Autopsy The not even The Bont, Libbas and Jones' heroics can drag us over the line against the cats thread

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I think the pile on on Naughty is a bit unwarranted. He’s playing a completely different role and is crucial to our ball movement at half forward. It wasn’t his best game ever and he does need to find a way to contribute on the scoreboard more but it was a solid CHF outing against one of the best defences. You can’t judge his output on goals alone playing this role, you need to look at the key forwards total output.

The 3 forwards who are benefitting the most from Naughtys heavy lifting at half forward are Marra, Darcy & Cody and they combined for 7 goals & 8 marks inside 50. Not ground breaking stuff but not exactly poor.

I actually think we’re finally starting to get the mix right up there, Marra and Darcy are absolute threats in their own right, Cody is showing once again he’s way too good to try and shuffle into a nothing small forward role and Naughty is crucial to our ball movement up the field. The structure is finally showing signs of gelling.

The biggest issue right now is Marra is one of the worst finishers in the league, it’s really really bad unfortunately and killing us - he’s obviously capable of more but he needs to sort it out.

Our connection between midfield & forward lets us down at times and needs to improve, it’s a weakness sure but you’d think we’re the only team that’s ever bombed to the hotspot the way some carry on in here about it.

FWIW on the weekend we had more shots from less inside 50s on the weekend, more marks inside 50 and nearly 3 times as many tackles inside 50 and put 90 points on the board against a great defence. This is compared to one of the better inside 50 teams in the comp against our dodgy defence. It wasn’t a perfect game but there is some genuine improvement there and I think that forward performance beats a lot of teams most weeks. On the other hand you do have to acknowledge the dominating display from Bont & Libba (and to a slightly lesser extent Treloar) at the source which you won’t get every week.

We’re clearly lacking a link man or two at HF, I can genuinely see why we want or need VDM but we need to improve that position with someone who can do the same defensive stuff with at least some ability with ball in hand, he’s a liability unfortunately. Also rolling the extra man up to the stoppage is killing us - you can do it if you’re going to use that extra and move the ball forward by hand or short kicks, if you’re going to roll them up, dominate clearances but slam them on the boot over the spares head more often than not you’re just playing with one hand behind your back forward of the ball. the rolling an extra up to the stoppage tactic goes against a lot of the way we play the game which doesn’t make sense to me.

I don’t think we’re far away from clicking to be completely honest, we’re just not there yet against well drilled sides like that. We may be later in the year if we keep on this trend but I’ll believe it when I see it
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Also our structure completely broke down in the last quarter, it’s becoming a way too regular occurrence how we seem to have no idea how to manage out a game. Both holding a lead and coming from behind. We’ve seen it in individual quarters and we’ve seen it in close finishes. We’re just really poorly drilled in this regard and it’s costing us, are we training this stuff or what? Are all 40 players on the list dumb as dog shit and incapable of folllowing instruction or are we not spending enough time on this? It’s crucial
Agree with everything prof except the subbing of Daniel. He stunk it up and I was calling for him to be subbed at half time

Buku copped two or 3 awful bounces very early in the first when he was first to the ball that went over his head or alluded him and fell straight into the lap of a Cats player to clear it easily

Understand Daniel wasn't having a great match, my opinion was based on seeing him coming good late in some past matches where he wasn't necessarily going great early.

I thought Buku played his best match to date and was really impressed with his marking. I also agree he got unlucky on a few occasions. Unfortunately, he also made some costly mistakes which weren't bad luck but bad judgement, and eerily similar to the costly mistakes he made against Melbourne in Round 1.

He needs to learn that sometimes taking a conservative\defensive\risk minimisation approach is the best course of action if he finds himself is in a disadvantageous position. Sometimes it's better to let your opponent get to the ball first and be ready to tackle\corral them afterwards, than leaving them a clear unimpeded path to goal if they beat you to the ball.
Ah well...I disagree. Stanley has never been an overly physical player.Some on this board were implying that Stanley was brought in to physically intimidate English. I say they are both not physically imposing players.Stanley is quite mobile,can go forward and kick a goal in much the same way as English can.English is by far the better overall player.

Stanleys advantage over many other ruckman is his mobility - that is by far Tims' greatest strength.

Is Stanley more physical than English? Marginally perhaps. To suggest he was brought into the side to monster English does not make any sense to me.

