Turnbull's Innovation Nation w@nkery

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Turnbull's Innovation Nation w@nkery

full blown, florid, manifest onanism par excellence....

australia cant confect the entrepreneurialism of say, America, or Israel. This needs to be organic and from some deeper-seated scaffolding, a ballast culture. we are the lucky country, and the easy life.

car industry, NBN, now picking winners for political messaging and focus group'ing[sic].

incoherent is incoherence.
he is no BoJo

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Turnbull's Innovation Nation w@nkery

full blown, florid, manifest onanism par excellence....

australia cant confect the entrenpreneurialism of say, America, or Israel. This needs to be organic and from some deeper-seated scaffolding, a ballast culture. we are the lucky country, and the easy life.

car industry, NBN, now picking winners for political messaging and focus group'ing[sic].

incoherent is incoherence.
he is no BoJo

I think the 'message' may have gotten lost somewhere. Longest press conference ever.
I did enjoy a chuckle to see Pyne there though, how easy is to change horses mid race. Out there pushing changes to Unis, then agreeing with cuts to CSIRO and research now banging on Turnbull's bum, drum.
Politicians put honest occupations to shame.

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Turnbull's Innovation Nation w@nkery

full blown, florid, manifest onanism par excellence....

australia cant confect the entrenpreneurialism of say, America, or Israel. This needs to be organic and from some deeper-seated scaffolding, a ballast culture. we are the lucky country, and the easy life.

car industry, NBN, now picking winners for political messaging and focus group'ing[sic].

incoherent is incoherence.
he is no BoJo


who needs innovation when you have negative gearing
Turnbull's Innovation Nation w@nkery

full blown, florid, manifest onanism par excellence....

It's the sort of crap you come up with when you have run out of ideas.


Rudd Mk 2. In it for his own vanity.

Yep, probably came up with his idea on the back of a napkin like Rudd and NBN. Lets hope he doesn't also waste tens of billions chasing the youf vote.
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It's the sort of crap you come up with when you have run out of ideas.


Yep, probably came up with his idea on the back of a napkin like Rudd and NBN. Lets hope he doesn't also waste tens of billions chasing the youf vote.
jackie kelly whiteboard meds?
2020 Summit ?
This is a labour measure. I don't like it.

Reducing bankruptcy from 3 to 1 years? Removing liability for directors in charge of companies trading whilst insolvent? This essentially rewards mediocrity and debt incurring. A staple of the modern world.
Funding science and innovation does make sense in a modern world where manufacturing is going out.

Which made the whole idea of gutting CSIRO in the first place make absolutely no sense.

The fact that this move is bipartisan says it all.

Gutting the CSIRO and then putting half the money back and announcing yourself as the innovation PM - I think you mean.

To be fair, the tech startup industry has been carping about some of these measures for a while.

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australia cant confect the entrenpreneurialism of say, America, or Israel. This needs to be organic and from some deeper-seated scaffolding, a ballast culture. we are the lucky country, and the easy life.

Not necessarily true. I doubt we can ever emulate a Silicon Valley style tech culture. Maybe a good thing too, they seem to be awful people.

We have had some success with biomedical science and nano-medicine. Not sure making drugs and hearing aids is the kind of boom MT was talking about though.
Reducing bankruptcy from 3 to 1 years? Removing liability for directors in charge of companies trading whilst insolvent?

Wow, didn't see that. That seems idiotic to me. I wonder who lobbied for that? Always had the impression Turnbull couldn't be trusted.

australia cant confect the entrenpreneurialism of say, America, or Israel. This needs to be organic and from some deeper-seated scaffolding, a ballast culture. we are the lucky country, and the easy life.

Sure we can. Look at the Australian diaspora. Kicking plenty of goals os. Amazing what happens when the dead hand of bureaucracy and high taxes are removed (not to mention the utter stupidity of Swan re mining tax, carbon tax and taxing unexercised options). Its hardly a wonder that the junior mining space in London is full of Australians.**

Ask someone in London capital markets re Israeli "entrepreneurship". You may not get the response you were expecting. As for Americans VC, private equity types.

They are to finance what Haydos is to cricket.

** Though do agree with you that Australia has unfortunately drifted towards believing the state is some sort of benefactor. You only have to see the plague of life owes me a living sorts on here. The NBN thread is a cracker for I want my toys and I want them now.

Not necessarily true. I doubt we can ever emulate a Silicon Valley style tech culture. Maybe a good thing too, they seem to be awful people.

