When will the Carlton FC Arrive?

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Blues always think they will make the 8 train hard all off season lose round one then miss

Recruit someone on big $

This year we’ll make it lose round one rinse and repeat

This literally isn't the case. We literally had a 3 year period where the club told members 'we are rebuilding, don't expect us to do anything'.

This year, the club, and most supporters, felt that if everything aligned, we might make finals. That was absolutely, totally correct. Before the wheels fell off in the last month, it was quite realistic even in a year where we ended up sacking the coach and had a disastrous run of injuries. Flip the results of 'wheels fallen off' matches against North (last place) and Gold Coast in Melbourne and we would have played GWS last week in a game where the winner made finals.

I think it is fair for the club to say 'we have the list to play finals' at this point in time. Clearly a bunch of other things have to happen for that to be the case but it was a very realistic proposition in 2021, so I don't see why it wouldn't be next year?
Sacked the coach due to delusion. Delusion in regards to where their list is at and ran out of patience. Delusion with how desirable their club is for highly regarded coaches that are out there. (History of sacked coaches and lack of support is not a good look.)

Another Carlton fail it has to be said. Teague never had a chance this year.
Carlton's in a tricky position with regard to labelling their expectations for next season. It's been almost a decade since their last finals appearance and if I'm not mistaken, they've only competed in about four finals campaigns over the last 20 years. All the fans want at this point is a team that can put itself in the mix for a crack at the flag, even if it's just a faint, 8th-placed elimination final away from home.

It's not like they can come out and say they're going to enter a rebuild. That's not gonna fly and with the way the list is, pointing towards finals is probably the better goal to aim for. It's tough for the incoming coach to have the expectations set in stone the way they have because the media love to latch on to such statements, but I think the fans want to hear that the club is pushing in the right direction. For the board's part, if the new coach doesn't make finals next year then they have to stick fat with him and see it through.
In which way ?

He is getting things done at Carlton
Membership through the roof
Got rid of Silvagni
Getting rid of stale deadwood

Sayers seems to love him and Liddle will run the place

Giving out free memberships or 3 games for $3 is not getting things done.

Silvagni should have been kept. Speculative in the rookie draft but had done well in the national draft, trading and managing the cap.

Highly doubt he’ll be at the club next season. Good riddance.
The process was all ****ed up but getting rid of Teague was the right move. You only had to watch them play. He was in well over his head and was a poor appointment on the back of a few meaningless wins in 2019.

The biggest issue I would have now as a Carlton supporter is that - it appears - there isn't a process to to replace Teague. It seems to be simply get Clarkson, if not, get Lyon. You'd prefer they went to the market and found out a bit about some other potential coaches. There could always be some real gold out there, every legendary coach was a first-time coach once.

Lyon has runs on the board but just that doesn't guarantee he's the best out there.
This literally isn't the case. We literally had a 3 year period where the club told members 'we are rebuilding, don't expect us to do anything'.

This year, the club, and most supporters, felt that if everything aligned, we might make finals. That was absolutely, totally correct. Before the wheels fell off in the last month, it was quite realistic even in a year where we ended up sacking the coach and had a disastrous run of injuries. Flip the results of 'wheels fallen off' matches against North (last place) and Gold Coast in Melbourne and we would have played GWS last week in a game where the winner made finals.

I think it is fair for the club to say 'we have the list to play finals' at this point in time. Clearly a bunch of other things have to happen for that to be the case but it was a very realistic proposition in 2021, so I don't see why it wouldn't be next year?

Having a list relying on luck to scrape into 8th spot is not having a list ready to play finals. Blind Freddy could have picked you for 10th-14th this year.

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Carlton has been the slowest club to adapt their culture to the national competition. Whilst they did win a premiership in 1995, this was only 8 years after the start of the national comp, and there was still a bit of a holdover.

Carlton was so used to success and buying talent that they simply havn't been able to adapt to not being able to do this anymore. When was the last coach they hired as a first appointment coach and developed that person into being a great coach?

David Parkin came from Hawthorn, Walls came from Fitzroy, so neither of those two.

Maybe Brittain could have been that coach but they sacked him for the messiah hiring of Denis Pagan

Maybe Ratten could have been that coach but they sacked him for the messiah hiring of Mick Malthouse

Maybe Teague could have been that coach but they wanted to sack him for the messiah hiring of Clarkson, but it has blown up in their face.

When was the last first appointment coach (not a captain coach) they hired who won a premiership? Barassi? Well, they certainly didn't develop his personality.

They just want instant success, and have no idea how to be patient and develop and give support to "first appointment coaches." It's just not in Carlton's culture to have this patience as a club. They can't do it.
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Every man and their dog expected Teague to be stood down.

These things are not hard to guess mate. Teague saw the writing on the wall and lashed out, but McClure confirmed last night the club hasn’t been leaking.