We won the clearances (both stoppage & centre) and English won most of the stats. I am not questioning that English' lack of physicality has not been an ongoing issue - but it is by far less of an issue when he is up against Stanley.
English's lack of physicality has cost us a number of games. hopefully he improves but he reminds me of my dog. he is huge and sounds scary when he barks, but i reckon he would make burglars cups of tea to make them happy while they rampage the house.
English's lack of physicality has cost us a number of games. hopefully he improves but he reminds me of my dog. he is huge and sounds scary when he barks, but i reckon he would make burglars cups of tea to make them happy while they rampage the house.

The way people on here complain about English reminds me of Richmond supporters complaining about Matthew Richardson.

So many of them spent most of his career complaining bitterly about his flaws rather than embracing him for all his strengths, which were prodigious.

English is a great player, let's enjoy what he is rather than complain about what he isn't.
Both coaches were right
Miers is the best HF in the comp right now.
That last inside 50 kick is like gold and he's the best in the competition at it. I know we like to 'back our system' in but next game we really have to find someone to shut him down better than we did.
Miers is the best HF in the comp right now.
That last inside 50 kick is like gold and he's the best in the competition at it. I know we like to 'back our system' in but next game we really have to find someone to shut him down better than we did.
Clarke will be our miers in time. I got no doubt.
His creativity and kicks inside f50 last year in vfl were great.
One game I went to live? he done two of the best square up kicks I have seen, to hit team mates at the top of the goal square. With his first pre season under his belt and continued development he will be a great small fwd for us.
The way people on here complain about English reminds me of Richmond supporters complaining about Matthew Richardson.

So many of them spent most of his career complaining bitterly about his flaws rather than embracing him for all his strengths, which were prodigious.

English is a great player, let's enjoy what he is rather than complain about what he isn't.
No I will complain because he has cost us games due to his lack of physical presence. And I know that he reads bigfooty and perro_loco's footy's wisdom, so I am hoping he can use some of it to become Super-English. :)

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We have targeted Naughton just 10 times in 4 matches, the same as West. Clearly, the directive is to get it to Jamarra who we have targeted 34 times but he has kicked just 6 goals for the season.

It's pretty simple either we need to stark-kicking it to Naughton or he doesn't belong in the F50.

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The best our forward line looked was in 2021 before Bruce got injured.

Since then it was Naughton or bust.

Now it's Jamarra (with cameos from Weightman) or bust.
Clarke will be our miers in time. I got no doubt.
His creativity and kicks inside f50 last year in vfl were great.
One game I went to live? he done two of the best square up kicks I have seen, to hit team mates at the top of the goal square. With his first pre season under his belt and continued development he will be a great small fwd for us.

I think Clarke should get a game soon. Unfortunately they are probably waiting for West to have a bad game. I don't think they'll drop Vandemeer for anyone.
No I will complain because he has cost us games due to his lack of physical presence. And I know that he reads bigfooty and perro_loco's footy's wisdom, so I am hoping he can use some of it to become Super-English. :)

If he was tough he’d be Tim Scottish.
Not good enough but a fair bit to like.

Felt Cameron running up and down the ground was the real difference. We just didn't have anyone who could go with him.

On SM-A505YN using mo
This should be a template for how Naughton should play when its not working for him deep.
Understand people are pleased it was close, but we also had 5 losses or something last year by 7 points or less. At some stage you have to be good enough to win them.
Last year most of those close losses were us being overrun late. This was the opposite (almost). More pleasing than seeing a 5 goal lead whittled away and knowing the inevitable outcome
English's lack of physicality has cost us a number of games. hopefully he improves but he reminds me of my dog. he is huge and sounds scary when he barks, but i reckon he would make burglars cups of tea to make them happy while they rampage the house.

There are some real conflicting opinions on English. I had to laugh when I stumbled upon a bulldog podcast called the one eyed dog podcast. 5:12 in - “ English was our best , hurry up and sign this guy , he was simply outstanding” “he constantly gets first possession for us and feeds it to Libba”

On here - English is putrid.

Some very wide ranging opinions….

