Society/Culture Schoolies

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Sep 10, 2004
East Fremantle
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I wrote this draft for The Independent Australian. Does anyone else agree it should be cancelled?

It's day one of schoolies, everybody is celebrating, it's been a huge year of school for everyone. Most of the schoolies have spent near on weeks studying, and a whole year deprived of partying and drinking. This week long celebration is supposed to make up for it all, Joe is celebrating as hard as anyone else, he only finished exams last week, being among the unfortunate people who had the last the exam of the entire timetable. He and his six mates have rented out a boat and chartered it to Rottnest Island, to join the other thousands of leavers that will be there. They managed to convince one of their father's to come along and be the designated 'over-18' but he is as keen as celebrating as everyone else is. At about 10 pm Joe's mates managed to attract a bunch of girls from another boat on to their own, and at 12am things are really heating up. All the seven mates have scored female partners and all are being adventurous, the free condoms handed out on the Island will no doubt come in use tonight- the mates feel the condoms are like a free ticket to encourage sexual experimentation. Eventually all but three of the girls leave, including the one Joe was with, his best mate Mark has managed to keep his girl on the boat. Joe heads up to the front of the boat, his not feeling well, a whole day of funnelling, drinking and spliffing in the sun does not do him any favours. He leans over the boat rails and begins to vomit, in between bouts of vomit he looks through the open boat skylight into the main cabin- he can see his best mate Mark and one of the girls, they appear to be very busy, one of Joe's vomiting bouts misses the target off the boat and ends up falling though the skylight all over the couple below- amazingly they still continue, appearing not to notice. Welcome to schoolies.

Joe and his mates are like tens of thousands school leavers all throughout the country, each year they flock on holiday towns and beaches and celebrate the end of the schooling. ‘Schoolies’, or ‘Leavers” as it is known in WA began in the 1970’s in Queensland, and quickly spread to other states. It began as a way to have a last hurrah with school friends before they went their separate ways on to university or apprenticeships. The binge drinking and drug taking which many associate with schoolies these days had it’s humble beginnings at this time. Schoolies and the behaviour that occurred there was largely tolerated until the mid 1990’s, where a crack down on drinking and drugs began, it didn’t have that much effect, when in 1995, 75% of male schoolies and 53% of female schoolies reported being drink most or every day or night of Schoolies Week also in the same poll 21.5% of schoolies acknowledged to have been stoned most or every night, these statistics haven’t really changed since. At face value these statistics might just point to teenagers doing a teenage thing by letting their hair down after finishing school. For some cases this is true, but there is no doubt that the drinking and drug taking contribute heavily to the violence and sexual assault that occurs each year at schoolies.

The ironic thing is that state governments have spent thousands of dollars in stopping the consumption of alcohol; it is now a fact that it would be unusual to go the whole of schoolies without having your bag searched- this how the police stop drinking, search and destroy. This strong stance towards alcohol has one really dramatic negative effect: drugs. Drugs are much easier to hide than alcohol, quite cheap and give a much more profound ‘high’ then alcohol. So in the government and police’s attempt to stop drinking, they have ended up accidentally, encouraging the much more dangerous drug use. We spoke to schoolies, and some admitted to preferring drugs over alcohol ‘it’s easier to hide, why even bring piss?’ one said. It’s just one more headache for the Police, they can’t allow drinking or drug-taking, but targeting one more than the other can have a much more damning effect.

This lethal cocktail of drugs, alcohol and an insane party atmosphere leads to one crazy week; this reporter remembers at his schoolies week, stepping into the schoolies district in Rottnest for the first time and thinking like I had arrived in another country, the place was that profound. Everywhere you looked there were people, most drunk, some high; “health professionals” handing out condoms to everyone, the place really swept you off your feet for better or worse. I remember walking around with my mates, and being handed condoms by the ‘franger girls’ as we nicknamed them, one of them handed a condom to my smart ass mates and he said to her “I’m gonna have all the sex in schoolies”, and I’ll never forget the reply “that’s great, what a fantastic attitude to have!”. I still can’t understand the philosophy that went behind the government’s decision to hand out condoms, it’s like saying to someone ‘you have to have sex, no point not having it, because you need to’. I don’t know about you put I would prefer my taxes didn’t go to subsidising for schoolies sexual activities.

