Event SFAEW Season 37: SweetaMania VII Night Two On Now! Also award voting

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First win and it was effectively a squash!! Also had a pop developing, no doubt after that epic clinic Loonerty and I put on a few weeks agošŸ˜
They lock up.
MWPP performs a vertical suplex against Strigoi.
MWPP whips Strigoi into the ropes.
Strigoi hits MWPP with a clothesline.
Strigoi runs into the ropes.
Strigoi executes a lariat against MWPP.
Strigoi executes a forearm to the back against MWPP.
Strigoi runs into the ropes.
Strigoi hits MWPP with a kick.
Strigoi goes for a vertical suplex, but MWPP blocks it.
MWPP performs an elbowsmash against Strigoi.
MWPP punches Strigoi.
The crowd is really behind MWPP.
MWPP hits Strigoi.
MWPP sets up Strigoi on the turnbuckle.
MWPP launches Strigoi across the ring with a superplex.
MWPP hits a slingshot atomic bomb on Strigoi.
MWPP performs a basement dropkick against Strigoi.
MWPP works the crowd.
MWPP uses an elbowdrop on Strigoi.
MWPP tags out to Test Tickle.
Test Tickle uses a headbutt on Strigoi.
Test Tickle uses a lariat on Strigoi.
Test Tickle performs a dropkick against Strigoi.
Test Tickle attempts a short lariat, but Strigoi counters it with a crucifix.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Strigoi goes for a dropkick, but Test Tickle steps out of the way.
Test Tickle nails Strigoi with a reverse neckbreaker.
Test Tickle performs an elbowsmash against Strigoi.
Test Tickle hits a side slam on Strigoi.
Numerous fans are using Test Tickle as target practice.
Test Tickle tags out to Dingster.
Dingster nails Strigoi with a spinebuster bomb.
Mike Uppet counts: One, kickout.
Dingster complains about a slow count.
Dingster hits a powerslam on Strigoi.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Dingster takes Strigoi down with a choke slam.
Dingster throws Strigoi out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, two, three, Strigoi reenters the ring.
Dingster executes the Doctor Bomb against Strigoi.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Dingster works the crowd.
Dingster is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Dingster executes the Liger Bomb against Strigoi.
Mike Uppet counts: One, kickout.
Dingster nails Strigoi with a Saito suplex.
Dingster whips Strigoi into the ropes.
Strigoi hits a lariat on Dingster.
Strigoi tags out to por_please_ya.
MWPP enters the ring and throws Strigoi out of the ring.
The crowd is really behind MWPP.
Dingster and MWPP whip por_please_ya into the ropes.
They attempt to hit por_please_ya with a double elbowsmash, but she counters
it with a duck-down move.
por_please_ya hits them with a double clothesline.
MWPP leaves the ring.
por_please_ya runs into the ropes.
por_please_ya misses with an elbow.
Dingster misses with a clothesline.
por_please_ya attempts a spinning headscissors, but Dingster throws her off.
Dingster performs a spinebuster bomb against por_please_ya.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Dingster executes the Liger Bomb against por_please_ya.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Dingster uses a spinebuster bomb on por_please_ya.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Dingster uses a sidewalk slam on por_please_ya.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Dingster tries a Saito suplex, but por_please_ya counters it with a go-behind.
In turn, Dingster counters it with an elbowsmash.
Dingster whips por_please_ya into the ropes.
por_please_ya hits Dingster with a clothesline.
por_please_ya executes a bulldog against Dingster.
por_please_ya nails Dingster with a jumping knee strike.
por_please_ya goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Dingster blocks it.
Dingster uses a superkick on por_please_ya.
Dingster chops por_please_ya.
Dingster punches por_please_ya.
Dingster is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
por_please_ya punches Dingster.
The crowd is behind por_please_ya all the way.
por_please_ya kicks Dingster.
The crowd erupts.
Dingster chops por_please_ya.
A fan at ringside badmouths Dingster.
Dingster punches por_please_ya.
Dingster nails por_please_ya with a backbreaker.
Dingster is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Dingster tags out to Test Tickle.
Test Tickle and Dingster hit por_please_ya with a double chop.
Dingster performs a dropkick against por_please_ya.
Test Tickle performs a Saito suplex against por_please_ya.
Test Tickle and Dingster whip por_please_ya into the ropes.
They attempt to hit por_please_ya with a double elbowsmash, but she counters
it with a duck-down move.
por_please_ya hits them with a double clothesline.
Dingster leaves the ring.
por_please_ya performs a bulldog against Test Tickle.
por_please_ya whips Test Tickle into the ropes, but Test Tickle reverses it.
por_please_ya performs a high knee against Test Tickle.
por_please_ya nails Test Tickle with a high knee.
por_please_ya goes for a double foot stomp, but Test Tickle
rolls out of the way.
Test Tickle hits a jumping DDT on por_please_ya.
Dingster enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Test Tickle and Dingster hit por_please_ya with a double Saito suplex.
Dingster leaves the ring.
Test Tickle hits a slap on por_please_ya.
Test Tickle attempts a slap, but por_please_ya blocks it.
por_please_ya executes a flying huracanrana against Test Tickle.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
por_please_ya hits a high knee on Test Tickle.
por_please_ya uses a high knee on Test Tickle.
por_please_ya nails Test Tickle with a release dragon suplex.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Strigoi enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Dingster enters the ring and lays out Strigoi.
Dingster leaves the ring.
Test Tickle performs an elbowsmash against por_please_ya.
Test Tickle tags out to Dingster.
Dingster and Test Tickle whip por_please_ya into the ropes.
They attempt to hit por_please_ya with a double backdrop, but she counters
it with a double headsmash.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
por_please_ya whips Dingster into the ropes, but Dingster reverses it.
por_please_ya hits Dingster with an elbow.
por_please_ya executes a jumping knee strike against Dingster.
por_please_ya performs a flying cross body press against Dingster.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
por_please_ya whips Mike Uppet into the ropes.
por_please_ya hits Mike Uppet with a bulldog.
Mike Uppet is out cold.
Mike Uppet shakes off the pain.
por_please_ya nails Dingster with a flying double foot stomp.
The crowd is giving por_please_ya a standing ovation.
por_please_ya attempts a release dragon suplex, but Dingster counters it with
a jawbreaker.
Dingster performs a lariat against por_please_ya.
Dingster hits an elbowsmash on por_please_ya.
Dingster runs into the ropes.
por_please_ya executes a dropkick against Dingster.
por_please_ya uses a jumping knee strike on Dingster.
por_please_ya covers Dingster.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Strigoi enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Test Tickle enters the ring and throws Strigoi out of the ring.
Dingster and Test Tickle whip por_please_ya into the ropes.
They hit por_please_ya with a double clothesline.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
Dingster tries a superkick, but por_please_ya ducks out of the way.
por_please_ya chops Dingster.
por_please_ya punches Dingster.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for por_please_ya.
Dingster chops por_please_ya.
Dingster hits a superkick on por_please_ya.
Dingster executes the Thor's Hammer on por_please_ya.
Dingster is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Dingster goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Dingster nails por_please_ya with a half nelson suplex.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Dingster tries a half nelson suplex, but por_please_ya counters it with
a go-behind.
In turn, Dingster counters it with a backward kick.
Dingster takes por_please_ya down with a DDT.
Dingster is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Dingster whips por_please_ya into the turnbuckle.
Dingster tries a running throwing Snake Eyes, but por_please_ya blocks it.
por_please_ya tags out to Strigoi.

