Will Australia get hit by a major terror attack?

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Weren't they wearing "peace for paris" t - shirts in France? Or something like that. Yes peoples, peace is really working against these guys isnt it...

You have missed it, but anything but peace is occurring in The Levant

No doubt the vast majority of the refugees, are genuine refugees, and just normal people who have been caught up in a f**ked up situation. Unlucky to be born in one of those shitholes I guess. But there is absolutely no doubt that in amongst the genuine refugees, there'd be extremists, who's goal is to act as a refugee, and then go about whatever sinister plans they have, in a new place, spreading the shitstorm of IS further than the middle east.

I just can't understand, how people in this current world, with all the science and technology, still believe, and live their lives, by what was written in a book thousands of years ago, telling us about magical men in the clouds that created everything, it's ludicrous.

Yeah, they're gonna cause an absolute shitstorm from their cells on Manus and Christmas Island, where they'll be locked up indefinitely. They maybe murderous fanatics, but your cunning plan is kinda moronic
You have missed it, but anything but peace is occurring in The Levant

Yeah, they're gonna cause an absolute shitstorm from their cells on Manus and Christmas Island, where they'll be locked up indefinitely. They maybe murderous fanatics, but your cunning plan is kinda moronic

Ah so they're just staying on manus island, cool, silly me thought they were getting settled in Australia, like the first family that just arrived in Perth.

Do you honestly think, that a group like IS, who rely on their followers going undetected, until the time comes for them to act out their bullshit, wouldn't be putting people amongst the refugee groups to get them into western countries?? It's gotta be one of the easiest ways possible to infiltrate countries outside the Middle East, especially these days with countries trying to outdo each other in the compassion game, possibly to the detriment of innocent civilians.
That's actually wrong. The ones in the top photo would be considered moderates in an Islamic nation as they haven't actually armed themselves with weapons nor killed anyone(at this stage).

Those pictured below look like extremists.

The ones in the top photo haven't been pushed by decades of foreign intervention into arming themselves - They've grown up in different social circumstances... hell, just a couple of boats arriving and some refugees sends them crazy, what the hell would they do if there was actually a foreign military landing here and dropping bombs..

just actually think about it once -

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I just can't understand, how people in this current world, with all the science and technology, still believe, and live their lives, by what was written in a book thousands of years ago, telling us about magical men in the clouds that created everything, it's ludicrous.

You don't want to believe in a God or God's or some divine being, then don't. That's your right. Just like it's also a right to believe in what ever religion you wish and practice your religion freely without discrimination.
You don't want to believe in a God or God's or some divine being, then don't. That's your right. Just like it's also a right to believe in what ever religion you wish and practice your religion freely without discrimination.

If only it was as simple as this.

The entire planet is screwed as a direct result of dick measuring contests in regards to ones idea of a God.
If only it was as simple as this.

The entire planet is screwed as a direct result of dick measuring contests in regards to ones idea of a God.

That's not the fault of religion but man.
I'm Greek Orthodox Christian. I'm not going to preach to you, tell you you're a sinner, try and convert you, physically or verbally attack you because you aren't Orthodox or won't convert nor will I start a holy war over it.

I frankly don't care about other people's religious or non religious beliefs.

The problem you see is not my religion, the problem Is man him self.

Religion is used as another tool to wage war and conquer and kill. These things have been going on for thousands of years..religion or no religion.

The problem with Islam isn't Islam the region it's the interpretations of it and the abuse of it by what we call radicals and terrorists and extremists.

I'm sure we've all got muslim mates who are just as sinful and care free as the rest of us.

Islamic leaders need to start distancing their faith from the radicals and making a stand against them publicly.

Problem Is as we saw with the mufti this week, their leaders don't actually disagree with what the radials are doing.
So that leaves ordinary muslims who are just like me and you stuck in a grey zone..In a very hard difficult place.
That's not the fault of religion but man.
I'm Greek Orthodox Christian. I'm not going to preach to you, tell you you're a sinner, try and convert you, physically or verbally attack you because you aren't Orthodox or won't convert nor will I start a holy war over it.

I frankly don't care about other people's religious or non religious beliefs.

The problem you see is not my religion, the problem Is man him self.

Religion is used as another tool to wage war and conquer and kill. These things have been going on for thousands of years..religion or no religion.