No, he said he contacted Carlton to ask if the information he had that 4 x board members were going to be leaving was true, and they refused to confirm or deny that report.

But isn’t the FACT that McClure knew about the 4 x board members before it was made public evidence that there are leaks? If there were no leaks how did he know that?

And journo’s weren’t guessing Teague was gone. They have been stating it as fact.

And what do you mean Teague saw the writing on the wall?

If there were no leaks from within Carlton about Teague and the review hadn’t been tabled how did he know he was gone when he is contracted for 2022? Why would he have got that inkling? Why would his manager slam Cripps publicly? All before this much vaunted and highly confidential review was even tabled …???

Your head is clearly buried deep in the sand, but I admire your defence of your club, however naive it might be.

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Giving out free memberships or 3 games for $3 is not getting things done.

Silvagni should have been kept. Speculative in the rookie draft but had done well in the national draft, trading and managing the cap.

Highly doubt he’ll be at the club next season. Good riddance.
Liiddle will be the main man at Carlton for a long time

He will be known as the Chief as Brendon Gales has become

Liddle will be running the show at Princess park for a long time
Carlton has been the slowest club to adapt their culture to the national competition. Whilst they did win a premiership in 1995, this was only 8 years after the start of the national comp, and there was still a bit of a holdover.

Carlton was so used to success and buying talent that they simply havn't been able to adapt to not being able to do this anymore. When was the last coach they hired as a first appointment coach and developed that person into being a great coach?

David Parkin came from Hawthorn, Walls came from Fitzroy, so neither of those two.

Maybe Brittain could have been that coach but they sacked him for the messiah hiring of Denis Pagan

Maybe Ratten could have been that coach but they sacked him for the messiah hiring of Mick Malthouse

Maybe Teague could have been that coach but they wanted to sack him for the messiah hiring of Clarkson, but it has blown up in their face.

When was the last first appointment coach they hired who won a premiership? Barassi? Well, they certainly didn't develop his personality.

They just want instant success, and have no idea how to be patient and develop and give support to "first appointment coaches." It's just not in Carlton's culture to have this patience as a club. They can't do it.
Ever heard of John Nicholls?
Carlton has been the slowest club to adapt their culture to the national competition. Whilst they did win a premiership in 1995, this was only 8 years after the start of the national comp, and there was still a bit of a holdover.

Lyon labelled Essendon with this description earlier this year. If he did become the new coach there I expect this would be his headline he runs with.
After reading that release from the club something jumped out at me that I had not previously considered.

People have been saying we are leaking like a sieve and the board is a complete shambles, however, nothing could be further from the truth.

Sayers has just thanked 4 board members for their time and then, best of all, named their successors who all like seriously credentialled people. Sayers has not only flung people but he has personnel ready to fill their roles, this just doesn't happen by accident.

Not one person knew about those changes to the board, everyone just wanted to take potshots at how sh*t they are at running the club.

These changes have been on the books for 4-6 months because you just don't ring up people of that calibre and casually ask them to join the board, it has to be something worked through professionally & systematically.

The media knew nothing about this stuff and I'm of the opinion (again) they knew nothing about what actions the club was going to take in regards to the football personnel. Of course they had sheer speculation but everyone has that !! Anything that has come out this week regarding Teague was more than likely leaked by Pickering as he has an axe to grind and probably did his client no favours.

Well played Blues, it looks professional & focussed regardless of how much sh*t others want to fling at us.
No one gives a sh*t who is on the board that's why, how many board members can you name from other clubs ?... but everyone knew Teague was gone... no leaks here though
Also wasn't Lloyd meant to be gone along with Teague ??
No, he said he contacted Carlton to ask if the information he had that 4 x board members were going to be leaving was true, and they refused to confirm or deny that report.

But isn’t the FACT that McClure knew about the 4 x board members before it was made public evidence that there are leaks? If there were no leaks how did he know that?

And journo’s weren’t guessing Teague was gone. They have been stating it as fact.

And what do you mean Teague saw the writing on the wall?

If there were no leaks from within Carlton about Teague and the review hadn’t been tabled how did he know he was gone when he is contracted for 2022? Why would he have got that inkling? Why would his manager slam Cripps publicly? All before this much vaunted and highly confidential review was even tabled …???

Your head is clearly buried deep in the sand, but I admire your defence of your club, however naive it might be.

Sent from my iPhone using BigFooty.com

There’s a lot of naïveté from yourself.

Predicting a likely outcome doesn’t equate to having knowledge of that outcome. Teague knew the review would incorporate all elements of the clubs internal functioning and saw the writing on the wall after delivering a shocking performance as head coach this year.

It’s not hard to work out the expectations of this year and the reality were poles apart and there would be consequences - Teague was a major reason for that.

We were discussing leaks relating to the review - this has nothing to do with members of the board, which is why the club was able to disclose this info.
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