Senor M and Millky95 come to ringside.
Senor M and Millky95 drag por_please_ya out of the ring.
Senor M executes the One Mister's Angel on por_please_ya onto the concrete floor.

Supersuns comes to ringside.
Supersuns nails a big boot on Millky95.
Senor M goes for a leg lariat, but Supersuns blocks it.
Supersuns executes the Monster Bomb on Senor M.

Chipmunk comes to ringside.
Chipmunk and Supersuns start brawling into the crowd.

Test Tickle enters the ring.
Test Tickle hits a dropkick on Strigoi.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Dingster attempts a Saito suplex, but Strigoi counters it with a go-behind.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
Strigoi executes a lung blower against Dingster.
The chants for Strigoi are deafening.
Strigoi hits an elbowdrop on Dingster.
Strigoi attempts the Tomikaze, but Dingster throws her off.
Dingster whips Strigoi into the ropes.
Dingster executes the Thor's Hammer on Strigoi.
Dingster goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three.
Dingster further incites the crowd.

The winners Dingster, MWPP and Test Tickle. Time of match: 0:11:24
Sim Rating: *** 3/4

What a way to cap off #Dingster500! Ding gets his hands on SFAEW gold for the first time!


Mrs Turbo defends her Hardcore Championship against King Tenz in a Ladder match! And also a friendly contest, I hope...​

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They lock up.
Mrs Turbo executes a pop-up Samoan Drop against King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo taunts the crowd.
The cheers for Mrs Turbo are drowning out the boos.
big_icky comes to ringside.
Mrs Turbo whips King Tenz into the ropes.
Mrs Turbo tries a bodyslam, but King Tenz counters it with a facerake.
King Tenz attempts a swinging neckbreaker, but Mrs Turbo counters it with a side suplex.
Mrs Turbo runs into the ropes.
Mrs Turbo hits King Tenz with a shoulderblock.
King Tenz begs off.
Mrs Turbo attempts a chokehold, but King Tenz counters it with a facerake.
King Tenz executes an elbowsmash against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz tries a choke against the ropes, but Mrs Turbo blocks it.
Mrs Turbo uses a kneelift on King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo tries a spinebuster slam, but King Tenz counters it with a kick to the head.
King Tenz works the crowd.
The cheers for King Tenz are drowning out the boos.
King Tenz performs a kick to the midsection against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz attempts a knee to the face, but Mrs Turbo steps out of the way.
Mrs Turbo tries a vertical suplex, but King Tenz reverses it.
King Tenz attempts a fireman's carry spinebuster, but Mrs Turbo slides down his back.
King Tenz begs off.
Mrs Turbo attempts a short clothesline, but King Tenz ducks out of the way.
King Tenz kicks Mrs Turbo.
The cheers for King Tenz are drowning out the boos.
King Tenz hits Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo kicks King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo punches King Tenz.
The cheers for Mrs Turbo are drowning out the boos.
King Tenz kicks Mrs Turbo.
The cheers for King Tenz are drowning out the boos.
King Tenz kicks Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz goes for a kick to the thigh, but Mrs Turbo blocks it.
Mrs Turbo goes for a slap, but King Tenz reverses it.
King Tenz tries to climb the ladder.
King Tenz is on his way up.
King Tenz is half-way up.
Mrs Turbo knocks him off the ladder.
Mrs Turbo tries a chokehold, but King Tenz counters it with a kick to the midsection.
King Tenz hits a forearm to the back on Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz goes for a backbreaker, but Mrs Turbo counters it with an elbowsmash.
big_icky throws King Tenz brass knuckles.
King Tenz hits big_icky with them and throws him out of the ring.
big_icky is out cold.
King Tenz whips Mrs Turbo into the ropes, but Mrs Turbo reverses it.
Mrs Turbo executes a hiptoss against King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo tries an elbowdrop, but King Tenz rolls out of the way.
King Tenz throws Mrs Turbo out of the ring.
King Tenz goes for a tope con hilo, but Mrs Turbo moves out of the way.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo hits a legsweep on King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo shoves King Tenz into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo tries a kick to the midsection, but King Tenz counters it with a legsweep.
King Tenz executes an elbowdrop against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz works the crowd.
The cheers for King Tenz are drowning out the boos.
King Tenz whips Mrs Turbo into the guardrail.
King Tenz throws Mrs Turbo into the guardrail.
King Tenz reenters the ring.
Mrs Turbo rolls back in under the bottom rope.
King Tenz executes a snap mare against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz whips Mrs Turbo into the ropes.
Mrs Turbo hits King Tenz with a shoulderblock.
Mrs Turbo hits a short clothesline on King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo taunts the crowd.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz begs off.
Mrs Turbo executes a kick to the midsection against King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo takes King Tenz down with a back suplex.
Mrs Turbo goes for a spinebuster slam, but King Tenz counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind King Tenz.
King Tenz performs a single arm DDT against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz tries to climb the ladder.
King Tenz is on his way up.
King Tenz is half-way up.
Mrs Turbo pulls him back down.
Mrs Turbo attempts a backbreaker, but King Tenz counters it with an elbowsmash.
King Tenz uses a fist to the midsection on Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz chops Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo punches King Tenz.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo kicks King Tenz.
King Tenz punches Mrs Turbo.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind King Tenz.
King Tenz tries a jab, but Mrs Turbo blocks it.
Mrs Turbo executes a snap mare against King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo runs into the ropes.
King Tenz performs a spinebuster slam against Mrs Turbo.
The boos are resurfacing again.
King Tenz executes a snap mare against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz executes a side kick to the midsection against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz tries to climb the ladder.
King Tenz is on his way up.
Mrs Turbo pulls him back down.
King Tenz goes for a Capoeira kick, but Mrs Turbo ducks out of the way.
King Tenz begs off.
Mrs Turbo attempts a chokehold, but King Tenz counters it with a facerake.
King Tenz whips Mrs Turbo into the ropes.
Mrs Turbo hits King Tenz with a kick.
Mrs Turbo tries to climb the ladder.
Mrs Turbo is on her way up.
King Tenz knocks over the ladder with a clothesline.
King Tenz whips Mrs Turbo into the ropes.
Mrs Turbo hits King Tenz with a clothesline.
King Tenz falls out of the ring.
Mrs Turbo rolls out under the bottom rope.
Mrs Turbo whips King Tenz into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo hits a back suplex on King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo executes a legsweep against King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo taunts the crowd.
The cheers for Mrs Turbo are drowning out the boos.
Mrs Turbo throws King Tenz into the ringsteps.
Mrs Turbo attempts a hiptoss, but King Tenz counters it with a backslide.
King Tenz runs Mrs Turbo into the ringsteps.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mrs Turbo knocks King Tenz into the ringpost.
Mrs Turbo throws King Tenz into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo whips King Tenz into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo performs a spinebuster slam against King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo clears the announcers' table.
Mrs Turbo knocks King Tenz into the ringsteps.
Mrs Turbo throws King Tenz into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo performs a kick to the midsection against King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo sets up King Tenz on the announcers' table.
Mrs Turbo executes the Ophidian-5 through the table.
The table is broken in half.
The cheers for Mrs Turbo are drowning out the boos.
Mrs Turbo whips King Tenz into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo whips King Tenz into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo clears the announcers' table.
Mrs Turbo sets up King Tenz on the announcers' table.
Mrs Turbo tries to drive King Tenz through the table with the Ophidian-5 but he blocks it.
King Tenz throws Mrs Turbo back into the ring.
King Tenz executes the Rolling Stunner on Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz sets the ladder back up.
King Tenz tries to climb the ladder.
King Tenz is on his way up.
King Tenz is half-way up.
King Tenz is almost on top of the ladder.
King Tenz is in grabbing distance.
The ladder breaks under him.
King Tenz falls off the ladder, and gets caught in the ropes.
King Tenz flails against the ropes.
Mrs Turbo gets back to her feet.
Mrs Turbo rolls out of the ring.
Mrs Turbo retrieves a second ladder from under the ring.
Mrs Turbo throws the ladder into the ring.
Mrs Turbo climbs back into the ring.
King Tenz is still stuck in the ropes.
Mrs Turbo sets the ladder up.
Mrs Turbo tries to climb the ladder.
Mrs Turbo is on her way up.
Mrs Turbo is half-way up.
Mrs Turbo is almost on top of the ladder.
Mrs Turbo is in grabbing distance.
Mrs Turbo has retrieved the title belt.

