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Series S is $399 on Amazon at the moment, made the decision to get one for the kids for Christmas, upgrading them from the Xbox One. Haven't told the missus.
I’m thinking about getting the series s for $370 from be with some vouchers and cash from Christmas. I already have a ps5 and switch just not sure it’s worth it for the Xbox exclusives.

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I’m thinking about getting the series s for $370 from be with some vouchers and cash from Christmas. I already have a ps5 and switch just not sure it’s worth it for the Xbox exclusives.
Only you can deem if xbox exclusive games are worth, look what games are coming out in the next 12 months which might help your decision.
View attachment 1878927
It didn't take long to fold :D

2.5 hours I'm impressed!!

Try out gamepass I've enjoyed the Indies style games that have been on there as well as the popular games.

It's a nifty system, I only got one while I couldn't secure a Series X..... funny thing was I got a Series X not even 2 months after the purchase lol. Ended up sticking with the Series S for a while after (kept it connected to my main TV in the lounge room). Eventually got motivated enough to switch the console to another room and finally give the X some love.
Enjoy, the constant negativity that Xbox cops is unwarranted imo

It's a great system

I don’t get the negativity, series x is a brilliant console and the series s is great little console in its own right, not to mention game pass which is terrific.
Starfield is awesome it’s hands down my game of the year.

It's bland.

It's not bad and it's not good, it's just meh. They majorly over-hyped what Starfield was going to be and got nowhere near close to even coming close to getting near the hype.

It's bland.

It's not bad and it's not good, it's just meh. They majorly over-hyped what Starfield was going to be and got nowhere near close to even coming close to getting near the hype.

What is then ? Starfield has heaps of stuff to do exploring, starship designing, outpost building, 1000s of planets, 4 factions, main quest line, oodles of side quests then theirs's ng+ where you can randomly travel to 10 totally different alternative realities (just got the one where all the constellation members are kids) so i am still finding heaps of stuff to do after 300hrs of play.

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What is then ? Starfield has heaps of stuff to do exploring, starship designing, outpost building, 1000s of planets, 4 factions, main quest line, oodles of side quests then theirs's ng+ where you can randomly travel to 10 totally different alternative realities (just got the one where all the constellation members are kids) so i am still finding heaps of stuff to do after 300hrs of play.
It's got a lot of content, but it's still bland. IGN copped a lot of shit for rating it a 7 but they were spot on.
It's got a lot of content, but it's still bland. IGN copped a lot of s**t for rating it a 7 but they were spot on.

IGN are most biased against Xbox havent rated anything fairly for them in years. They’re a bunch of Sony fanboys. They rated Spider-Man 2 high and that was just ok you were finished with that game in a weekend.

I’d give starfield a 9/10 i think only the greatest games deserve a ten. But was best game I played released this year. Saying that it was a poor year for game releases.
Saying that it was a poor year for game releases.
I haven't played Starfield so am not commenting on that part of it, but...what? This year was one of the best for games in quite some time. So many absolute bangers.
IGN are most biased against Xbox havent rated anything fairly for them in years. They’re a bunch of Sony fanboys.
I find them to be Nintendo fanboys if anything.

I'm console agnostic and own an XSX, PS5, and Switch so don't really have a dog in the fight. I was looking forward to Starfield but it fell flat for me. I like exploring in games but got bored with the endless scanning of mostly empty planets. Not really into spaceship or base building either. I can see how people that enjoy those things can spend hundreds of hours in the game.
One week update with the series s?
How you find the entry level system and setup?
How's gamepass treating you? Which games caught your eye?
First impressions are that for $370 it’s an absolute bargain. I‘ve been playing a couple of hours of starfield a night and can’t complain with how the series s handles it. Sure the graphics aren’t up to the series x but they’re still quite good and I haven’t noticed any frame drops and load times are fine.

Looking through game pass I might need to find a way to increase my gaming time. I haven’t had an Xbox since the original so once I’m done with starfield I think I’m going to play through Fable 2 and 3. I loved the first one so would like to play the others before they release the new one. The only problem there is there’s also sea of stars, hi-fi rush and I’ll probably give halo a go as once again haven’t played it since the first.

Usually I like to finish a game before starting a new one but gamepass might change all that and I won’t feel guilty about buying a game then not finishing it.

If Microsoft bought Square Enix I’m not sure I’d go with a PlayStation again.

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