Have you seen the tv series Silicon Valley? Mildly amusing.
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Not necessarily true. I doubt we can ever emulate a Silicon Valley style tech culture. Maybe a good thing too, they seem to be awful people.

We have had some success with biomedical science and nano-medicine. Not sure making drugs and hearing aids is the kind of boom MT was talking about though.

two things

i) have the venture capital ready to spread like birdseed does not exist. Why? George Megalogenis would say something like, the success of the Australian economy has demanded capital(opportunity cost) in other industries and firms... And we are risk averse as a capital-investment culture, when there can be sound options,
ii) dont have the critical mass of America, even Japan and SKorea, if you look at all the tech clusters in the ROW, apart from Helsinki, all have populations many multiples of Aus, Silicon Valley, Hamburg, Tokyo, Tapei, Seoul, Helsinki*, Tel Aviv*, Singapore*, Waterloo (Toronto)...

Harvard Economist Prof.Michael Porter at Harvard Business School writes on clusters... well when he came to Australia he was prolly trying to shill a book like all good business people would do*(sarcasm) and piss in our collective pocket and tall about Aus clusters, wine and surf industry... without him every appreciating wrt wine, it was terroir/atmosphereweather/perspective to thos elements, and surf had as much to do with America's skate industry usurping OP/Hobie/Hang10/Oneill and the ASP formation in the 80s, seaboard swimming population, so zero to do with a cluster, he was retrofitting/reverse engineering both examples for Australia to shill his book. Also,

some of those surf brands may have been good operations to launder cash.

MaddAdam medusala evo
Surely the reason why local investors dont shell out for entrepreneurs ís simple and easy to understand...

'Tis because Áustralian markets áre too small to make the risk worthwhile.'

Unlike investors in USA and UK and Israel (who would have access to USA).

This being the case, Malcolm as usual is blowing BS out of his backside.
Surely the reason why local investors dont shell out for entrepreneurs ís simple and easy to understand...

'Tis because Áustralian markets áre too small to make the risk worthwhile.'

Unlike investors in USA and UK and Israel (who would have access to USA).

This being the case, Malcolm as usual is blowing BS out of his backside.
GJ, you sort of contradicted yourself. The market like capital is now global.

the investment sector in Aus, does not have the legacy or the venture capital and start-up. the devil's advocate here, is how did Taipei and Seoul just slingshot past the ROW, and Tel Aviv. good question blackcat. now stop talking to urself in the third person.

so GJ, i) critical mass on a few fronts. capital (the money capital) leaking into start-ups and venture capital does not exist. It is a opportunity cost/choice, which way you invest your dough. The model on VC, is you spread your seed far and wide, and hope for the 20 projects, you get one Facebook or Uber. Well, you need the cash to be able to invest across all 20. And as I said, the Super industry and others, we DONT HAVE THE CULTURE.
ii) World, ROW is global market, so this is not the reason, and you are right on the Israelis being dialled into the American market, but this is still not the reason for the start-up dearth here, or start-up prominence in TelAviv. Sweden also has some start-ups, and a vibrant music culture, pop music culture, but ABBA aint the reason. And yes, if you dial down into that background, you can ascertain the reasons. You dont have to be Michael Porter the Harvard business school prof.

Our capital goes alternative places, because we have sound investment option. It is both a demand and supply side thing. Or in the refugee parlance, a push or pull thing. Or in onanism, a Dutch rudder (urban dictionary that jane) We dont have start-up culture, the talent will either go to Paolo Alto and work in Silicone Valley (this is where Porter's cluster theory is valid), it draws the minute talent we do have, or some may just go to Google or Microsoft HQ in Sydney.
two things

i) have the venture capital ready to spread like birdseed does not exist. Why? George Megalogenis would say something like, the success of the Australian economy has demanded capital(opportunity cost) in other industries and firms... And we are risk averse as a capital-investment culture, when there can be sound options,

True enough in an age of mining. Hugely capital intensive industry but anything that could be dug up would have good returns on it. The cycles is starting to revert to the norm though now and there's a lot of investors and investment operations looking for returns somewhere else. Fair bit of money clinking about looking for somewhere to go.

ii) dont have the critical mass of America, even Japan and SKorea, if you look at all the tech clusters in the ROW, apart from Helsinki, all have populations many multiples of Aus, Silicon Valley, Hamburg, Tokyo, Tapei, Seoul, Helsinki*, Tel Aviv*, Singapore*, Waterloo (Toronto)...

