Rudd lashes out!

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Norm Smith Medallist
Nov 24, 2004
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So Kevvie as balls as well .Nice to see him getting into that smug bastard Costello.

Rampant Rudd goads rivals

Peter Hartcher Political Editor
September 11, 2007

KEVIN RUDD has mocked John Howard's promise to deliver a plan for the future as a "five minutes to midnight" discovery that lacks credibility, and has dismissed his heir, Peter Costello, as a failure.

With the Federal Government in a funk over its leadership options, the Labor leader delivered a withering critique of both the Prime Minister and the man being assessed inside the Liberal Party as his possible replacement.

His attack came as John Howard refused to leave the prime ministership yesterday, even as his longevity was highlighted by the resignation of the Queensland Premier, Labor's Peter Beattie.

Mr Beattie cited the need for party renewal, but Mr Howard dismissed comparisons. "Every government and every person has their own circumstances," he said.

In an interview with the Herald yesterday, Mr Rudd said Mr Howard had a "wheel of fortune" approach to fiscal policy.

"He engaged in a spendathon where he spun the wheel of fortune and then he spun it again at the last election," he said.

And he sarcastically described the Treasurer's response: "Our resolute, strong, disciplined, fiscally committed Treasurer said tick, tick, tick, tick. He's a man of robust, fiscally disciplined principle."

And Mr Rudd offered a new Labor agenda for reform - a systematic program to roll back business regulation, seeking to outflank the Howard Government as credible economic managers and reformers.

"We are deadly serious about this - I think the regulatory overhang on business has become unsustainably high, the Government's attempts at reform on this have failed, the quantum is right out of control," Mr Rudd said.

"When you start to have 15 per cent, 20 per cent of corporate time spent on compliance burdens you are killing enterprise, you are killing innovation, you are killing entrepreneurialism."

Mr Rudd said Labor had discussed ideas for institutionalising business deregulation in a Labor government, perhaps creating a minister for deregulation: "We think we can do it - we will have more to say about this."

On The 7.30 Report last night, Mr Howard ruled out a snap election. He said Parliament would definitely sit for the next two weeks, which meant an October 27 election at the earliest.

Struggling to buttress his leadership, he warned his colleagues it was too late in the electoral cycle to change leader now. Mr Howard admitted he had erred by spending too much time on the past and present, and not enough talking about the future. He refused to say whether he would serve a full term if re-elected.

In his Herald interview, Mr Rudd said Mr Costello was a failed Treasurer who also carried the baggage of complicity in Mr Howard's principal failings.

"At the end of the day, 11 years as deputy leader of the Liberal Party, he backed Mr Howard to the hilt on the Iraq war," Mr Rudd said.

"He backed Mr Howard to the hilt on Work Choices and would go further based on his statements on the public record.

"And he backed Mr Howard on his inertia on climate change, he did not engage departmentally on the water initiative, he presided over the disinvestment in our universities from 1996 to 2003-04 - I would say fail, fail, fail, fail.

"Here's the key challenge for this guy - you have since 2001-02 a resources boom. And so given this unique historical opportunity, what has Mr Costello done - has he seized the opportunity or squandered it?

"Has he seized the opportunity to invest in human capital? Nope.

"Has he seized the opportunity to invest in fundamental economic infrastructure? Nope.

"Has he seized the opportunity to rewrite the functional relationship between Canberra and the states? Nope.

"He has a litany of squandered opportunities. He has never become a genuinely reforming treasurer."
I thought the headline was a little bit of a beat up to be honest.

The actual article/comments by Rudd were quite reasonable - I just hope the media aren't now trying to set him up as an arrogant smartarse now that he knows the election is in the bag.

Easy on the hubris Kevvie - low profile mate, humility and all that jazz.
I thought the headline was a little bit of a beat up to be honest.

The actual article/comments by Rudd were quite reasonable - I just hope the media aren't now trying to set him up as an arrogant smartarse now that he knows the election is in the bag.

Easy on the hubris Kevvie - low profile mate, humility and all that jazz.

hmmm...can't say that I agree with your summation on going easy, I think Rudd needs to nail Howard & Costello in any way possible, the only way seems to be pointing out too the Australian public the litany of failed opportunities by this government. The public needs to hear this so that they go into the election with as much knowledge about Howard & Costello and their failings in government.

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Theoretically you may be right but the average punter is quite conservative by nature and if they don't like hubris or arrogance from pollies. Hence why icebergs is hated so much.

