The Law Terror Threat in Melbourne averted.

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It is a crime. And quite a serious crime at that.
some local imam should take them to a public state capital execution in riyadh, or, maybe the private ones where the executioner is hooded like some black balaclava kkk guy at hellfire club, and watch them wield the axes, and then ask this juvenile jihadis, is this what they want in melbourne, and did their grandparents who emigrated to the antipodes want them to start wielding axes on the infidels, or did they go/come here, for a good life, or to destroy life.

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Too bad we won't find out the truth about these raids after anti terror laws of 2 years ago have completely stopped the press from investigating "terror" cases. Journalists face up to 10 years for reporting info on any related case. Publics right to know will have to come from big brother.
Too bad we won't find out the truth about these raids after anti terror laws of 2 years ago have completely stopped the press from investigating "terror" cases. Journalists face up to 10 years for reporting info on any related case. Publics right to know will have to come from big brother.

I guess the thing is what if leaked information jeopardises ongoing investigations? There might be informants leaking 'wheres' and 'whens' that might be compromised.

Then again, the case of Mamdouh Habib proves that our justice system (and that of allied nations) is far from perfect. If mistakes and worse are made I would not want them to be swept under the rug either.
Too bad we won't find out the truth about these raids after anti terror laws of 2 years ago have completely stopped the press from investigating "terror" cases. Journalists face up to 10 years for reporting info on any related case. Publics right to know will have to come from big brother.
just a definite article noun Scare. thats all it is
I guess the thing is what if leaked information jeopardises ongoing investigations? There might be informants leaking 'wheres' and 'whens' that might be compromised.

Then again, the case of Mamdouh Habib proves that our justice system (and that of allied nations) is far from perfect. If mistakes and worse are made I would not want them to be swept under the rug either.
La vie est un art ponographique!

have you read the Susan Sontag essay. The context is temporal relevance. smartphone porm and post Linda Lovelace, is not what she meant. More the burlesque type Berlin gestalt Wolstencroft hellfire.

Geelong_Sicko the BBL tonight on C10, they asked for viewers to tweet in questions for #askRoy, do you think blackcat rsvp'ed or even required an invitation I just asked roy if he could confirm or deny if he had a threeway with mark waugh and lara bingle in hobart, now, it would not really be a concidence or irony, when the panel asked him about his friendship with MWaugh after, cos, to be frank, that was prolly on the run down and was a discreet dinner break innit

oh, the twitter handle is Forearms Van Petegem, I think forearms Van Petegem. It is just twitter 160character scatology like Jonathan Franzen says, but it is great for #Poe's_law
Too bad we won't find out the truth about these raids after anti terror laws of 2 years ago have completely stopped the press from investigating "terror" cases. Journalists face up to 10 years for reporting info on any related case. Publics right to know will have to come from big brother.

Well done....You've just adumbrated the closed-circle-loop trick perfectly.
Well done....You've just adumbrated the closed-circle-loop trick perfectly.
thing is, it is sought of zero sum for the poli(es) in Canberra, there is an argument that it increases the barriers to entry, of turfing out the incumbent, as we know the populace usually make a decision to vote out the incumbent, rather than vote in Kevin 07.

like Howard and children overboard, it benefits the incumbent.

But on the whole, how does it help the political class?

The only interests it reinforces is the intelligence bureaucracy, and the ADF, and those idjits in the ADF unions, the army grunt unions.

mebbe it helps ANU and the political science, no international strategy boffins like zbignieuw bzresinsky, can never spell his name, what is the ANU guys name? White, someone White... well, it may help the shadow gov't and think tanks and that d!chkhead terrorism 'academic' at Deakin, the guy with the beard who always pops up on ABC and is on those vanity and youth peptides too I hate that guy too
The only interests it reinforces is the intelligence bureaucracy, and the ADF, and those idjits in the ADF unions, the army grunt unions.

Pretty much.

Another step to validating increased surveillance, & the 'secret- intel-classified' droobs, taking control of govt policy & existing 'outside' of & 'over & above it'....AKA C.I.A in the U.S.
Pretty much.

Another step to validating increased surveillance, & the 'secret- intel-classified' droobs, taking control of govt policy & existing 'outside' of & 'over & above it'....AKA C.I.A in the U.S.

this is the result.

but for what purpose. so we will just intern out japanese citizens and german citizens again. we had both those Australian citizens didnt we, in internment camps in the previous wars? or am i conflating some actual POWs on domestic soil and the American internment camps...

whatever, yeah, we know the results with the increased surveillance. It is not for liberty. And for whose end, but for a very very narrow subsection of bureaucratic interests in Canberra and at Lowy Inst and ANU. no one else.

