Why boycotting Israel matters

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Talking about what "we" have done is usually the preserve of the would be right on hipster types

hasbara again? And yet I don't find anything balanced, or bi-partisan in your approach.


with turkey, palestine, n africa, our troops in the WWII conflict with the ottomans and germans was forefront.

you dont think the coalition and the explusion of saddam has any responsibility. Pew numbers pretty overwhelming.

Don't forget HtB :)

I don't think anyone considers them anything other than unreconstructed knuckle scraping Klan folk.

Be affronted.

That has much analytic validity as screaming hasbara with one eye closed

what about hipsters making the world right, and the other SRP posters as unreconstructed Klan types. hehehe. you picked two pretty diverse demographics there. but i think you were a bit unfair to the Klan types
Oh please.

Aside from all the manufactured indignation. My point stands.

If you are not regularly accused of something, what is your experience to complain about then?

i have been accused of being an arab, and an anti-semite, and channelling stomfront.

accused "arab", i dont see it as worthy of accusation, and not worth dignifying in a denial.

srp is a pretty well meaning too and fro or is it to and fro. anyhow. occasionally, qsaint. morgs and a few others, i pick an argument with, but generally all is good. and i luv Meds and Jane, but dont tell them that

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Israel attacks Syria, inb4 ww3:


Lol... Nice to find the moral courage (alcohol) to saunter back to this once great forum and see if it's the same disgusting echo chamber of racists, useful idiots, and Blackcat...

Cancat doesn't disappoint... (and shame on the rest of you for not pulling up this neo-Nazi white supremacist ****er... I know it's hard to pick one out from the crowd in here but still...:oops: )

So let's all Google Israeli - Rhodesia relations and see what we might find that Hawkforce neglected to mention. Took all of 15 seconds to uncover that Israel sold arms to the white-minority government of Rhodesia...

Do you know what? I actually did bother to google "Israel arming Rhodesia". I was fully expecting you to be right for the simple reason that only an idiot fanatic would try to pretend that Nations trading with horrible nations was in any way uncommon.

Imagine my surprise when, actually, it's incredibly difficult to find any evidence of Israel selling arms to Rhodesia. In fact, it's limited to two links: one a Wiki page about Israel/Zimbabwe that states, as fact, that Israel armed Rhodesia (but doesn't say any more than that) - which is annotated to a book "Whom Israel arms and why".

This book happens to be the only source I can easily find for the claim. Having skimmed through the online section available, it's clear that Israel signed up to Sanctions and the author is describing nothing more than the licensing of the "uzi" brand through private companies...


Here's the short version:

Cancat is full of shit.

It's actually really ****ing hard and boring trying to find any evidence that Israel armed Rhodesia. Unlike the 15 seconds it ACTUALLY takes to confirm that Douglas Reed is a white supremacist and Colonialist.

The Wiki page on Israel Zimbabwe relations needs some fact checking

Cancat's a pathetic racist - the worst kind: a coward racist, who can't even be proud of the ideology he buys into.

So by your "logic" the government of Israel were white racist supremacists..

No. By my logic YOU are a white racist supremacist because you link approvingly to the views of a White racist supremacist who you say was silenced for speaking the truth. The truth of a white racist supremacist is white racist supremacism. Which you've clearly bought into. Have some ****ing balls and admit it man! Douglas would be ashamed of your weasel ways...

Of course even if Israel had armed Rhodesia (which clearly they didn't you lying **** - and why would you care cos it's what your racist hero wanted?) it would have been no different from the hundreds of nations who sold arms to nasty Nations. In the event it's clear you were lying like the lying liars you white racists are these days - but putting Rhodesia aside, Israel dealt with the South African regime so why bother lying about Rhodesia? The point is the same and the answer is too: Israel, like China, Egypt, Iran... anyone can trade with whoever they like. The difference is that, unlike the others, all Israeli citizens, whatever race, colour, creed or gender have a free vote and can lead by example.

We should not have been surprised by your post. Playing the race card is normal behaviour against any criticism of Zionism or the Israeli government.

