FTA-TV Game of Thrones - season 8

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Sad but Daenerys probably dies and wont go on the throne. Her visions in house of the undying she reached out for the throne but never touched it.
Not that sad IMO

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Anyone else feel like when Bran casually dropped that Viserion is under the control of the Night King it should've warranted a bit more of a reaction?
That and the Jon and Arya reunion seemed off.

If I haven’t caught up with a mate of mine for 6 months when we see each other it’s “Holy shit mate hows it going!?!?!?! Bloody good to see ya!!!!! Give us a hug ya bastard how’s things hahahhah ive missed ya mate geez it’s been too long!!!@

Now we go to Arya and Jon Snow who haven’t seen each other for YEARS and for a long time presumed each other was dead. What’s the natural reaction- oh I know let’s crack jokes about height, war wounds and being sneaky... get ****ed. I wanted to ball my eyes out. Been the reunion I’ve most looked forward to but the witty writers had to stuff it up completely.
That and the Jon and Arya reunion seemed off.

If I haven’t caught up with a mate of mine for 6 months when we see each other it’s “Holy shit mate hows it going!?!?!?! Bloody good to see ya!!!!! Give us a hug ya bastard how’s things hahahhah ive missed ya mate geez it’s been too long!!!@

Now we go to Arya and Jon Snow who haven’t seen each other for YEARS and for a long time presumed each other was dead. What’s the natural reaction- oh I know let’s crack jokes about height, war wounds and being sneaky... get ******. I wanted to ball my eyes out. Been the reunion I’ve most looked forward to but the witty writers had to stuff it up completely.
Bran was to head off the bitch fight between Dany and Sansa about kneeling

Arya and Jon are both weighed down by their actions since they last saw each other. Arya is no longer the little girl and Jon is not the cast-off

If you watch as the march starts you see Arya see Jon and start to get excited , then she tempers herself and stifles it , (great acting by the way) recognising this change

My 2c

(then again i am also stiff and unmoved in seeing old mates)
Arya's story is bittersweet. Less likely to survive to the end than Sansa who, comparatively, is the same person she always was.
Does anybody realise that Sam is the new Lord Tarly? And not some book clerk? Or does membership in the Nights Watch exclude him (not that Jon took any notice)
With the falling of the wall and the Night King South of the wall I'd say the nights watch are pretty much dead anyway. As it was they were down to 50 men and the wildlings were manning the wall at East Watch. If required, perhaps a new watch is instituted later on.

Either way he gets a pardon. Who knows if lord and ladyships still exist by the end of the show.

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Wouldn’t work anyway as it has been demonstrated that the NK is immune to fire
I'd suggest:
Fire NK has walked through/snuffed out = Candle
Dragon fire = Burning magnesium.

There is a big difference in intensity in different types of fire and I would have thought that dragon fire is about as hot as it gets.
Pretty interesting theory that Littlefinger is still alive and is going to be the one ending up on the throne. There’s people that are convinced he saw Sansa’s plan and got out of Winterfell a day before, after paying for a Faceless man to take the fall for him. Apparently if you turn up the volume when he meets the blonde girl in the alley she whispers “Your time is up” and he hands her an iron coin which is the currency of the Faceless men. There’s plenty of clues along the way that he’s in cahoots with the Faceless men but they’re too obscure and far apart for anyone but a super nerd to notice (a few have collected the clips and connected them).

I’m not completely sold but there’s some compelling evidence to look at. Would be pretty wild if true, I mean if he’s still alive then surely he makes an appearance in the end game. Imagine the ending is Jon taking the throne, after all the pomp and ceremony everyone leaves happy and it’s just Jon sitting on the throne all alone. Camera zooms in as he mutters “Chaos is a ladder” and rips of his mask. Black screen, credits....
I like the idea but these writers make everything completely obvious. There hasnt been a twist in this show since the books ended. They would of made a twist like the one you suggest far more obvious.
I like the idea but these writers make everything completely obvious. There hasnt been a twist in this show since the books ended. They would of made a twist like the one you suggest far more obvious.
Just a theory I came across and found interesting. Was one of my favourite characters, although highly improbable would be completely badass if he pulled that off.
Just a theory I came across and found interesting. Was one of my favourite characters, although highly improbable would be completely badass if he pulled that off.
My only query was in his death scene, his response to Bran when he said ,You held a knife to his throat, you said 'I did warn you not to trust me.' seemed to real of a response. Confused but in wonder as to where Bran got that info.

No way a faceless man would have that look of 'how the hell do you know that?' But I do like the concept as I'd never even considered this scenario. Probably not enough time to do that plot twist justice.
He needs a dictionary.

*someone posts twists*

"Those aren't twists as I didn't like them"
Not his first go trying to shoot that one down. Would have scrolled back through about a weeks worth of posts to find the comment again just to have another go at it. I admire the commitment.
Poor Seeds tries so hard

No doubt he will have something new to whinge about and tell all about it tomorrow
I bet you’d both have lots of fun a continuing this in PM.

Crazy idea, talk about the show rather than each other.

Awaiting both turning on me.

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