It’s this sexed up atmosphere that causes schoolies biggest problems- literally everywhere you look someone is getting lucky. Whether it’s in the bushes, on boat being vomited on, in the middle of a park or a moth-eaten mattress- and the whole time the taxpayer is literally paying for it. I’m sure none of these 17 year olds dreamed of losing their virginity like that. But that is only the consensual stuff; there are hundreds of sexual assaults at schoolies, with the overwhelming majority going unreported. I remember hearing a true story about a sexual assault at Schoolies Week in Dunsborough in Western Australia in 2008- it went unreported, it wasn’t because she was not upset, it was because in that kind of atmosphere, where everyone is drunk and sexed up, it would be impossible to prove who did what- in a way it was not just that criminal boy that assaulted that girl it was the atmosphere that schoolies produces as well.

The violence at schoolies is also rampant; we spoke to schoolies who were involved in scuffles for merely looking at someone in the wrong way. At least now day’s schoolies has a large number of police, this means fights end quicker, but the atmosphere of drink and drugs means fights start out all the same. Another schoolie we spoke to called ‘Dom’ admitted to bringing pepper spray to schoolies, he claims he didn’t want to use it, but if someone attacked him, then he would have no choice. This is what schoolies produce, an atmosphere of fear, where everyone feels in danger.

According to government and schoolies organisers this is all getting better, but this reporter does not think it’s worth it. Schoolies week is almost always like that of Joe’s, sleazy sex, drunken sickness and drug consumption- this is in association in with the numerous sexual and physical assaults that occur each year. Schoolies at least in its current form is not viable; it’s not viable for the police, the government and most especially the schoolies themselves. Schoolies is supposed to be about celebrating the end of school with the mates that got you through 12 years of it- but it almost always ends up being a celebration of the worst kind of things that can occur in your teenage years.
I think moralising, wowserish op-ed's in Murdoch rags should be cancelled :thumbsdown:

I mean, does the author think kids are just going to stop celebrating the end of year 12 because they cancel officail events? Schoolies existed before the government decided to amke it a controlled event. I suppose the author would prefer unofficial, unregulated celebration events that go out of its way to avoid scrutiny from the authorities. I'm sure there would be less sex, drugs, alcohol and violence, then! And handing out franga's? I suppose it would be better for school leavers to just engage in unsafe sex, unless they think that by banning schoolies they think kids will suddenly stop wanting to **** each others brains out.

The only real problem about schoolies is that I'm too old to attend, but I guess if they canceled offical events then that wouldn't be a problem anymore. Mmmm, drugs, alcohol, debauched sex with vulnerable 18 year old drunk girls... Actually, scrap that, canceling it sounds like a great idea!
I think moralising, wowserish op-ed's in Murdoch rags should be cancelled :thumbsdown:

I mean, does the author think kids are just going to stop celebrating the end of year 12 because they cancel officail events? Schoolies existed before the government decided to amke it a controlled event. Isuppose the author would prefer unofficail, unregualted celebration events that go out of its way to avoid scrutiny from the authorities. I'm sure there would be less sex, drugs, alcohol and violence then!

This is just freedom of expression- sharing this with the bigfooty community to encourage debate. Governments subsiding the kind of stuff that goes on there is just plain wrong- the official stuff should be cancelled, it could be done, you would not hire out accommodation to anyone of a certain age for a week. The violence and sexual assaults that occur there don't justify its existence.

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No reflection on you, my friend, I'm expressing my non-tabloid outrage towards the htick headed cretin that wrote it. I know BF, this will probably tun into quite a good debate.

But would you prefer the government 'subsidising' the event, or just letting it go on without police supervision? It is 'subsidised' for a reason, not to encourage the behavior, but to ensure behavior that was happening BEFORE 'subsidisation', this is just a cost effective way of minimising harm. Subsidisation does not equate to condoning it. Indeed, the subsidisation prevents the worse excesses of something that will happen regardless of what people like the author, and likely yourself by the sounds of it, may as well at least to try to keep these kids safe while they do the stuff kids are going to do regardless.
If you're writing an opinion piece, just say 'I' instead of 'This reporter'. Preferably don't use either.
Im getting sick of this Nanny state headlines type journalism. This is not aimed at the OP but at Current Affair and tabloids.

