogy compared belief in the Holocaust (a real historical event that happened, in which 6 million mainly Jewish people were systematically murdered by the German Nazi State, backed up by overwhelming evidence) to Pizzagate (a debunked theory invented and spread by Russian actors to undermine the US presidential elections of 2017, with literally zero basis in fact).

The question is, is it plauasible for group A to eat Lamb, and group B to eat Beef, when society is vegetarian?

'Lamb' in this case being [belief in something that happened, with overwhelming evidence to support it].

'Beef' in this case being [belief in something that did not happen, and was a deliberate lie spread to cook people].

Yes, its entirely possible to believe in something that is not actually real. This subforum is full of people like that. People believe all sorts of weird shit.
Perhaps I should have phrased my question in a different way, as there seems to be some insecurity here about the holocaust and getting hung up on it, mods you should know to keep this on topic.

The question is, is it plauasible for group A to eat Lamb, and group B to eat Beef, when society is vegetarian?

Do not get caught up on semantics.
Not at all - you just happened to chose an event that is one of the most documented, evidenced and confirmed in history.

Basically, and to avoid any semantics - all beliefs are not created equal is the answer to the question you posed last page.
And what unequivocal proof do you have of the latter?


What evidence do you have that Goblins or Angels dont exist, or that I'm not secretly a Lizard person Sorcerer?

I dont need to prove crazy shit is not real. You're the one asserting crazy shit is real, so the onus is on you to prove it.

Where is your proof that Paedos (as some kind of organized entity, and they're not an organized entity outside of groups like NAMBLA) are using 'Cheese Pizza' as a code word for Child abuse material?
Yes, its entirely possible to believe in something that is not actually real. This subforum is full of people like that. People believe all sorts of weird s**t.

Like god or satan, and child sacrifices. Hell even the god in the bible tests Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test of faith. And he was going to do it until stopped by the very god that commanded it. But thats based on religion, predating the birth of many nations.
Sheeple sheeplng in terms of denying the possibility of pedofile networks among the elite. It's already well documented, eye witness survivors, not just the modern era, but going back to the Franklin case etc.

Sheeple say "there's no proof so it's fake", but they don't have proof that it is fake so that doesn't count sonehow.

Sheeplism 101

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Sheeple sheeplng in terms of denying the possibility of pedofile networks among the elite.
No mate, thats not the contention from the source you posted. "Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles". Seems pretty clear - not some, ALL. A headline extracted from nothing, based solely on someone trotting out the '8 million children disappear every year' line that is completely without context as I've explained.

Then we have some bright spark jump in with why is it implausible or easily dismissed and some hare-brained waffle about a holocaust comparison.

You see this shit framed the way it is from some of the most objectively dishonest, context-free and inaccurate sources on the web, or complete randoms on social media, don't bother to check anything whatsoever about it and just think 'interesting, I'll post it up for discussion'.

Talk about sheeple lol. These people are leading you around by the nose :drunk:
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I just find the cottage industry that has sprung up online around this stuff really distasteful - as Kurve said earlier, kinda makes a mockery of the actual real instances of trafficking taking place.

There have been instances of nutcases actually making it harder for law enforcement and orgs fighting the real stuff to do their work. The National Human Trafficking Hotline was flooded and had to had to issue a statement asking people to stop reporting that children were being sold online via the Wayfair cabinets site, just as one example.

Then you have the Q rabble adopting a savethechildren hastag and running events with that name a while back. Problem was there was already a legit charity called Save The Children that had operated for a century who understandably weren't particularly thrilled to be associated with Qanon.

There's a bunch of these instances if you care to look.

I find it pretty ****ing disgusting really. The idea that the usual suspects driving this shit actually care about kids is both sad and hilarious.
Same same.

It's all the evil Jews, it's all the evil Russians/Slavs, it's all the evil Nazis, it's Communism, it's Democrats, it's feminists, it's the Blacks, it's White Supremacists, it's...

It's ok to rail against prejudice (anti-semitism) by being prejudiced towards another ethnicity/group.

Or do those throwing stones around not realize they're in glass houses too?

Making the same mistake, displaying the same generalizing.

Well said mate.

The woke types railing against "The Patriarchy!" don't realise it is actually the same as blaming everything on "The Jews!"
Surely they must realise a significant percantage of "Teh Patriarchy!" are jewish men.

And yet they have the gall to accuse people of anti-semitism if they criticise someone like George Soros.

The hypocrisy is astounding.
Well said mate.

The woke types railing against "The Patriarchy!" don't realise it is actually the same as blaming everything on "The Jews!"
Surely they must realise a significant percantage of "Teh Patriarchy!" are jewish men.

And yet they have the gall to accuse people of anti-semitism if they criticise someone like George Soros.

