Unpopular Opinions you have (non-football)

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Like others just glad nobody else was hurt by simply being in the way.

What I hate more than anything is the way so many despicable people are talked up after dying. Give me a spell. There was a pathetic example of it in the sporting media last year.
just to make it clear i dont WANT them to die from their own stupidity, but if they do i dont particularly care as long as they dont take an innocent bystander with them. in reality, best case scenario is they injure themselves severely enough that they can never drive again. that way nobody dies but the selfish jerk is off the road forever. for people caught doing shit like these morons, i would fully support laws meaning they are stripped of their license and have to retest 5+ year later, or even never being allowed to own a license ever again.
just to make it clear i dont WANT them to die from their own stupidity, but if they do i dont particularly care as long as they dont take an innocent bystander with them. in reality, best case scenario is they injure themselves severely enough that they can never drive again. that way nobody dies but the selfish jerk is off the road forever. for people caught doing shit like these morons, i would fully support laws meaning they are stripped of their license and have to retest 5+ year later, or even never being allowed to own a license ever again.
Testing or revoking their license won't do a thing.

So many tossers think they've got the ability of someone with their CAMs when in reality they are really shit drivers going way too fast on roads that aren't designed for that.

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Natural selection lol

While I understand theoretically why it is sad, and why there should be sympathy, unfortunately I don't feel it because of disconnect.

And that's what it is, at least for me, rather than a ruthless ideology of natural selection or karmic retribution.

It's the same disconnect that gives credence to the saying "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic".

The reason why this is different to Brett Ratten is because we have some semblence of a personal connection with Brett Ratten. The same connection that becomes sad when a celebrity dies, but can barely muster the same feeling when hearing of an unknown stranger.

It is also the reason why people would give you "hate" and why saying things like "natural selection" (while possibly being true) sounds inhumane and almost sociopathic

Brett Rattens son wasn't just some hoon going for a joyride, he had a track record of being scum. Anybody calling it anything other than that is some sort of easily emotionally manipulated sheep. So many people failed to address this, always saying he was young, he had time to change. He obviously hadn't changed from belting a kid to an inch of his life to the crash, so that's a cop out. People have their lives ruined by people of this kind of character, it follows them mentally.

This most recent case could have been well meaning young people that just picked a poor hobby, but it is still one of the most selfish things you can do. Not a thought was given to pedestrians, bystanders, or their own family. Only their ego.
I have made plenty of stupid decisions but I've never been stupid enough to drag race at 160km/h, if you keep doing shit like that it's only a matter of time until you wind up dead or seriously injured, even at 17 or 18 when I first started driving I knew that.

It's not just a stupid decision that risks their own life either, it's a stupid decision that risks other peoples lives so it's hard to have any sympathy for them.

The last part is it in a nutshell. Everyone makes stupid mistakes. It's when you put other lives at risk, that it goes from stupid mistake to just stupid.
Dunno. You guys look into the face of a mother who has just lost her son and then see if you're so hard hearted then. Yeah, it's ******* selfish, and yeah, they've done it to themselves, but gee whiz...stating how little sympathy you have or how little you care is rough when two young people just died.

Full of sympathy for the families. But if they kill someone that's manslaughter at the very least and could even be classed as murder. I feel for the families of people that commit manslaughter too. Do I feel for the perpetrator? Nope.
I just think it's become almost a competition to be the firmest
"I don't really feel for the kid who died"
"...oh yeah? Well I've got no sympathy at all!"
"He made his bed! Now he's gotta lie in it. Don't care that he's dead!!"

it's like the anti-sympathy post competition.

I only read part of the posts so I didn't see it as that. The an it sympathy comp would be nothing in comparison to the sympathy post comp when celebrities pass. I'd be very surprised if people disagreed with my post just above.

I feel for that he families, but they could have killed someone. That doesn't mean they deserved to die, it just means their idiocy cost them the ultimate and that the and their families are lucky they didn't kill innocents, because it would have been a whole lot worse.
I think quite simply you can reflect that a loss of life in such futile circumstances is sad (and very much so for their friends and family) without it having to turn into a competition to either out-sympathy or out-heart of steel each other.
if you feel for the families then think about how they'd feel if they read what you were writing. The dead have no debts to pay.

