Reclaim Australia Rally

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It will be too late before you realise. The 'extremists' and 'moderates' share the same beliefs, some just act upon them.

There is going to be a civil war in Europe, there will be no choice in the matter, fight or die. Who wins? I am not sure.

I would save us the problems of Europe and deport them all. It is the morally correct option.

Imagine if we had no Muslims, we would have no Muslim extremism...imagine the cash we would save through no need for counter-terrorism - boat seeking scum - welfare - prisons - schools and more!

Imagine all the great things we could do with that money for Aborigines, Homeless, Disabled, Elderly WOW!!!

Get on board kirks kingdom

Crime would disappear if there was no Muslims?
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?
Crime would disappear if there was no Muslims?
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

Wow you are bigot. Where did I say that? Muslims are overrepresented in the prison system so naturally if all Muslims left, we would save money.
You just made that shit up.

Here is the bureau of crime statistics website, that includes stats on prison populations.
Show us where the prisoner statistics based on religion are.

"Muslims comprise 3.3 per cent of the NSW population, but 9.3 per cent of the state’s prison population, according to the NSW Corrective Services 2013 Census."

How very awkward for you.

The problem is even worse in Europe.

France for example estimate 70% muslim.
"Muslims comprise 3.3 per cent of the NSW population, but 9.3 per cent of the state’s prison population, according to the NSW Corrective Services 2013 Census."

How very awkward for you.

The problem is even worse in Europe.

France for example estimate 70% muslim.

Where is the link to the bocsar page?

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No you didn't. You linked an article.

7 000 000 people in NSW
3500 are in prison.

How many are Anglos?

"Muslims comprise 3.3 per cent of the NSW population, but 9.3 per cent of the state’s prison population, according to the NSW Corrective Services 2013 Census."

Guess you missed that part.
Imagine if we had no Muslims, we would have no Muslim extremism...imagine the cash we would save through no need for counter-terrorism - boat seeking scum - welfare - prisons - schools and more!

Imagine all the great things we could do with that money for Aborigines, Homeless, Disabled, Elderly WOW!!!

I'd imagine you'd be spending your sad, pathetic life posting in BF threads about the need to rid Australia of "Aborigines, Homeless, Disabled, Elderly".

Because the broken ideology of awful people like you means you will always just need somebody to hate.

"Muslims comprise 3.3 per cent of the NSW population, but 9.3 per cent of the state’s prison population, according to the NSW Corrective Services 2013 Census."

Guess you missed that part.

So link the stats.

You can't because you are just parroting nonsense.
I'd imagine you'd be spending your sad, pathetic life posting in BF threads about the need to rid Australia of "Aborigines, Homeless, Disabled, Elderly".

Because the broken ideology of awful people like you means you will always just need somebody to hate.


Not at all, are aborigines elderly disabled a threat to us? Nope.

Are Muslims, you betcha
So you are not even willing to for one second think maybe Islam is the problem? BIGOT.

Damn straight.

All religions and all races have extremists in them. Take Christianity for example. From pedophilic priests to anti-abortion campaigners...their extremists directly impact on many people's lives. There are many who Christians who are decent people, but, that isn't to say there are Christian extremists.

What about the situation in Tibet between the Dalai Lama and his followers, and the Communist Chinese?

Or take Sri Lanka and the battles between the majority and the Tamil Tigers?

Extremism takes many forms.
Maybe we need a broader church in terms of reclaiming Australia.

An Australia that:

* Respects the rule of law and defends it;
* Is progressive;
* Treats all with fairness and equity;
* Allows for a broad range of opinion;
* Doesn't cause offence to any race or religion;

* Doesn't proactively support regimes happily engaging in genocide.

Yep...that's the Australia we need.

How can these two go together? Do they not contradict?

When you and yours say we need to stop Muslims from coming to Australia, what's meant by that?

The photos have all been of middle Eastern appearance.
Funny that...

Could be Indonesian Muslims, African etc..
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