Tassie wants more North

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Tassie already flagging an increase to the number of games North play down there after the current deal ends in 2014. Be interesting to see the view North take once JB is back from London & a new CEO is appointed.


However, Zucco said he was confident that a deal could be negotiated for North to play four games a season in Hobart from 2015 and, ultimately, up to six games a year.

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Good on North; why wouldn't tassie want a football team that is playing an exiting brand of football; it's at total odd's with the rubbish being served up by the likes of the Demon's or Footscray (and you won't hear to many demands from area's demanding more games from those 2 either).
As a Hobart resident, i would be happy with 3 games.
6 games is unfair to the Melbourne supporter base though.
Why? Fans of Gold Coast and other interstate clubs only have access to 11 games. Melbourne based clubs have access to 17 or 18. In reality, the Melbourne clubs are in a unique and fortunate position that they can co-locate, whilst providing an 11 game package for Melbourne based supporters.
And after this and the hawks in Lonnie, you don't think tassie could support a team? Imagine how many in the crowd if they were supporting A real tassie team? If instead of having to turn out to watch Freo, West Coast, GWS or Port, they had tassie playing a Melbourne team? A large number of the opposition supporters would make the trip, the local media interest would treble, the local corporates would come on board, it would be great for the local footy comps........

No, let's keep having 8,000 turn up on mostly free tickets in West Rugby-land..............................

I'm just fed up with this........................
The Melbourne supporter base should turn up to games if they don't want to lose them.

They do turn up. Check our average home game attendance in Melbourne this year.

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Reports are circulating this morning about two key Tasmanian tourism chiefs wanting as many as 4 home games a year in Hobart. This would deny mainland North members more Melbourne home games, where the vast majority of it's membership resides.

They also want to attach conditions that GWS and Gold Coast not play as part of those 4 games. Obviously they are not good enough for Tasmania.

Reports are circulating this morning about two key Tasmanian tourism chiefs wanting as many as 4 home games a year in Hobart. This would deny mainland North members more Melbourne home games, where the vast majority of it's membership resides.

They also want to attach conditions that GWS and Gold Coast not play as part of those 4 games. Obviously they are not good enough for Tasmania.


I can understand them not wanting rubbish games like Gold Coast and GWS down there. I think it's a fair clause seeing as they only get a couple of games a year. GWS shouldn't even be a team, Tassie should have got a team.
We're doing that salami slice scam, just taking little bits of lots of clubs so small no one will even notice.

yep, although I was going to suggest the frog in the cold pot of water slowing being brought to the boil
IF they stump up the cash it’ll happen.

Make no mistake – long term the Roos are going to Tassie. The AFL have showed their hand on this.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. North begs them for the chance to play in Hobart in return for cash. Tassie is just ensuring it gets its money worth.

As for the North fans who don't like it, tough. You made your choice, now you have to wear the consequences.

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