Conspiracy Theory World Economic Forum

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Correct, left wing ideology is founded in oppression, tyranny and theft. It cannot survive without destroying others. Right wing ideology promotes the natural order and meritocracy. Nature is hierarchical. Right wing ideologies are a form of nature. The left is inherently unnatural.

Amazing stuff here :tearsofjoy:
Questions for you:

1) What is the natural order? It is what it is.

2) Who is at the top of this natural order, and who is at the bottom? Those at the top and those at the bottom.

3) How did those at the top (and the bottom) get there? Through the natural order.

4) Where do you sit in this natural order, and where does Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg sit? I sit where my ability and application have taken me. Having worked on the foundation provided by family as they worked on the foundation provided before them throughout millennia.

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He supports hierarchies and 'the natural order'.

While simultaneously bitching about 'unelected billionaires who run the world'.

To be clear, I'm not bitching about unelected billionaires. I'm bitching about elected morons who feed these unelected billionaires because they're too stupid to see through their deception.
What is the natural order? It is what it is.

Who is at the top of this natural order, and who is at the bottom? Those at the top and those at the bottom.

No FlowersByIrene , you need to explain to me what the natural order is, and who exactly is at the top, and who is at the bottom.

Explain to me if which of the following groups are at the top or at the bottom of the 'natural order':
  • Women.
  • Billionaires.
  • Men.
  • Disabled people.
  • Aboriginal people.
  • Jews.
  • White people.
  • Homeless people.
  • The elderly.
  • Children.
  • Heterosexual people.
  • Members of the WEF.
You posit this 'natural order' exists. You should be able to pretty clearly tell me where the above groups sit in the 'natural order'.

Give it your best shot.

To be clear, I'm not bitching about unelected billionaires. I'm bitching about elected morons who feed these unelected billionaires because they're too stupid to see through their deception.

But you support unelected billionaires ruling over elected (and unelected) morons.

It's the natural order of things isn't it? The wealthy rule the weak and stupid. The wealthy get special treatment, while the weak and stupid get left behind to struggle.

If the natural order of things is NOT billionaires telling you (a poor nobody) what to do, and being the ones with the power to make you do it, then what is the natural order of things?

I ask you because you're the one that is expressly supporting those billionaires being at the top of the pyramid, which has you located somewhere near the bottom with the rest of the masses.

Heck, you dont just support them being at the top of the pyramid, you literally support the pyramid itself.
You are hilarious. You're so far left your mind can't even comprehend reality. You're so stuck in your oppression Olympics ideology you don't get it. None of those groups are anywhere in the "pyramid". There are people within the pyramid and if you were to go to the largest real group - that isn't made up by leftist academics - there are families within the pyramid. Men, women, black, white, those are just labels that you create to justify your tyrannical view points, they don't exist (with respect to women, that is a point that your colleagues even agree with- which makes it even more hilarious when you speak out of both sides of your mouth).

I don't support anyone else within this pyramid. The only focus in life is to improve yourself and the lives of your family, with the only worthy political action outside of that being the absolute reduction of the government where at all possible.
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The leftist pyramid is some sort of Escher-esque nightmare labyrinth populated by Jewish nazis, black white supremacists and all manner of inverted reality fever dreams.
A Jewish conspiracy is far right territory. The left is just arced up by Israel's mass killing of Palestinians.
Maybe you could flesh that out a bit.
The current trend of anti- semitism being given the okay because it is in fashion is what is meant by mental gymnastics. It shouldn't be tolerated at all. Yet we have "progressives" tying themselves in mental knots to justify their current outrage.
The current trend of anti- semitism being given the okay because it is in fashion is what is meant by mental gymnastics. It shouldn't be tolerated at all. Yet we have "progressives" tying themselves in mental knots to justify their current outrage.
It shouldn't be tolerated but you're talking about an idiot minority. Mental gymnastics is arguing Israel's mass killing of Palestinians is ok and protesting about it is antisemitism.
It shouldn't be tolerated but you're talking about an idiot minority. Mental gymnastics is arguing Israel's mass killing of Palestinians is ok and protesting about it is antisemitism.
It isn't just protesting though. Uni students were going around classes, demanding a show of hands of those who support palestine and taking photos of the results. Any Jewish student would rightfully feel threatened by that. The phrase 'from the river to the sea' is a call for the elimination of israel, I've seen these slogans plastered around melbourne. Trying to justify this sort of stuff is engaging on mental gymnastics.


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It isn't just protesting though. Uni students were going around classes, demanding a show of hands of those who support palestine and taking photos of the results. Any Jewish student would rightfully feel threatened by that. The phrase 'from the river to the sea' is a call for the elimination of israel, I've seen these slogans plastered around melbourne. Trying to justify this sort of stuff is engaging on mental gymnastics.