The winner is Mrs Turbo. Time of match: 0:12:21
Sim Rating: *** 1/2

King Tenz frees himself from the ropes.

King Tenz rips off a turnbuckle in frustration.

King Tenz angrily throws the broken ladder out of the ring.

King Tenz clasps his head in frustration.

Mrs Turbo offers him a handshake.

King Tenz pauses...


...King Tenz shakes Mrs Turbo's hand.

King Tenz storms to the back.

And STILL SFAEW Hardcore Champion...Mrs Turbo! Looks like the Bar Room Brawl Invitational stlil has some petrol in the tank!
They lock up.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a kick.
PhenomenalV1 covers JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
PhenomenalV1 attempts a headbutt, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a swinging cutter on PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails PhenomenalV1 with a power bomb.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs the Michinoku Driver against PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a headbutt, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a shoulderblock.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a shoulderblock.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a kick.
PhenomenalV1 locks JoshWoodenSpoon in a figure-four leglock.
JoshWoodenSpoon is struggling to reach the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon makes it to the ropes after 10 seconds.
PhenomenalV1 whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon misses with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a flying shoulderblock against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a side suplex against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a snap suplex, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a vertical suplex.
In turn, JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a spinebuster slam on PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts the STF, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a spinning headlock elbowdrop.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 hits a headlock takedown on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is giving PhenomenalV1 a standing ovation.
PhenomenalV1 punches JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 kicks JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 performs a lariat against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 executes a fistdrop against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails PhenomenalV1 with a side suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a vertical suplex on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 takes JoshWoodenSpoon down with a swinging DDT.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a lariat, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a spinning backbreaker.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts to place PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the turnbuckle, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 tries a diving elbowdrop, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with an intercept superkick.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a diving overhead legdrop on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes PhenomenalV1 down with a powerslam.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a headbutt against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an elbowsmash.
PhenomenalV1 hits a swinging neckbreaker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a lariat.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a spinning headlock elbowdrop, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a kick to the head on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon kicks PhenomenalV1.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 chops JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is giving PhenomenalV1 a standing ovation.
JoshWoodenSpoon chops PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon punches PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a hiptoss against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 uses a kick to the midsection on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 punches JoshWoodenSpoon.
JoshWoodenSpoon punches PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for JoshWoodenSpoon.
JoshWoodenSpoon punches PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits a kick to the midsection on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 gives the sign for the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a lariat, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a crucifix.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PhenomenalV1 whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a kick.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a shoulderblock.
PhenomenalV1 hits the Liger Bomb on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PhenomenalV1 attempts the Splash Mountain, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a backdrop.
JoshWoodenSpoon is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes PhenomenalV1 down with a bodyslam.
JoshWoodenSpoon is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits an electric chair facebuster on PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 uses a tilt-a-whirl suplex on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 catches JoshWoodenSpoon in a figure-four leglock.
JoshWoodenSpoon inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
PhenomenalV1 uses a bodyslam on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 tries a reverse neckbreaker, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a backward kick.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a bodyslam against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a side suplex against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits an inverted suplex on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a high speed sunset flip, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 punches JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon punches PhenomenalV1.
The crowd erupts.
JoshWoodenSpoon punches PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon sets up PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a superplex on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 executes a hiptoss against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place JoshWoodenSpoon on the turnbuckle, but
JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 executes a facebite against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 sends JoshWoodenSpoon into the turnbuckle, but JoshWoodenSpoon reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 comes back, but is met with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a powerslam against PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon falls out of the ring.
Blacky counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, JoshWoodenSpoon reenters the ring.
PhenomenalV1 hits a fistdrop on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 does the "DELETE" arm swipe.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 takes JoshWoodenSpoon down with a bodyslam.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits PhenomenalV1 with a backdrop.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a monkey flip against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a kick.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 performs the Liger Bomb against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 does the "DELETE" arm swipe.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 performs an elbowsmash against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 executes a Russian legsweep against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 executes a side slam against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 uses an enzuigiri on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 performs a bodyslam against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 suddenly slides out of the ring.
He retrieves the ring bell.
PhenomenalV1 performs a facebite against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the ring bell.
Blacky throws the ring bell out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 uses a legdrop on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 uses an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 hits a front slam on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 covers JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
PhenomenalV1 uses a bodyslam on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 performs an enzuigiri against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a high speed sunset flip against PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon chops PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a Blue Thunder Bomb against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a fistdrop on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a kick to the head on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a powerslam against PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Blacky into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Blacky with a powerslam.
Blacky is out cold.
Blacky crawls over to the ropes and uses them to get up.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a bulldog on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a high speed sunset flip on PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a diving overhead legdrop on PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for JoshWoodenSpoon.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a swinging cutter, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a forearm smash.
PhenomenalV1 executes a hiptoss against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon misses with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a high speed sunset flip, but PhenomenalV1 sits down on him, cradling his legs.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
PhenomenalV1 tries a swinging DDT, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a backbreaker.
The crowd is giving JoshWoodenSpoon a standing ovation.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a bulldog against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a bodyslam, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an elbowsmash.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
PhenomenalV1 uses the Splash Mountain on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place JoshWoodenSpoon on the turnbuckle, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 hits an elbowsmash on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 tries a headlock takedown, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a back suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a Frankensteiner on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes an inverted suplex against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a dropkick on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes PhenomenalV1 down with a side suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon gets a cross-face submission on PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 is valiantly trying to break the hold.
PhenomenalV1 makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 15 seconds.
JoshWoodenSpoon places PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a superplex against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon throws PhenomenalV1 out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 hangs on to the top rope for dear life.
JoshWoodenSpoon sees PhenomenalV1 hanging on and knees PhenomenalV1 in the back.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a flying cross body press, but PhenomenalV1 moves out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 is handed a fire extinguisher.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the fire extinguisher.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 shoves JoshWoodenSpoon into the guardrail.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the fire extinguisher.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with a fire extinguisher.
PhenomenalV1 climbs to the top turnbuckle, but JoshWoodenSpoon nails him in the stomach.
PhenomenalV1 falls onto the top turnbuckle.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
JoshWoodenSpoon throws PhenomenalV1 back into the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a superplex on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon covers PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a flying cross body press against PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for the STF, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a side slam, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon throws PhenomenalV1 out of the ring.
Blacky counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, PhenomenalV1 reenters the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon chops PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
JoshWoodenSpoon chops PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 hits JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 throws JoshWoodenSpoon out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 goes through the ropes.
Blacky counts: 1.
PhenomenalV1 whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the guardrail.
PhenomenalV1 tries a headbutt, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the guardrail.
JoshWoodenSpoon throws PhenomenalV1 back into the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon gives the sign for the Good Blend.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on PhenomenalV1.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 nails JoshWoodenSpoon with the La-Li-Lu-Le-Low Blow.
The crowd is going crazy.
He goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a side slam, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with an elbowsmash.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.

