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England is a good example of what happens at 70% vaxxed, case numbers are not at the levels of wave 2 yet still very high but the death rate is unbelievably lower…and most of those are people not fully vaxxed.
There’s a good graph on

This virus will never go away, not sure why people think it will.

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Was replying to this. You said the case numbers were comparable with countries that have 80% vaccination. Chief then questioned the severity of illness, length of time in hospital. Then you said could say the same for Victoria. My comment was it's not comparable until we have 80% vaccination also. Whilst "the numbers" & infections may spread at the same rate, if the vaccine "softens" the virus ie: people do not get it as severely as they would without the vaccine, then the risk of opening up is a hell of a lot less regardless of how contagious the virus is.
NO what i said is, countries that already have achieved their targets of 80% are experiencing more positive cases and hospitalizations . They are blaming breakthrough variants , rendering the whole vaccine process meaningless, Their solution? more jabs, Mind you, these therapies are dangerous , short and long term. If you study how mRNA works, shedding of the sigma 1 spike proteins will give off a positive result and also is contagious. Variants have coincided with vaccine rollout, and were not present in the whole of 2020 with 3 or more waves. Odd eh? The very definition of a vax is to protect you from catching it (showing symptoms) and transmission, of which it does neither. The measure of a disease is how lethal it is. Year on year total death rate hasn't changed, its just sub classes of redistribution (2 card trick). I was largely quite , not now they go for the kids. Any questions?
England is a good example of what happens at 70% vaxxed, case numbers are not at the levels of wave 2 yet still very high but the death rate is unbelievably lower…and most of those are people not fully vaxxed.
There’s a good graph on

This virus will never go away, not sure why people think it will.

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10 year vaxx campaign for the flu a failure , only to have your prime minister tell you down the camera, the flu basically gone, if you have the sniffles, its covid. I Mean FFS

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NO what i said is, countries that already have achieved their targets of 80% are experiencing more positive cases and hospitalizations . They are blaming breakthrough variants , rendering the whole vaccine process meaningless, Their solution? more jabs, Mind you, these therapies are dangerous , short and long term. If you study how mRNA works, shedding of the sigma 1 spike proteins will give off a positive result and also is contagious. Variants have coincided with vaccine rollout, and were not present in the whole of 2020 with 3 or more waves. Odd eh? The very definition of a vax is to protect you from catching it (showing symptoms) and transmission, of which it does neither. The measure of a disease is how lethal it is. Year on year total death rate hasn't changed, its just sub classes of redistribution (2 card trick). I was largely quite , not now they go for the kids. Any questions?
Brah I’d ask you to re-read what you posted initially and realise you said none of that. Which is why I questioned what you were on about. But no the definition of a vax is not that. It’s to protect you against it regardless of if you get it or not.
Brah I’d ask you to re-read what you posted initially and realise you said none of that. Which is why I questioned what you were on about. But no the definition of a vax is not that. It’s to protect you against it regardless of if you get it or not.
If you end up in hospital or even get a fever, you didnt get vaxxed.
It like they say you're asymptomatic - for a respiratory virus. LOL
Brah I’d ask you to re-read what you posted initially and realise you said none of that. Which is why I questioned what you were on about. But no the definition of a vax is not that. It’s to protect you against it regardless of if you get it or not.
nbash2.gif nbang3.gif
If you end up in hospital or even get a fever, you didnt get vaxxed.
It like they say you're asymptomatic - for a respiratory virus. LOL
Na mate you did get vaxed. Even if you die. It’s all dependant on the person and their health. Do you know how or what a vaccine is or does? It’s not there to stop you dying it’s there to help you cope with it and diminish the illness if you get it. If your body is to weak to accept it then bad luck you’re done. Even the flu vaccine. People that are susceptible to the flu and have the flu vax can still die. That’s life champ
Just found out a guy at work in the US caught COVID, despite being fully vaxed.

He was in the office without a mask, as it was not required, because he had proof of vaccination. He spread it to at least 1 other person, that we know of.