You're using the actions of an idiot minority to distract attention from Israel's horrific behaviour in Gaza and the West Bank.
You're using the actions of an idiot minority to distract attention from Israel's horrific behaviour in Gaza and the West Bank.
The actions of an idiot minority being used as the basis to stifle discussion is the bread and butter of "progressives", anything they don't like gets smeared by the most extreme example available and is never deviated from.

This thread is a great example, anyone who questions whether billionaires and politicians meeting in davos to discuss the future of the world is perhaps not in the best interests of the people who inhabit this world is immediately reduced to being a nazi or victim of a russian psy-op.
The actions of an idiot minority being used as the basis to stifle discussion is the bread and butter of "progressives", anything they don't like gets smeared by the most extreme example available and is never deviated from.

This thread is a great example, anyone who questions whether billionaires and politicians meeting in davos to discuss the future of the world is perhaps not in the best interests of the people who inhabit this world is immediately reduced to being a nazi or victim of a russian psy-op.

And your response is typical about how you and your type argue in these threads. Dishonestly, with a fair dose of ignorance added in.

If you truly framed your opinion as "anyone who questions whether billionaires and politicians meeting in davos to discuss the future of the world is perhaps not in the best interests of the people who inhabit this world", then you wouldn't get any negative pushback on such opinion.

But that's where the dishonesty comes in. Rather than specify your opinion as you pretend to have done above, you consistently framed it as the WEF meetings are Davos are held (1) with evil intent by evil people, who (2) have the will, mechanisms and capacity to force their evil upon us and the 'people who inhabit this world' are powerless to stop it.

I think (1) is a laughably ignorant but harmless view. But (2) is demonstrably wrong and that's where the pushback against your views has been centred.

But hey, you keep doing your straw man if it makes you feel better.
The current trend of anti- semitism being given the okay because it is in fashion is what is meant by mental gymnastics. It shouldn't be tolerated at all. Yet we have "progressives" tying themselves in mental knots to justify their current outrage.
Can you provide examples from this trend of anti-semitism? Are you sure you're not confusing it with anti-Israel/pro-ceasefire sentiment, as practically all MSM in the US from both left and right are (deliberately) doing?
It's clearly not an idiot minority. It's very widespread and it is not condemned by those on the left.
It absolutely is.

Criticism of Israel and a desire for the slaughter of civilians in Gaza (and now elsewhere) to stop is the thing that is widespread, and its not anti-semitic.

Actually that would be a good one to get nailed down - can there ever be legitimate criticism of Israel in your view? Or is any and all criticism of Israel inherently anti-semitic, as government and media in the US have tried to frame it?
It absolutely is.

Criticism of Israel and a desire for the slaughter of civilians in Gaza (and now elsewhere) to stop is the thing that is widespread, and its not anti-semitic.

Actually that would be a good one to get nailed down - can there ever be legitimate criticism of Israel in your view? Or is any and all criticism of Israel inherently anti-semitic, as government and media in the US have tried to frame it?
Absolutely there can be legitimate Israel criticism. I am not supportive of Israel.

But it is clear that stuff like "from the river to the sea", "kill the Jews" are anti-semitic rhetoric. As is the approach of "checking peoples papers" to enter into College campuses in the US, limiting Jewish freedoms in connection with a criticism of a foreign state.

I don't really care enough about the issue, Arabs and Jews despite each other. I have Arab friends and they won't shop at Jewish owned stores and generally are highly racist against Jews. I am sure it is the same in reverse. That's not my issue, it doesn't impact me.

But it's disingenuous to say it's not anti-semitic and that's my issue. If you're engaging in that sort of activity come out and own it, stand for something and let your precious moral highground evaporate. The issue is they can't do that, because that moral highground is the only thing that keeps the left above water. Leftist policies are founded in racism. Look at the examples from the US in particular and the extent they seep into our culture here. African Americans are too dumb to get VoterID so VoterID is racist. This or that minority is disadvantaged so they need affirmative action. These are all policies founded in racism. It's time the left-leaning amongst us admitted that they are disgusting racists.
Absolutely there can be legitimate Israel criticism. I am not supportive of Israel.

But it is clear that stuff like "from the river to the sea"
I initially had similar thoughts on this one, but have come around a bit. The rest of the phrase is "Palestine will be free" - now I'm sure it has been chanted on occasion by those who would just like to see Israel destroyed, and personally I'd stay away from it coz of the attached baggage, but I can understand the argument that its not an anti-semitic statement by default, rather its just supportive of a Palenstinian state free of Israeli oppression.

"kill the Jews"
Widespread? Clearly not imo but post up examples if you have them.

