MRP / Trib. Vickery Gets 4 Weeks - Back for Round 23

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If he wanted to he would have broken his jaw.
And I'm sick and tired of people in all walks of society having a whinge when they get what they deserve. If he didn't give the elbow he wouldn't have had been knocked out. From actions come up and face up to it. If Cox was playing in the 70's he would have had his face caved in every second week with the amount of cheap elbows he's thrown over the years.
Cox didn't deserve a concussion, saying that is just silly. Doesn't mean that his elbowing Vickery was 'clean' or anything, I haven't condoned that at all. Elbows get thrown by most ruckmen in the competition though. You're better off getting them back by slamming them in the next tackle or beating them on the scoreboard, as you did in the end anyway.

Not sure what the 'good old days' has to do with this.
Loved seeing a player get concussed? Ok. Elbow or no elbow, seeing any player get knocks/hits to the head isn't something that would bring me any joy.

Probably 4 weeks, seems about right.
To be fair I don't think anyone would have gotten any joy from seeing a bloke concussed. I didn't.
But you have to try and put yourself in our shoes. We have been shitkickers for 33 years. the dregs of the comp and yet our fans still keep turning up and we have 67,000 members.
When people on here say they like it, they mean they liked the aggression shown, not the outcome nor the way it was done.
Cox didn't deserve a concussion, saying that is just silly. Doesn't mean that his elbowing Vickery was 'clean' or anything, I haven't condoned that at all. Elbows get thrown by most ruckmen in the competition though. You're better off getting them back by slamming them in the next tackle or beating them on the scoreboard, as you did in the end anyway.

Not sure what the 'good old days' has to do with this.
So throwing an elbow while the ball is out of play is ok but Vickery has to get him back during play? Lmao blokes been a cheap shot artist for years and copped 1 back. He's still owed a few.

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To be fair I don't think anyone would have gotten any joy from seeing a bloke concussed. I didn't.
But you have to try and put yourself in our shoes. We have been shitkickers for 33 years. the dregs of the comp and yet our fans still keep turning up and we have 67,000 members.
When people on here say they like it, they mean they liked the aggression shown, not the outcome nor the way it was done.
Yeah ok, I get what you mean. If he could harness that aggression in a better way then we'll all be happy!
To be fair I don't think anyone would have gotten any joy from seeing a bloke concussed. I didn't.
But you have to try and put yourself in our shoes. We have been shitkickers for 33 years. the dregs of the comp and yet our fans still keep turning up and we have 67,000 members.
When people on here say they like it, they mean they liked the aggression shown, not the outcome nor the way it was done.
Precisely. He clearly didn't try and punch him in the head. He wasn't looking at him FFS.
So throwing an elbow while the ball is out of play is ok but Vickery has to get him back during play? Lmao blokes been a cheap shot artist for years and copped 1 back. He's still owed a few.
Cox didn't deserve a concussion, saying that is just silly. Doesn't mean that his elbowing Vickery was 'clean' or anything, I haven't condoned that at all. Elbows get thrown by most ruckmen in the competition though. You're better off getting them back by slamming them in the next tackle or beating them on the scoreboard, as you did in the end anyway.

Not sure what the 'good old days' has to do with this.
Read my posts mate, it isn't ok. But an eye for an eye is a ridiculous way of getting back at someone. Be the bigger man FFS and as others have said, put the aggression into something more helpful to the team's cause.
Read my posts mate, it isn't ok. But an eye for an eye is a ridiculous way of getting back at someone. Be the bigger man FFS and as others have said, put the aggression into something more helpful to the team's cause.
Do you honestly think he tried to punch him in the face. His eyes were on the ball. He was trying to belt him back in the chest, which is apparently all apart of rucking.

Sure it's not great he got knocked out he was just trying to give him one back rather than just cop a cheap shot behind play.
Yeah ok, I get what you mean. If he could harness that aggression in a better way then we'll all be happy!
I don't condone what he did. I hated it. But I liked it if that makes sense. It's just a pity it happened to a gentleman like Cox and not a scumbag like Crowley or Ballantyne...(jokes).
Ty will cop his right whack and deservedly so.
Do you honestly think he tried to punch him in the face. His eyes were on the ball. He was trying to belt him back in the chest, which is apparently all apart of rucking.
We can all speculate but the only bloke who knows what the intention was is Vickery. Doesn't change the act for me, I copped a neck injury once with a bloke throwing his arm at my face blindly. The head and the groin are sacrosanct for a reason.
Spent a week in Perth about five years ago, would go to Syria for a holiday before Perth again.
Really? I love Perth. Terrific place.
Read my posts mate, it isn't ok. But an eye for an eye is a ridiculous way of getting back at someone. Be the bigger man FFS and as others have said, put the aggression into something more helpful to the team's cause.

