The future of the ABC - Guthrie sacked

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skilts you need to lend some respectability to this thread with some wanton references to pudenda
I'll restrict myself to saying how ironic it is that to have a large endowment is considered desirable, yet a similarly proportioned pudendum is frowned upon. Being versatile, I can cope with all comers.

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I'll restrict myself to saying how ironic it is that to have a large endowment is considered desirable, yet a similarly proportioned pudendum is frowned upon. Being versatile, I can cope with all comers.
yes, far from us to be gratuitous. we will leave that to emma alberici's new career.

skilts what happens when you marry said large endowment to a receptacle. does the receptacle then become of similar proportion, and, is this negative, or just symmetry?
yes, far from us to be gratuitous. we will leave that to emma alberici's new career.

skilts what happens when you marry said large endowment to a receptacle. does the receptacle then become of similar proportion, and, is this negative, or just symmetry?
If I've got anything to do with it, it does so become. Neither negative nor positive, it just the way things are going to be.
It's a feather'n birds,law of nature thing.
Inanimate receptacles suffer stasis.
Don't suffer in overflowing.
Then there's the one about the bucket and the string.
No pain in underfilling either.
Simple. There's overwhelming support for all those things, on all sides of the political divide. Our society may impose manditory tax but through democratic process people get a say in how those dollars are spent. The ABC has managed to alienate large sections of the community through its bias and poor service. Thats why there's a debate on its ungoing funding and future.
The public get no more say in how social welfare, medicare or public transport dollars are spent than they do on how ABC dollars are spent.

The majority of Australians who don't vote for Labor or The Greens.

Should I even bother asking you to provide evidence for that?
In the 1998 Federal Election, Beasley secured more votes that Howard in the "GST Election", yet despite the fact that the majority of Australian's vote against the GST, it got bought in.
The public get no more say in how social welfare, medicare or public transport dollars are spent than they do on how ABC dollars are spent.

If there's a popular groundswell of community support or angst over how public moneys are spent, then there's a corresponding political imperative to deal with it (one way or another) thats inversely related to the size of the demographic calling for the change.
If there's a popular groundswell of community support or angst over how public moneys are spent, then there's a corresponding political imperative to deal with it (one way or another) thats inversely related to the size of the demographic calling for the change.

The problem is, a few loners on a talkboard doesn't constitute a groundswell. Not even a groundripple.
If there's a popular groundswell of community support or angst over how public moneys are spent, then there's a corresponding political imperative to deal with it (one way or another) thats inversely related to the size of the demographic calling for the change.
So "Seems like public broadcaster funding will be fine!" is the inverse corollary??
$300,000 raised at the end of the Crack Up.
Such an array of Aussie talent,and they're media/entertainment pros.The Higgins-Perfect and others a cappella "I must be crazy" was a fitting and classy finale.
The ABC provides a quality service with a social conscience which is as it should be.:thumbsu::D

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Is this a serious question?

Or are you trying out a clever 'gotcha' move?

Where someone will say "no, all Liberal voters don't hate the ABC".
And then you will cleverly trap them, and say "prove it!"
Is that what you're planning?

Or is it a serious question? And you really didn't follow the conversation?
In other words, people who vote for the liberal party don't count.

Only votes for Labor or the Greens represent true democracy.
I used to be a hardcore liberal voter. For many, many years.

Didn't stop me from loving the ABC.
Good old Floor Pie logic. It's better than the rest despite falling ratings so it mus t not mean people are critical and less satisfied of it.
ABC beat Ten last year. Their 'falling ratings' is equivalent to people who say the earth has cooled since 2008, despite most of the years after 2008 being hotter than before 2008.

And you claim that people protesting against conservatives are a vocal minority, while also claiming dissent against the ABC is up. Polling suggests the ABC is one of the most trusted institutions in the country and that the conservatives have a majority against them. Do you think you may be biased?
It's just a TV station mate. We have hundreds of them in Australia, don't need a taxpayer funded one.
Hundreds? WTF?
Is there a sizeable debate on the ABC's future, or isn't there?

Yes. Because a large section of the community is alienated by the ABC's bias.
No, there's a debate because the Coalition are cutting everything. Despite getting voted in on a promise to not cut everything, including specific things like the ABC & SBS.
And what was that Muslim extremist doing on our TV last night? He is living in our country with not one speck of loyalty to our nation. If an extreme anti-Islam spokesperson made similar, outrageous claims the whole twitterati, ABC presenters and Fairfax press would explode with outrage. The ABC board is a joke for giving this swine a platform, Emma only just managed to pull it back.
Oh, hang on. No need to answer that. ^ I see your confidence comes from ignorance.
It is impressive they managed to find someone so nuts even someone on the ABC wouldn't accept their views. What next, maybe they'll ask some of their own, like Walid Aly similar questions....I wonder if they'll hold him to a similar standard when he deflects such questions.
Oh crap. Have we been debating with anyone who's actually worth debating?
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I used to be a hardcore liberal voter. For many, many years.

Didn't stop me from loving the ABC.

The ABC (& I include the SBS) is a valued institution. Apart from Tripple J & Rage, its probably more valued by your older listener/watcher. ie the majority of Australians.

Its news is far more respected than any other, & it provides a broad range of programs which are more useful to the non bogan, non callow youth, more mature, rural, regional & NESB ethnic people among us.

This weeks mental health theme is fantastic & shows the valuable community work that is part of their very ethos.

It is not biased, it provides what any healthy democracy needs, trust in the media.

Under the changes planned by Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull, SBS could air 10 minutes of advertisements an hour - up from five minutes an hour. This would put SBS on an almost even footing with the commercial networks, which are allowed to air 13 minutes of "non-program matter" in prime time on their main channels. (I thought that the commercial channels recently had an increase to the amount of minutes?)

How do you think the commercial channels will react to this?
Article says the commercials will campaign against it because if SBS is more commercial it will broadcast more populist programmes(no more Al Jazeera News/replaced by Days of Our Wives XXXV111)putting them in direct competition for the same bums on the same seats.
They would programme targeting the moronic illiterate right wing misogynist as well as the terminally boring thoughtless tree hugging leftie.
I can honestly say I have not watched commercial TV for as long as I can remember and don't feel robbed.
The National Broadcaster is resigned and adjusting to the cuts already declared but are apparently dreading the cuts that are yet to come.:eek:
People say you get the guvment you deserve so I guess we've been naughty.:rolleyes:
Well spotted.

Thanks to the aggregation that happened under Hawke, we now have the ABC, SBS, NITV, Imparja, Prime, Win, Southern Cross Ten, Southern Cross (FNQ/NT/Outback), GWN, Satellite services plus Seven, Nine, Ten and Foxtel.

It's really less than 20.
Of course some of those are basically the same station too, and the community stations will soon to be defunct (unless he's extended Turnbull's logic and thinks that because everyone carries a camera in their pocket, we have millions of TV stations...). Let's be generous and assume he meant 'channels' and therefore he thinks the ABC is equally as important as the 'hundreds of stations' he sees when he looks at his Foxtel guide and notices three numbers in front of the channel names.
The National Broadcaster is resigned and adjusting to the cuts already declared but are apparently dreading the cuts that are yet to come.:eek:

Unfortunately Turnball is a waste of oxygen as minister, should resign. Scott Morrison could be persuaded to take on the ABC and show Malcolm how it’s done. Turn that sheltered left wing workshop inside out with a combination of deep cuts, privatision and input to the recruitment selection process. Imagine a fair and balanced ABC? Would get the best prune-face yet seen from Senator Milne

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