The hypocrisy is astounding.
Stones and glass houses, yep.
So much hypocrisy spilling out from the sheeple, (the patriarchy, also anti-russian prejudice, etc), as well as denial of the undeniable fact of child trafficking and pedofilia by the elite (so many politicians, celebs, royalty, etc) already embroiled in it -- franklin case, epstein files, biden laptop, images of obama etc with children, all the Instagram sus posts, that ukranian advertising agency recent scandal, maria ambrovovic rituals, so many photos and evidence, etc.

I mean geez, Epstein and Maxwell were found to be trafficking children to all these how can one deny the elite arent doing it and its all fake?
Well said mate.

The woke types railing against "The Patriarchy!" don't realise it is actually the same as blaming everything on "The Jews!"
Surely they must realise a significant percantage of "Teh Patriarchy!" are jewish men.

And yet they have the gall to accuse people of anti-semitism if they criticise someone like George Soros.

The hypocrisy is astounding.

The patriarchy gets mentioned once in the thread and you rush in screaming like some alarm went off.
I mean geez, Epstein and Maxwell were found to be trafficking children to all these how can one deny the elite arent doing it and its all fake?

I don't think anybody's suggesting that powerful people or elites can't be paedophiles . The argument is that Pizzagate is fake. How it was developed and the damage it did imo, might be a good discussion.

I think it's interesting.
So much hypocrisy spilling out from the sheeple, (the patriarchy,
Is a real thing.

Unless you're trying to tell me that men are not overrepresented in positions of leadership and authority, women have not suffered from severe restrictions (denial of the right to vote, denial of legal rights, viewed as chattel etc), the glass ceiling does not exist, #metoo is fake, women are not overrepresented as victims of family and sexual violence at the hands of men and so forth.

The fact you and I live in a patriarchal society that favors men isnt a conspiracy. It's a self evident truth, backed up by overwhelming evidence, and is not even up for debate man.

also anti-russian prejudice, etc),

Why shouldn't people be prejudiced towards Russia (specifically Putin)? He's literally invaded a sovereign nation, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of people (including many Russians), has literally murdered many of his political rivals, and catapulted the world closer to all out nuclear war with his constant nuclear rhetoric.

Give me one reason why I should not be prejudiced against him?

Also, note how he's a man (and remember what I said about the Patriarchy before?).

as well as denial of the undeniable fact of child trafficking and pedofilia by the elite (so many politicians, celebs, royalty, etc)
Of course, 'elites' engage in pedophilia. It's not a crime restricted only to middle and lower-class people, and no-one is suggesting it is.

Its just that 'Pizzagate' is not real, and most organized Paedo rings are actually lower- and middle-class dudes, such as the Rochdale sex abuse ring in the UK, and multiple similar rings here in Australia:

'Paedophile ring' smashed as three children are rescued

Also, note how all of the offenders are men and most of the victims are young girls (and remember what I said about the Patriarchy above?).

biden laptop

Is not real.
images of obama etc with children,

Is not real. More Russian misinformation, spread among the alt-Right and Neo-Nazis.

all the Instagram sus posts,

Not real. Misinformation.

that ukranian advertising agency recent scandal, maria ambrovovic rituals, so many photos and evidence, etc.

None of that is real. It's all misinformation posted on the internet by the Russians to brainwash you.

I mean geez, Epstein and Maxwell were found to be trafficking children to all these elite

Finally, an example of an actual sex trafficking ring. That is real and did happen.

It involved wealthy men (remember how you questioned the existence of the Patriachy before?) exploiting young women. Business leaders and Politicians mostly (Clinton, Trump, Prince Andrew etc) who used their power and authority to get away with horrendous crimes against young women.

And for the fourth time now, remember what I said about the Patriarchy before?.

The thing is though, these guys were not operating in secret, using a Pizza shop and code words to operate. They were largely doing what they did in the open (just like Weinstein and others called out in the #metoo movement were doing).

You dont seem to understand (or have yet to connect the dots) about how paedos operate. It's not a question of being among 'the elites' that contributes or permits paedos and sex offenders like Weinstein and the Rochdale sex offenders get away with it.

What contributes to the phenomenon (and the one constant between paedos and sex offenders) is gender power imbalance. Sex offenders and paedos come from all strata of society, the rich and the poor, the religious and the non-religious, from all countries, and in all levels of society.

The only one common link among them is the offenders are overwhelmingly male, and the victims are overwhelmingly young girls.

And remember what I was saying about the patriarchy before?

If you're really concerned about sex offenders, paedo rings, and sexual abuse (#metoo etc) then you wouldn't be focusing on 'elites'. You'd be looking at 'men' and the social dynamics that lead to those offences occurring.

Namely the existence of the patriarchy.
biden laptop,
Is not real.

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