Rudd has gelled with the electorate so well thus far because he comes across as being a decent guy who is not too arrogant (IMO he nearly went too far with his mandarin speaking with the chinese president at Apec).

He just needs to keep a lid on it.
How is Costello a bad treasurer ?

Also makes you wonder - if Costello takes over the leadership are voters wanting a change going to re-consider there vote for labor since if Costello leads because got the change they were after ?

I think the whole government is on the nose, not just Howard.

Costello is disliked in the community, his smirk and arrogance are traits that most people see in him.
Please tell me if I am way off here...

But is it possible that Rudd knew what was going on behind the scenes at Liberal? Did he know there was about to be a leadership challenge?
Was it the ALP that was the source behind all of this??

It is an interesting piece really. Suddenly Rudd starts attacking Costello saying he has been part of Howards agenda all the way a long, and is much a failure as Howard is.

It is as if he is trying to say they are one and the same. Almost like he is trying to take the attention away from Costello if he gets elected.

"When you start to have 15 per cent, 20 per cent of corporate time spent on compliance burdens you are killing enterprise, you are killing innovation, you are killing entrepreneurialism."

What a joke. This from the man who wants to impose statist nonsense on all businesses re work conditions. You can be sure that helps to kill entrepeneurialism.

"At the end of the day, 11 years as deputy leader of the Liberal Party, he backed Mr Howard to the hilt on the Iraq war," Mr Rudd said.

This from the person who prevaricated for a week over what ALP policy was, contradicted his leader and finally decided he lacked the moral backbone to make a decision and outsourced it to Jacque Chirac.
Gee your a dribbler medusa, are you related to our dearly beloved guru jane by any chance...

Rudd is correct, the amount of clerical crap small business have to put up with is a joke. The part time business I run is consumed with paperwork, particularly of the taxation variety. Reduce that and a lot of businesses would be very happy.
Rudd is correct, the amount of clerical crap small business have to put up with is a joke. The part time business I run is consumed with paperwork, particularly of the taxation variety. Reduce that and a lot of businesses would be very happy.

And Rudd will impose increased burdens on small business via IR changes. Filling in a BAS return is nothing to dealing with statist IR muppetry like unfair dismissal in terms of cost and time.

BAS may be painful but its only one or two hours work a mth. To say its 15 or 20% of your time is blatantly absurd.
What a joke. This from the man who wants to impose statist nonsense on all businesses re work conditions. You can be sure that helps to kill entrepeneurialism.

This from the person who prevaricated for a week over what ALP policy was, contradicted his leader and finally decided he lacked the moral backbone to make a decision and outsourced it to Jacque Chirac.

This from a poster who supported the imposition of IR laws that imposed 900+ pages of regulation, legislation upon the Australian IR system; a system that was prior to these 900+ pages, the 4th to 5th least restrictive IR system in the OECD; to one of the most restrictive.

900+ pages that regulated what the parties to a meeting could even say during their negotiations, imposed fines upon any party that asked or even mentioned a supposedly prohibited term banned by the Minister, and allowed the government to exclude any agreed to terms and conditions as they the government see's fit!

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This from a poster who supported the imposition of IR laws that imposed 900+ pages of regulation, legislation upon the Australian IR system; a system that was prior to these 900+ pages, the 4th to 5th least restrictive IR system in the OECD; to one of the most restrictive.

900+ pages that regulated what the parties to a meeting could even say during their negotiations, imposed fines upon any party that asked or even mentioned a supposedly prohibited term banned by the Minister, and allowed the government to exclude any agreed to terms and conditions as they the government see's fit!

Isn't that the plot from "1984" ?
And Rudd will impose increased burdens on small business via IR changes. Filling in a BAS return is nothing to dealing with statist IR muppetry like unfair dismissal in terms of cost and time.

BAS may be painful but its only one or two hours work a mth. To say its 15 or 20% of your time is blatantly absurd.
You have no idea have you jane, it's not just about filling in a friggin BAS once a quarter its everything else that goes with it, GST records, employee records etc etc.
Isn't that the plot from "1984" ?

Pretty much!!

The really bad part about the Workchoices Act; ops they dropped the term choice from Workchoices, so what ever it is called; whilst the legislation runs to 900+ pages, the accompanying
explanatory rules run to 600+ pages; so thats 1500+ pages of new IR laws in total that the likes of Med support in the name of increased workplace flexibility!!

Fundamentalist like this conservative government and their supporters can't see the trees, or even admit their are any trees in the first place for the forest.

WorkChoices will demoralise employees: economist

Posted Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:00pm AEST
Updated Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:35pm AEST
Professor Freeman says the laws will further widen the gap between the haves and have nots.