The problem with Islam isn't Islam the region it's the interpretations of it and the abuse of it by what we call radicals and terrorists and extremists.

I'm sure we've all got muslim mates who are just as sinful and care free as the rest of us.

Islamic leaders need to start distancing their faith from the radicals and making a stand against them publicly.

Problem Is as we saw with the mufti this week, their leaders don't actually disagree with what the radials are doing.
So that leaves ordinary muslims who are just like me and you stuck in a grey zone..In a very hard difficult place.

wah, wah, wah...it's ALWAYS the followers and never the religion itself...FFS!!

"President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Mr Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

Mr Bush, who became a born-again Christian at 40, is one of the most overtly religious leaders to occupy the White House, a fact which brings him much support in middle America

Thanks George, thanks a lot God.

Pretty sure that all of the above had a major influence on most of the shit happening today.

Of course Da'esh are also following 'Gods' word and command.

Pardon me as I feel sick in the guts when Theists blame man and not their ridiculous religions.

Nuke the lot of you.
That's not the fault of religion but man.

bullsh!t ... The issue is Islam itself. It needs major reform and modernisation. Remember the prophet of Islam was a Pedophile Warlord ... compare that to Jesus (if he even existed) who was a hippy carpenter.
wah, wah, wah...it's ALWAYS the followers and never the religion itself...FFS!!

Thanks George, thanks a lot God.

Pretty sure that all of the above had a major influence on most of the shit happening today.

Of course Da'esh are also following 'Gods' word and command.

Pardon me as I feel sick in the guts when Theists blame man and not their ridiculous religions.

Nuke the lot of you.

Get a grip you lunatic.
The point I was making that you obviously missed because you're a regular athiest douche bag who thinks his beliefs are correct and everyone else's wrong, is that it's MAN'S choice.
Get a grip you lunatic.
The point I was making that you obviously missed because you're a regular athiest douche bag who thinks his beliefs are correct and everyone else's wrong, is that it's MAN'S choice.

Perhaps you should read the quote again where Bush clearly states that GOD told him to do it.

You'll find that GOD tells suicide bombers to strap on the vest as well.

You can't have it both ways mate.

I'm agnostic by the way, but great attempt at lumping all anti-theists into the same dung heap.
bullsh!t ... The issue is Islam itself. It needs major reform and modernisation. Remember the prophet of Islam was a Pedophile Warlord ... compare that to Jesus (if he even existed) who was a hippy carpenter.

It's called free will.
We are all born with it.
Perhaps you should read the quote again where Bush clearly states that GOD told him to do it.

You'll find that GOD tells suicide bombers to strap on the vest as well.

You can't have it both ways mate.

I'm agnostic by the way, but great attempt at lumping all anti-theists into the same dung heap.

What the hell does Bush have to do with it?
Lol Bush playing politics for the massive and influential American Christian right is somehow proof of whatever argument you are trying to make against what I said about it being man's choice?

So what are you trying to say, that God commanded him? That God took over his mind and body and made him say it?
Or are you agreeing with me about it being man's choice? As in Bush made the choice(or his speech writers and advisers did) to slip that in?

It was man's choice to say God spoke to him and told him to do it.

We all have free will. How we exercise our free will is up to us. That's why it's called free will.

Blaming a faith is a cop out.
At the end of the day a sane normal person can tell right from wrong.
And if you can't tell right from wrong there's something clearly wrong with you up stairs. Religion or no religion.

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What the hell does Bush have to do with it?
Lol Bush playing politics for the massive and influential American Christian right is somehow proof of whatever argument you are trying to make against what I said about it being man's choice?

So what are you trying to say, that God commanded him? That God took over his mind and body and made him say it?
Or are you agreeing with me about it being man's choice? As in Bush made the choice(or his speech writers and advisers did) to slip that in?

It was man's choice to say God spoke to him and told him to do it.

We all have free will. How we exercise our free will is up to us. That's why it's called free will.

Blaming a faith is a cop out.
At the end of the day a sane normal person can tell right from wrong.
And if you can't tell right from wrong there's something clearly wrong with you up stairs. Religion or no religion.

Just because the leader of the free world at the time made a public proclamation about being guided by the hand of your God when he decided to bomb the living shit out of countries does not mean that you can throw the toys out of the cot.