One Minute Remains.

PhenomenalV1 takes JoshWoodenSpoon down with a swinging DDT.
The crowd is going crazy.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, three.

The winner is PhenomenalV1. Time of match: 0:19:12
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

PhenomenalV1 rolls out of the ring.

Gralin comes to ringside.

Gralin helps PhenomenalV1 back up the ramp.

Suddenly, a voice rings out over the PA system...

Mystery Voice: PhenomenalV1...



okeydoke7 emerges from the crowd, microphone in hand.

OKD7: Let me get this straight, you've been too busy fighting in a season-long tournament, that you forgot to book the biggest face in Sweet...


The crowd are cheering wildly for okeydoke7.

OKD7: I know you're not busy next week, so why don't we get into the ring and have a little chat about putting me back into the championship chase? If I were you, I know I'd be saying...


PhenomenalV1 shakes his head and heads backstage.

Blue League Standings
They lock up.
Braklet uses a reverse neckbreaker on Loonerty.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Braklet tries a Russian legsweep, but Loonerty counters it with an elbowsmash.
Loonerty hits a snap suplex on Braklet.
Loonerty hits a Northern Lights suplex on Braklet.
Loonerty goes for a sleeperhold, but Braklet counters it with a back suplex.
In turn, Loonerty counters it with a go-behind.
Loonerty puts Braklet in a double chicken wing submission.
Braklet is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Braklet gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 9 seconds.
Loonerty executes a backbreaker against Braklet.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Braklet executes a bulldog against Loonerty.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Braklet performs a fistdrop against Loonerty.
Braklet works the crowd.
Braklet goes for a snap mare, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Braklet counters it with a small package.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
Braklet hits a leg lariat on Loonerty.
Braklet works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Braklet performs a dropkick against Loonerty.
Braklet uses a knee to the back on Loonerty.
Braklet uses a back suplex on Loonerty.
Braklet goes for a leg lariat, but Loonerty ducks out of the way.
Braklet begs off.
Loonerty executes a monkey flip against Braklet.
Loonerty whips Braklet into the ropes, but Braklet reverses it.
Braklet hits Loonerty with a backdrop.
Loonerty falls out of the ring.
Braklet jumps onto him with a baseball slide.
Braklet shoves Loonerty into the guardrail.
Braklet throws Loonerty into the ringpost.
Numerous fans are using Braklet as target practice.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the guardrail.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the guardrail.
Braklet tries a Gory lock faceslam, but Loonerty counters it with a backslide.
Loonerty attempts a German suplex, but Braklet counters it with a backward kick.
Braklet gets back into the ring.
Loonerty rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Braklet uses a vertical suplex on Loonerty.
Braklet executes a back suplex against Loonerty.
Numerous fans are using Braklet as target practice.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the ropes.
Loonerty executes a flying clothesline against Braklet.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty goes for an elbowdrop, but Braklet rolls out of the way.
Braklet uses a dropkick on Loonerty.
Braklet nails Loonerty with a Gory lock faceslam.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Braklet executes a forearm to the back against Loonerty.
Braklet executes an enzuigiri against Loonerty.
Braklet takes Loonerty down with a DDT.
Braklet hits a knee to the back on Loonerty.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
Loonerty hits Braklet with a shoulderblock.
Loonerty performs a bulldog against Braklet.
Loonerty tries a flying clothesline, but Braklet steps out of the way.
Braklet hits a headbutt on Loonerty.
Braklet executes a fistdrop against Loonerty.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Braklet attempts a bulldog, but Loonerty throws him off.
Braklet begs off.
Loonerty whips Braklet into the ropes, but Braklet reverses it.
Braklet performs a bodyslam against Loonerty.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the ropes.
Loonerty hits Braklet with an elbow.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty uses a flying clothesline on Braklet.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Loonerty tries a chokehold, but Braklet counters it with a kick to the midsection.
Braklet hits a jawbreaker on Loonerty.
Braklet executes a snap mare against Loonerty.
Braklet uses a headbutt on Loonerty.
Braklet takes Loonerty down with a back suplex.
Braklet tries a vertical suplex, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty chops Braklet.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Loonerty kicks Braklet.
Loonerty hits a dragon suplex on Braklet.
Loonerty hits a dropkick on Braklet.
Loonerty uses a European uppercut on Braklet.
Loonerty attempts a DDT, but Braklet counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Loonerty counters it with a sunset flip.
Braklet begs off.
Loonerty performs a dropkick against Braklet.
Loonerty attempts a back suplex, but Braklet flips over.
Braklet performs a dropkick against Loonerty.
Braklet goes for a flapjack, but Loonerty counters it with a Thesz press.
Loonerty takes Braklet down with a snap suplex.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Braklet begs off.
Loonerty whips Braklet into the ropes, but Braklet reverses it.
Loonerty hits Braklet with an elbow.
Loonerty performs a snap suplex against Braklet.
Loonerty uses an elbowdrop on Braklet.
Loonerty locks Braklet in an inverted scorpion deathlock.
Braklet tries to escape the hold.
Braklet grabs the ropes after holding out for 15 seconds.
Loonerty puts Braklet in a chokehold.
Braklet makes it to the ropes after 13 seconds.
Braklet begs off.
Loonerty gets an armbar submission on Braklet.
Mike Uppet asks Braklet if he's had enough.
Braklet shakes his head.
Braklet inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 21 seconds.
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on Braklet.
Mike Uppet tells Braklet to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Braklet nods.
Mike Uppet asks Braklet if he's still there.
Braklet nods.
Braklet is writhing in pain.
Mike Uppet checks Braklet's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Braklet fights his way out of the hold after 26 seconds.
Braklet hits Loonerty.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Braklet chops Loonerty.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
Loonerty misses with a shoulderblock.
Loonerty hits Braklet with a kick.
Loonerty performs an atomic drop against Braklet.
Loonerty hits a Northern Lights suplex on Braklet.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty goes for a flying bulldog, but Braklet steps out of the way.
Braklet runs into the ropes.
Loonerty attempts a hiptoss, but Braklet counters it with a lariat.
Braklet attempts a swinging neckbreaker, but Loonerty counters it with a side suplex.
Loonerty nails Braklet with a dragon suplex.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Loonerty takes Braklet down with a vertical suplex.
Loonerty performs a back suplex against Braklet.
Braklet begs off.
Loonerty locks Braklet in a sleeperhold.
Braklet tries to escape the hold.
Braklet inches his way towards the ropes after being trapped for 22 seconds.
Loonerty uses a single-leg takedown on Braklet.
Loonerty attempts a facerake, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet executes a headbutt against Loonerty.
Braklet attempts a dropkick, but Loonerty steps out of the way.
Loonerty tries a snap suplex, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet tries a swinging neckbreaker, but Loonerty counters it with a side suplex.
Loonerty executes a dropkick against Braklet.
Loonerty puts Braklet in an inverted scorpion deathlock.
Braklet is struggling to reach the ropes.
Braklet inches his way towards the ropes after being locked up for 7 seconds.
Braklet begs off.
Loonerty attempts a Discus lariat, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet runs into the ropes.
Loonerty hits Braklet with a clothesline.
Loonerty gets a headscissors submission on Braklet.
Braklet is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Braklet tries to escape the hold.
Braklet is writhing in pain.
Braklet makes it to the ropes after 31 seconds.
Braklet begs off.
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on Braklet.
Braklet is struggling to reach the ropes.
Braklet grabs the ropes after holding out for 14 seconds.
Loonerty goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet runs into the ropes.
Loonerty performs a bulldog against Braklet.
Loonerty attempts a flying clothesline, but Braklet steps out of the way.
Braklet performs a fist to the midsection against Loonerty.
Braklet executes the Squid Clutch on Loonerty.
Loonerty is struggling to reach the ropes.
Loonerty is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Loonerty tries to escape the hold.
Loonerty summons one last burst of energy.
Mike Uppet checks Loonerty's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
Mike Uppet calls for the bell after 31 seconds.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Braklet wins the first fall. Time of fall: 0:17:49