Mind you, most people in that office are still working from home, so he wouldn't have had the chance to have contact with more than a handful of people.

Unfortunately, I get a funny feeling we will still experience lockdowns next winter, even if we get to 80% vaccinated.
Just found out a guy at work in the US caught COVID, despite being fully vaxed.

He was in the office without a mask, as it was not required, because he had proof of vaccination. He spread it to at least 1 other person, that we know of.

Mind you, most people in that office are still working from home, so he wouldn't have had the chance to have contact with more than a handful of people.

Unfortunately, I get a funny feeling we will still experience lockdowns next winter, even if we get to 80% vaccinated.

I think so, too. Whole thing is shit.
the goal is 80% jabbed
3 countries have this and have been an abject failure.
Israel, Gibraltar, seychelles
increased levels of positive test cases, when it should be gone or minimal
Thats where they want to take us and others push to take us there faster
It's not an abject failure, it's the reality of the situation. Vaccination doesn't stop transmission but for the most part stops serious disease
I think so, too. Whole thing is sh*t.
Not if vaxxed people are allowed out and about and non vaxxed still lockdown as required. Gonna need full proof 'proof' though..straight from the gov site...not print outs.

Should encourage more to get their shots. I'd go so far as letting all the vaxxed Grand Finalist supporters go to the G. to watch their teams play. Sure there'll be outrage, but it's better than no supporters going.
Especially if it's Dees and Doggies supporters.
there are vaccinated people hospitalized in Israel, same vax fizzer and at 80%
their solution? more jabs

I mentioned this earlier. There's a clear case study that you can take comparing Israel and the UK. Israel went super hard and quick with the bare minimum spacing between jabs. The UK on the other hand more than doubled the period between jabs (and different vaccines as well) and their effecacy seems to be much better. Things open and no spike in hospitalisations or deaths.

So there's more to it than just the jab.

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The curfew is extreme

Who is spreading covid after 9pm in the middle of winter when everything is closed?

I think it's about limiting movement and making unessecary movement in the evening more obvious. I know of two kids sleepovers in the past with about 10 primary school kids and the other about half a dozen teenagers. Granted they weren't permitted under the previous rules...but now I think it becomes even more frowned upon.

I just don't see how a 9pm curfew is that onerous for a couple of weeks. Will it inconvenience a few? Sure...but we just need to stay the **** home.
Just found out a guy at work in the US caught COVID, despite being fully vaxed.

He was in the office without a mask, as it was not required, because he had proof of vaccination. He spread it to at least 1 other person, that we know of.

Mind you, most people in that office are still working from home, so he wouldn't have had the chance to have contact with more than a handful of people.

Unfortunately, I get a funny feeling we will still experience lockdowns next winter, even if we get to 80% vaccinated.
We better ****ing not.
This is what having 70% vaxxed does


I’d say it’s getting closer to a flu type death rate, COVID is here forever and we’ll live it like we live with the flu.

Anyone choosing not to be vaxxed against COVID though will have an exponentially higher chance of mortality than your common flu, so play Russian roulette if you like but governments will not be locking down when we are at an acceptable level of vaccination and everybody has had the opportunity for the double jab.

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Not if vaxxed people are allowed out and about and non vaxxed still lockdown as required. Gonna need full proof 'proof' though..straight from the gov site...not print outs.

Should encourage more to get their shots. I'd go so far as letting all the vaxxed Grand Finalist supporters go to the G. to watch their teams play. Sure there'll be outrage, but it's better than no supporters going.
Especially if it's Dees and Doggies supporters.

Unsure if this post is serious.
Unsure if this post is serious.
Well, my thinking is there would be a lot of older Dees supporters who would be vaxxed and will otherwise miss out on seeing their team in the grannie.
Ditto older fans of doggies...or sth melb...or....whoever
So why not give it one year to fans who would normally miss out? Sure it is unfair to younger fans without access as yet..but is it fair to move it interstate if you could have it at the G?
Of course staff would have to be vaxed as well. What is your argument against?

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