This is not the first year of Schoolies. Its been happening for decades. Why all this concentration on it now?

Agreed that some kids go overboard but the vast majority is there to have fun. What the hell is wrong with it. That happens at concerts too. Lets stop concerts. That happens out in the clubbing districts in every city too. Lets stop clubbing.

If you can't get drunk, pass out or spew in this country, the terrorists have already won.
Im getting sick of this Nanny state headlines type journalism. This is not aimed at the OP but at Current Affair and tabloids.

. . .

If you can't get drunk, pass out or spew in this country, the terrorists have already won.

Ummm . . . . ok.

As for schoolies, I really wish people would embrace the concept of a free society and stop their bloody moral crusades.

I have a daughter just back from schoolies. Had a great time and it was a small reward from us for some fantastic results at school.

Now we're even giving her licence to take the summer off, bum around, no work, and prepare for uni next year.

We're such bad parents. :rolleyes:
Schoolies does have a poor culture attached to it, but of course, leavers are entitled to a certain form of celebration. It shouldn't be cancelled. Why? Because it makes the job of police a little bit easier. You have schoolies zones, where every leaver who wants to celebrate in a reasonable manner can, and in an environment that can be moderately controlled.

However, cancel Schoolies, and the same celebrations would occur. However, they would largely be uncontrollable on an overall scheme and very widespread, thus there would be very nasty spotfires all over the place.
I wrote this draft for The Independent Australian. Does anyone else agree it should be cancelled?

This lethal cocktail of drugs, alcohol and an insane party atmosphere leads to one crazy week; this reporter remembers at his schoolies week, stepping into the schoolies district in Rottnest for the first time and thinking like I had arrived in another country, the place was that profound. Everywhere you looked there were people, most drunk, some high; “health professionals” handing out condoms to everyone, the place really swept you off your feet for better or worse. I remember walking around with my mates, and being handed condoms by the ‘franger girls’ as we nicknamed them, one of them handed a condom to my smart ass mates and he said to her “I’m gonna have all the sex in schoolies”, and I’ll never forget the reply “that’s great, what a fantastic attitude to have!”.
It's stuff like this that make the article difficult to read and makes it sound like an account of an uptight catholic trying to imagine what Schoolies would be like. I didn't quote the story at the start because I would feel dirty quoting something that bad.

It is not illegal to have sex(For the vast majority of schoolies). While the church may feel uncomfortable handing out contraceptives, there is no issue with the government and NGO's doing this. You said banning alcohol--> Drugs. Well perhaps not handing out condoms-->Unprotected sex. Perhaps banning schoolies-->unregulated parties much worse than the current situation.

I still can’t understand the philosophy that went behind the government’s decision to hand out condoms, it’s like saying to someone ‘you have to have sex, no point not having it, because you need to’. I don’t know about you put I would prefer my taxes didn’t go to subsidising for schoolies sexual activities.
Lolwut? By that token, look at the following AusGovernment advertisement.

Is that forcing people to have sex? After all, these ads are in public places, people are exposed to them and can't escape viewing them. Oh well, Joe has no choice but to have sex, because the STI prevention ad told him to.

And maybe things are different in Queensland, but in SA, Schoolies is not as wild as that account. Hundreds of sexual assaults? Link? And claiming 'true stories' of sexual assaults is getting into dangerous journalistic territory, you should be more ambiguous and careful with your language in the future.
Schoolies does have a poor culture attached to it, but of course, leavers are entitled to a certain form of celebration. It shouldn't be cancelled. Why? Because it makes the job of police a little bit easier. You have schoolies zones, where every leaver who wants to celebrate in a reasonable manner can, and in an environment that can be moderately controlled.

However, cancel Schoolies, and the same celebrations would occur. However, they would largely be uncontrollable on an overall scheme and very widespread, thus there would be very nasty spotfires all over the place.

It's stuff like this that make the article difficult to read and makes it sound like an account of an uptight catholic trying to imagine what Schoolies would be like. I didn't quote the story at the start because I would feel dirty quoting something that bad.