Professor Freeman says the laws will further widen the gap between the haves and have nots. (ABC News: Giulio Saggin)

A leading American economist says Australia's WorkChoices laws have tipped the balance too far in favour of employers.

Professor Richard Freeman, from Harvard University's Centre for Economic Performance, has told a Brisbane industrial relations conference that WorkChoices discourages efficient bargaining between employers and workers.

Professor Freeman says the laws will further widen the gap between the haves and have nots.

"A lot of people will feel that all these words about simpler, fairer and choices, when they find the choice is that either you sign this agreement with the employer or you don't have a job, and when the agreement gives you much less than than previously you would have had, that's just going to demoralise people and lead to more problems," he said.

Professor Freeman says the Federal Government has taken away the bargaining flexibility that should exist between employers and workers.

"An efficient labour market allows two parties or more parties to sign agreements however they wish," he said.

"If they want to have a strong trade union, strong collective bargaining, you do that.

"If you don't want to do that, if you want to have pattern bargaining, you do that, if you want industry bargaining you do that."

Professor Freeman says the laws are a retrograde step that will do more long-term harm than good.

"Some people, if we allow the market forces to rule without any effort to help them, will indeed fall further and further behind," he said.

"Do we want to have a society where there's a bunch of economic grandees at the top and a bunch of poor struggling people at the bottom, or do we want a society where everybody has a decent standard of living?"

Tags: business-economics-and-finance, industrial-relations, australia
This from a poster who supported the imposition of IR laws that imposed 900+ pages of regulation,

Another blatant mistruth from Captain Fabrication

I have repeatedly said that Howard should have completely scrapped the AIRC and awards not introduced statist nonsense.

If you think Howards approach is bad then how can Rudd with the introduction of more min standards, unfair dismissal etc be better?

Blatant hypocrisy.
You have no idea have you jane, it's not just about filling in a friggin BAS once a quarter its everything else that goes with it, GST records, employee records etc etc.

No idea why you are calling me Jane.

Anyway, re your complaint.

Any small business with any sort of turnover (not to mention having a proprietor with any sort of clue) would carry out cash recs as a matter of course every mth. From there to GST, BAS etc is a tiny step given its all recorded on software.

As for employee records etc what does Howard have to do with compulsory super, WorkCare etc?
"A lot of people will feel that all these words about simpler, fairer and choices, when they find the choice is that either you sign this agreement with the employer or you don't have a job, and when the agreement gives you much less than than previously you would have had, that's just going to demoralise people and lead to more problems," he said.

How sidesplittingly amusing that the arch unionist would quote this given his defence of the docks where it was "join the MUA or you dont have a job".
No idea why you are calling me Jane.

Anyway, re your complaint.

Any small business with any sort of turnover (not to mention having a proprietor with any sort of clue) would carry out cash recs as a matter of course every mth. From there to GST, BAS etc is a tiny step given its all recorded on software.

As for employee records etc what does Howard have to do with compulsory super, WorkCare etc?

As i say jane, you have no idea. Try and run a business in australia (not the uk, where I can't remember the reason why you fled there in the first place) and talk to me. Otherwise stfu.
As i say jane, you have no idea. Try and run a business in australia (not the uk, where I can't remember the reason why you fled there in the first place) and talk to me. Otherwise stfu.

Anyone who has been here a while knows that I am not Jane you clowbn.

I ran a business in Melbourne.

No need to get shirty because a cash rec is beyond your ability.
Another blatant mistruth from Captain Fabrication

I have repeatedly said that Howard should have completely scrapped the AIRC and awards not introduced statist nonsense.

If you think Howards approach is bad then how can Rudd with the introduction of more min standards, unfair dismissal etc be better?

Blatant hypocrisy.

So you now don't support the 1500+ pages of Workchoices legislation and rules?
I still have my own business and think Rudds experence in running the QLD public sector under Goss and no doubt having a lot of imput into his wifes multi million dollar business in the real world makes him a much better prospect to run our economy that the two failed lawyers Costello and the old rodent PM who f****D it up royally when he was Tres under Frazer.
How many time do I have to say that the AIRC and awards are absurd and should go?

How hard is that to comprehend?

Correct me if i'm wrong, and i'm not, but the 1500 pages of IR laws which you supported did not introduce awards or the AIRC to the Australian IR system did they?

It is mischief and down right ignorant of you to in one post support the IR laws then go of on a tangent as you continually do and bring up another unrelated subject in regards to the imposition of 1500+ pages of new IR laws!

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