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Here we go...

Yeah, dude. I'm trolling. I tell all the girls the same thing! :rolleyes:

What would you like me to say? That I'm really a sociopath who gets off on the thrill of the chase - emotionally manipulating women in the courtship phase, only to crush them once I have them where I want them?

Not all of us plough through everything that moves and then discards them like used toilet paper when they no longer serve a purpose

Believe it or not, some men actually value a deep emotional connection with the person who they deem to be a suitable partner.

The ability to do so is linked to empathy. I guarantee empathy helps me live happy and enriched life. Do you have it?

If you lack empathy I feel for you. If you are are trolling, shame on you. I'm actually trying to have a serious discussion here.
I'm talking about the fact that you keep banging on about how physically attractive your new 'partner' is despite having never met her, and continuously bang on about how many matches you get with "extremely attractive" women and that you're just generally killing it.

Here's a tip for you: these profiles are carefully manicured to create the best possible representations of people, you should probably wait until you meet someone in person before declaring them the second coming of Sloane Peterson.

This so-called 'serious discussion' of yours essentially just reads as a barrage of cringeworthy big-noting...
I'm talking about the fact that you keep banging on about how physically attractive your new 'partner' is despite having never met her, and continuously bang on about how many matches you get with "extremely attractive" women and that you're just generally killing it.

Here's a tip for you: these profiles are carefully manicured to create the best possible representations of people, you should probably wait until you meet someone in person before declaring them the second coming of Sloane Peterson.

This so-called 'serious discussion' of yours essentially just reads as a barrage of cringeworthy big-noting...
No worries, champ. I've seen more than a 'profile' to know...

As I have mentioned previously, this person's profile on RSVP actually under represented themselves. Until we befriended on Facebook, I realised the pictures she could have used, but didn't.

I tell you what, tomorrow night I'm meet this girl. I'm not too proud to admit if her "carefully manicured" profile sucked me in and she's in fact nothing like what I've seen.

In a round about way, you're just calling me a flog.

Perhaps I am, but I'm not afraid to say the truth whether it impacts negatively or positively on the perception of those around me.

We're on an anonymous internet forum, anyway. I guess you'll never know either way what the truth is...

But, just don't forget, jealousy is a curse. Don't let it eat at you! ;)

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Thanks Morgs! I hope so too! It's my first date with a new person in thirteen years, it's pretty exciting!
I remember those nerves well. My first date after a long term relationship had me so terrified I pretended to be on the phone while I sussed him out lol don’t be that nervous!
I remember those nerves well. My first date after a long term relationship had me so terrified I pretended to be on the phone while I sussed him out lol don’t be that nervous!
I'm talking to my date on Messenger, she's just admitted to me she's nervous! I told her not to be, not that telling someone not to be nervous is going to stop them from being nervous! LOL, anyway...

I'm not a nervous person at all. I'm a little too confident at times, but I think I'll even succumb to the odd butterfly in the stomach while sitting at the table waiting.

How did the date you're referring to end up going?
I'm talking to my date on Messenger, she's just admitted to me she's nervous! I told her not to be, not that telling someone not to be nervous is going to stop them from being nervous! LOL, anyway...

I'm not a nervous person at all. I'm a little too confident at times, but I think I'll even succumb to the odd butterfly in the stomach while sitting at the table waiting.

How did the date you're referring to end up going?
It went for 9 hours we ended up going to two football games then getting a few drinks. Still together nearly 3 years later.

NorthernLights is a lucky man lol
I'm trying to find the 10 years quote. What is it again
“Who’s gonna be around in 10 years? Not your club mate!”
-mouthy Collingwood supporter (possibly Morganashlee ) to me at a North/Collingwood game in 2006

But yeah apart from that she’s a gem

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We did, took us a while to have our first date but certainly escalated quickly from there.
Cool. Sounds like you're both on a winner with each other!

The reality is, in my situation, we've got to take things slower. We both have kids, she's got 100 percent custody of her son, so it will be more a slow burn if we do make it.
Cool. Sounds like you're both on a winner with each other!

The reality is, in my situation, we've got to take things slower. We both have kids, she's got 100 percent custody of her son, so it will be more a slow burn if we do make it.
All the best things are worth waiting for! Keep us updated
Thanks. I'll share my experiences, good, bad or indifferent. Isn't that what this thread is about?
Absolutely. We will be your cheerleaders from afar
My mates at work reckon I'm crazy for not "keeping your options open." Could I chat to multiple women all at once? Yeah, I didn't exactly have trouble matching on Tinder and Bumble. However...

As I told the girl I'm meeting tomorrow, I deleted my accounts because I simply wasn't interested in talking to anyone else, other than her. Why would I? What is the point in going after second best?

The reality is, while I could easily 'match' with and date a lot if girls, I'm just not that interested. One night stands? I don't know, it's not every guy's idea of a dream scenario.

I have connected emotionally with a person I find extremely attractive physically, and who has the personality type, interests, goals and morals which align with mine.

Both myself and the girl I am meeting tomorrow night have committed ourselves to exploring this deep connection we've formed online over the last three weeks. What sort of person would I be if I was looking elsewhere simultaneously?

To be quite honest, I could not care less what anyone's opinions are of what I do. I am quite content in handling my online relationahips in the exact manner in which I have done so.

I am three months out of a separation and I'm still finding my feet, but happy to take things slow. I never thought I'd meet such an amazing person so soon afterwards, but I have. She's been amazing and we've really helped each other.

I value honesty, integrity and a deep bond/connection over meaningless one night stands. If I wanted to plough the field, I could, but I don't... I just want the girl that I'm meeting tomorrow night. :)

this whole post is fruity as hell, but good luck anyway
Is it great including footy banter as part of your relationship?

This girl is right into the Crows... we've had some fun banter already!
Yeah I make poor jokes about north all the time. He loves it haha
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