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Too bad we won't find out the truth about these raids after anti terror laws of 2 years ago have completely stopped the press from investigating "terror" cases. Journalists face up to 10 years for reporting info on any related case. Publics right to know will have to come from big brother.

hahahaha. i love the feigned outrage. you're a total "MSM is out to get us" muppet, but oh no in this singular instance the mainstream press plays an important role in our democracy :drunk:
Isn't there religious vilification laws as well?
And by denying that it is "faith" I them do not have to respect their belief, because their belief is just an opinion, without the backing of an organised religion or deity that I may need to be concerned about. I can them dismiss their opinions as "nut jobs ".

I have no idea what you're arguing or how it has anything to do with what I was saying.

I'm saying that their actions were motivated by their faith. Andrews seems to reckon they're not. I have no idea what you're adding.
I have no idea what you're arguing or how it has anything to do with what I was saying.

I'm saying that their actions were motivated by their faith. Andrews seems to reckon they're not. I have no idea what you're adding.
Andrews did not say they weren't motivated by faith, he said it was not an act of faith. Just like the man who murders his wife and says it was out of love was not committing an act of love. There is nothing at all wrong with what Andrews said, he was rejecting their claims that they were somehow acting on behalf of God. It would be nice if people actually understood what he was saying before criticising him.
I have no idea what you're arguing or how it has anything to do with what I was saying.

I'm saying that their actions were motivated by their faith. Andrews seems to reckon they're not. I have no idea what you're adding.

I don't call their belief a "faith". "Faith" implies to me something positive. "Faith" is something that I need to respect and not denigrate/ demean.
Otherwise you would need to call for example (as extreme) satanist beliefs with virgin sacrifices a "faith". Which I wouldn't, just a crazy belief system. Which I would then feel free to demean and criticise.
this is the result.

but for what purpose. so we will just intern out japanese citizens and german citizens again. we had both those Australian citizens didnt we, in internment camps in the previous wars? or am i conflating some actual POWs on domestic soil and the American internment camps...

whatever, yeah, we know the results with the increased surveillance. It is not for liberty. And for whose end, but for a very very narrow subsection of bureaucratic interests in Canberra and at Lowy Inst and ANU. no one else.

Who knows....They usually leave us alone given we're so comparatively small & insignificant....Though our bread & butter is now in Asia....Reckon it's more based on that, and our huge mineral deposits.

The only time they've intervened was with Whitlam....Yeah, big surprise that.

If it comes to the crunch, I'D prefer a nuffie like Hansen, to a C.I.A murderous thug like Obama.
Yes, it would.

If that's the case, I really think countries worldwide should make it an international rule/law that those found guilty of terror by jihad should be rendered unclean by Islamic law (e.g. by being smeared and buried with bacon) to deter anyone from thinking about committing these acts.

It might sound ridiculous, but the whole idea of killing yourself, along with a whole bunch of innocent people, to get to paradise where 70 virgins await you is ridiculous to begin with. Time to fight absurdity with absurdity.
Andrews did not say they weren't motivated by faith, he said it was not an act of faith. Just like the man who murders his wife and says it was out of love was not committing an act of love. There is nothing at all wrong with what Andrews said, he was rejecting their claims that they were somehow acting on behalf of God. It would be nice if people actually understood what he was saying before criticising him.

I understand it and there is NO difference in your distincation.

If you act out of faith then your act is an act of faith.

You're creating a distinction that does not exist.
I don't call their belief a "faith". "Faith" implies to me something positive.

Bully for you. I bet these guys would agree too. Do you really reckon they thought were committing a great evil?

In their minds this was also gonna be something positive.

But even that is beside the point.

Talking about what you think faith means to you is irrelevant. Faith is inherently personal, and you cannot tell someone how their faith manifests just because you see it differently.
I understand it and there is NO difference in your distincation.

If you act out of faith then your act is an act of faith.

You're creating a distinction that does not exist.
There most certainly is a distinction; he's saying their motivation and claim is wrong, and the general public should not accept it as a valid motivation. It was an act of delusion dressed up as faith. Again, just like the man who murders his wife and children 'out of love'. He might claim it was an act of love, but it most certainly wasn't, he was wrong and we should all acknowledge that he was wrong. It was an act of delusion dressed up as love, it wasn't actually love. The more the general public accepts it as delusion, the fewer people might be convinced to act in a similar manner.
There most certainly is a distinction; he's saying their motivation and claim is wrong, and the general public should not accept it as a valid motivation. It was an act of delusion dressed up as faith. Again, just like the man who murders his wife and children 'out of love'. He might claim it was an act of love, but it most certainly wasn't, he was wrong and we should all acknowledge that he was wrong. It was an act of delusion dressed up as love, it wasn't actually love. The more the general public accepts it as delusion, the fewer people might be convinced to act in a similar manner.
So you're suggesting that you know better than the perpetrators if their acts are motivated by faith or not? The concept of faith seems pretty subjective based off conversations that I've had with others. What is faith to one person is not necessarily faith to another. Attempting to standardise the concept of faith so that you can pretend that attempted terrorists are not really Islamic is the real delusion here.
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