No Oppo Supporters The ASADA Thread... from a Tiger perspective

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This is what I don't like.

1. None of the players tested positive to any substance banned by the league.
2. There was not a trace found of any banned substance at the club.
3. None of the players or staff said that there were banned substances administered
4. The 34 players was cleared because of the lack of evidence.

Yet, people are still saying that the Essendon players got away with it. No sufficient evidence, yet they are still charged by the people.

Enough. They have been cleared. Let's move on WITHOUT a bitter taste because the verdict conforms to the evidence apparent

Ohhh but everyone got their hopes up so high... We were shot up with anger.
I guess we'll all just have to inject ourselves into the season opener now :p

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Just remember rfctiger74 that this verdict is not justifaction to walk the streets with a sword and attack anything wearing red and black, deep breaths mate it will all be ok :D
How about we get a mob together and burn a few Hird effigies. Won't change anything but would be a lot of fun.
unnamed (20).jpg
Tomorrow Morning the bell might toll for another couple of players from poor Sides.

*Those who are good at Cryptic Crosswords should get the above.
Seriously annoyed at Tim Watson on Seven News tonight.
He had a red hot go at ASADA and the AFL for all the drama they put the players through.
I'm happy to move on, but let's get one thing straight: this saga is down to the Essendon Football Club and its employees, and no one else! If the club had kept records, or better still not injected in the first place, the players would not have suffered at all (except losing more games to Richmond).
Tomorrow Morning the bell might toll for another couple of players from poor Sides.

*Those who are good at Cryptic Crosswords should get the above.


Seriously annoyed at Tim Watson on Seven News tonight.
He had a red hot go at ASADA and the AFL for all the drama they put the players through.
I'm happy to move on, but let's get one thing straight: this saga is down to the Essendon Football Club and its employees, and no one else! If the club had kept records, or better still not injected in the first place, the players would not have suffered at all (except losing more games to Richmond).

Yes, their anger is directed in the wrong place.

Watson, Connolly and Robbo have talked rubbish through this whole thing. 3 not so wise monkeys.

What not have a go at Hird for his legal delays?

Classic case of blame shifting. Why was there a hearing they should ask? Why were they ever in that position?

Let them fire shots though, it will just make certain an appeal will be launched at 11 am tomorrow - then we'll really hear the pigs squeal.

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I am not a troll account. I don't want to charge someone of doing something without definitive evidence, and this is what I have done
I am not Marley10. That would be my Essendon-supporting brother.

you have a conflict of interest commenting on this supposedly having a twin brother supporting Essendon. Any true tiger wouldn't give those cheating pricks the compassion you have. :mad:

I know, on the bog this afternoon - no toilet roll.
No one else home so I'm debating - pants back up or short waddle to the kitchen for the tissues?
To hell with it I say and so a short waddle it was - to find no tissues:eek:.
F**ken Bombers!
Why didn't you just use your bidet?[/QUOTE]
There is one hell of a difference between being innocent and being found "not guilty". I think a lot of Essendon fans and media personalities are forgetting that...or ignoring it. The AFL were manipulating things from the outset when they warned Essendon and forced them to "self report". The fact that an AFL tribunal has found them "not guilty" due to a lack of evidence does not in any way mean that these Essendon players did not have an unfair illegal advantage in 2012. To say otherwise is preposterous.
you have a conflict of interest commenting on this supposedly having a twin brother supporting Essendon. Any true tiger wouldn't give those cheating pricks the compassion you have. :mad:

Why didn't you just use your bidet?
Wasn't thirsty.
Millions of Dollars on Lawyers
Hundreds of Thousands on PR/Spin
Yet it was a $9.95 Shredder from Officeworks that set Essendon free


I dont think this is over personally. I can see ASADA taking this further up. From their point of view (one that I can understand as well) is that all they need to do is prove that it is possible that the players took banned substances to get a conviction which from previous things that have been said they had that evidence.

The one thing that I don't like about this is that because it was the fate of an entire team the AFL had a lot to lose had they rubbed the players out. I think personally, god forbid this happens again, the judging tribunal should be removed from and not have any financial ties to the decision.
you have a conflict of interest commenting on this supposedly having a twin brother supporting Essendon. Any true tiger wouldn't give those cheating pricks the compassion you have. :mad:
It is not due to "compassion" that I hold the views that I have. It is because of the lack of evidence available to us.

For what its worth, I have a brother that is a Collingwood supporter and I did not say anything to defend the two player's actions because they tested positive to a substance banned by the league. A positive result is evidence. So my stance on Essendon is not necessarily due to family bias.

I just don't want to charge anyone with something that there is insufficient evidence for, even if it is a rival club like Essendon. I do not know how that makes me not a true tiger supporter.
It is not due to "compassion" that I hold the views that I have. It is because of the lack of evidence available to us.

For what its worth, I have a brother that is a Collingwood supporter and I did not say anything to defend the two player's actions because they tested positive to a substance banned by the league. A positive result is evidence. So my stance on Essendon is not necessarily due to family bias.

I just don't want to charge anyone with something that there is insufficient evidence for, even if it is a rival club like Essendon. I do not know how that makes me not a true tiger supporter.
What so you are not biased in any way. You said most of your family are Essendon. I rest my case.
Honestly, the outcome of this (so far) is what I expected, all it says is the players were not aware what they were taking. The club and those in charge we still guilty in my eyes, drug cheats yes. I believe Danks is still to be exonerated, I'm expecting him to be the sacrificial lamb, if so will he give up his info?
There is one hell of a difference between being innocent and being found "not guilty". I think a lot of Essendon fans and media personalities are forgetting that...or ignoring it. The AFL were manipulating things from the outset when they warned Essendon and forced them to "self report". The fact that an AFL tribunal has found them "not guilty" due to a lack of evidence does not in any way mean that these Essendon players did not have an unfair illegal advantage in 2012. To say otherwise is preposterous.

My thoughts exactly. Essendon football club is a disgrace for what THEY put their players through. Most footy followers thought all along that the players were innocent but the club is guilty as sin.
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