Coach Justin Longmuir Pt 2

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At the end of the day it’ll be either seen as “farcical “ so to speak or actually shrewd , all depending on what jlo was going to be ultimately judged on anyway and that’s winning enough games of football .

but the real “farcical “ part of the article from that mouth breather king is this part….

“He’s under enormous pressure to get this club rolling, to play a brand of football that we’ve seen from [Craig] McRae and [Matthew] Nicks and where football’s actually going.

What da fuque has nicks done in his 5 years of coaching that’s so revelatory ?

Miss finals again this year and he’ll be nothing more than Mathew knights mkII
Just putting out there as well that Tex is starting the year with a dodgy back and not playing. Lets see how revolutionary Adelaide are without him
I think this is absolutely the most logical thing and is actually the best of both worlds. Great move. The media puppets will hate and it'll be our usual suspects.

I think the opposite, it fuels the media. David King was spot on with his comments it's a PR stunt gone wrong. If we have a bad start to the year the whole club looks incompetent, not just the coach.

If we have a good year the 1 year extension becomes irrelevant. If we have a bad season this year JLo still has to go, and the board should go too for throwing away an unnecessary $800,000 to Longmuir.
Earlier this year, we faced heat in the media after again losing valuable talent off our list. The PR team then consistently pushed the narrative that we had the most players signed long term, which was laughable.

Now, the heat is on Longmuir, and the PR team plays this card. Our club is so cringeworthy and embarrassing and the PR team needs to get their head out of the sand. And honestly, this kind of stuff smells like Bell, who has no ****ing idea how to control perception and promote a brand.

This club has failed every time we've had even the slightest bit of expectation placed on us, except perhaps in 2014 and 2015. We seem to have an inability as a club to deal with and handle any expectation, often settling for mediocrity and celebrating potential.

I've getting close my limit. I can handle the losses but this kind of stuff. Not so much.

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At the end of the day it’ll be either seen as “farcical “ so to speak or actually shrewd , all depending on what jlo was going to be ultimately judged on anyway and that’s winning enough games of football .

but the real “farcical “ part of the article from that mouth breather king is this part….

“He’s under enormous pressure to get this club rolling, to play a brand of football that we’ve seen from [Craig] McRae and [Matthew] Nicks and where football’s actually going.

What da fuque has nicks done in his 5 years of coaching that’s so revelatory ?

Miss finals again this year and he’ll be nothing more than Mathew knights mkII
Well for start he has his team at least play an exciting brand that is more daring. Not slow, wide and boring like us.
You're all reading it wrong. I've been saying for ages that the pressure you think is internally on JL for this season just isn't there and this extension proves it. If he was close to being sacked (this year for a similar season to 2023) then they'd never give him this deal.

He's safe (leaving aside catastrophe) for 2024. That's what this tells you. If you think you see something else, you're wrong. Our whole club messaging has been very consistent about this.

Just putting out there as well that Tex is starting the year with a dodgy back and not playing. Lets see how revolutionary Adelaide are without him
We'd have played finals last year if we had Tex.
Great evidence that people see what they want to see.
Not really. I want to see a coach excited about an opportunity to deliver, confident that he can do it, optimistic that he has the cattle and with the leadership skills to drive a young group to success. I didn’t see that and nor did the squad. Hence the insincere reaction.
Weak fools agreeing with David King of all people. That germ goes out of his way to stick the knife into Freo whenever possible, he would criticise any decision or non-decision that was made. But it just happens to suit your narrative and suddenly he's talking sense.

Weak and pathetic
Weak fools agreeing with David King of all people. That germ goes out of his way to stick the knife into Freo whenever possible, he would criticise any decision or non-decision that was made. But it just happens to suit your narrative and suddenly he's talking sense.

Weak and pathetic

A weaker mind would refuse to agree with someone due to previous bias.

I am not a fan of King, and I can see his point on this one, which isn't something I think I have said before.

There were a lot of posters here saying it was good because it would take pressure off. Which is agreeing that it was a tactical PR move.
Astute work by the club. Clearly no decent replacement is available at the moment however that might change by the end of this year.
This takes a degree of pressure of them whilst they are searching for a suitable candidate. In the unlikely event that Longmuir produces the goods this year they can retain him without having to give him a bumper deal straight away. It provides flexability.
Not worth celebrating or venting - it doesn’t change much. The club aren’t throwing all their support behind him with a multi year extension (rightfully).

Actually, it does illustrate that this is an important year for him to demonstrate his and our development, which is what I’d hoped. So I’m fairly happy.

The club obviously feel we’re on the right track with the internal vibes atm, but want to see that on field, before issuing a longer extension. I’m good with that. A shocker of a year won’t save him from the sack, but they’re giving him some breathing room too. Smart.

If the extension didn't happen after every loss the journalists would have written - Longmuir, who is out of contract at seasons end....

Now every article after a loss will say - Longmuir, who was controversially re-signed for 1 season before round one.....

