Random Discussion - NO POLITICS, NO RELIGION

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I'm a passionate advocate to stop violence against everyone. Man, woman or child. As a male i'm twice as likely to be assaulted and that doesn't make me feel safe at all. None of us should have to feel like we're looking over our shoulders. Keep passionate about it, it's the only way we'll ever see improvement in these things, and i'll back you 100% of the way.

I think education is the key, as i said last week about the horrific murder of that Doncaster teenager, there should be classes in high schools for young lads (and girls) to try and impart the message that violence and abuse against anyone (especially women) is not acceptable. Especially with the rise of graphic video games that young boys enjoy playing like Grand Theft Auto (where the latest one I believe you can mistreat prostitutes :( ), and the rise of violent shows like Game of Thrones (which I love, but firmly believe you have to be at least 18 years and over to watch)

I am encouraged the new state government is looking into boost resources to prevent violence against women, I firmly believe a concerted tv and media campaign is also important, impart the message strongly that our society will no longer tolerate these brutal acts of savagery against women and children (and yes men as well)

Thanks for your support mate !
I think education is the key, as i said last week about the horrific murder of that Doncaster teenager, there should be classes in high schools for young lads (and girls) to try and impart the message that violence and abuse against anyone (especially women) is not acceptable. Especially with the rise of graphic video games that young boys enjoy playing like Grand Theft Auto (where the latest one I believe you can mistreat prostitutes :( ), and the rise of violent shows like Game of Thrones (which I love, but firmly believe you have to be at least 18 years and over to watch)

I am encouraged the new state government is looking into boost resources to prevent violence against women, I firmly believe a concerted tv and media campaign is also important, impart the message strongly that our society will no longer tolerate these brutal acts of savagery against women and children (and yes men as well)

Thanks for your support mate !
It's a very tough one. Ask 99% of people and they will wholeheartedly agree with all of this without a second thought or need for education. That said, if it helps even a few people then it's definitely worth it.

Unfortunately for the extreme cases such a Meagher and the one the other week, they're just very disturbed individuals that no amount of education is going to help. The fact that they were still on the streets is another argument completely though... :(
So it turns out That monster who murdered Jill Meagher was found guilty of raping 3 more women before he butchered poor Jill.

And this creep had a history of violent crime against women, and still our limp as a lettuce magistrates let him out.

Honestly fuming about this and makes the Nick Stevens sentence and out on bail decision all the more galling.

I have no face in Australia's Judicial System at all, I know I harp on about it, but I am a passionate advocate to stop violence against women ...
In my work I come in contact with many people dealing with issues of mental illness addiction etc
Fair dinkum u start thinking they are ALL weirdos
It would be hard to determine the dangerous from the idiots
I have busted a druggie 3 times in the courts she still buys needles from still tries to steal

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I am so sick and tired reading about violent crimes it makes me so sad. The latest one in Melbourne is horrible that I can't be bothered reading about it. To stab a little boy and his grandmother to death is something I can't comprehend.
What did everybody think about the hovercraft, pre-game fireworks, Fev handing the match ball to the umpires, bright advertising around the ground, and that advertising after we kicked a goal?

How embarrassing :(
The advertising around the ground and after a goal looked really good on tv. Actually made it look like it was our home game.

The other things are just gimmicks for the kids.

It was terrible at the ground, particularly the red Coles signage. The smoke from the fireworks left a haze over the ground as well. The advertising after a goal reminded me of being at the Gabba when the lion roars after they score a goal :eek:
What did everybody think about the hovercraft, pre-game fireworks, Fev handing the match ball to the umpires, bright advertising around the ground, and that advertising after we kicked a goal?

How embarrassing :(

Hovercraft was ok. Bit of a flashback to the 90's.
Fireworks are fireworks......meh
Seeing Fev back on the ground was good. The highlights package remindec everyone what a talent he was.
Liked the navy blue advertising around the ground.
Advertising on the scoreboard after we kicked a goal was CRAP.

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like this if you couldn't give a stuff about my 40,000th post........
and if we do?

edit: **** it, it really doesn't matter. I really did try to care but got nothing. Going back to like the post out of pure apathy. Congrats or meh ..... take your pick.
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