Loonerty: 0 - 1 :Braklet
Loonerty hits the Michinoku Driver on Braklet.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty tries a surfboard, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet hits a headbutt on Loonerty.
Braklet tries a Gory lock faceslam, but Loonerty counters it with a backslide.
Loonerty attempts an inverted atomic drop, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet attempts a swinging neckbreaker, but Loonerty counters it with a side suplex.
Loonerty uses a facerake on Braklet.
Loonerty performs a facerake against Braklet.
Loonerty hits an elbowdrop on Braklet.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty misses with a clothesline.
Loonerty misses with a shoulderblock.
Braklet takes Loonerty down with an armdrag takedown.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
Loonerty hits Braklet with an elbow.
Loonerty whips Braklet into the ropes, but Braklet reverses it.
Braklet misses with a clothesline.
Loonerty executes a flying clothesline against Braklet.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Loonerty attempts a European uppercut, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet hits a forearm to the back on Loonerty.
Braklet uses a fist to the midsection on Loonerty.
Braklet runs into the ropes.
Loonerty goes for a Discus lariat, but Braklet counters it with a hiptoss.
Braklet hits a reverse neckbreaker on Loonerty.
The crowd is vociferously booing Braklet.
Braklet tries a leg lariat, but Loonerty ducks out of the way.
Loonerty gets an octopus hold on Braklet.
Mike Uppet checks Braklet's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Braklet fights his way out of the hold after 16 seconds.
Braklet punches Loonerty.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Loonerty hits Braklet.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Braklet chops Loonerty.
Braklet kicks Loonerty.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Braklet goes for a vertical suplex, but Loonerty counters it with a small package.
Loonerty hits a flying clothesline on Braklet.
Loonerty catches Braklet in a double armbar submission.
Braklet is struggling to reach the ropes.
Braklet is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Braklet tries to escape the hold.
Braklet is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Braklet tries to escape the hold.
Braklet summons one last burst of energy.
Mike Uppet checks Braklet's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
Mike Uppet calls for the bell after 40 seconds.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Loonerty win this fall. Time of fall: 0:22:15

Loonerty: 1 - 1 :Braklet

Braklet attempts a Gory lock faceslam, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty tries a tiger suplex, but Braklet counters it with a backward kick.
Braklet kicks Loonerty.
Braklet is being booed out of the building.
Braklet hits Loonerty.
Braklet chops Loonerty.
Braklet executes a chop against Loonerty.
Braklet hits Loonerty.
Loonerty hits Braklet.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Loonerty.
Braklet kicks Loonerty.
The crowd is vociferously booing Braklet.
Braklet kicks Loonerty.
Braklet goes for a vertical suplex, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty hits Braklet.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty hits Braklet.
Braklet punches Loonerty.
Braklet chops Loonerty.
Braklet runs into the ropes.
Loonerty executes a dropkick against Braklet.
Loonerty puts Braklet in a straight jacket triangle choke.
Braklet is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Braklet is inching his way towards the ropes.
Braklet summons one last burst of energy.
Mike Uppet asks Braklet if he's still there.
Braklet doesn't respond.
Mike Uppet calls for the bell after 30 seconds.
The crowd erupts.

Loonerty wins this fall. Time of fall: 0:23:49

Loonerty: 2 - 1 :Braklet

Loonerty attacks Braklet before he can get back up.
Loonerty places Braklet on the turnbuckle.
Loonerty hits a superplex on Braklet.
Loonerty sends Braklet into the turnbuckle, but Braklet reverses it.
Braklet runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Braklet executes the Squid Clutch on Loonerty.
Loonerty is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Loonerty is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Loonerty is struggling to reach the ropes.
Loonerty tries to fight the pain.
Loonerty submits after 24 seconds.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Braklet wins this fall. Time of fall: 0:24:31

Loonerty: 2 - 2 :Braklet
They lock up.
Loonerty uses a European uppercut on Braklet.
Loonerty attempts an octopus hold, but Braklet counters it with an elbowsmash.
Braklet executes a leg lariat against Loonerty.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
Braklet misses with a kick.
Loonerty locks Braklet in an armbar submission.
Braklet makes it to the ropes after holding out for 6 seconds.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty hits Braklet with an elbow.
Loonerty locks Braklet in an octopus hold.
Braklet is inching his way towards the ropes.
Braklet tries to escape the hold.
Braklet gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 41 seconds.
Loonerty hits Braklet.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Loonerty.
Loonerty punches Braklet.
Loonerty whips Braklet into the ropes.
Loonerty hits Braklet with a backdrop.
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on Braklet.
Braklet breaks the hold after 10 seconds.
Braklet hits a hiptoss on Loonerty.
Braklet executes a kneedrop against Loonerty.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Braklet executes a bulldog against Loonerty.
Braklet goes for a fistdrop, but Loonerty moves out of the way.
Loonerty executes a flying clothesline against Braklet.
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on Braklet.
Braklet tries to escape the hold.
Braklet is struggling to reach the ropes.
Braklet tries to fight the pain.
Braklet submits after 17 seconds.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Loonerty.

