Politics Sky News Australia is a global hub for climate misinformation, report says

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I've got a mate who watches Sky after dark purely for entertainment.
Be more entertaining putting gravel in your eyes and rogering yourself with a squid jig.
Zerocredlin makes you want to de-invent television, radio and the printing press.

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I back Blockade Australia 100%..
The NSW police are right wing pricks especially Mick Fullershit.
Amazing how little it's being talked about.

I mean, the arrests are bad enough. But driving a car into the activists...

This 'both sides' bullshit has to stop. And a major factor of acts like this comes from sky news.
Amazing how little it's being talked about.

I mean, the arrests are bad enough. But driving a car into the activists...

This 'both sides' bullshit has to stop. And a major factor of acts like this comes from sky news.
There's a real hatred for blockaid climate protesters fueled by murdoch and ignorant fools
Good news Friday - as reported by the Guardian.

In what is a fitting 90th birthday present for the ABC, Qantas has inked a new deal with the public broadcaster for ABC news bulletins to screen on Qantas flights and in airport lounges.

The arrangement means Sky News Australia will no longer be screened in the airline’s lounges, a development that will please critics of the divisive pay TV channel.
I agree somewhat, but I think the waters are muddied once lobbying and vested interests get involved, because then you end up listening to someone saying something as though it is for one reason, but they are obscuring that they are saying it for some reason.

Still interesting to listen to, but important to not just take stuff at face value when often people adopt opinions and personas for unstated reasons.

As always have to shout out Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" as required reading.
Totally. But you should approach all media like that.

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Blockade mob. We are opening up gas fields which are more expensive and take longer than renewables plus we are one of the the largest exporters of fossil fuels in the world.
For sure. ... If there is a history to judge them.

I was involved in a bit of anti CSG stuff years ago. The whole situation with gas in Australia is ****ed up. Not only do we export heaps of it, Australians get **** all for it and pay a fortune for what they have access to. Corrupt as ****.

But I get he savagery from Sky News, Murdoch and his ideological allies.

They are right ... this is, or will be an anti-capitalist movement. And those free market fundies are actually religious about neo liberalism. All that other religious stuff is just a cover. There are no market solutions to climate change. The market is the problem. Eventually this will be obvious to everyone.

So climate challenge and acivism about it is a challenge to everything they (those free market fundies) hold dear and their very existence ultimately. And they know it. The market has failed to find solutions to climate change. The more obvious it gets the louder they get.

Its a self fulfilling prophecy too cos the more they resist the more likely actual eco-fascism becomes.
For sure. ... If there is a history to judge them.

I was involved in a bit of anti CSG stuff years ago. The whole situation with gas in Australia is ducked up. Not only do we export heaps of it, Australians get * all for it and pay a fortune for what they have access to. Corrupt as *.

But I get he savagery from Sky News, Murdoch and his ideological allies.

They are right ... this is, or will be an anti-capitalist movement. And those free market fundies are actually religious about neo liberalism. All that other religious stuff is just a cover. There are no market solutions to climate change. The market is the problem. Eventually this will be obvious to everyone.

So climate challenge and acivism about it is a challenge to everything they (those free market fundies) hold dear and their very existence ultimately. And they know it. The market has failed to find solutions to climate change. The more obvious it gets the louder they get.

Its a self fulfilling prophecy too cos the more they resist the more likely actual eco-fascism becomes.
I think blockade needs to have a mainstream face i.e. some plain looking middle class types at the forefront of the protest.
If it is young people with noserings it's too easy to vilify them like tje cops and the murdoch media have been doing.
I think blockade needs to have a mainstream face i.e. some plain looking middle class types at the forefront of the protest.
If it is young people with noserings it's too easy to vilify them like tje cops and the murdoch media have been doing.
It will be a little while yet before respectable looking middle class people feel that way I reckon. maybe not that long tho. Climate (-change driven) disasters have been a part of Australian life for over a decade. Eventually people will go "Oh shit!"
For completeness he should have added:
-advocating hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatment for Covid
-discouraging vaccination during a pandemic
-discouraging mask use during a pandemic
-promoting US election conspiracies theories
-frequent sexist comments
-telling Tim Soutphommasane To “Go Back To Laos” (actually born in France)
-prompting the 'great reset conspiracy'

I'm sure there is more, these are just the ones I remember.

I think it's a bit of an act, the outraged right wing shock jock is good for business. No one can be that stupid really.

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