Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack II

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Part I:

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and the corrupt feelingless israeli leadership do it with not a scintilla of remorse.

the amount of dead children in this whole thing is just utterly heartbreaking.

if you have kids, nothing hits harder.

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yes, but the numbers are overwhelming on one side of the equation. the side armed with the most modern weaponry continues to kill children -hourly.

i dont disagree.

I have always said Israel have a much more advanced army and military capability, so they hold the measure of responsibility in this conflict, and they have failed miserably. They chose to go scorched earth instead of more targeted means.
Have a look at the cognitive dissonance on this media report.

Apparently the number of Hamas Israel say they have killed, plus the amount they say there are left to kill doesn't add up. So instead of questioning if Israel are just counting too many dead people as Hamas, they're re-framing it as "there were more Hamas than the IDF thought".

The obvious fact that the IDF are lying about how many of the people they've killed are Hamas (and how many of those are actually civilians) seems to skip past their thinking.

I remain mystified by the hard-line progressives' tactical alliance with radical Islam (PLO/Hamas) and non-Muslim fascist terrorists (LTTE). Maybe it will make sense someday but perhaps not.
Or, and hear me out, the "hardline progressives" are against the wholesale murder of innocent civilians; the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians; the deliberate starvation of children; the complete destruction of a community of 2 million people including hospitals, schools, churches, mosques; the terrorism of Israeli settlers taking over their land and murdering, maiming and imprisoning their children; the ethnic cleansing of an entire population from their ancestral land so that it can be annexed by Israel; and any other number of war crimes committed by the ethno-fascist state of Israel.
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Does Israel quite understand the backlash that they are receiving from previously supportive governments and civilian populations ? Expanding settlements yet again under the smokescreen of the Gaza conflict is just doubling down and reinforcing negative perceptions of Israel.
I don't think there has been a lot of thought or any long term thinking about the response to October 7th and what the best response would be to Hamas. They had every right to respond militarily to Hamas but the over the top reaction targetting anything in Gaza and causing huge civilian casualties is not going to get much support outside of Israel. Domestically it will play well and the demonisation of all Palestinians is a part of that script. Not unless there is a long term bi partisan move to address the Palestinian issue in a fair and just manner will there ever be any chance of long term peace.
Israel will defeat Hamas but will be left with the ruins of Gaza with an extremely hostile population and the international community scrutinising their every move.They might even double down and try and invade southern Lebanon again. I think Netanhiyu is praying like hell Trump gets in , even Biden is starting to walk back from giving Israel unconditional support.
Wait for the pictures of starving Palestinians compared to concentration camp victims from WW2. IDF members ransacking homes , posing with prisoners , blowing up homes for fun , the repeated statements from
Government ministers wanting to ethnically cleanse Gaza and steal land for Israelis. I expect a lot more will come out later on after the end of the conflict. All of this is now on public record across the internet and social media , the narrative can't be controlled by Israel. It will be a stain on Israel they can't erase regardless how justified they think their actions are.
They might win the battle but they are losing the war.

( Before anyone attacks me I have previously condemned Hamas who's existence is going to be very short lived and I hope their vile legacy is equally scrutinised as much as Israel's)
It's absolute hubris on Israel's part, plain and simple. The "west"/US (and others) have allowed them to get away with so much for so long they feel they can just do what they want, say what they want and they'll get away with it. It has led to this current escalation where they are effectively wiping Gaza from the map, seeking to herd the civilians into Egypt and annex the land. I think they'll be shocked in time when the chickens start coming home to roost (first cab off the rank the ICJ hearings, second cab the US abstaining form UNSC vote, and more to come).
The Israelis don't have a government that can throttle back. It is the most right wing government they could put together. Previously if the US tapped them on the shoulder they would pull back from going too far.
I still think that after the Gaza operation is completed they will attack Lebanon so Netanyahu can remain in power and avoid elections. Taking on Hezbollah would be a major operation and the consequences would be far more significant to Israel , it's not like the early eighties when they waltzed up to Beirut. Hezbollah have significantly rearmed since the last major clash with Israel and would be more than willing to take Israel on.
If the Israeli government ends up trying to govern Gaza and strike Hezbollah they would be pretty much in a permanent state of being fully mobilised which would not only take workers away from their jobs but would put a significant strain financially on the economy.
Without a new election and the current government in power I don't see anything changing much , the US had the chance to stop them by restricting or delaying arms sales until certain conditions were met.
The trouble I see is that even if Bibi gets the arse a new coalition would still be right of centre if not quite as radical as the existing government. I am not sure that much will change there.
it’s unfathomable to me, izzy. yet the latest figures from israel show most israelis support the massacre. may those responsible and their fellow travellers all get their comeuppance.
sadly, they’ve had little choice. comparatively, they have pop-gun weaponry. the west has looked away. even now given them little support, unlike ukraine. the yanks have financed state-of-the-art weaponry, surveillance, and intelligence and turned a blind eye to the occupation and terrorism. we should all hang our heads in shame.

it’s unfathomable to me, izzy. yet the latest figures from israel show most israelis support the massacre. may those responsible and their fellow travellers all get their comeuppance.