Yay! I love this bit - you know the bit where a racist links approvingly to a white supremacist; expects to get away with it because in this context the white supremacist is only referring to Jews, and Jewish control and plots and even mentions "Zionism" so everyone will look the other way cos it suits their agenda and no one will ever mention Douglas' views on Africans and Colonialism because that would be, you know.... just a bit too racist...

And then you get the bit when someone bothers to expose this vile racist shite for what it is. Or, objectively speaking, provides a context for objective readers to take into consideration: Douglas Reed says this about "Zionism" and look here's what he thinks about Blacks!

No wonder Cancat's pissed... It's okay to approvingly link to an anti-Semite in this environment but it sucks balls to be exposed as linking to white supremacism... Can't even pretend to care about Arabs now can you Cancat? Or is it just black people and jews you hate? Are you a discerning racist?

And I love the tedious irony of the exposed racist: they always desperately play the "you're playing the race card" gambit - having just made a racist argument and linked to a master racist!

You couldn't make it up.

And, I see, no one bothered to call this neo-Nazi **** Cancat out - even when he goes on to defend Douglas Reed as some sort of libertarian hero...

I guess you "can make it up". Here's Cancat linking to someone it literally takes minutes to establish is a racist nut - and you all just shrug and say "What's another white supremacist racist Colonialist who supports Apartheid to us? Oh he hates Israel? Yay - must be a Mensch!"
echo chamber of racists, useful idiots, and Blackcat...

am I all three?

gees. have to go to church and confession

yeah, that sarcasm from an atheist leaning agnostic *more sarcasm.

next time we have some more conflict threads, ie.sinhalese or russians, feel free to drop by HF ;) we can always use some more posters on the international board not just reactive socialist alliance undergrad types
There is also a wider point to be made. Certain opinions on world events, such as the Ceylon civil war, are not suppressed, anti-Zionist views are..

Just ****ing Lol... this forum is so debased that a guy who links approvingly to a White Supremacist can have the Chutzpah to pretend "anti-Zionist views" are suppressed...

Surely anyone who actually cares about Palestinians isn't taken in by this transparent attempt to manipulate feelings to disguise open racism?

Douglas Reed was a Times correspondent and best selling author. He was anti-Nazi, so much so that he resigned his Times post because of their support for appeasement of Hitler. But it was his anti-Zionist views that got his books banned. Of course he was accused of being anti-semitic, but this was a smear, his arguments against Zionism were political. It would be hard to agree with everything he said - e.g. his fear of communism taking over Africa was misplaced - but political views should be countered by alternative political views, not by prohibition..

Everyone here can take the 15 seconds it took me to learn all I needed to know about Douglas Reed. Or are you now hoping they'll just take your word for it now I've exposed you, you white racist ****?

You are a typing cliché, a perfect avatar, of the racist modus operandi these days... Just connect the dots of your racist colonialist hero Douglas Adams shall we?

Doesn't like Nazism? Check...

Doesn't like Zionism? Check...

Writes books about Global Jewish power... Hmmm...

Paranoid about Communism? Check!

Supports Colonialism in Africa? Check!

What does this add up to I wonder? Maybe just every single ****ing member of the British Foreign Office circa 1919-... Bunch of Aristocratic fascists who split the Ottoman Empire then loathed Israel because, being democratic, thy couldn't buy it off like they tried with all the dictators they installed in the first place.

And they never liked the Boer War either... Fighting the wrong colour (unless Jewish eh?).

But only a handful went completely insane and wrote paranoid racist diatribes about Jews while kicking back in the blissfull peace of Colonial Rhodesia.

And you've idolised the insane one...

Jim Allen's play Perdition was about real life events in Jerusalem in 1955. The Israeli government commenced a libel case against Malchiel Gruenwald,
a Hungarian Jew who lost 52 relatives at Auschwitz. He had accused another Hungarian Jew Rudolf Kastner of collaborating with the Nazis and failing to warn the Hungarian Jewish community that they were to be loaded onto trains and taken to the gas chambers. Kastner was nominally a witness in the case but became the defacto defendant as his actions during the war were questioned. Jim Allen's play was shut down under false allegations of anti-Semitism. .

Another classic sign of the fanatic racist - a completely random and baffling segue into some other issue which is quite hard to work out the point of but he's got the key words "Jew" "Auschwitz" "Israeli Government" "false allegations of anti-Semitism"

The brusque but effective work of your average racist... It's just that easy to spread the word...

