Regrets, I've had a few (bands I never saw)

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Feb 23, 2004
AFL Club
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After reading some of the other threads I got to thinking about bands that I could have (realistically) seen but for some reason or another didn't. Top candidates include;

REM, before everyone jumped on the bandwagon, in 1991 or 1992 at Festival Hall in Melbourne. Reason; had sold out when I enquired about tickets.

Blur, about 1997. Reason; I was in the UK when they were touring Australia.

Van Morrison, about 1985. Reason; just didn't know enough about him at the time to go and see him.

Pearl Jam, various times. Reason; laziness.

Frank Sinatra, late 80's (I think). Reason, he was only in his late seventies, surely I'd get to see him on his next tour!!

What are some of the acts that others could have (realistally) seen but missed out on? And for what reason? Interested to know.
Originally posted by Fwoy
Nirvana - I was underage when they toured in '92 (I think) and didn't think to check if they had an underaged gig. They never made the return tour, with Kurt Cobain killing himself some six months before the next planned tour.

I forgot about Nirvana, and I was overage (still am amazingly). Reason; as per Van Morrison in the original thread.

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I wanted to see Bowie at Glastonbury in 2000 but I ran out of money.

Morrissey: had other gigs to go to.

Stone Roses: Didn't know who they were till after they'd left

Jeff Buckley: Wasn't a big fan at the time

AC DC with Bon: I was three when he carked it

Prince: Too disorganised to get a ticket in time.

:( Depressing thread!
Originally posted by biginjapan
Frank Sinatra, late 80's (I think). Reason, he was only in his late seventies, surely I'd get to see him on his next tour!!

I can beat that. He was performing in Vegas in 1992 while I was there and I blew it off thinking there'd be another chance. :(
Only a few I could have done anything about :

Fu Manchu - didn't know enough when they toured circa 2001, but the signs are good for a tour this year

Iron Maiden - was broke when they toured in 1992 - who knows, might get another chance one day

Reverend Horton Heat - was a bit broke when they toured circa 2000

The Darkness - caught on a bit late....
Jeff buckley - thought I'd see him next time, but of course there never will be a next time.

Susan Vega - Had tickets months in advance, forgot about the gig until my girly said "aren't you going to the concert tonight?" about 50 minutes before it started. I bolted to the train station but missed the train. The gig was in southwest london (richmond) and I was in north east london, and at best I would have got there for the last 30 mins. didn't bother.

I've seen most of the bands I wanted to (including the REM show in the early 90's (with the Go Betweens), Stone Roses, Nirvana. I'm still hoping the Pixies will make it down to oz now that they have reformed.
Tom Waits last time he was here, can't believe I passed that up. Soundgarden in Melbourne, George Clinton both here in Melbourne and San Francisco. I'll see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers when and if they come back and play somewhere else than Telstra Dome.
I missed The Shins on their last tour - I got the album the week after they left our shores.

I didn't go to BDO in '01 because I thought I'd see At The Drive In another time. Of course, they went Splitsville.

AC/DC last time they toured, when they played about a bizillion shows at Rod Laver. Hoping they tour again, because I seriously couldn't forgive myself if I never saw them play live, no matter how old or decrepid they are.

Beck on his last tour, because I had no money.

Ditto The Strokes.

I saw QOTSA at the '03 BDO, but I never got to see their own show. I wish I went on their last tour, because they're not QOTSA without Nick. I just assumed they'd come back soon - they always did - and that they'd still be together. Seems to be a common mistake in the world of rock.

The Hitman
I passed on tickets to see Radiohead in Sydney in 1997, have regretted it ever since. But, good news is ill be seeing them in Melbourne, April 26 oh yeah!!!!

Unfortunately i dont think ill be seeing Rage or Soundgarden.

I was of the impression Audioslave would be great live but they were terrible.

Jeff Buckley would have been a pleasure to attend
Nirvana in 1994, had tickets for a concert after his first suicide attempt, then he topped himself before the concert came up. Not happy, Jan.

Yes, Jeff Buckley was awesome live.
My cousin had tickets to the Nirvana show at the Palace in Feb 92 and got glandular fever so missed out. :(

Don't really have many regrets, most of the bands I like I have seen (Nirvana the obvious exception).

Weezer would probably be my main one - how much longer do we have to wait guys?

Soundgarden would have been good too.
Have been lucky enough to have seen alot of all time great acts that i have since stopped touring for various reasons (AIC, Soundgarden, Jeff Buckley, Nirvana).

But the one that kills me is that i never saw Sepultura with Max fronting them. I had glandular fever when they toured the Chaos AD album and wasnt really that bigger a fan when they toured Arise.