What are you talking about. It's worked in the middle east for centuries
Here's my take

Vickery is an unco person, he runs unco, he plays unco, he is unco. Yes he deliberately went to whack Cox but honestly believe went to get him in the chest and because he had eyes only for the ball in the contest has misjudged & whacked him in the jaw. The AFL however due to trial by media will look to give him about a 4 week holiday minimum. Vickery IMO deserves 2-3 weeks because lets face it you cant have blokes going around throwing roundhouses and getting players injured, but I will say this the total hysteria this has caused is way OTT.

Tom Harley's overreaction last night to the whole incident is just poor commentary, how many times do you really need to bring it up? Vickery is gone we all know it, he is gone for a holiday, the crowd was giving it to him (although that moron getting Vickery's face should have his membership taken away, we dont need people at the footy like that)which is their way to let him know it isn't on, but it seemed to me the commentators lead by Harley had nothing else to talk about so they just kept rehashing the incident, quite sad that is the way our media and commentary team are going these days.

Also had to laugh that Matthews would be making any sort of comment over the incident has he ever apologised to Neville Bruns or what's his take on whacking players on a footy field in his playing days? Also Eagle fans need to take a chill pill, this mob will look at any excuse to blame everyone else for what is now an average footy team and Vickery clocking their "champion" gave them the perfect excuse for their short comings this season, not so long ago you had a ex-player/coach who gave the best shirt front in the business who would wack players without them expecting it and think it was tough hard footy and they would cheer the guy on whenever he laid someone out flat, but hey back then it wasn't apparently a dirt dog act because there wasn't a rule in place to say you couldn't do it. :rolleyes:

I think people need to take a step back, stop the whinging and move on, the AFL will take care of the matter, but sooks will be sooks especially when youre no longer winning.

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We can all speculate but the only bloke who knows what the intention was is Vickery. Doesn't change the act for me, I copped a neck injury once with a bloke throwing his arm at my face blindly. The head and the groin are sacrosanct for a reason.
Agreed about the head and the groin being sacrosanct. How many weeks for LeCras' hit on Vickery?
What are you talking about. It's worked in the middle east for centuries
Different philosophies I guess. I just think it takes a bigger man to walk away and forget about it than to retaliate, but I can see where you are coming from.

Not meaning to stir up any arguments on here. :)
I didn't actually see the whole game/the Le Cras incident. What is your take?
Who would know. He intentionally bumped him and clashed heads. Could get the Fyfe treatment or could get the Buddy treatment? You guys aren't Sydney and your fans will turn up either way so I suspect he will get the Fyfe treatment. :p
Wonder how you feel about Shuey going down like he was shot when Ellis shepherded only to then jump up like nothing was wrong when he heard the whistle.
Think it was McGinnity, having taken lessons from Shuey.

He'll be targeted every week until he changes
Not if he keeps knocking blokes out. Bet Dog Firrrito doesn't try to rough him up again.
Cox is fine. No broken jaw and didn't fail concussion test.

Should be high contact, medium to low impact and unintentional or reckless. 2 weeks but with carry over points maybe three.

If it was me, I'd give him a high five.
he'll get 4-5, it was disgraceful and retaliatory
he'll get 4-5, it was disgraceful and retaliatory

I am not predicting the tribunal good luck to anyone who tries.

If someone gave me a cheap shot to the ribs/sternum area unsuspecting, he'd cop the same treatment.

Cox act was weak as piss and is getting missed. No one is defending what Vickery did, but I'm not copping a weak dog act and not giving it back. I may be smarter in how I do it but I'd be giving Cox some treatment.

Cox is fine. Was walking and talking around the rooms and in good spirits. Nothing wrong. So minimum impact for mine.
The only time I ever hit a bloke on a football field was after being on the end of a cheapie in a tackle , it was an instinctive reaction , very much how I saw tv last night, not pretty but a square up after a cheap shot from cox that went unnoticed from the umpire that ultimately contributed to the incident . No malice in it, just human nature
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