Official Match Thread Season 37 Round 20 - Roys FFC v Las Vegas Bears @ Brunswick Junction Oval

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Brace yourselves Bears, after last night's results tigs2010 may just be about ready to commit a murder.

dwight schrute GIF
Don't reveal the plan...

secret smell GIF

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Someone's going to get a very stern letter about this short turn around.
I haven't even got all the muck off myself and my gear since the last match.
I hear you. As I said earlier in this thread, we have had a run of Friday games and resulting shorter match threads. Why can't people keep it simple and just do 13 rounds with 12 games each and 1 bye so we all play each other once?
I hear you. As I said earlier in this thread, we have had a run of Friday games and resulting shorter match threads. Why can't people keep it simple and just do 13 rounds with 12 games each and 1 bye so we all play each other once?
I like your idea too. I think the sole argument against it is that it makes the season shorter than people want.
I hear you. As I said earlier in this thread, we have had a run of Friday games and resulting shorter match threads. Why can't people keep it simple and just do 13 rounds with 12 games each and 1 bye so we all play each other once?

Or we just do a power season. Run all the games in the space of 2 weeks in one mega thread.
Or we just do a power season. Run all the games in the space of 2 weeks in one mega thread.
I prefer the slow build/burn that comes from a traditional week long (or 5-6 day long) thread
I like your idea too. I think the sole argument against it is that it makes the season shorter than people want.
There are other ways to fill the gaps for people who miss it
But short and sweet is a saying for a reason

Most importantly it's better than any alternative I've come across

I also can't recall a rematch within the same season that was better than the original thread - so it would get rid of those too

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Alright, my beloved Bears, gather 'round! Look who's back! Yours truly, Ted Lasso, has clawed his way out from the darkest depths of the Las Vegas desert where you all tried to bury me. Well, guess what? I made it back just in time for the final game of the season, and I’m here to help you squeeze into the finals.

Now, I’ve been hearing that things haven't exactly been peachy while I've been away. Some of you, maybe most of you, alright, let’s be real, all of you probably wanted to see me gone for good. But here's the thing, I thrive on challenges, just like a bear thrives on honey. And guess what? I’ve got a challenge for you today.

So how about this for a little motivation? Win today, make the finals, and take home the flag, and I promise I'll be on the first plane out of Vegas. Yep, you heard me right. I'll pack my bags, wave goodbye, and let you all bask in the glory of your victory without ol' Ted hanging around.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Today, it's about stepping onto that field and playing with every ounce of heart and soul you've got. I want you to play like you're running on that special powder we talked about, and no, I don’t mean the stuff from the desert. I mean the magic powder of pure, unadulterated passion and determination.

Remember, we’re not just playing Qooty; we’re creating memories. Memories of you running circles around these Roys, making them look like they’re stuck in quicksand.

And one more thing: Believe. I want you to believe in yourselves, in each other, and in the power of what we can achieve together. Stick that word in your minds and let it guide you through every tackle, every pass, every goal.

So let’s get out there and show everyone what it means to be a Bear. Let’s roar louder than ever, fight harder than ever, and leave everything on that field. And remember, if you need any extra motivation, just think about the sight of me boarding that plane.

Let’s do this, Bears! For the finals, for the flag, and most importantly, for each other. And who knows? Maybe a little bit for getting rid of me too. Onward to victory, and remember: Believe!

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Who let you out of the cell?
Game DAY indeed

I'm happy that you're in the SFA timezone for a change

Close enough (-2), the disadvantage is I’ll miss the game as I’m out for lunch (as opposed to usual, when the match is early morning but I’m not doing anything else.

Pros and cons I guess 😂
Close enough (-2), the disadvantage is I’ll miss the game as I’m out for lunch (as opposed to usual, when the match is early morning but I’m not doing anything else.

Pros and cons I guess 😂
SFA time is WST, whilst AEST is Vic Bias time. Still 2 hours behind?

Enjoy your lunch :)
SFA time is WST, whilst AEST is Vic Bias time. Still 2 hours behind?

Enjoy your lunch :)

Oh I’m SFA time then 😊
Game DAY indeed

I'm happy that you're in the SFA timezone for a change

Close enough (-2), the disadvantage is I’ll miss the game as I’m out for lunch (as opposed to usual, when the match is early morning but I’m not doing anything else.

Pros and cons I guess 😂

SFA time is WST, whilst AEST is Vic Bias time. Still 2 hours behind?

Enjoy your lunch :)

Oh I’m SFA time then 😊
What time zone can we put Ted Lasso in so he can go coach the Furries or something?
Ted's been copying my homework.
It says a lot about where Ted Lasso is at, if he's copying your homework despite assigning it in the first place...

It's almost as if his silly season has already begun

I expect his qoaching qareer to be on the line if we can't snap our disappointing latter season form and upset the Roys today
It says a lot about where Ted Lasso is at, if he's copying your homework despite assigning it in the first place...

It's almost as if his silly season has already begun

I expect his qoaching qareer to be on the line if we can't snap our disappointing latter season form and upset the Roys today
Ted's coaching career ends the moment our season ends so he will be praying we win.

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