And as far as I know there is only one set of events in history where having a certain view of those events will get you imprisoned. .

Urgh... This ****ing guy is taking the rest of you for imbeciles... It's just incredible how a racist can use the implication of racism - and takes joy in using the tropes of the worst example/outcome of racism to push buttons and make themselves out as victims. They especially like taking the victim role. It's like gassing Jewish families twice...

SO this ****ing racist claims there's "only one set of events in history where having a certain view of those events will get you imprisoned". Okay: there's two ways people can respond to a statement like this.

1) WTF? Try talking about Armenian Genocide in Turkey; or Tiananmen Square in China; or making films mocking Muhammed; or cartoons etc etc

2) "You're so right. I'm always being made to feel bad if I say anything bad about Zionism - which makes it hard to express my deep hatred of jews cos I might even go to jail like all those people..."

At which point they fail to name anyone who's actually gone to jail for just questioning the Holocaust. Cos it's never really happened.

But the best bit is - these racists are STILL pretending not to be racist. Is it tactical? Maybe. I just think they're cowards... Let's examine our specimen "Cancat" who is about to exhibit the stupidity and obviousness of the average white supremacist...

But you don't have to be a Holocaust denier to be labelled anti-Semitic, .

Really? They just throw that "anti-Semite" label at anyone don't they? Not JUST HOLOCAUST DENIERS?!?!?

Cancat's right of course - "you don't have to be a Holocaust denier to be labelled anti-Semitic" but IT REALLY HELPS

And I'll bet my soul that Cancat believes the "holocaust" has been exaggerated by "lobby groups" to become an "industry" etc etc

And everyone here knows that's what he believes because actually everyone's bought into that lazy "we need a reason to justify crucifying all these Jews again - so we'll pretend there was never a reason for Zionism in the first place...

But Cancat stands out. He links to white supremacists. He makes Holocaust Denial a libertarian victim of vicious Zionism... At every stage he makes himself more and more putrid.

arguing in favour of free speech on the
matter, as done by Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens and Peter Singer is enough.

And as if ti couldn't get ant any worse - the racist mentions Hitchens in the same breath as Chomsky and PETE SINGER?!

Christ almighty this forum is a cesspit these days... Why aren't you ashamed?
lots of blood libels on the arabs tho too hawkforce. this elders tropes work both ways.

open invitation to be universal in the condemnation of all bigotry.

would be welcomed

I'm getting there, Blackcat - give me my moment to shine a light in this dark dark place...
am I all three?

Dammit - just lost a long involved reply. But the jist was this:

You (Blackcat) are clearly NOT a racist.

That this distinction has to be made is a worrying indictment on the forum as a whole.

That I understand you're fighting a losing battle against racist taunts on both sides and that sucks - BUT fact is neo nazis are using people like you, and boards like this, as trojans... Seriously - it's like 1938 on here. A red/brown fascist consensus...
Irony :)

I'm not the one who is pissed - in either sense of the word. I'm loving your drunken rant.

Wow... A sub-forum goes for weeks without activity but the white supremacists keep a close watch don't they?


Oh... wait... I just experienced how racist liars like you must feel when pretending to be "silenced"...

Feels a lot like being drunk... (but without the ranting about all powerful jewish lobbies... that's the giveaway)

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Fully inclusive? What about those who left / were forced out of the country and still to this day not allowed to return?

What a stupid question - quite clearly Israeli citizenship rights do not apply to those who are not citizens. The point is that Israeli Citizens are all allowed to vote, are represented proportionally and are equal under law regardless of race, colour or gender or sexuality.

This is in contrast to say... everywhere else in the region.

But if we're talking Right of Return - the moment you get Yemen, Tunisia, Iraq, UAE to repatriate with full rights the several hundred thousand jews driven out after 1948 in racist pogroms. Ethnically cleansing an ancient heritage...

Or perhaps ou want to stop being a twat and just acknowledge that Israel is a far more democratic and far less racist nation than AUSTRALIA.
What a stupid question - quite clearly Israeli citizenship rights do not apply to those who are not citizens. The point is that Israeli Citizens are all allowed to vote, are represented proportionally and are equal under law regardless of race, colour or gender or sexuality.

