History 5/2/15 New allegations of Saudi involvement in 9/11

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Now that this thread has been ruined by truthers, I vote it gets moved to the Conspiracy section.

but its news? if we live if a free country with liberty and democracy (stay with me here)

why is the report classified?

The Saudi Role in Sept. 11 and the Hidden 9/11 Report Pages
BY JEFF STEIN 1/7/15 AT 6:43 AM

The Twin Towers rise above the cross on the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, formerly at Ground Zero. JAMES MARSHALL / CORBIS

FILED UNDER: U.S., 9/11, Saudi Arabia, George Bush
Updated |

Since the early days after the Sept. 11 attacks, when news emerged that most of the airline hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, dark allegations have lingered about official Saudi ties to the terrorists. Fueling the suspicions: 28 still-classified pages in a congressional inquiry on 9/11 that raise questions about Saudi financial support to the hijackers in the United States prior to the attacks.

Both the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama have refused to declassify the pages on grounds of national security. But critics, including members of Congress who have read the pages in the tightly guarded, underground room in the Capitol where they are held, say national security has nothing to do with it. U.S. officials, they charge, are trying to hide the double game that Saudi Arabia has long played with Washington, as both a close ally and petri dish for the world’s most toxic brand of Islamic extremism.

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One of the most prominent critics is former Florida Senator Bob Graham, a Democrat who co-chaired the joint investigation of the House and Senate intelligence committees into the Sept. 11 attacks. On Wednesday, in a press conference with two current members of Congress and representatives of families who lost loved ones in the attacks, he will once again urge the Obama administration to declassify the pages—a move the White House has previously rebuffed.

“There are a lot of rocks out there that have been purposefully tamped down, that if were they turned over, would give us a more expansive view of the Saudi role” in assisting the 9/11 hijackers, Graham said in an interview. He maintains that nothing in them qualifies as a legitimate national security secret.

Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican who has also read the pages, agrees. “There is no reason the 28 pages have not been made public,” Jones told Newsweek. “It’s not a national security issue.” Parts of it, however, Jones said, will be “somewhat embarrassing for the Bush administration,” because of “certain relationships with the Saudis.”

In July, the two co-chairman of a separate inquiry, commonly known as the 9/11 Commission, likewise urged the White House to declassify the 28 pages.

“I’m embarrassed that they’re not declassified,“ former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind) said at a press conference with his co-chair Tom Kean, the former Republican governor of New Jersey. “I assumed all along that our records would be public—all of them, everything. And when I learned that a number of documents were classified or were even redacted, I was surprised and disappointed. I am embarrassed to be associated with a work product that is secret.”

Referring to widely reported connections between Saudis and two future hijackers in Southern California, Kean added, “We did research on that particular episode in San Diego with Saudi Arabia and believe if you read the 9/11 report you'll find you want to find about that particular section. There is no reason to classify it anymore.”

Their live-streamed press conference at the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, D.C. received considerable attention. But Hamilton toldNewsweek that he did not favor declassification of the 28 pages from the congressional investigation, just his own 9/11 Commission report. “I do not favor the declassification” of the the congressional probe’s pages, he said in a telephone interview. He added that he had "never read" that section of the other probe and “I don’t know what’s in it….No one ever came to me and said you ought to read these pages.” (He later amended that to say, “I can’t say I’ve never read them; I have no recollection of having read them.”) He evinced no interest in reading them now. “I haven't asked. I don’t think I would,” he said. “It depends on the terms of classification."

Kean could not be reached for clarification of his own remarks. A confidante of both men, who asked for anonymity, said that confusion over their comments arose from "the somewhat confusing” manner the question was raised about the 28 pages in the press conference.

According to Graham, a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Saudi officials “knew that people who had a mission for Osama bin Laden were in, or would soon be placed in, the United States. Whether they knew what their assignments were takes the inference too far.”

The 2002 joint congressional committee probe he co-chaired reported only that, “contacts in the United States helped hijackers find housing, open bank accounts, obtain drivers licenses, locate flight schools, and facilitate transactions.”

But in an interview with Newsweek, Graham said “the contacts” were Saudis with close connections to their government. “I think that in a very tightly controlled institution like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, activities that would be potentially negative to its relationship with its closest ally, the United States, would not have been made at any but the highest levels,” he said.

The Florida Democrat charged that there has been “an organized effort to suppress information” about Saudi support for terrorism, which "started long before 9/11 and continued to the period immediately after 9/11" and continues today.

“I don't think that anyone in any agency, whether it was the CIA or FBI or others, made the decision to do this,” Graham added, referring to the decision to classify the pages. “I think it was a decision made at the White House and the executive agencies that were responsible to the White House were told to keep this under rocks.”