Loonerty wins this fall. Time of fall: 0:28:02

Loonerty: 3 - 2 :Braklet

Loonerty attempts a vertical suplex, but Braklet counters it with a small package.
Braklet attempts a DDT, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty goes for a flying clothesline but Braklet pulls Mike Uppet in the way!
Braklet hits Loonerty.
Braklet chops Loonerty.
Braklet chops Loonerty.
Braklet is being booed out of the building.
Loonerty hits Braklet.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Braklet chops Loonerty.
The crowd is vociferously booing Braklet.
Braklet whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
Loonerty hits Braklet with a clothesline.
Braklet falls out of the ring.
Loonerty rolls out under the bottom rope.
Loonerty shoves Braklet into the guardrail.
Loonerty uses an armdrag takedown on Braklet.
Loonerty reenters the ring.
Braklet climbs back into the ring.
Loonerty attempts a headbutt, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet hits an enzuigiri on Loonerty.
Braklet hits a fist to the midsection on Loonerty.
Braklet sends Loonerty into the turnbuckle, but Loonerty reverses it.
Braklet comes back, but is met with a clothesline.
Loonerty tries a facerake, but Braklet blocks it.
Mike Uppet is back on the job.
Braklet executes the Squid Clutch on Loonerty.
Loonerty is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Loonerty is inching his way towards the ropes.
Mike Uppet asks Loonerty if he's still there.
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.

Final Score:

Loonerty: 3 - 2 :Braklet

The winner is Loonerty. Time of match: 0:30:00
Sim Rating: **** 3/4

Loonerty and Braklet shake hands.

Loonerty and Braklet give each other approving nods.

Braklet heads back up the ramp.

Loonerty is handed a microphone.

L: Do you know what I find ridiculous about all this?

Braklet and I just had one of the most technically proficient matches that the Intercity Championship has ever had...

...We just put our bodies on the line for a solid 30 minutes in one of the most prestigious and difficult stipulations a wrestling match can have...

...but for some unspecific, god-knows-why reason, we weren't in the main event.

I'm sorry, but isn't the Intercity Championship meant to be the second-most prestigious title in the company?

Hasn't this championship belt been defended in the main event of multiple shows?

Give me one good reason why our match shouldn't have closed out this show. Give me one!

However...this is only just one week. The future of this title is much brighter as long as I'm holding it.

You see, SweetaMania is a two night show this season. One of those nights will almost certainly close with a World Title match. That leaves a blank slate for the main event of the other night.

I promise you this: whether I'm defending it or winning it back, I WILL fight for this championship in that second SweetaMania main event spot!

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And in your main event of the Blue League:


It's Tigerturbulance vs serial_thrilla to close out the Blue League!

To Make Super Sixes

Has already qualified.