Israelis aren't interested in stopping the genocide. They never have been.
Israelis are only interested in cleansing Palestinians from the Palestinian homeland so that they can steal all the land for themselves.
Israelis aren't interested in stopping the genocide. They never have been.
Israelis are only interested in cleansing Palestinians from the Palestinian homeland so that they can steal all the land for themselves.

Nearly half are.
Forming stereotypical opinions is half the problem we have on this planet.

In this case it doesn't matter how many years the "people" have been there. ( Homeland).
Nearly everyone there , Palestinian and Israeli was born there and has no-where else to go.

I don't know a solution.
I've seen suggestions that a single , secular , democratic state should be imposed.
I think this is where democracy lets us down.
The biggest population would win, and impose its own religious based government, and supress the rest.

Now if i was dictator, i'd fix it, but i'd probably cop a bullet from a religious nutjob.

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Six month old poll, keep up
Forming stereotypical opinions is half the problem we have on this planet.

In this case it doesn't matter how many years the "people" have been there. ( Homeland).
Nearly everyone there , Palestinian and Israeli was born there and has no-where else to go.
Enlightened centrist take
I don't know a solution.
Yes you do
I've seen suggestions that a single , secular , democratic state should be imposed.
oh there it is
I think this is where democracy lets us down.
The biggest population would win, and impose its own religious based government, and supress the rest.
Yeh so the Israeli population is genocidal, glad we've come to this knowledge
Now if i was dictator, i'd fix it, but i'd probably cop a bullet from a religious nutjob.
Too uncharismatic for me

Nearly half are.
Forming stereotypical opinions is half the problem we have on this planet.

In this case it doesn't matter how many years the "people" have been there. ( Homeland).
Nearly everyone there , Palestinian and Israeli was born there and has no-where else to go.

I don't know a solution.
I've seen suggestions that a single , secular , democratic state should be imposed.
I think this is where democracy lets us down.
The biggest population would win, and impose its own religious based government, and supress the rest.

Now if i was dictator, i'd fix it, but i'd probably cop a bullet from a religious nutjob.

That's just nonsense.

Israeli parliament has been getting more and more and more extremist every election.
Who has been voting for these extremists more and more? Answer: Israelis.

These extremist parties in Israel don't hide what they want to do, and never have.
Israelis claiming that they just want peace when they are voting pro-genocide is just another Zionist con.
That's just nonsense.

Israeli parliament has been getting more and more and more extremist every election.
Who has been voting for these extremists more and more? Answer: Israelis.

These extremist parties in Israel don't hide what they want to do, and never have.
Israelis claiming that they just want peace when they are voting pro-genocide is just another Zionist con.
Israel doesn't have our electoral system. It's proportional rather than preferential. It's always a coalition government. 3.25% of the vote gives you 4 seats in the Knesset. Bibi's party got less than 25% of the vote. The far right groups get very small %s, but that gets them seats in parliament due to their parliamentary system.
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That's just nonsense.

Israeli parliament has been getting more and more and more extremist every election.
Who has been voting for these extremists more and more? Answer: Israelis.

These extremist parties in Israel don't hide what they want to do, and never have.
Israelis claiming that they just want peace when they are voting pro-genocide is just another Zionist con.

A vote is a majority, but its not close to all.
Israel is an apartheid state, not a democracy.

I don't think you managed to follow what i was saying.

I said
I don't know a solution.
I've seen suggestions that a single , secular , democratic state should be imposed.
I think this is where democracy lets us down.
The biggest population would win, and impose its own religious based government, and supress the rest."

It then becomes a breeding race.
I don't think you managed to follow what i was saying.

I said
I don't know a solution.
I've seen suggestions that a single , secular , democratic state should be imposed.
I think this is where democracy lets us down.
The biggest population would win, and impose its own religious based government, and supress the rest."

It then becomes a breeding race.
Not really. You could put structures in place that would ensure no simple majority could create laws that would be detrimental to minority groups similar to the US Bill of Rights for example. You could build fundamental pillars into the government structure, laws, rights etc to prevent that. A modern liberal democracy doesn't (or shouldn't) just mean mob rule.
Before all this started the Jewish population of Palestine was 6%.
The overwhelming majority of Israelis are blow-ins or descendants of blow-ins.

Almost the same with Australia as an English colony. ( Australia blows it out of the water with respect to he Indigenous population).
What do you think should happen to the blow ins?

Its kind of amazing that when it all started, the entire population was only around a million. So i guess it would have seemed like plenty of land for everyone at the time.
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