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Dunno. You guys look into the face of a mother who has just lost her son and then see if you're so hard hearted then. Yeah, it's ******* selfish, and yeah, they've done it to themselves, but gee whiz...stating how little sympathy you have or how little you care is rough when two young people just died.

Lots of mother lose sons, some of them for stuff completely out of their control, like my own, or like my aunty whose daughter was raped and murdered. They're the ones I have sympathy for.

Life is so ****ing precious, yet here we are giving more attention to those who don't value it. Those who have never experienced how incredibly fragile and fleeting it can be.
Anyway, I have an opinion that seems to be quickly moving into the vast minority. And it's non-football so it can go here.

I'm still an unabashed hater of Twenty20 cricket, in all forms. I have tried to like it and get into it, I really have. But I just can't.
I dislike 20/20 cause everything is skewered in favour of batting and scoring.

It is as manufactured as manufactured can be, it isn't natural and balanced as a sport.
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I'm still an unabashed hater of Twenty20 cricket, in all forms. I have tried to like it and get into it, I really have. But I just can't.

I'll watch the last over of a cricket match, but cricket as a whole is a pretty 'meh' sport to me. Same with tennis - I'll watch if there's some attractive females grunting and sweating it out on court but watch it AS a sport?

I'll watch the last over of a cricket match, but cricket as a whole is a pretty 'meh' sport to me. Same with tennis - I'll watch if there's some attractive females grunting and sweating it out on court but watch it AS a sport?

I love Test cricket. It's my favourite sport.

T20? Just can't stand it.
Anyway, I have an opinion that seems to be quickly moving into the vast minority. And it's non-football so it can go here.

I'm still an unabashed hater of Twenty20 cricket, in all forms. I have tried to like it and get into it, I really have. But I just can't.
Fair comment. Personally Test Cricket >>>>>> any other form of Cricket. I will chuck a week long sickey to watch a Test match but not take any notice of the shorter forms.

In saying that, as long as people are still watching, attending and talking Cricket, it can only be good for the game in general.
I don't mind watching T20 but aside from the Scorchers (somewhat), I just find it hard to give a shit. Especially International T20. Big Bash shits all over International t20. Though on T20, I'm doubtful that it and the way it gears kids will be good for Australian cricket.

Superhero footballs!!!
I've also seen larger Batman and Superman sherrins as well as basketballs at various retail stores.

I would buy them because I think they look amazing :D
Dunno. You guys look into the face of a mother who has just lost her son and then see if you're so hard hearted then. Yeah, it's ******* selfish, and yeah, they've done it to themselves, but gee whiz...stating how little sympathy you have or how little you care is rough when two young people just died.
It's horrific for the family, and I hated seeing the media going at Ratts like vultures, knowing how much of a nice guy he was.

It would hurt families like his so much knowing they did their best to set their child onto the right path, and sadly it never happened.

Nobody seems to think of the other families though who have seen their kids beaten up brutally etc by these individuals. How do you think they feel when the media starts talking about what an outstanding young person someone was?

There was a kid I never got on with in primary school from day one who died at the age of 14. We never came to blows or anything, and it was mainly just your typical primary school stuff that goes away once you mature, but I still found it hard to feel upset. If it was more serious, and revolved around being violent towards me or others or something different I wouldn't have cared one bit. One of my best friends at the time wouldn't stop talking about how beautiful he was, how he touched everyone and so on. Now by that stage he was at a high school nowhere near my friend or myself, and she wouldn't have seen him in two years. Yet here she was talking him up non stop. Maybe it's a coping mechanism for some people, but I can't stand it.

As for the media they're just a joke.
I kid that was in my class a couple of years ago is currently in hospital with life threatening injuries after a hit and run. Was always a feral kid, tried to stab a teacher with scissors once. Got expelled after something like 13 suspensions, something crazy like that. I'm pretty sure that last was when he was wagging and then started getting chased by police, and then came to the school, with police following him haha.
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