From memory*(damaged) I thought the thing about good clusters was links internally. How the resources of the cluster were welded together. Not necessarily the size of the resources. Covers everything from academic collab with industry to public transport. Eg. Jakarta you can't get from one side of the city to the other for a meeting on a bad day unless you have a helicopter. Also, you look at those cities and the thing that stands out in all of them is that they're all cities with large amounts of government support for industry and R&D. Whether it's the Intelligence-Military Complex at Stanford and Tel Aviv, or state backed mega-corporations of Tokyo and Seoul.

Harvard Economist Prof.Michael Porter at Harvard Business School writes on clusters... well when he came to Australia he was prolly trying to shill a book like all good business people would do*(sarcasm) and piss in our collective pocket and tall about Aus clusters, wine and surf industry... without him every appreciating wrt wine, it was terroir/atmosphereweather/perspective to thos elements, and surf had as much to do with America's skate industry usurping OP/Hobie/Hang10/Oneill and the ASP formation in the 80s, seaboard swimming population, so zero to do with a cluster, he was retrofitting/reverse engineering both examples for Australia to shill his book. Also,

Ambitious. So every rural town that specialises in growing something is a cluster? The Wheatbelt is a cluster? I kind of get where he's going but when you define something so broadly it starts to lose meaning.

some of those surf brands may have been good operations to launder cash.

Sure we can. Look at the Australian diaspora. Kicking plenty of goals os. Amazing what happens when the dead hand of bureaucracy and high taxes are removed (not to mention the utter stupidity of Swan re mining tax, carbon tax and taxing unexercised options). Its hardly a wonder that the junior mining space in London is full of Australians.**
Michael Porter's cluster theory. talent will attract talent. The City has plum banking jobs, go to London....
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Ambitious. So every rural town that specialises in growing something is a cluster? The Wheatbelt is a cluster? I kind of get where he's going but when you define something so broadly it starts to lose meaning.
trying to sell a book. patronising, p!ssing in your pocket.

is perspective the right term for "lay or of the land", anyhoo, atmospher/weather is all encompassing. But the wine cluster, thought was retrofitting a confirmation bias.

right on the elements that form the cluster, not the discreet business(es). but the wider milieu
that what I heard.
Turnbull has conceded that we cannot get the budget back in surplus - at least not in the current economic landscape, its just not happening, there are no streams of revenue coming in for him to even contemplate surplus. This is why Turnbull mentioned that we need to innovate, and most importantly "We might make mistakes along the way", to me, that was a fair pointer that Turbull had conceded any short term fixes. We do need to innovate though, and I kind of feel sorry for Shifty (Lil Bill), because it was initially Shifty's idea to put the barrow of innovation. Now what does he have?
This is why Turnbull mentioned that we need to innovate, and most importantly "We might make mistakes along the way"
And that's why he is building the MTM (Malcom Turnbulls Mess) NBN, it's "innovative" (nobody else would even attempt to do what the Liberals are) and they've made mistakes with it, like throwing out Labor's plan and going with their more "innovative" plan spearheaded by Turnbull himself and his team of hand picked corporate prostitutes.
GJ, you sort of contradicted yourself. The market like capital is now global.

Nah, Australia's just a tadpole pond compared to most of the rest of developed world. That's why the commercialization of our university research takes place in the USA, not here. It's why the gruesome twosome Krudd and Gillard hightailed to US thinktanks instead of hanging about here.

And speaking of KRudd, Malcolm asked the question "ÿou know something?" and answered himself at least four times when he was delivered the BS on Monday.

KRudd is inhabiting him. Ugh.
Michael Porter's cluster theory. talent will attract talent. The City has plum banking jobs, do to London....

Not sold on Porter. City was always big in certain areas like shipping, insurance etc on back of UK global trade. Septics farked Eurodollar market with taxes and gave huge free kick to the soap dodgers. Singapore tried to compete in financial services but couldn't get ahead (I had a brief spell there before being a FILTH), biggest impediment it was bat shit boring (massively different now)

Sydney would kill Honkers and Sing if taxes were lowered. Absolute no brainer. Highly skilled workforce, much more desirable location for expats, right time zone etc. Wont happen, morons in the ALP would rather throw (good ) money (after bad) at renewables and union jobs and the Libs are just gutless knobs.

Nothing new under the sun. Clever country redux.

Nah, Australia's just a tadpole pond compared to most of the rest of developed world.

AUD ranks where in currency turnover? 5th?

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