serial_thrilla Must: Win, or he's out.​
They lock up.
serial_thrilla performs a drop-down uppercut against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance and serial_thrilla get hit with a double clothesline.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla.
The crowd is vociferously booing TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance chops serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance nails serial_thrilla with a lariat.
TigerTurbulance nails serial_thrilla with a series of mounted punches.
TigerTurbulance performs a German suplex against serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
TigerTurbulance hits a kneelift on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance punches serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla kicks TigerTurbulance.
The chants for serial_thrilla are deafening.
serial_thrilla kicks TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla punches TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla gives him a bodyslam, but TigerTurbulance doesn't sell it.
TigerTurbulance uses a vertical suplex on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance launches serial_thrilla across the ring with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance is being booed out of the building.
TigerTurbulance takes serial_thrilla down with a swinging vertical suplex.
TigerTurbulance executes a lariat against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance performs a release German suplex against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance hits a release German suplex on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for a vertical suplex, but serial_thrilla counters it with a small package.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
serial_thrilla complains about a slow count.
serial_thrilla performs a draping DDT against TigerTurbulance.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla performs a flying forearm against TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
serial_thrilla tries a drop-down uppercut, but TigerTurbulance ducks out of the way.
TigerTurbulance uses an Exploder suplex into the turnbuckles on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance performs a mounted punch against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance takes serial_thrilla down with a release German suplex.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance attempts a release German suplex, but serial_thrilla counters it with an elbowsmash.
serial_thrilla takes TigerTurbulance down with a DDT.
serial_thrilla whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with an elbow.
TigerTurbulance executes a vertical suplex into the turnbuckles against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for a release German suplex, but serial_thrilla counters it with a go-behind.
TigerTurbulance re-reverses it.
TigerTurbulance executes a release German suplex against serial_thrilla.
The crowd is vociferously booing TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance whips serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle.
TigerTurbulance goes for a knee strike, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla gives him a DDT, but TigerTurbulance ignores it.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
serial_thrilla punches TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla chops TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla throws TigerTurbulance out of the ring.
Richard Head counts: one, two, three, four, five, TigerTurbulance reenters the ring.
serial_thrilla uses a dropkick on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla goes for a superkick, but TigerTurbulance ducks out of the way.
TigerTurbulance nails serial_thrilla with a belly-to-belly suplex.
TigerTurbulance throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
serial_thrilla hangs on to the top rope.
TigerTurbulance notices serial_thrilla hanging on and breaks serial_thrilla's grip.
TigerTurbulance goes for a sunset flip power bomb, but serial_thrilla moves out of the way.
Richard Head counts: 1.
Richard Head counts: 2.
serial_thrilla clears the announcers' table.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
TigerTurbulance uses a pumphandle suplex on serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: 3.
TigerTurbulance knocks serial_thrilla into the ringsteps.
Richard Head counts: 4.
TigerTurbulance knocks serial_thrilla into the ringpost.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
TigerTurbulance sets up serial_thrilla on the announcers' table.
TigerTurbulance tries to drive serial_thrilla through the table with the Ophidian-5 but he blocks it.
serial_thrilla sets up TigerTurbulance on the announcers' table.
serial_thrilla tries to drive TigerTurbulance through the table with a side slam, but he blocks it.
TigerTurbulance throws serial_thrilla into the guardrail.
TigerTurbulance performs an overhead belly-to-belly suplex against serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: 5.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Richard Head counts: 6.
TigerTurbulance shoves serial_thrilla into the guardrail.
TigerTurbulance uses a release German suplex on serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: 7.
TigerTurbulance executes a knee strike against serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: 8.
serial_thrilla sets up TigerTurbulance on the announcers' table.
serial_thrilla tries to drive TigerTurbulance through the table with a DDT, but he blocks it.
Richard Head counts: 9.
TigerTurbulance executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance reenters the ring.
serial_thrilla rolls back in under the bottom rope.
TigerTurbulance nails serial_thrilla with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
TigerTurbulance hits an inverted Exploder suplex on serial_thrilla.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
TigerTurbulance executes an Aztecan suplex against serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
TigerTurbulance performs the Ocean Cyclone Suplex against serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
TigerTurbulance nails serial_thrilla with a fireman's carry into a swinging side suplex.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
TigerTurbulance puts serial_thrilla in a guillotine choke.
Richard Head checks serial_thrilla's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
serial_thrilla fights his way out of the hold after 18 seconds.
serial_thrilla uses a dropkick on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla attempts a bodyslam, but TigerTurbulance counters it with an elbowsmash.
TigerTurbulance hits a front-layout suplex on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance attempts a mounted punch, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla attempts a bodyslam, but TigerTurbulance blocks it.
TigerTurbulance throws serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle.
TigerTurbulance charges into the corner.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with a kick.
TigerTurbulance executes a German suplex against serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
TigerTurbulance nails serial_thrilla with a release German suplex.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance uses a forearm to the back on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance whips serial_thrilla into the ropes.
serial_thrilla attempts a flying forearm, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
TigerTurbulance goes for a release German suplex, but serial_thrilla counters it with a backward kick.
serial_thrilla hits a low blow on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla attempts a springboard roundhouse kick, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
TigerTurbulance throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
serial_thrilla hangs on to the top rope.
serial_thrilla slides back in under the bottom rope.
serial_thrilla executes a superkick against TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
serial_thrilla misses with a clothesline.
serial_thrilla performs a hiptoss against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla gives him an open-handed chop, but TigerTurbulance only stares at him.
serial_thrilla executes a kneelift against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla hits a springboard dropkick on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla hits a bodyslam on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
serial_thrilla throws Richard Head over the top rope.
Richard Head is out cold.
Richard Head crawls back into the ring.
Richard Head is back on the job.
serial_thrilla whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits a bodyslam on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla executes a bodyslam against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla gives him a springboard dropkick, but TigerTurbulance shows no reaction.
TigerTurbulance tries a guillotine choke, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla gives him a moonsault bodyblock, but TigerTurbulance only stares at him.
serial_thrilla gives him a superkick, but TigerTurbulance shows no reaction.
TigerTurbulance tries a vertical suplex, but serial_thrilla slides down his back.
serial_thrilla tries an inside cradle, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a triangle choke.
serial_thrilla makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
TigerTurbulance is being booed out of the building.
TigerTurbulance launches serial_thrilla across the ring with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance performs a forearm to the back against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance executes a forearm to the back against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with an elbow.
TigerTurbulance performs a knee strike against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance catches serial_thrilla in an armlock hammerlock submission.
serial_thrilla is struggling to reach the ropes.
serial_thrilla grabs the ropes after holding out for 7 seconds.
TigerTurbulance uses a release German suplex on serial_thrilla.
The crowd is vociferously booing TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance attempts a guillotine choke, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla uses a Flatliner on TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
serial_thrilla gives him an open-handed chop, but TigerTurbulance shows no reaction.
serial_thrilla executes a Flatliner against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla uses a hiptoss on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla uses a springboard roundhouse kick on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with a backdrop.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
TigerTurbulance attempts an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla punches TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla kicks TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla tries a springboard dropkick, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla misses with an elbow.
TigerTurbulance misses with a clothesline.
TigerTurbulance uses a lariat on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance launches serial_thrilla across the ring with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
TigerTurbulance performs a vertical suplex against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla executes a superkick against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla takes TigerTurbulance down with a DDT.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla gives him an open-handed chop, but TigerTurbulance doesn't sell it.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with an elbow.
TigerTurbulance uses a vertical suplex on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance executes a lariat against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance whips serial_thrilla into the ropes, but serial_thrilla reverses it.
TigerTurbulance misses with an elbow.
serial_thrilla tries a powerslam, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a lariat.
TigerTurbulance launches serial_thrilla across the ring with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance is being booed out of the building.
TigerTurbulance goes for a vertical suplex, but serial_thrilla counters it with a small package.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla throws TigerTurbulance out of the ring.
Richard Head counts: one, two, three, four, TigerTurbulance reenters the ring.
serial_thrilla gives him a DDT, but TigerTurbulance only stares at him.
TigerTurbulance whips serial_thrilla into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits TigerTurbulance with a shoulderblock.
serial_thrilla executes a springboard roundhouse kick against TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
serial_thrilla executes a flying dropkick against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla attempts a hiptoss, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a choke sleeper.
serial_thrilla grabs the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
TigerTurbulance locks serial_thrilla in a guillotine choke.
serial_thrilla is struggling to reach the ropes.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
TigerTurbulance lets go after 19 seconds.
TigerTurbulance punches serial_thrilla.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
serial_thrilla punches TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla executes a spear against TigerTurbulance.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
serial_thrilla gives him a DDT, but TigerTurbulance doesn't budge.
serial_thrilla performs an open-handed chop against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla hits TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla punches TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla hits TigerTurbulance with a shoulderblock.
serial_thrilla is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits TigerTurbulance with a kick.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with a clothesline.

One Minute Remains.

TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla misses with a clothesline.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with a clothesline.
TigerTurbulance uses a forearm to the back on serial_thrilla.

Thirty Seconds Remain.

TigerTurbulance takes serial_thrilla down with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance goes for an armlock hammerlock submission, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla chops TigerTurbulance.

Ten Seconds Remain.

serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, three.

The winner is serial_thrilla. Time of match: 0:19:59
Sim Rating: **** 1/2

serial_thrilla pulls himself back up with the ring ropes.

serial_thrilla exhaustedly climbs onto the second turnbuckle.

serial_thrilla celebrates with the crowd.

In the nWo locker room, The Filth Wizard watches the celebration on a TV.

The Filth Wizard is holding his SFAEW World Tag Team Championship belt in one hand, and his sledgehammer in the other.

pantskyle and brahj flank him.

The Filth Wizard has an unreadable expression on his face.

TFW: Pants...since he pinned me, I believe that Thrilla and I owe James Colorado a Tag Team title shot.

And you know what? Since I'm such a kind man, we'll give it to him next week...

The Filth Wizard continues to watch serial_thrilla celebrate in the ring.

His expression is still unreadable.

Final Blue League Standings

Advancing to Super Sixes: Tigerturbulance, PhenomenalV1, serial_thrilla.

