Robert Walls and Tim Lane THE worst commentators...

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I must admit that despite what I said above about not really caring about footy commentary, James Brayshaw has been really annoying me in the Winter Olympics. He just makes pointless blokey comments that show that he has no clue what is happening. If snowboarder gets a but of hang time, he just makes some guttural noise and says, "Woah, look at that!" or something equally lame. Even more embarrassing is that his reaction rarely even agrees with the expert commentator sitting next to him.

Eddie is the same, he doesn't understand any of these sports and he constantly puts his foot in it. Ken Suttcliff is a class act. He knows that he's not an expert on these sports so he doesn't pretend to be. He sticks to what he's good at and that's presenting the coverage without putting his own stupid comments on everything he sees.

How bad was Eddie sucking up to the figure skating, and in particular, Johhny Weir after making a few slightly homophobic remarks. The next day after the shit-storm, he was proclaiming himself as Johnny's number one fan, saying how fantastic he is and inviting him to stay in his home. Really pathetic - nobody would have bought his suck-up act. Eddie is good at two things, quiz shows and footy. Anything else and he's really embarrassing.
Walls is terrible. Outside of being so biased to carlton, he adds nothing to the commentary. Just states the bleeding obvious.

Personally, I don't mind Tim Lane not as biased as Quartermain commentating Hawthorn games. But in saying that Christo gets alot more pumped when the Pies are playing well.

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Can't help but remember that Lane quit a radio station because Eddie was calling Collingwood matches years ago, and now has no problem with James Brayshaw calling North games, he is the biggest hypocrite in footy.
This was actually CH9. Part of the agreement negotiated with 9 was that Maguire not call Collingwood games. Once he'd signed Maguire/CH 9 reneged on the deal. He quit on a point of principle.

Walls is tired hack who should have been put out to pasture years ago. Have no issues with Tim Lane. Still one of the best going around.
  • Lane used to be a fine commentator. Everyone has a use-by date I guess. Was always a superior radio man.
  • Quartermain has always been shite and has managed to maintain that standard successfully.
  • Christian is inoffensive but is more like a barracker than a commentator.
  • Walls used to be respected until everyone worked out he was stating the bleeding obvious
  • Hudson is inoffensive but on-camera he looks like he's still growing into his clothes
  • Luke Darcy simply becomes annoying interspersing every sentence with a considered......"ahhhh".....simply a different version of "ummmm". It's become entrenched in his speech pattern
  • Watson is a bit of a try-hard but meh....he's only a boundary rider
  • Maher is the kid at school who always wanted to hang around with the cool kids. Never says anything opiniated without qualifying his comment and leaving himself some ample wriggle room if he's challenged
  • As for McAvaney...see Time Lane comment (except for the radio reference). Has become a bit of a parody of himself but can still be good on occasions
  • Commetti is still entertaining even though he sounds more and more rehearsed. Still like him as a commentator
  • Leigh Matthews has credibility and his comments are always measured and considered. I like.
  • Tom Harley is promising and is certainly more eloquent than Nathan Buckley was, although both have plenty of knowledge
  • David Schwarz tries to sound inciteful...the emphasis on "tries"
The only truly great commentator of the past 20 years was Clinton Grybas. When other commentators realised he'd lifted the bar far higher than they could reach in unbiased, accurate, informative and exciting commentary they had him snuffed by a Bulgarian chemist.

Now the "pinnacle" is that flid Huddo.

Dennis Cometti is a legend.

he was a legend before he decided to pre plan his 1 liners every match he commenates on

Bingo. He's also developed a nice little biased nasty streak to fit in with "the boys".
Dont mind Tim Lane, but as much as i hate robert walls i would way prefer him then this:


Destroyed the excitement of a classic game.:thumbsdown:

And to think where gonna be hearing more games with her commentating.:eek:
Walls showed why he is a clown Saturday Night when he said :

" Its the 1st time Ive seen MGlynn in a Swans jumper "

Sums him up I thought
As usual in these threads, a wide range of opinions. FWIW, I reckon Walls is an oxygen thief and Lane, while still a good caller, needs a strong producer to restrain him from pushing his personal hobby horses.

Everyone does need to remember though that it's difficult to come up with words to fill the void. Of course, as noted earlier, TV doesn't need the volume of words that radio does, but it's not a practical proposition for there to be even 15 seconds of "dead air" on the TV broadcast.

It'd be interesting for all those being so critical to do a 5-minute stint of main commentary or special comments on a game they hadn't seen for teams they don't follow. Don't believe me? Get a notetaker or a phone with memo facility, watch a game between two teams you don't know that well (ie, not your team) and turn the TV audio down. Go for it. Then listen back. Oh, you should also post your effort to BF so hundreds of people can tell you how shite you are!

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