It is not illegal to have sex(For the vast majority of schoolies). While the church may feel uncomfortable handing out contraceptives, there is no issue with the government and NGO's doing this. You said banning alcohol--> Drugs. Well perhaps not handing out condoms-->Unprotected sex. Perhaps banning schoolies-->unregulated parties much worse than the current situation.

Lolwut? By that token, look at the following AusGovernment advertisement.

Is that forcing people to have sex? After all, these ads are in public places, people are exposed to them and can't escape viewing them. Oh well, Joe has no choice but to have sex, because the STI prevention ad told him to.

And maybe things are different in Queensland, but in SA, Schoolies is not as wild as that account. Hundreds of sexual assaults? Link? And claiming 'true stories' of sexual assaults is getting into dangerous journalistic territory, you should be more ambiguous and careful with your language in the future.

What about the drugs?
The sexual assault?
The violence?

All I'm saying is I really don't want my taxpaying dollars to be paying for some 17 year old to get lucky, I'm not on a crusade against safe sex here, I just don't think handing out condoms at schoolies is good for the occasion and just adds to the whole drunk,drugged, sexed up atmosphere- which can be devastating for all concerned. As for that 'true story' that assault is 100% and verified- and there are easily hundreds of assaults across the country, in my investigations for this piece, I found at least 20 girls in WA alone, and that's just the ones I know about, and none of them were reported. Just do the maths.

Schoolies isn't worth the trouble.

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What about the drugs?
The sexual assault?
The violence?

All I'm saying is I really don't want my taxpaying dollars to be paying for some 17 year old to get lucky, I'm not on a crusade against safe sex here, I just don't think handing out condoms at schoolies is good for the occasion and just adds to the whole drunk,drugged, sexed up atmosphere- which can be devastating for all concerned. As for that 'true story' that assault is 100% and verified- and there are easily hundreds of assaults across the country, in my investigations for this piece, I found at least 20 girls in WA alone, and that's just the ones I know about, and none of them were reported. Just do the maths.

Schoolies isn't worth the trouble.
Drugs, violence, assault? Happens everywhere, mate. At least with schoolies events, it's easier to control. SA Police have drug sniffer dogs in huge numbers at schoolies, dealers generally get caught and the official number of arrests is nothing to get alarmed about.,,26380254-5006301,00.html
POLICE have said they were "very happy" with the behaviour of schoolies revellers with 15 people arrested overnight on Saturday's second night of celebrations.

Of those, eight were schoolies, while seven were non-school leavers or "toolies".

Of those arrests, five were for disorderly behaviour, four for fighting in a public place, two for offensive language and one each for carrying an offensive weapon, failing to cease loitering, property damage and a breach of bail.

Don't know enough about the QLD events to comment.

But common, clearly this isn't just about 'tax payers money(LOLZ ORIGINAL)', when you start bringing in free condoms. How much do you honestly think that part of schoolies cost?

You didn't answer the majority of my post
If banning alcohol-->Drugs
then why won't
not handing out condoms-->unprotected sex

And srsly, a few thousand dollars to save people from making some silly mistakes, i'd say that's worth it in the scheme of things.
This article in the Courier Mail pretty well sums up the mindset when it comes to schoolies.

Queenslanders to shell out $1m to babysit schoolies

Any other such event and these costs would be seen as small compared to the economic benefit.

Schoolies is a great story for the sensationalist media. Not only can they generalise about irresponsible teenagers but by implication, irresponsible parents who 'let' their kids go there.
What about the drugs?
The sexual assault?
The violence?

All I'm saying is I really don't want my taxpaying dollars to be paying for some 17 year old to get lucky, I'm not on a crusade against safe sex here, I just don't think handing out condoms at schoolies is good for the occasion and just adds to the whole drunk,drugged, sexed up atmosphere- which can be devastating for all concerned. As for that 'true story' that assault is 100% and verified- and there are easily hundreds of assaults across the country, in my investigations for this piece, I found at least 20 girls in WA alone, and that's just the ones I know about, and none of them were reported. Just do the maths.

Schoolies isn't worth the trouble

Lesser of two Evils.
Ahhhh, it WAS written by linga is no-one! Sorry dude, missed the first line. Well then, yes, you are a moralising wowser and I take back the "my friend" comment :p ;)
What about the drugs?
The sexual assault?
The violence?