Freewill. Man's choice.

What rubbish.

The JUSTIFICATION used is your God.

Just like Da'esh.

You're all crap.
Just because the leader of the free world at the time made a public proclamation about being guided by the hand of your God when he decided to bomb the living shit out of countries does not mean that you can throw the toys out of the cot.

Freewill. Man's choice.

What rubbish.

The JUSTIFICATION used is your God.

Just like Da'esh.

You're all crap.

You are sitting there bashing on others for pushing their beliefs, and being an intolerant w***er your self.

All because you refuse to accept that man has free will in order for you to carry on bashing and hating on Christianity and Islam.

You said you're agnostic...so presumably you believe it's impossible for you to know anything about God. So how do you know then that God didn't actually tell Bush to do it? After all your beliefs are that it's impossible for you to know anything about God.

All because you have a problem with organized religion.

Well boohoo you poor baby. Deal with it.
It's called free will.
We are all born with it.

Do you really have free will when you've been brainwashed since birth to believe in gods and fairy tales????

Even if a person does have free will (after being brainwashed by religion) they're actions are influenced heavily by that religion.

In the case of Islam those actions include pedophilia, oppression of women and killing apostates (all justified in the Quran and Hadith)
Do you really have free will when you've been brainwashed since birth to believe in gods and fairy tales????

Even if a person does have free will (after being brainwashed by religion) they're actions are influenced heavily by that religion.

In the case of Islam those actions include pedophilia, oppression of women and killing apostates (all justified in the Quran and Hadith)

Do you really have free will when you've been brainwashed since birth to believe that God doesn't exist and everything just spawned out of thin air?
See how easy it is to discriminate and be intolerant of other people's beliefs?

I'm not discriminating against your beliefs so don't discriminate against mine.

Who says I've been brainwashed? That's a shit assumption to make.
Yeh i was dragged along to church when I was a kid. Because I was a kid..what where my parents going to do leave a child at home alone? I spent 99% of time at church running around outside and playing with the other kids anyway. And even if I had stayed inside I wouldn't have known what was being said because the priests in Greek churches use an older form of the Greek language from Byzantine times.

So tell me, how am I brainwashed?
You don't know a ****ing thing about me my life or my upbringing.
Do you really have free will when you've been brainwashed since birth to believe that God doesn't exist and everything just spawned out of thin air?

I was allowed to come to my own conclusion as a child/young adult. Poor assumption on your behalf. Also the infinite regress argument (thin air) works equally well at disproving the existence of your "creator".

I'm not discriminating against your beliefs so don't discriminate against mine.

Why not? When your beliefs are wrong why can't I discriminate? Respect for religion doesn't mean I have to accept a lower moral a standard or accept a ignorance of basic scientific facts.

Who says I've been brainwashed? That's a shit assumption to make.

You are religious and clearly stated you were indoctrinated as a child (Indoctrination = Brainwashed)

You don't know a ******* thing about me my life or my upbringing.

Well actually I do. I know you were indoctrinated as a child and that your are religious.
I was allowed to come to my own conclusion as a child/young adult. Poor assumption on your behalf. Also the infinite regress argument (thin air) works equally well at disproving the existence of your "creator".

I wasn't actually being serious...I just did what you did..I couldn't care less what you believe or don't believe. It doesn't have any bearing on my life so why should I care?

Why not? When your beliefs are wrong why can't I discriminate? Respect for religion doesn't mean I have to accept a lower moral a standard or accept a ignorance of basic scientific facts.

Telling people their beliefs are wrong just because your beliefs are different is not respect, but intolerance and discrimination.

Nobody is asking you to accept anyone else's beliefs.

You are religious and clearly stated you were indoctrinated as a child (Indoctrination = Brainwashed)

You obviously can't comprehend plain English.

When was I indoctrinated? Can you pinpoint when I made that clear in any post?

Nah, you can't. Because you are the typical extremist athiest loser who needs to resort to blatant lying.

Well actually I do. I know you were indoctrinated as a child and that your are religious.

See above douche.
It will really only get bigger if we alienate the Muslim community in this country. Remember that ISIS are an extreme bunch who have killed far more Muslims than Christians in all this.