As is the approach of "checking peoples papers" to enter into College campuses in the US
No idea what you're talking about here, links please

limiting Jewish freedoms in connection with a criticism of a foreign state.
lol you want to talk about limiting of freedoms? There are literally laws on the books in the US punishing companies taking any decision to boycott business with Israeli interests, strange approach in the old "land of the free". Not to mention the congressional bill last month to expand and codify the definition of anti-semitism to basically any criticism of Israel and their actions :drunk:
I initially had similar thoughts on this one, but have come around a bit. The rest of the phrase is "Palestine will be free" - now I'm sure it has been chanted on occasion by those who would just like to see Israel destroyed, and personally I'd stay away from it coz of the attached baggage, but I can understand the argument that its not an anti-semitic statement by default, rather its just supportive of a Palenstinian state free of Israeli oppression.

Widespread? Clearly not imo but post up examples if you have them. - Sydney Opera House, apologies it was "Gas the Jews"

No idea what you're talking about here, links please - Videos of these are all over Instagram / Tiktok / X, search for example, Columbia Professor not allowed on Campus, or videos of students at UC Berkely etc.

lol you want to talk about limiting of freedoms? There are literally laws on the books in the US punishing companies taking any decision to boycott business with Israeli interests, strange approach in the old "land of the free". Not to mention the congressional bill last month to expand and codify the definition of anti-semitism to basically any criticism of Israel and their actions :drunk: I fully oppose the US' overt support of Israel, it is opposed to US citizens interests.
Sydney Opera House, apologies it was "Gas the Jews"
So, 1 example, not widespread. Clearly an absolute minority chanting stuff like that.

Videos of these are all over Instagram / Tiktok / X, search for example, Columbia Professor not allowed on Campus, or videos of students at UC Berkely etc.

I'd stop getting my 'news' from social media if I was you.

The Columbia Professor was blocked from entering an area of the campus, the area where the pro-Palestine encampment was, after he announced his intention hold a sit-in there. The uni's CEO even met the bloke at the entrance to explain why he would not be allowed in, along with an offer to hold his-sit in on-campus but at a different area than the pro-Palestine encampment. His response was to publicly post that this offer was "a continuation of six months of gaslighting and degrading the Jewish community”, along with“F— YOU CAS.” (the name of the CEO). He teaches in another area, to which his has access remained instated.

Seems like a really reasonable bloke yeah? lol

I'd pull up just short of labeling him a professional agitator but it comes pretty close imo. If they're trying to avoid potential violence I'd say preventing this bloke from waltzing into the pro-Palestine encampment for a "sit-in" was a pretty solid decision.

UC Berkely, that was the one where after days of peaceful protest some pro-Jewish counter protesters started stealing flags and threw fireworks into the encampment yeah? This one I'd have no problem calling agitators, seems pretty cut and dry.

If this is the stuff you're basing your "very widespread" anti-semitism comment on I'd implore you to look a bit closer. You're swallowing a very dishonest narrative hook line and sinker.

It's quite illuminating that now there is an issue where the govt/media and "progressives" don't align there is pushback and claims of bias.
On the flip side, also pretty illuminating how keen others are to swallow it when it does align. I often wonder lately where all the people on this board traditionally fond of quoting Orwell/1984 have gone, a more pertinent example than the establishment approach to Israel/anti-semitism you'd go a long way to see.
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Sydney Opera House, apologies it was "Gas the Jews"
So, 1 example, not widespread. Clearly an absolute minority chanting stuff like that.

Videos of these are all over Instagram / Tiktok / X, search for example, Columbia Professor not allowed on Campus, or videos of students at UC Berkely etc.

I'd stop getting my 'news' from social media if I was you.

The Columbia Professor was blocked from entering an area of the campus, the area where the pro-Palestine encampment was, after he announced his intention hold a sit-in there. The uni's CEO even met the bloke at the entrance to explain why he would not be allowed in, along with an offer to hold his-sit in on-campus but at a different area than the pro-Palestine encampment. His response was to publicly post that this offer was "a continuation of six months of gaslighting and degrading the Jewish community”, along with“F— YOU CAS.” (the name of the CEO). He teaches in another area, to which his has access remained instated.

Seems like a really reasonable bloke yeah? lol

I'd pull up just short of labeling him a professional agitator but it comes pretty close imo. If they're trying to avoid potential violence I'd say preventing this bloke from waltzing into the pro-Palestine encampment for a "sit-in" was a pretty solid decision.

UC Berkely, that was the one where after days of peaceful protest some pro-Jewish counter protesters started stealing flags and threw fireworks into the encampment yeah? This one I'd have no problem calling agitators, seems pretty cut and dry.

If this is the stuff you're basing your "very widespread" anti-semitism comment on I'd implore you to look a bit closer. You're swallowing a very dishonest narrative hook line and sinker.

On the flip side, also pretty illuminating how keen others are to swallow it when it does align. I often wonder lately where all the people on this board traditionally fond of quoting Orwell/1984 have gone, a more pertinent example than the establishment approach to Israel/anti-semitism you'd go a long way to see.
I trust what I see a lot more than the "news" thanks bourbons.

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