The Obama administration has also kept the 28 pages under lock and key. President Obama ignored an April 14 letter from Jones and Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Ma), requesting that the documents be declassified. Two months later, they received a response from the director of national intelligence’s legislative liaison promising “a coordinated response on behalf of the President,” which never came. A White House spokesperson told Newsweek on Monday it would have no further comment.

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If you believe in lizard people, good luck to you.

if anything can be categorized as conspiracy theory,

the response is to point out that david icke believes in a lizard-alien theory, usually in the form of something like; ILLUMINATI LIZARDS OMG, therefore, (apparently) discrediting any other possible conspiracy theory.

its a wonderful technique
sadly for you guys, the biggest indicator for whether someone believes in a conspiracy theory, is that they subscribe to other conspiracy theories. it's a rare day indeed that a person has only one pet CT they're into, they like many (you're a perfect example of this CountryRace). sure, 911 might not be quite as stupid as icke's lizard people, but you can guarantee that people that believe in lizard people think 911 was an inside job.

i can easily predict the other beliefs someone has if they're a truther.
sadly for you guys, the biggest indicator for whether someone believes in a conspiracy theory, is that they subscribe to other conspiracy theories. it's a rare day indeed that a person has only one pet CT they're into, they like many (you're a perfect example of this CountryRace). sure, 911 might not be quite as stupid as icke's lizard people, but you can guarantee that people that believe in lizard people think 911 was an inside job.

i can easily predict the other beliefs someone has if they're a truther.

a) you should not personalize things. You should take comments on merit, instead of reading back into history and seeing whats what. if a person believes in a theory you should attempt to debunk the specific statement rather than attacking the character of said person

b) i (as you have tagged me) don't believe in thousands of CT at all. i just have an open mind, and enjoying reading different view points.

c) historically, many CT, are proven to be true. Hence, more in the future may be true. NSA comes to mind
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a) you should not personalize things. You should take comments on merit, instead of reading back into history and seeing whats what. if a person beleives in a theory you should attempt to debunk the specific statement rather than attacking the character.

i guess that depends on what they're saying, though. I have more than a decade's worth of experience with debating conspiracy theorists online (and sadly, in person :( ). people that believe in imaginary concepts are virtually impossible to reason with. so i'd just prefer to point and laugh. i gave you that one chance if you'll remember, to prove you weren't drinking the koolaide.

b) i (as you have tagged me) don't believe in thousands of Ctheories at all. i just have an open mind.

i never said "thousands". but you quite clearly believe in many. i predicted quite easily your beliefs in 911 being an inside job, just from your beliefs in banking conspiracies. "having an open mind" is not a synonym for "believing in nonsense". people that subscribe to many conspiracy theories are the antithesis of open minds, they are partisans of the most extreme nature.

c) historically, many CT, are proven to be true. Hence, more in the future may be true.

no, historically many conspiracies have occurred. and they're not uncovered by shitty websites, youtube videos and non-experts regurgitating stupid shit they read on the internet. they're uncovered by real research and real researchers.
sadly for you guys, the biggest indicator for whether someone believes in a conspiracy theory, is that they subscribe to other conspiracy theories. it's a rare day indeed that a person has only one pet CT they're into, they like many (you're a perfect example of this CountryRace). sure, 911 might not be quite as stupid as icke's lizard people, but you can guarantee that people that believe in lizard people think 911 was an inside job.

i can easily predict the other beliefs someone has if they're a truther.
I used to argue the same thing as you are. That all changed 3 years ago when it was obvious the so called debunking of '911 was an inside job' turned out to be full of lies and defied the laws of physics.
Good luck to you though. I couldn't be bothered arguing over this again on another forum.
I used to argue the same thing as you are. That all changed 3 years ago when it was obvious the so called debunking of '911 was an inside job' turned out to be full of lies and defied the laws of physics.
Good luck to you though. I couldn't be bothered arguing over this again on another forum.

im with you on that (arguing specifics on another forum). i gave that up years ago coz it was just so painful. that said, whenever a layman refers to "defied the laws of physics" i like to remind them what the towers looked like ;)

That is a nice picture of unfinished buildings. Nice try!

huh? which other way would you suggest the superstructure of the building be illustrated? it shows perfectly why the buildings fell the way they did (the majority of the supporting steel being the exoskeleton).
Not enough credit is being given to the OP. It is staggering that he/she is already able to post in May this year. What does one have to do to receive such preferential treatment Chief?

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Saudi Arabia may have more of a role that what we are led to believe?


The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world. To the families and friends of these victims it makes little difference whether the causes were U.S. military action, proxy military forces, the provision of U.S. military supplies or advisors, or other ways, such as economic pressures applied by our nation. They had to make decisions about other things such as finding lost loved ones, whether to become refugees, and how to survive.

