Palmer stole Jayden Foster's premiership #Hashtag #RohanSmith - media thread offcuts

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He ran a sports club that he owned into the ground, and he's also facing very serious fraud allegations at the moment. So why would our club want to have any association with him at all?

Nope, still can't think of any good in this, sorry.
No worse than one of our other number 1 ticket holders...... She ran a country into the ground and still in amongst some fraud activity
No worse than one of our other number 1 ticket holders...... She ran a country into the ground and still in amongst some fraud activity

Really? So how would you describe the campaigners holding the Fed Govt benches right now? They're running a country and a society into the ground in their rush to be subservient to media masters.
Really? So how would you describe the campaigners holding the Fed Govt benches right now? They're running a country and a society into the ground in their rush to be subservient to media masters.
They arnt doing much.... because the same tools who drove us into the ground, are continually doing it by blocking every single bill in the senate.

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No worse than one of our other number 1 ticket holders...... She ran a country into the ground and still in amongst some fraud activity
Proven not guilty .
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.
World went through what was known as GFC. You did hear of that didn't you? Stimulating the economy to keep people in jobs , f*** me what a crime .
Andrews should have first and foremost thanked Tony " team Australia" Saturday night.
Slogan after slogan after slogan
They arnt doing much.... because the same tools who drove us into the ground, are continually doing it by blocking every single bill in the senate.
Not just Labor.

Somehow the previous govt didn't have this problem in the senate... hmm wonder why. Either way it doesn't reflect well on the current mob.

But this is typical, everything is Labor's fault... again! ha!
Yep, those pink bats and nbn were super investments..........
NBN is an off-budget item to replace a barely functioning copper network; over it's life cycle it is modeled to provide a net positive monetary benefit

Read the Gruen-authored Treasury paper of 2009 for effects of stimulus spending: it notes a 1.7% employment effect post-stimulus that, had it not been put in, would have led to far greater ongoing general revenue impacts and a massive hit to business is multiple sectors. Official releases > media rhetoric.
You read too much newscorp mate. Step away from the propaganda machine.
NBN is an off-budget item to replace a barely functioning copper network; over it's life cycle it is modeled to provide a net positive monetary benefit

Read the Gruen-authored Treasury paper of 2009 for effects of stimulus spending: it notes a 1.7% employment effect post-stimulus that, had it not been put in, would have led to far greater ongoing general revenue impacts and a massive hit to business is multiple sectors. Official releases > media rhetoric.


Technology that will be obsolete before it is even finished.
No worse than one of our other number 1 ticket holders...... She ran a country into the ground and still in amongst some fraud activity

We clearly have dramatically different political views, but that is beside the point.
I'm of the view that politicians for the most part shouldn't be considered for this role, but Gillard was the PM so I think that is a fair exception.

But who is Clive Palmer? An overwieght, self opinionated, cashed up dimwit that has conveniently name dropped the Bulldogs at a time where he's thought he may be able to derive some benefit from it.

It would make far more sense to have someone like Wil Anderson (just an example) as the no.1 ticket holder. He's well known in general, but also well known for being a Bulldogs supporter.

Anyone who thinks Fat Clive would give us a cent of his money is dreaming.

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Technology that will be obsolete before it is even finished.
100% could not disagree more. Fibre will last at least as long as copper did.

so NBN, Goolia Jillard and NewsCorp are responsible for Jasper Footsal being good enough to draft, or something, just like sons of other Bulldogs?

before, the off-season lurched from hyperbole to hysteria, but i think that this thread has made things make sense.'re all just plain nuts
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You read too much newscorp mate. Step away from the propaganda machine.
Read/watch something else other than the ABC
Yeh 400 billiion debt from a 20 billion surplas, and the squandering of 80 billion of the future fund in 6 years..... Yeh i think their pretty much responsible.
Do I agree with Abbotts agenda.... some, not all.... but someone has to deal with the problem like it or not, and they have not passed "one bill" through the senate. The libs made a hoohay about labour policies in opposition.... but they still passed them.

As for the NBN, off budget... it was, it wont be now as its blown out so much. The bats scheme.... funded wealthy people to get bats. Created an industry and collapsed it two years later.... as again, it blew out.

1.7% employment effect post-stimulus..... so taxpayers coughed up half a trillion dollars to stop a 1.7% unemployment hike... could have spent it better, and not have 90% of it spent on imports.

But... digressing, politicians of all persuasions should should the hell out of all sports... especially things like this where its just a public profile propaganda BS thing. If Palmer wanted to do it pre or after politics fair enough, same for Gilliard. ITs all as bad and distaining as watching Howard attempt to bowl a cricket ball.
Read/watch something else other than the ABC
Yeh 400 billiion debt from a 20 billion surplas, and the squandering of 80 billion of the future fund in 6 years..... Yeh i think their pretty much responsible.
Do I agree with Abbotts agenda.... some, not all.... but someone has to deal with the problem like it or not, and they have not passed "one bill" through the senate. The libs made a hoohay about labour policies in opposition.... but they still passed them.

As for the NBN, off budget... it was, it wont be now as its blown out so much. The bats scheme.... funded wealthy people to get bats. Created an industry and collapsed it two years later.... as again, it blew out.

1.7% employment effect post-stimulus..... so taxpayers coughed up half a trillion dollars to stop a 1.7% unemployment hike... could have spent it better, and not have 90% of it spent on imports.

But... digressing, politicians of all persuasions should should the hell out of all sports... especially things like this where its just a public profile propaganda BS thing. If Palmer wanted to do it pre or after politics fair enough, same for Gilliard. ITs all as bad and distaining as watching Howard attempt to bowl a cricket ball.

How foolish. ABC is as close to an independent news source you can get in our country. Just because your propaganda machine says otherwise, doesn't make it true.

Mate do you know it's not only the Libs/Lab in the Senate? Labor had to work in the same conditions and passed bills. Either Liberals bills suck (they do) or they are just sh*t at playing politics to get them through (also true)
Read/watch something else other than the ABC
Yeh 400 billiion debt from a 20 billion surplas, and the squandering of 80 billion of the future fund in 6 years..... Yeh i think their pretty much responsible.
Do I agree with Abbotts agenda.... some, not all.... but someone has to deal with the problem like it or not, and they have not passed "one bill" through the senate. The libs made a hoohay about labour policies in opposition.... but they still passed them.

As for the NBN, off budget... it was, it wont be now as its blown out so much. The bats scheme.... funded wealthy people to get bats. Created an industry and collapsed it two years later.... as again, it blew out.

1.7% employment effect post-stimulus..... so taxpayers coughed up half a trillion dollars to stop a 1.7% unemployment hike... could have spent it better, and not have 90% of it spent on imports.
Reads like a fact-devoid Newscorp rant.

Seriously, forget the media and read Treasury documents if you want the actual story. I wont lecture you on macro-economics in this thread (although I dare say regardless of information I doubt you'll change your opinion).
Lol at the ABC being "independent". As a regular listener you can see just how hard they go at anything Liberal.

Andrews should have first and foremost thanked Tony " team Australia" Saturday night.
Slogan after slogan after slogan

Rubbish Abbott all you like but he was elected. He lives by the sword and then dies by the sword. I wouldn't expect the angry little [redacted] predator in the red tie to do the same

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