They were set to headline the 98 BDO i think it was from memory and then Max's step son Dana died and that threw everything into disaray. Fear Factory replaced them on the BDO and Sepultura were never to tour Australia with the original lineup again.

I've seen Soulfly and i've seen Sepultura with Derrick Green fronting, but it just aint the same.

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I turned up to a Clouds' gig at Adelaide Unibar to find the show was sold out. Furthermore, it was the "farewell tour" and was the last chance I'd ever get to see them :(

I missed the The The (*) tour in '89 because I was a poor student, near skint, and had no way to get there or home - none of my friends was interested in The The at the time. Matt Johnson has not returned to Australia since. :(

Happily though, I finally saw The The live in London, April 2000 :D See for yourself:

(*) - not often you see the word "the" 3 times in succession in a sentence, is it!
Was going to see John Denver many years ago, I can't remember what happened but I couldn't, and I always thought I could catch him next time. Sadly there wasn't a next time.

If I'd fought hard enough I could have seen the Beach Boys in 1993, with Carl Wilson alive and Al Jardine still in the band, and that is probably my biggest regret. My parents said I was too young to come to Melbourne alone to see them......I REALLY should have fought them on it! If I'd known what I do now, nothing would have stopped me being there.
I missed seeing Propagandhi at the Punters Club in Fitzroy (R.I.P). Turned up on the night about three hours before the gig to see a sold out sign up :( . Even staff seemed surprised at how many people had turned up. Stood in the hall and listened to the set though, and bought a t-shirt afterwards :D.
Never got to see either The Stones or Sinatra but the tickets were far too much so I dont really regret it. Dont get me wrong Sinatra is one of my heroes but how much is too much?

The one band I really regret not seeing was Dead Kennedys at The Crystal Ballroom in '82.
Midnight Oil

Before what was to be their last concert in Melbourne, I told my brother I should probably use the morning after (when I would have been recovering) to study for an upcoming exam.

I even said to him "Midnight Oil aren't going anywhere".

How wrong I was! I am a stupid man.
I'd have to say that my biggest regret is not getting to see Rage Against The Machine live.

Also, AC/DC with Bon would have been awesome, but I was -2.5 at the time of his death.
Didn't get to see Metallica hold the nuremburg rally (from all accounts anyway) in 89 because of low $$$ flow (and being a mere youngster too).

Would have loved to see the Cult back in their heyday when they toured in the mid 80's (too young).

But the worst of all......

I threw the biggest kiddie tantrum EVER at not being allowed to see Kiss in 1980.
The fact that I was in about grade 2 or 3 didn't deter me, but I wasn't allowed to go.
I had ALL of their albums, knew every lyric and riff, and even had a pretend Kiss concert in the backyard (dressed as Gene Simmons no less!).

Despite threats of running away, or not eating food again (and existing on a diet of sunnyboys and razz iceblocks), my folks were unmoved.

It has seriously scarred me....
Originally posted by Fwoy
I missed seeing Propagandhi at the Punters Club in Fitzroy (R.I.P). Turned up on the night about three hours before the gig to see a sold out sign up :( . Even staff seemed surprised at how many people had turned up. Stood in the hall and listened to the set though, and bought a t-shirt afterwards :D.

Wow someone else on this board who likes propagandhi. Arent they just the best!! Anyway i heard theyll be coming down here early next year after they release a new album. Actually i didnt hear about it, i emailed them to find out the truth and they confirmed it. Chris said he guaranteed an underage Melbourne gig!

Im looking forward to it already.

My regret is not ever seeing At the drive in live.
Originally posted by SydneyBomber
Didn't get to see Metallica hold the nuremburg rally (from all accounts anyway) in 89 because of low $$$ flow (and being a mere youngster too).

Would have loved to see the Cult back in their heyday when they toured in the mid 80's (too young).

But the worst of all......

I threw the biggest kiddie tantrum EVER at not being allowed to see Kiss in 1980.
The fact that I was in about grade 2 or 3 didn't deter me, but I wasn't allowed to go.
I had ALL of their albums, knew every lyric and riff, and even had a pretend Kiss concert in the backyard (dressed as Gene Simmons no less!).

Despite threats of running away, or not eating food again (and existing on a diet of sunnyboys and razz iceblocks), my folks were unmoved.

It has seriously scarred me....
...and thats why you started barracking for Essendon.
Originally posted by localyokel
Dont get me wrong Sinatra is one of my heroes but how much is too much?

I guess I understand that, I mean it's like I said in the Paul McCartney thread, I don't think I could justify paying a few weeks rent for a concert! That's just me though. Although if I'd been into Sinatra then as much as I am now, I might have found a way...... I mean the guy is a class above most others.

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