And the pain and anger is spread even further. Some authorities estimate that there are as many as 10 wounded for each person who dies in wars. Their visible, continued suffering is a continuing reminder to their fellow countrymen.

Makes you think how pethitic the ave Australian is accepting everything that has happened to our personal freedoms since 9/11. Makes you think that those who are against us accepting refugees from these nations attacked by America, are continuing the slaughter the Americans are responsible for.
Today, three senators one ex-U.S.Senator (Bob Graham [FL]) and two current U.S. rep. (Walter Jones [NC] & Stephen Lynch [MA]) will request that Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11 be declassified.


Saudi Arabia may have more of a role that what we are led to believe?
fat chance we hear about this. Bandar Bush and all, #sweptunderruggery

but i think it was slavo who has riffed on, when you allow the anticeptic of daylight, the cognitive dissonance/suppression disbelief now becomes impossible.

ironic, the first i heard zizek used this to talk about the paradigm invention with respect to wikileaks and assange, but, they might have just conflated society's dull apathy and huxley with suppression of belief
How many billions in arms sales has America made to Saudi Arabia since?
I think I have read a paper or seen a doco on oil trade, and arms trade. inextricably linked. oil goes one way, sometimes they pay in contra, in arms (plus cash). or learjets, or other planes, or fighterplanes.
i never said "thousands". but you quite clearly believe in many. i predicted quite easily your beliefs in 911 being an inside job, just from your beliefs in banking conspiracies.

no, historically many conspiracies have occurred. and they're not uncovered by shitty websites, youtube videos and non-experts regurgitating stupid shit they read on the internet. they're uncovered by real research and real researchers.

There's just been two huge banking conspiracies uncovered. Some of these people like CR might be a bit populist and self taught on how power operates but the core of what they're saying is pretty spot on.

Secondly where are the real researchers these days? World journalism has never been in a darker place. Ownership has concentrated and investigative journalists have been laid off in their droves. Media for the most part has turned in to infotainment regurgitating PR firms spin and governments are actively enacting laws around the world to limit the freedom of the press. The more people digging the better in my view.
There's just been two huge banking conspiracies uncovered. Some of these people like CR might be a bit populist and self taught on how power operates but the core of what they're saying is pretty spot on.

Secondly where are the real researchers these days? World journalism has never been in a darker place. Ownership has concentrated and investigative journalists have been laid off in their droves. Media for the most part has turned in to infotainment regurgitating PR firms spin and governments are actively enacting laws around the world to limit the freedom of the press. The more people digging the better in my view.
harry Mar -farking- Copoulos

harry markopoulos. prolly spelt differently, let googles algorithm be your autocorrect while it is doing the NSAs work
There's just been two huge banking conspiracies uncovered. Some of these people like CR might be a bit populist and self taught on how power operates but the core of what they're saying is pretty spot on.

conspiracy theories are a misdiagnosis of how power operates, though. sure, they might know the obvious (money is power), but their general conceptualisation of the world could be described as 'evil geniuses versus super heroes'. in other words, childish sap.

Conspiracy theory as a theory of power, then, is an ideological misrecognition of power relations, articulated to but neither defining nor defined by populism, interpellating believers as “the people” opposed to a relatively secret, elite “power bloc.” Yet such a definition does not exhaust conspiracy theory’s significance in contemporary politics and culture; as with populism, the interpellation of “the people” opposed to the “power bloc” plays a crucial role in any movement for social change. Moreover, as I have argued, just because overarching conspiracy theories are wrong does not mean they are not on to something. Specifically, they ideologically address real structural inequities, and constitute a response to a withering civil society and the concentration of the ownership of the means of production, which together leave the political subject without the ability to be recognized or to signify in the public realm.


as for the banking conspiracies, the ones we're talking about have absolutely no intersection with reality so the LIBOR scandal or others aren't relevant (other than to reaffirm the above point re misdiagnosis).

Secondly where are the real researchers these days? World journalism has never been in a darker place. Ownership has concentrated and investigative journalists have been laid off in their droves. Media for the most part has turned in to infotainment regurgitating PR firms spin and governments are actively enacting laws around the world to limit the freedom of the press. The more people digging the better in my view.

real researchers are those that publish, that investigate, that risk their lives to bring the world their point of view. they are not those that sit on the internet all day, making shitty youtube videos and espousing every stupid idea their lazy arses could google.
Big arsenal fan

Up the gunners

Bin Laden was apparently on the terraces as the north London side reached the final of the European Cup Winners Cup.

They progressed with wins over Italian side Torino and French team Paris St Germain.

These were the first games that the well-known face of terror had seen since he had taken an interest in football during kickarounds while growing up in the Middle East.

In the new book Bin Laden: Behind The Mask Of Terror, author Adam Robinson even tells of how the terrorist had become so smitten with the team that he bought a replica shirt for his eldest son.

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