See you next week for the Green League Finals!
I like the unreadable expression. It doesn't show the joy I hold that thrilla made it through. I believed he could and I believed he would, without my help.
serial_thrilla uses a dropkick on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla attempts a bodyslam, but TigerTurbulance counters it with an elbowsmash.
TigerTurbulance hits a front-layout suplex on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance attempts a mounted punch, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla attempts a bodyslam, but TigerTurbulance blocks it.
TigerTurbulance throws serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle.
TigerTurbulance charges into the corner.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with a kick.
TigerTurbulance executes a German suplex against serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
TigerTurbulance nails serial_thrilla with a release German suplex.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance uses a forearm to the back on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance whips serial_thrilla into the ropes.
serial_thrilla attempts a flying forearm, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
TigerTurbulance goes for a release German suplex, but serial_thrilla counters it with a backward kick.
serial_thrilla hits a low blow on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla attempts a springboard roundhouse kick, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
TigerTurbulance throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
serial_thrilla hangs on to the top rope.
serial_thrilla slides back in under the bottom rope.
serial_thrilla executes a superkick against TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
serial_thrilla misses with a clothesline.
serial_thrilla performs a hiptoss against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla gives him an open-handed chop, but TigerTurbulance only stares at him.
serial_thrilla executes a kneelift against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla hits a springboard dropkick on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla hits a bodyslam on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
serial_thrilla throws Richard Head over the top rope.
Richard Head is out cold.
Richard Head crawls back into the ring.
Richard Head is back on the job.
serial_thrilla whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits a bodyslam on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla executes a bodyslam against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla gives him a springboard dropkick, but TigerTurbulance shows no reaction.
TigerTurbulance tries a guillotine choke, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla gives him a moonsault bodyblock, but TigerTurbulance only stares at him.
serial_thrilla gives him a superkick, but TigerTurbulance shows no reaction.
TigerTurbulance tries a vertical suplex, but serial_thrilla slides down his back.
serial_thrilla tries an inside cradle, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a triangle choke.
serial_thrilla makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
TigerTurbulance is being booed out of the building.
TigerTurbulance launches serial_thrilla across the ring with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance performs a forearm to the back against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance executes a forearm to the back against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with an elbow.
TigerTurbulance performs a knee strike against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance catches serial_thrilla in an armlock hammerlock submission.
serial_thrilla is struggling to reach the ropes.
serial_thrilla grabs the ropes after holding out for 7 seconds.
TigerTurbulance uses a release German suplex on serial_thrilla.
The crowd is vociferously booing TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance attempts a guillotine choke, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla uses a Flatliner on TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
serial_thrilla gives him an open-handed chop, but TigerTurbulance shows no reaction.
serial_thrilla executes a Flatliner against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla uses a hiptoss on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla uses a springboard roundhouse kick on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with a backdrop.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
TigerTurbulance attempts an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla punches TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla kicks TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla tries a springboard dropkick, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla misses with an elbow.
TigerTurbulance misses with a clothesline.
TigerTurbulance uses a lariat on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance launches serial_thrilla across the ring with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
TigerTurbulance performs a vertical suplex against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla executes a superkick against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla takes TigerTurbulance down with a DDT.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla gives him an open-handed chop, but TigerTurbulance doesn't sell it.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with an elbow.
TigerTurbulance uses a vertical suplex on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance executes a lariat against serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance whips serial_thrilla into the ropes, but serial_thrilla reverses it.
TigerTurbulance misses with an elbow.
serial_thrilla tries a powerslam, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a lariat.
TigerTurbulance launches serial_thrilla across the ring with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance is being booed out of the building.
TigerTurbulance goes for a vertical suplex, but serial_thrilla counters it with a small package.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla throws TigerTurbulance out of the ring.
Richard Head counts: one, two, three, four, TigerTurbulance reenters the ring.
serial_thrilla gives him a DDT, but TigerTurbulance only stares at him.
TigerTurbulance whips serial_thrilla into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits TigerTurbulance with a shoulderblock.
serial_thrilla executes a springboard roundhouse kick against TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
serial_thrilla executes a flying dropkick against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla attempts a hiptoss, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a choke sleeper.
serial_thrilla grabs the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
TigerTurbulance locks serial_thrilla in a guillotine choke.
serial_thrilla is struggling to reach the ropes.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
TigerTurbulance lets go after 19 seconds.
TigerTurbulance punches serial_thrilla.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
serial_thrilla punches TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla executes a spear against TigerTurbulance.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
serial_thrilla gives him a DDT, but TigerTurbulance doesn't budge.
serial_thrilla performs an open-handed chop against TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla hits TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla punches TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla hits TigerTurbulance with a shoulderblock.
serial_thrilla is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits TigerTurbulance with a kick.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with a clothesline.

One Minute Remains.

TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on serial_thrilla.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla misses with a clothesline.
TigerTurbulance hits serial_thrilla with a clothesline.
TigerTurbulance uses a forearm to the back on serial_thrilla.

Thirty Seconds Remain.

TigerTurbulance takes serial_thrilla down with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance goes for an armlock hammerlock submission, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla chops TigerTurbulance.

Ten Seconds Remain.

serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on TigerTurbulance.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, three.

The winner is serial_thrilla. Time of match: 0:19:59
Sim Rating: **** 1/2

serial_thrilla pulls himself back up with the ring ropes.

serial_thrilla exhaustedly climbs onto the second turnbuckle.

serial_thrilla celebrates with the crowd.

In the nWo locker room, The Filth Wizard watches the celebration on a TV.

The Filth Wizard is holding his SFAEW World Tag Team Championship belt in one hand, and his sledgehammer in the other.

pantskyle and brahj flank him.

The Filth Wizard has an unreadable expression on his face.

TFW: Pants...since he pinned me, I believe that Thrilla and I owe James Colorado a Tag Team title shot.

And you know what? Since I'm such a kind man, we'll give it to him next week...

The Filth Wizard continues to watch serial_thrilla celebrate in the ring.

His expression is still unreadable.

Final Blue League Standings

Advancing to Super Sixes: Tigerturbulance, PhenomenalV1, serial_thrilla.

See you next week for the Green League Finals!
Swerve! šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
Final Score:

Loonerty: 3 - 2 :Braklet

The winner is Loonerty. Time of match: 0:30:00
Sim Rating: **** 3/4

Loonerty and Braklet shake hands.

Loonerty and Braklet give each other approving nods.

Braklet heads back up the ramp.

Glad we're still on good terms Loonerty, but this isn't over.
No Midweek Mayhem this week.

We're busy prepping for the Green League finals and the looming Nou Camp Combat Club Fatal-4 Way for the World Championship on Sunday.
This Sunday!

We're painting the town for the Green League Finals!

Let's see what's on the card:

r14 froth vs brak.png

Frothies Mcveigh and Braklet clash in our first Green League match of the night! Froth is desperate for a last minute win, but Brak's on a hot streak...

r14 aur vs cg.png

Meanwhile, two guys who've gone winless throughout the whole V1-Climax clash in the ultimate dead rubber. Will it be AnUltimateRessie or Callums_Guns who picks up the tournament's wooden spoon?

r14 tony vs tif.png

tony will be looking to cement his place as the head honcho of the Green League as he takes on TheInjuryFactory, who needs a squash win to even think about qualifying for Super Sixes...

r14 loons vs bob.png

And in the final Green League match, Intercity Champion Loonerty clashes with the inimitable Tonga Bob in a do-or-die clash!

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Following on from last week's upset victory, James Colorado has managed to sneak himself a Tag Team Title shot! He'll be teaming with Pickitt as The Filth Wizard and serial_thrilla find themselves with unity issues once again...

And in your main event of the week:

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Finally...all four members of the Nou Camp Combat Club are fighting over the World Championship!

Senor M, with help from his unscrupulous manager Millky95, is facing the ghosts of his past.

por_please_ya, who beat him cleanly in the last big match they had against each other.

Supersuns, his former tag team partner who turned on him last eason.

And Chipmunk, seemingly a teammate, but he's taking orders from tony and not Millky.

It's all adding up to the biggest Fatal-4 Way match in SFAEW history.

See you on Sunday.​

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Event SFAEW Season 37: SweetaMania VII Night Two On Now! Also award voting

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