This is in contrast to say... everywhere else in the region.

But if we're talking Right of Return - the moment you get Yemen, Tunisia, Iraq, UAE to repatriate with full rights the several hundred thousand jews driven out after 1948 in racist pogroms. Ethnically cleansing an ancient heritage...

Or perhaps ou want to stop being a twat and just acknowledge that Israel is a far more democratic and far less racist nation than AUSTRALIA.

the palestinian israelis cannot get building approvals, and get evicted from east jerusalem when they have had their forefathers there for centuries. it was wrong in europe, it is wrong in modern israel. the palestinian israelis do not have the same rights. The thing is, most zionists WOULD be fore EQUAL rights. They would not endorse this discrimination. But it is a cognitive dissonance they hold. if zionism can exist with equal rights, in a bubble, and not discrimination of outsiers, i am for zionism. but like the japanese, and other arab states, the modern world needs integrate nation states. israel cannot be successful and prosper as an outsider in the ME. What happens when the big brother America is not their in the UN to veto, or underwrite military expenditure. Certainly a country with the artists and nobel winners in sciences, can put that acumen to soft power, and relationships with their neighbours, and come to reality (truth) with the history of the Palestinians.

*the caveat, I am clearly from Ilan Pappe's position, and Benny Morris. On 48, and expulsion. Cant be america's cats paw in the ME. It conveniently serves the yanks , to deny their own destruction of nations, and consider israel the renegade. and the arabs and bin ladens acolytes can point to palestine without getting their own house in order. it is an easy target.
What a stupid question - quite clearly Israeli citizenship rights do not apply to those who are not citizens. The point is that Israeli Citizens are all allowed to vote, are represented proportionally and are equal under law regardless of race, colour or gender or sexuality.

This is in contrast to say... everywhere else in the region.

But if we're talking Right of Return - the moment you get Yemen, Tunisia, Iraq, UAE to repatriate with full rights the several hundred thousand jews driven out after 1948 in racist pogroms. Ethnically cleansing an ancient heritage...

HF, but you know the forerunner to Mossad was setting off false flags and bombings in temples across the ME to stoke fear in the misrahi (mizrahim).

what you have used, this talking point, is convenient deflection, like the current 67 borders plus mutually agreed land swaps.

King David hotel, then these bombings of synagogues across the ME targetting the arab jews. and there is a similar racism like the Indian caste system. ashkenazi>sephardim>mizrahim>Ethiopian

come on HF. you know that there WAS discrimination in the ME pre-Israel, but you also know of those bombings (terrorism) by forerunners to Mossad.
What a load of rubbish.

Such a tired defence, screaming racism and antisemitism whenever people do not agree with Israels treatment of the Palestinians, nor its heavy handed approach to foreign policy in the region.

In fact, if you had a semblance of conscience or intellectual honesty, you would feel ashamed of yourself.

What a perfect example of the useful idiot lashing out in defence of white supremacists arguments...

Here's a hint DivideandMultiply - when Cancat links to a racist who thinks Black Africans are better off under the yoke of white colonialism, we've moved beyond the issue of Israel's treatment of Palestinians and/or their foreign policy.

I am a passionate advocate of a viable Palestinian State. It's surprisingly close to becoming a reality. That's why racists like Cancat are whiteanting this argument. To destroy consensus and foment conflict. Which would be obvious if you just took a moment to research his idol...

In the meantime I'm searching my conscience and intellect and have concluded that once you bother to engage your brain you'll find the decency to reject white supremacism and join the rational world...
I am a passionate advocate of a viable Palestinian State. It's surprisingly close to becoming a reality. That's why racists like Cancat are whiteanting this argument. To destroy consensus and foment conflict. Which would be obvious if you just took a moment to research his idol...

I am gonna call you on this.

Anyone following this issue now understands the 500,000 settlers in East Jerusalem and the West Bank have now made a viable state not possible. we are talking NOT bantustans, not the Oslo accords, the water rights, and resource rights etc. and the withdrawal from Gaza was to be a smokescreen figleaf to continue to populate the WB. I have less problem with this, if there are equal rights, and compensation.

transparency and honesty, not the talking points, which are easy to refute. we cant all be rubes
Considering I haven't posted in this thread before that comment, you now spreading that accusation to me, though subtly, shows the dishonesty of your position.