All I'm saying is I really don't want my taxpaying dollars to be paying for some 17 year old to get lucky, I'm not on a crusade against safe sex here, I just don't think handing out condoms at schoolies is good for the occasion and just adds to the whole drunk,drugged, sexed up atmosphere- which can be devastating for all concerned. As for that 'true story' that assault is 100% and verified- and there are easily hundreds of assaults across the country, in my investigations for this piece, I found at least 20 girls in WA alone, and that's just the ones I know about, and none of them were reported. Just do the maths.

Schoolies isn't worth the trouble.

Schoolies was happening long before it became a sanctioned event.

I suppose you'd prefer your taxes paying for treatment of people infected with an STD, or to pay for the medical bills of kids bashed because there was no police presence to prevent or break up fights?

It's harm minimisation, linga. Banning the event isn't going to stop kids from celebrating their end of school.

But it looks like you are going to have a promising career as a tabloid op-ed columnist. The Murdoch rags would eat this shit up!
maybe you should think a bit harder. How can sex be consentual when both are off their face. sexual assaults are a very real part of schoolies unfortunately.

Two people off their face who willingly engage in sex IS consensual. Is that hard for you to fathom ?

Or are you suggesting two drunk people who have sex should both be charged with sexual assault, since the other is incapable of good judgment while under the influence of alcohol ?
Two people off their face who willingly engage in sex IS consensual. Is that hard for you to fathom ?

Or are you suggesting two drunk people who have sex should both be charged with sexual assault, since the other is incapable of good judgment while under the influence of alcohol ?

u never been into an ed department, and seen a girl who is a LOT worse for wear, and has had non consentual sex, as she WAS passed out. Its all too frequent , and NO thats not consentual.....hes drubk and she drunk and passed out....A few charges laid this schoolies with the same scenario....

beaggrs belief that ANY parent of an under 18 yr old girl, could willingly sen dher off with cartons of grog they have bought, to a holiday which advocates sex,drugs and grog sick stuff.....are we trying to be spring breaked from the US or something,
u never been into an ed department, and seen a girl who is a LOT worse for wear, and has had non consentual sex, as she WAS passed out. Its all too frequent , and NO thats not consentual.....hes drubk and she drunk and passed out....A few charges laid this schoolies with the same scenario....

beaggrs belief that ANY parent of an under 18 yr old girl, could willingly sen dher off with cartons of grog they have bought, to a holiday which advocates sex,drugs and grog sick stuff.....are we trying to be spring breaked from the US or something,

Obviously anyone who has passed out is incapable of giving consent, as if that isn't obvious. That is clearly different to two drunk people engaging in consensual sex. And yes, drunk persons are capable of giving consent, despite their intoxication.

It seems you have an aversion to kids rightly celebrating completion of school. 18 year old kids will find a way of celebrating the end of school regardless of whether it is a "schoolies" event of not. Also interesting that you label sex, drugs and alcohol as 'sick stuff'. You sound like you well and truly belong in the 'LingaNo1' camp.

I wouldn't mind betting that the kids of people like JeffDunne have far better relationships with and respect for their parents, given the freedom and respect their parents have shown them, than do kids who have to do things behind their parents back, for fear of their disapproval.
Obviously anyone who has passed out is incapable of giving consent, as if that isn't obvious. That is clearly different to two drunk people engaging in consensual sex. And yes, drunk persons are capable of giving consent, despite their intoxication.

It seems you have an aversion to kids rightly celebrating completion of school. 18 year old kids will find a way of celebrating the end of school regardless of whether it is a "schoolies" event of not. Also interesting that you label sex, drugs and alcohol as 'sick stuff'. You sound like you well and truly belong in the 'LingaNo1' camp.

I wouldn't mind betting that the kids of people like JeffDunne have far better relationships with and respect for their parents, given the freedom and respect their parents have shown them, than do kids who have to do things behind their parents back, for fear of their disapproval.

mmm. would think again on that one......

and my kids( boys) didnt go to schoolies. Ther choice. They went to the 1st cricket test, and had a blast, doing something they wanted to do.
and yes, both do drink now, whic is fine. moderation is the key.

not this binge of drugs and grog and sex.

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