Official Match Thread Season 37 Round 20 - Mount Buller Demons v Coney Island Warriors @ The Snow Dome

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Look, thanks for helping with the South Park reference, and I really do appreciate the connection to the show, but what's the name of the movie?
Partial forget
Let's hope this doesn't get cringe but I've worked on this tirelessly over my last 14 hours of driving through salt lakes and barren land. I'm beginning to question my sanity and whether I am actually Lucas.

“Whispers of Time: Lucas’s Labyrinth”

Day One: Lucas’s morning ritual was a silent symphony of simplicity: two eggs, sunny-side up, glistening like morning dew; two slices of bacon, sizzling whispers of a day beginning; toast, buttered and crisp, and a glass of orange juice, the liquid sunshine of his routine. He boarded the train, a vessel of sameness, where every face was a mirror of the next. Lucas worked for the tech company Zapple packaging the new I5a. But today, during his daily commute a woman stood out like a colorized frame in a black-and-white film. Her hair, a brunette cascade, was a timeless homage to Audrey Hepburn. Her dress, a floral tapestry, swirled around her as if she danced with the ghosts of the '50s. Lucas approached, their eyes met, and smiles were exchanged—a silent conversation in a world of monotones. The song “True” by Spandau Ballet began to play, a nostalgic anthem that seemed to narrate their connection. "Ah ha ha ha ha", Yet, as the line “Why do I find it hard to write the next line” played, the train derailed into darkness, and Lucas awoke to the stark reality of his alarm at 8:31 AM.

Day Two: The café was a haven of aromas, where the scent of roasted coffee beans mingled with the sweet fragrance of pastries. Lucas found the lady there, her presence an elegant disruption to the café’s harmony. They shared a coffee, two cups forming a bridge across time. Their conversation was a dance of words, each sentence a step closer to understanding. But as the song’s haunting question “Why do I find it hard to write the next line” filled the air, the café imploded into a void, and Lucas was once again greeted by the morning’s relentless call.

Day Three: The park was a tapestry of green, a rare deviation from the city’s grayscale. They met amidst the laughter of children and the rustling of leaves. Hand in hand, they danced to the rhythm of “True,” their movements a silent rebellion against the mundane. But as her form turned to ash at the song’s plea, Lucas was left alone, the park fading as he awoke to his unchanging world.

Day Four: By the river, the sunset painted the sky with strokes of fire and gold. They paddled in a small boat, the water reflecting their shared moment of serenity. The music played, a familiar soundtrack to their fleeting happiness. As the boat disintegrated beneath them, Lucas drowned under the weight of his dreams, only to resurface in the reality of his bedroom.

Day Five: The street was a river of people, all flowing in one direction. Lucas and the lady collided in a whirlpool of fate. They spoke of dreams and reality, their words heavy with the burden of repetition. As the music started, Lucas’s shoulders slumped in resignation, and the world around them turned to dust, signaling the start of another day.

Day Six: Amidst the autumn leaves, they found solace, her laughter a melody that challenged the silence. Their embrace was a warm refuge, but as her body melted into the golden leaves, Lucas was left clutching at the fragments of a dream.

Day Seven: The ice rink was a crystal expanse, a place where they could glide away from the world. Their breaths formed clouds of hope in the cold air, but as the ice cracked under the song’s refrain, Lucas plunged into the cold depths of his recurring nightmare.

Day Eight: The building was a hollow shell, echoing with the absence of life. She was there, a beacon in the emptiness. “Stay,” she whispered, but as the pixels of reality began to distort, Lucas was pulled from the dream once more.

Final Scene:

Seeking answers, Lucas consulted his psychiatrist, who revealed the shocking truth: Lucas’s reality was but a dream. Refusing to accept this, Lucas shattered the pill meant to end his torment and fled, the world disintegrating in his wake.

In a desperate search for the lady, Lucas found himself before a bright door. “Who are you?” he demanded. “Lucas, say my name!, say my name” she urged. Lucas, growing frustrated screamed "I don't know", The lady repeated, "Say my name Lucas, PLEASE SAY MY NAME". With the world collapsing and Lucas standing on the last fragments of his reality, Lucas shouted,


and the song continued, revealing the truth.

“I want the truth to be said, I know this much is true, I know this much is true.”

Lucas awoke, not to the sound of his alarm, but to Isabel’s tearful eyes. He had been in a coma, his truck submerged in a river, but Isabel never left his side, playing their song in hope.

In a lighthearted fading scene, Lucas recounted his dream to Isabel, who playfully inquired, “What was her name?” with a smirk.


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I enjoyed it although I went slightly mental halfway through.

Have you read "Replay" by Ken Grimwood?
No, but I'm looking.

BTW tell me all the references to my story, One's already been mentioned.

There's also a couple of Easter Eggs, if you're clever.
No, but I'm looking.

BTW tell me all the references to my story, One's already been mentioned.

There's also a couple of Easter Eggs, if you're clever.
Groundhog Day is obvious, the other one where it's all a dream, maybe The Notebook,
No, but I'm looking.

BTW tell me all the references to my story, One's already been mentioned.

There's also a couple of Easter Eggs, if you're clever.

Lucas’s morning ritual was a silent symphony of simplicity: two eggs, sunny-side up, glistening like morning dew; two slices of bacon, sizzling whispers of a day beginning; toast, buttered and crisp, and a glass of orange juice, the liquid sunshine of his routine

Reference to Supersize me - needs to cut down on the maccas brekky.
Reference to Supersize me - needs to cut down on the maccas brekky.
I think my favourite thing about that movie which didn't come out for years was that he was an alcoholic.

So when the doctor was saying he'd only seen results like this in alcoholics before, he still had only seen results like that in an alcoholic.

But Morgan pretended it was the McDonald's

I think my favourite thing about that movie which didn't come out for years was that he was an alcoholic.

So when the doctor was saying he'd only seen results like this in alcoholics before, he still had only seen results like that in an alcoholic.

But Morgan pretended it was the McDonald's

Yup, so very true mate. A lovely little addition for sure.

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Hopefully you'll leave me with enough teeth to enjoy said meal! Those free-against stats have me concerned.
I'm thinking Strawberry is probably best to hide the blood, plus you can drink it through a straw

Grilling Chicken Leg GIF by Fossil Farms
Nope, not even getting myself any.

Too cold to walk down and get some
Too cold to Walk down to your wine cellar? Is your butler sick?
Too cold to Walk down to your wine cellar? Is your butler sick?
I don't have a wine cellar Dins I've got a cask in the cupboard.

Too cold to walk to Maccas is what I was saying

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