It is an affront to both peoples intelligence and the concept of critical thinking. Someone asks legitimate questions, or makes genuine and empathic observations, about the plight of the Palestinians or has a less than right wing extremist view of Israeli foreign policy and those that don't agree scream racism and antisemitism.

The only defence they have against the indefensible.

It is people like you, who form opinions and make accusations based on their ideological bent, demonstrating a complete lack of moral compass, that contribute to the world being a more hostile and hateful place.


If there was any exchange that symbolises the ease with which racists and extreme Right have infiltrated this entire "debate".

So... DivideandMultiply has apparently never posted in this thread. He/She's presumably got some knowledge on the issue at hand and an opinion (though hasn't posted it before) ...

The use of terms like "concept of critical thinking" implies exposure to Marxist language - but from the inability to demonstrate anything remotely resembling "critical thinking" I infer that D&M is spending way too much time buying drinks and spliff for some late 30's tutor tosser who just wants to root your partner...

So a confused and angry young man looking for fight. That's the only way I can understand why he'd utterly ignore the fact that Cancat linked to white supremacists. If nothing else it's clear D&M has a clear moral compass and would do anything to avoid making the world more hostile and hateful - surely he would agree that the last thing we need is white supremacists promulgating the Protocols conspiracy again...

Or maybe he'd just ignore all of that and just crash on in and claim this:

Someone asks legitimate questions, or makes genuine and empathic observations, about the plight of the Palestinians or has a less than right wing extremist view of Israeli foreign policy and those that don't agree scream racism and antisemitism.

Now... I've visited this thread only a few times... When I first looked the thread was old...

I replied - was provoked to reply - by some pretty bloody bizarre directions the thread took. Not least the linking to white supremacists by Cancat and HTB.

What I can't see is anything to provoke D&M's passionate intervention... No one denied the plight of Palestinians and no one proposed a "right wing extremist" view of Israeli Foreign Policy,

All that happened was that I did some basic research and revealed that the expert Cancat was relying on was in fact a racist crank

Clearly DivideandMultiply lacks any empathy or genuine understanding of the plight of black Africans in Rhodesia because he couldn't even be bothered looking beyond the mere possibility of anyone suggesting that Israel isn't evil.

So there you have it. In one small step a useful idiot becomes the pawn of white supremacists...
I am gonna call you on this.

Anyone following this issue now understands the 500,000 settlers in East Jerusalem and the West Bank have now made a viable state not possible. we are talking NOT bantustans, not the Oslo accords, the water rights, and resource rights etc. and the withdrawal from Gaza was to be a smokescreen figleaf to continue to populate the WB. I have less problem with this, if there are equal rights, and compensation.

transparency and honesty, not the talking points, which are easy to refute. we cant all be rubes

You've really got to stop babbling BC - the State is "surprisingly possible" because while Hamas have turned Gaza into a medieval swamp; the PA, with Tony Blair's help, have made the West Bank into something remotely resembling a state worth investing in. This was their strategy - and it was a really good one. And ruined by Hamas starting a war in Gaza. A war which useful idiots once again blamed Israel for - when attention should have been on the majority Palestinian territory which wasn't rocketing Israel because it was a waste of time when investment and growth are the inevitable building blocks to Statehood...

As long as shit's peaceful and prosperous the final land deal will go better for Palestinians. This was the case 15 years ago when a million Israelis marched for Peace. They'd had a taste of peace, liked it, and had always hated the occupation... In the end they watched on Live TV as two reservists were lynched... then watched Hamas turn Gaza into a mini North Korea - cheered on by complacent West who seem to prefer an antisemitic Arab "street" to a mature and nunanced approach
Hawkforce, all commentators on the issue now have a viable Pal State in this 2 State Solution, and this "solution" as bunkum.

Remember Dov Weissglass said, the Peace Process was a formaldehyde, while they settle judea and samaria. not me, a former Chief of Staff in the Israel gov't.

as long as equal rights conferred upon the pal bethren, you cant quibble

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