Certified Legendary Thread Richmond GIFs

And to finish up, some quality defensive plays throughout the game:

-Grimes intercept
-Nank intercept
-Nank nicely smothers Campbell's shot at goal which definitely saves some point(s) (had to slow it down myself to see how good this move actually was from big Nank who had a quality game based on him being in most of the highlights haha)
-Nice running intercept from Broad
-Quality intercept from KMac
-Balta intercept mark
-Nice intercept from Nank
-Lynch intercept mark at HBF
-Nice Grimes intercept mark, but amazingly it's called a ITB against Baker... replay shows it to be a fair contest, imho.
and to finish off, the defensive plays that stood out (aside from a couple in the above GIFs. Had to split 'em up into two GIFs as there were plenty

-Grimes intercept
-Nank intercept from our F50 exit
-Nank intercept mark
-Grimes big fist in pack
-Mansell nice intercept mark
-Baker attacking the ball hard
-Baker attacking the ball hard again
-Astbury intercept
-Nank intercept
-Nank intercept
-Grimes nice defensive moves
-Grimes again, nice defensive moves
-Astbury intercept mark
-nice defensive play from Mansell
-nice defensive punch getting into Ladhams' leading lane from Mansell
-Astbury defensive moves x2, then an intercept mark next entry
-Mansell intercept in front of Dixon
-Nank intercept mark

-nice defensive moves from Grimes
-nice defensive moves in traffic from Mansell from the Fantasia handball into their F50
-Grimes intercept mark
-Nank intercept
-nice defensive play from Broad
-solid tackle from Shedda on Duursma