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Miers is the best HF in the comp right now.
That last inside 50 kick is like gold and he's the best in the competition at it. I know we like to 'back our system' in but next game we really have to find someone to shut him down better than we did.
It's interesting Mof. There are 2 sides to this. There's the we need to shut him down side, which of course we do, as does every other team if they are not to get a new a hole ripped every time they play them. He's starting off with a diverse and talented forward line to kick to and he's able to kick it to their individual advantage with uncanny precision and awareness.

Side B of this record (for the y and z gens that's a .... ah never mind) there's the do we have one of our own? At first glance you'd say no. But look deeper .... deeeeeeper.... Who in our team can kick off both sides, very accurately and has great vision and awareness?

That's quite a small field so you're probably down to 2 or 3 already.

Let's suspend judgement for a moment and explore possibilities.

If Libba wasn't in every ball up and clearance what would happen?

At the moment, he's winning extraordinary numbers of clearances to supply people who can't kick I50 so despite winning the clearances we can't win the game.

What if we were to win a few less clearances but those we win go to someone who can kick I50. What if Macrae replaced Libba on the inside? What are we losing and gaining? Macrae's no mug. A different clearance player to Libba but Libba is different to most and will inevitably be replaced (father time) by someone who isn't or can't be Libba.

I'd be curious to see what a centre circle and stoppage set up of Macrae, Bont and Treloar/Sanders looks like for an extended period, with Libba on the outside and the impact that would have on our clearances, clearance effectiveness and I50 retention/conversion.
There are some real conflicting opinions on English. I had to laugh when I stumbled upon a bulldog podcast called the one eyed dog podcast. 5:12 in - “ English was our best , hurry up and sign this guy , he was simply outstanding” “he constantly gets first possession for us and feeds it to Libba”

On here - English is putrid.

Some very wide ranging opinions….

On iPhone using mobile app
Surely you realize by now we are all oracles and outsiders have NFI.
It's interesting Mof. There are 2 sides to this. There's the we need to shut him down side, which of course we do, as does every other team if they are not to get a new a hole ripped every time they play them. He's starting off with a diverse and talented forward line to kick to and he's able to kick it to their individual advantage with uncanny precision and awareness.

Side B of this record (for the y and z gens that's a .... ah never mind) there's the do we have one of our own? At first glance you'd say no. But look deeper .... deeeeeeper.... Who in our team can kick off both sides, very accurately and has great vision and awareness?

That's quite a small field so you're probably down to 2 or 3 already.

Let's suspend judgement for a moment and explore possibilities.

If Libba wasn't in every ball up and clearance what would happen?

At the moment, he's winning extraordinary numbers of clearances to supply people who can't kick I50 so despite winning the clearances we can't win the game.

What if we were to win a few less clearances but those we win go to someone who can kick I50. What if Macrae replaced Libba on the inside? What are we losing and gaining? Macrae's no mug. A different clearance player to Libba but Libba is different to most and will inevitably be replaced (father time) by someone who isn't or can't be Libba.

I'd be curious to see what a centre circle and stoppage set up of Macrae, Bont and Treloar/Sanders looks like for an extended period, with Libba on the outside and the impact that would have on our clearances, clearance effectiveness and I50 retention/conversion.

yeah, but chicken and egg. How much is best kick inside 50 as opposed to moving the ball quickly from defence and having forwards in space ahead of him to kick to?
The way people on here complain about English

His ineffectiveness at stoppages around the ground is what's letting the structure down. Gets easily worked out of the contest due to his frame. More suited to a KPP/resting ruck role instead of 1st ruck
yeah, but chicken and egg. How much is best kick inside 50 as opposed to moving the ball quickly from defence and having forwards in space ahead of him to kick to?
I was more thinking of our stoppage and centre clearance set up and personnel rather than transition from defense, which of course is an issue and and we do have stoppages in our defensive end.

Miers game simply got me thinking about our ball use going I50 and the roles people play and whether we could get close to replicating Miers role and who would it be.

Miers said in his post game that his role is to get up the ground (half fwd to centrefieldish) and to deliver quality I50 to his fwd cohorts and they're all on board with it. Essentially he's a designated hitter going I50. Such a role offers a degree of certainty and predictability to the other 5 forwards. And he's farging good at it. Could we replicate the role and the quality? Libba's my nomination.

Autopsy The not even The Bont, Libbas and Jones' heroics can drag us over the line against the cats thread

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