So we need to continue to work with the local Muslim communities to make them feel like part of the solution, not part of the problem. Education, monitoring, socialisation into society, all with a close alliance with the local Muslim communities. I believe the vast majority of that community dont want to live in an ISIS world, & certainly dont want to lose their youth. So we need to work with that, not against it.
Do we alienate them or do they alienate themselves (grand mufti)?

Maybe we should start a monthly "ill ride with you" program.
I wonder how many of those arguing with me are regulars at Reclaim Australia rallies.
Telling people their beliefs are wrong just because your beliefs are different is not respect, but intolerance and discrimination.

Nobody is asking you to accept anyone else's beliefs.

Telling people their beliefs they are wrong if perfectly acceptable when their beliefs are evidently wrong!!!

Pedophilia is wrong, murdering apostates is wrong, oppressing women is wrong, denying evolution is wrong, murdering abortion doctors is wrong, attempting to murder your child (Abe/Isaac) is wrong ... the list goes on and on and on

Is it intolerant? Yes ... and rightly so. Is it discrimination ... probably ... but who cares about your feelings (the truth is more important).

When was I indoctrinated? Can you pinpoint when I made that clear in any post?

Nah, you can't. Because you are the typical extremist athiest loser who needs to resort to blatant lying.

"I was dragged along to church when I was a kid" ... sounds like indoctrination (brainwashing).
Telling people their beliefs they are wrong if perfectly acceptable when their beliefs are evidently wrong!!!

So it's acceptable for me to bash you and your beliefs because I think they are wrong?

Pedophilia is wrong, murdering apostates is wrong, oppressing women is wrong, denying evolution is wrong, murdering abortion doctors is wrong, attempting to murder your child (Abe/Isaac) is wrong ... the list goes on and on and on

Oh look the typical athiest douchebaggery of cherry picking what suits their argument..that is when they aren't outright lying.

Sorry but I'm not a child molester nor am I a murderer nor do I oppress women nor do I deny anything to do with the sciences.

I don't tell people what to believe or harass them about their beliefs nor deny evolution or the science's or religious beliefs because frankly I nor you nor anyone on this planet knows everything and has the complete picture.

So pull your head out of your ass and stop acting like what you believe is the complete picture.

Is it intolerant? Yes ... and rightly so. Is it discrimination ... probably ... but who cares about your feelings (the truth is more important).

Good to know because I'll eventually start posting to simply offend you and I hope you don't start crying to the mods like a typical athiest coward.

"I was dragged along to church when I was a kid" ... sounds like indoctrination (brainwashing).

Aha there's that athiest tactic of cherry picking.

What an incredibly moronic individual you are.

The bits left out of what the above dick head quoted...
I was dragged along to church because I was a child and my parents were responsible parents who didn't leave their children alone unattended at home at a you age.

Church for me as a kid wasn't even church it was simply a time to run around as kids do with other kids mucking/playing around.
In other words, I wasn't even in the church for the services...you incredibly dumb dense useless mangled up idiot with mash potatoes for a brain.

Next time you quote my posts, don't edit out the bits you don't like and make it seem like I'm saying something other then what I said.
What a pathetic loser you are to have actually just done that.

Again, like the other loser, with tactics like this, thanks for conceding defeat.
I wonder how many of those arguing with me are regulars at Reclaim Australia rallies.
Probably none. You'd have to be an idiot not to recognise Islams issues.

That or be a Muslim or have Muslim friends. The issue is suppressed with most media outlets as there's a lot about Islams history and future to be ashamed, concerned or damn right terrified about.
Probably none. You'd have to be an idiot not to recognise Islams issues.

That or be a Muslim or have Muslim friends. The issue is suppressed with most media outlets as there's a lot about Islams history and future to be ashamed, concerned or damn right terrified about.

Mate, my background is Greek..trust me I know the dangers posed by Islam. There's a little thing called the Ottoman occupation.

And yes I do have muslim friends..even Turkish muslim friends.
People who are just as appalled by what happened in Paris as we all are.

And this is what I mean about free will.
What's stopping them from being let's say radicals?
Free will.
Knowing right from wrong.
Because if they didn't tell you they were muslim you wouldn't know it. Just like you wouldn't know what my religion was unless I told you.

Some of you make out that the negatives of a religion are the only aspect of that religion.
Because portraying something in a negative light when you are attacking something works best.

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