The board have just put pressure on themselves as well as JLo with such a limp decision.
A weaker mind would refuse to agree with someone due to previous bias.

I am not a fan of King, and I can see his point on this one, which isn't something I think I have said before.

There were a lot of posters here saying it was good because it would take pressure off. Which is agreeing that it was a tactical PR move.
My point is I doubt he even thinks that.. he's probably pissed because he knows it's a good decision and his first thought would be how can I work a Freo bashing into this.

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A weaker mind would refuse to agree with someone due to previous bias.

I am not a fan of King, and I can see his point on this one, which isn't something I think I have said before.

There were a lot of posters here saying it was good because it would take pressure off. Which is agreeing that it was a tactical PR move.
Cmon man, his point is akin to saying "oh look, the sky is blue". It's the easiest, laziest take of all and just continues his massive shoulder chip against freo.
Weak fools agreeing with David King of all people. That germ goes out of his way to stick the knife into Freo whenever possible, he would criticise any decision or non-decision that was made. But it just happens to suit your narrative and suddenly he's talking sense.

Weak and pathetic
Well before David King even spoke, loads of people on here were saying the same thing so nothing he said “suits our narrative”. There’s a massive weight of ppl who think it’s a dumb decision. We’ll know within the first 2 rounds. If we can’t beat north Melbourne we have our answer.
Even though I'm not convinced of Jlo, I think this is a good decision.

It takes the immediate pressure and speculation off Jlo and the club, but allows the club the freedom to look at options if things go **** up. Our squad should be ready and primed to challenge from 2025 onwards. We can look at replacement options this year and next. I would hate for us be forced into selecting another first year coach or Bevo if there are no good options this year.

I remember David Hatt or Ross Kelly saying they regret not giving Neesham an extra year to '99 to take the pressure off him and the club.
May also provide a stance of stability for any prospective new signings.

I think it does the opposite. Say we're not in the mix for finals after 15-16 rounds. Why would Logan McDonald etc commit to coming to a club with an under performing coach who is a dead man walking in 2025?
David King. The man who placed bets on the rising Star award as a journalist. Same guy who is loving Adelaide’s coach Nicks for delivering 0 finals appearances in 5 years. So what is his position if Crows miss finals for the 8th year in a row? 2 year extension. He was the guy absolutely smashed Ned Guy for letting Grundy and Treloar go…. Which setup last years premiership.

Careful who is an analyst versus who actually knows what they’re doing.

Look forward to everyone agreeing with king tonight also agreeing with Cornes tomorrow morning.
Cmon man, his point is akin to saying "oh look, the sky is blue". It's the easiest, laziest take of all and just continues his massive shoulder chip against freo.

So your argument is he is correct, but it is so obviously correct he shouldn't say it?

I don't like his historical treatment of the club. Yet if he is correct, which you are saying is as obvious as saying the sky is blue, then we can't complain.
You're all reading it wrong. I've been saying for ages that the pressure you think is internally on JL for this season just isn't there and this extension proves it. If he was close to being sacked (this year for a similar season to 2023) then they'd never give him this deal.

He's safe (leaving aside catastrophe) for 2024. That's what this tells you. If you think you see something else, you're wrong. Our whole club messaging has been very consistent about this.

We'd have played finals last year if we had Tex.

I agree that he'll coach all of the 2024 season. But why pay him for 2025 if he's not the man to take us forward?
My point is I doubt he even thinks that.. he's probably pissed because he knows it's a good decision and his first thought would be how can I work a Freo bashing into this.

So you think he said it was a PR stunt but doesn't think it is one. And that he went further than that and thought enough ahead to play 4D chess and say something he doesn't believe just to screw us? I don't think he is that bright.

Most of this board agreed it was a PR move. It isn't out of bounds to have it called one. I am not personally angry about it, and have said I wouldn't have done it.

I also think the club is getting poor PR advice from a consultant or someone on the board. This has the same defensive feel that the Lyon sacking had in the week of the last round. Quick, let's get in front of this and make an announcement.

I can't prove it, but I would put money on it.
They re-signed Longmuir so there's nothing hanging over the club's head throughout the season and the focus can purely be on football, not sure what's so hard to believe about that?

Why wait until halfway through the season? Just get it done now and focus on the actual football from here on.
Just my two cents.

From listening to those who have worked with JL over the years it sounds as though he has a very strong technical understanding of the game and a clear vision on how we should play.

However it appears to me as though there may be issues for the players implementing JL’s proposed strategy. Which may be down to communication issues or may be down to players inability to execute the plan.

Giving JL an extension gives him 2 more years to implement this strategy. After which time if the players still cannot execute then it might be time to move onto another option.

Don’t forget how close Tigers were to sacking Dimma right before there dynasty.

Let’s give JL time to make this team the best version of itself.

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So your argument is he is correct, but it is so obviously correct he shouldn't say it?

I don't like his historical treatment of the club. Yet if he is correct, which you are saying is as obvious as saying the sky is blue, then we can't complain.
I didn't say he was correct.

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