Will Nicky G replace Brock??

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Some blonde-haired old fella playing for Hawthorn last night named Mitchell runs about as fast as a nosedrip. He goes alright.
Nail on head Shan. But that's how good you have to be to make up for being slow. Perhaps that means he needs more development in the VFL to improive his strengths rather than having his weakness exploited in the seniors.
They are both douches off the ground - so I could see him being a fantastic replacement.
He does have a few very important qualities that help him though. He is slow as hell but his footwork in close to give him separation is among the best in the business. Secondly, while he doesn't have a long boot on him, he is elite on both sides of his body. He very rarely misses a target.

Graham still has plenty to work on to get the X Factors needed to help him out. Not beyond him though.
That kick to Daisy with 30 seconds to go was pinpoint. 30cm from the line and Daisy just palms it over instead of trying to mark. Hopefully Graham will get his debut start, it's taken too long to give a pat on the back for his great VFL form...5 green vests is a joke.
I'm going to market a Brock McLean toy that people can punch, kick, strangle etc. Only problem is no matter what you do to it, it will never lie down. It just keeps staying on its feet. I'll make sure it has a big smile on it's face. I'll give it a button that you press and you can hear some of Brock's best quotes to get you angrier. It will work a treat:D

As for Nick Graham, I liked what I saw in the pre-season games in his first year. He was picked in the 50s in his draft year, I think. I read that he could read the play well and kick goals. And that is what I saw. However that type of player has limited time in the AFL unless they are very, very good. So the education begins. We are two years into a program that we all hope will produce a footballer capable of mixing it with the best. I think he would be happy with his progress and I think he'd understand it's all part of his development. Hopefully he gets a full game or two before the end of the season and he grabs the chance. That's the next thing he has to do. Malthouse is not concerned about short term gain. Once he believes he's ready to play he'll get a regular game. I hope he does well. Otherwise I'll have to come with a line of toys that Carlton supporters can punch, kick etc.
Otherwise I'll have to come with a line of toys that Carlton supporters can punch, kick etc.

Can you do a Mick one. Every time you hit it, it comes back saying 'make no mistake, they're a very good football side' .... 'it's not about the result, it's about the process' .... 'what are you eating ... have you got enough for everyone?'
I cant see how he hasn't had more playing time. I might be in a single boat here when stating this but the likes of McLean and Carrazzo shouldn't be getting playing time now. Use this dismal season to get games into the younger players. My only concern about "speed" is that the likes of Graham, Cripps and Bell are not exactly that fast...so not sure how many we can carry in this team in the future.
I think people get carried away in paying out Brock and other "slow" footballers. Some of the Premier sides of the comp have had their share of one paced mids in recent times, it's just that for every Sewell, Mitchell, Kelly, Bolton, Selwood etc.. there's been a Smith, Hill, Jetta, Varcoe type to provide balance.
Cripps, Bell and Graham could easily be in the same team.
All very different players with their own set of traits.

Cripps and Graham have very good awareness which Bell doesn't.
That aside there is no reason why they couldn't fit into the same side. They just have to get a little better.

The amount of space bell is able to make bursting away from packs is awesome. He promises so much then u get let down when he disposes of the ball. He just needs to tidy up a bit and stop being a d!ck tease!

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I'm going to market a Brock McLean toy that people can punch, kick, strangle etc. Only problem is no matter what you do to it, it will never lie down. It just keeps staying on its feet. I'll make sure it has a big smile on it's face. I'll give it a button that you press and you can hear some of Brock's best quotes to get you angrier. It will work a treat:D

I hope he does well. Otherwise I'll have to come with a line of toys that Carlton supporters can punch, kick etc.

They already make something similar, called Footy Headz. My girlfriend bought me one last year...when you hit it it yells out "baaaaaaaaalll" etc. I have no idea why she got me one.
Can you do a Mick one. Every time you hit it, it comes back saying 'make no mistake, they're a very good football side' .... 'it's not about the result, it's about the process' .... 'what are you eating ... have you got enough for everyone?'
Straight man to a mod, who'd have thought:rolleyes:

Definitely Mick's toy would be different. Something like a Jack in the Box contraption where a player makes a mistake, he turns red, shouts and swears and then his head explodes. It could be called Mick's Meltdown Moments.
I gotta soft spot for Brock. Unfortunately the game has passed him and he does not add a lot to us anymore. Sad to see him go, but we got to move with the times and start developing players that can keep up with the pace of the game.
Thanks for your service Brock.
Who's next?
I hope we persist with him (Nick).

I do think, given a year or two more, he could be a very, very handy player and will surprise many. He has a certain natural something... ball's in his court to work hard and get the results.
On the limited time I've seen him he looks like a neatish player with quick hands.

MM seems to like having his on-ballers carry the ball a bit more, which I'm not sure Nick does.

AAlso think MM looks at the opposition mids, see's a cut off point in quality i.e. if they have 4 quality mids and we have 3, he'll pick more defensive mids to combat it.

North don't have great pace or a great midfield so Graham might find himself getting a full game.
With Walker going in for surgery and perhaps a few following in the next week, hopefully he gets an extended run at it - and goes into a game without the red vest.

Not sure what Brock's go is at the moment. Astonished that he continues to get games. He's been a bit of an accumulator in the past but he's only averaging 16.5 over the last month, 11 and 13 in two of the past three games. He seems to be spending a bit of time forward (he's decent-ish when resting there - good mark for his side and reliable from a set shot) but doesn't look like he's running anywhere near as hard as he did in the past. His spread is almost non-existent, which is probably a good thing as he's not really the player you want getting in space.

At the very least, Nick looks young and lively. He's probably only marginally faster than Brock (his acceleration is pretty pathetic, truth be told) but he looks far more nimble and spreads very well. Big question marks over him but deserves the opportunity to show what he's got.
I hope we persist with him (Nick).

I do think, given a year or two more, he could be a very, very handy player and will surprise many. He has a certain natural something... ball's in his court to work hard and get the results.
What Nick definitely has, which not enough of our players have, is the ability to find the ball. He gets to a more contests than most & he has quite good vision with the ball in hand.

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