The pope sides with terror over free speech

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Norm Smith Medallist
Feb 16, 2012
AFL Club
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Portland Trailblazers
I'd actually been quite impressed with this pope (for the most part) until today.

"He said that freedom of speech and expression are fundamental human rights however he added that he believes there should be limits to offending and ridiculing the faiths and beliefs of others."

"“If my good friend Dr Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch,” Francis said while pretending to throw a punch in his direction. He added: “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”"

So, after the usual disclaimer of "murder is bad", the pope basically says that the murderers had a good excuse and jokes that he would also become violent if insulted.

**** you, pope. **** you.
Well he is a religious crazy, so you have to expect that.

I sometimes wonder why some fundamentalist Christian faction doesn't take a leaf out of Islam and revert to violence in the name of/protection of, their religion.

As the Islamics have shown, there is some upside (as far as getting what you want) in killing people in the name of your religion, even today.

That's a nice little conversation starter, should have been an OP.
I'd actually been quite impressed with this pope (for the most part) until today.

"He said that freedom of speech and expression are fundamental human rights however he added that he believes there should be limits to offending and ridiculing the faiths and beliefs of others."

"“If my good friend Dr Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch,” Francis said while pretending to throw a punch in his direction. He added: “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”"

So, after the usual disclaimer of "murder is bad", the pope basically says that the murderers had a good excuse and jokes that he would also become violent if insulted.

**** you, pope. **** you.

How can you take that from the plain words?

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His church does not believe in gay marriage. his folk are ridiculed for it by atheists. Atheists spend a lot of time and effort attacking the church while the church just goes about its business ignoring them. The church does not ridicule atheists for their beliefs, even though they don't even understand what it is they believe in.

He relates. It's what good priests do.
How can you take that from the plain words?

He said that it is "normal" to react violently when you feel insulted.

It's the typical "I'm not racist, but" or "No-one deserves to get raped, but" argument. He starts out saying that the murders were wrong and then goes on to explain that the cartoonists (and anyone unfortunate enough to be in their vicinity) basically deserved what they got because they used their free speech too much. He illustrates his point by saying (perhaps jokingly but still) that he would punch someone who insulted his mother. He's a flog.
Pope Francis, according to the prophecies of St Malachy, is supposed to be the last Pope of The Catholic Church. Interesting times ahead!

Freedom of speech is our right. However, when you take the piss out of the schoolyard bully, bad shit is going too happen. It still doesn't make it right what these Muslims extremists did and it should never be tolerated. No matter what the Pope says!
Religion and a progressive/intelligent society can not co-exist. The right to offend is what free speech is about. Not everything that society takes as an eternal truth is correct. The only way to challenge mistaken eternal truths is to offend. The ideas that the world is flat, man comes from Adam and Eve, the blank slate, the existence of the sole, the slavery is just all were held as eternal truths and anyone suggesting otherwise offended the majority of the population at the time. We can never let religion take away our right away to offend. It will be a dark moment for humankind if that every occurs.
Religion and a progressive/intelligent society can not co-exist. The right to offend is what free speech is about. Not everything that society takes as an eternal truth is correct. The only way to challenge mistaken eternal truths is to offend. The ideas that the world is flat, man comes from Adam and Eve, the blank slate, the existence of the sole, the slavery is just all were held as eternal truths and anyone suggesting otherwise offended the majority of the population at the time. We can never let religion take away our right away to offend. It will be a dark moment for humankind if that every occurs.

He added: “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”

Has a point. I am sure the Cathars, Jews, Huguenots etc would all agree.

Religion and a progressive/intelligent society can not co-exist. The right to offend is what free speech is about. Not everything that society takes as an eternal truth is correct. The only way to challenge mistaken eternal truths is to offend. The ideas that the world is flat, man comes from Adam and Eve, the blank slate, the existence of the sole, the slavery is just all were held as eternal truths and anyone suggesting otherwise offended the majority of the population at the time. We can never let religion take away our right away to offend. It will be a dark moment for humankind if that every occurs.

So you'd champion being able to call black people the N word then.

Something that's not been taken away from you by religion.
He added: “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”

Has a point. I am sure the Cathars, Jews, Huguenots etc would all agree.


What planet has the Pope been on? You obviously can insult a faith in general, which is different to insulting an individual's faith. For example, I reckon it'd be possible to slander Xenu, verbally or in print, without any repercussions whatever. From that perspective, I agree that the Pope is siding with terror. He's getting freedom of expression confused with his own standards of taste.

It's further complicated by the Australian penchant for "taking the piss", which could be interpreted as insulting if followers of specific religions were so inclined.

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What planet has the Pope been on? You obviously can insult a faith in general, which is different to insulting an individual's faith. For example, I reckon it'd be possible to slander Xenu, verbally or in print, without any repercussions whatever. From that perspective, I agree that the Pope is siding with terror. He's getting freedom of expression confused with his own standards of taste.

It's further complicated by the Australian penchant for "taking the piss", which could be interpreted as insulting if followers of specific religions were so inclined.
I'll always take the opportunity to post my favourite religious song.

He did not say that.

He is providing excuses for murderers. What else is he saying if not that? If his meaning was anything else, he could have said just as much by keeping his stupid trap shut entirely.
So Il Papa, probably the most peaceful man on the planet, gets bagged. Goes by the SRP script I guess. When will you lot grow up.
So Il Papa, probably the most peaceful man on the planet, gets bagged. Goes by the SRP script I guess. When will you lot grow up.

Are you sure you don't mean sick puppy? He is just as deluded as any of the others of the putrid priest class, probably more so. When will you stop tugging your forelock to power mongers who trade on your sublimation of your being to their self-serving agendas.
Are you sure you don't mean sick puppy? He is just as deluded as any of the others of the putrid priest class, probably more so. When will you stop tugging your forelock to power mongers who trade on your sublimation of your being to their self-serving agendas.

I was going to reply but's skilts.

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