Bluemour Melting Pot XX - Snark Free Zone

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The sense of entitlement on this board is out of control. People share info they have and even if it's correct if it's what people don't want to hear they get slammed. Then if something changes they get slammed, then if it doesn't happen fast enough it gets slammed.

If you work yourself up into such a frenzy that it makes you this upset, maybe you shouldn't read this thread.

My understanding is that we will get three deals done tomorrow, but it's impossible to know for certain due to the number of other clubs and moving pieces involved.

I'm done sharing info as there is literally no upside, enjoy the rest of trade week.

Don't worry about the handful of pessimists, most of us appreciate the information

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Listening Terry Wallace on AFL TR podcast. He’s suggesting that Blues would be better served having a single spokesperson regarding trade matters; referring to MA and SOS statements on Butler. Am wondering what aspect of the messaging on Butler has been mixed. While SOS said, on day 1 of AFL TR, that he didn’t know where reporting of the Blues interest “came from” he immediately explained the club was awaiting a clear message from the Butler camp on whether he’s interested in CFC.
See your mistake there is listening to Terry Wallace. Let alone giving him any credence.
If it makes it easier for the less patient, I’m happy to not share what I know.

Things don’t run to BF timelines, minor details change, which creates delays, including pick swaps, $, marketing opportunities.

Eddie will be at Carlton as will Papley & Martin.

We will have next year’s 1st pick after these deals land.

I’m still confident with what I’ve shared. Take it or leave it.

I don’t think anyone has a problem with you or other ITK’s as you do share info, and we understand that sometimes things change and don’t go as planned.
It’s the wannabe ITK’s that say they have info, but won’t share, then deride others who dare to question them.
Anyone can say they have inside info, we’ll prove it if you have.
Some need to justify their insecurities by inflating their self importance
I would genuinely like some of you lot to get an actual look at the machinations that go into these deals/trades/swaps/pick-splits/upgrades etc - do yers have any idea how many people are involved with these things? how many aspects of a person's life are affected? from every part of a player's partner's life through to the myriad of calls that need to be made once an offer to change clubs is made? property, schooling, career opportunities for partners, family of origin, medical issues, the sad little kids to placate, on and on...……….

Sure a lot of this stuff is done after the deal goes through, but there still remains a shitload of decisions to be made and it would rarely happen that things aren't held up by just a single, simple thing like someone that needs the ok she can get a posting interstate with her job, or a school admission issue or perhaps the property market is tighter than expected.

Then there's the stuff that goes on between the players, managers, coaches and list managers. The stuff that no-one hears about. The complex deals on picks, the tele-conferencing that doesn't happen because Justin is bogged at Westlakes and has not much to deal with anyway.

Hiccups, hold-ups, hang-ups, egos, stubborn fools, greedy guys, people's lives, careers, education, housing, family, medical - also footy. Please just remember you clowns, you galoots, you festering goobers - this ain't easy and this ain't no disco...…...
Anyone struggling to drift off tonight given all the pent up trade angst....get a load of this little beauty...
Macrae still looking for his ankles.


That Fish play was one of my favourite moments of the year.

Setterfields “pluck” against Crows wasn’t far behind.
Here's an idea. If someone comes on here complaining about ITK statements why don't we just ignore them. It's the response that creates a response that creates a response etc that makes the issue look worse than it is.

If you don't like what you read from an ITK, please ignore it. If you don't like what the few who can't ignore it say, then ignore them anyway.

I don't know if this even makes sense but **** this constant bickering shits me.
I think this thread needs another gif story.

ITK posters dropped some big news that Papley, Martin and Betts deals were imminent

And we all lost our minds
giphy (10).gif
But time passed by and the natives grew restless

And we started to freak out - WHY ARE THE DEALS NOT DONE?!?

Some couldn't take it any more and dared to question the ITKs

Before they were set upon by the angry mob

The ITKs graciously reappeared to issue soothing words

And so we wait another day. Ready to repeat the process...

In memoriam KohPhi
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I would genuinely like some of you lot to get an actual look at the machinations that go into these deals/trades/swaps/pick-splits/upgrades etc - do yers have any idea how many people are involved with these things? how many aspects of a person's life are affected? from every part of a player's partner's life through to the myriad of calls that need to be made once an offer to change clubs is made? property, schooling, career opportunities for partners, family of origin, medical issues, the sad little kids to placate, on and on...……….

Sure a lot of this stuff is done after the deal goes through, but there still remains a shitload of decisions to be made and it would rarely happen that things aren't held up by just a single, simple thing like someone that needs the ok she can get a posting interstate with her job, or a school admission issue or perhaps the property market is tighter than expected.

Then there's the stuff that goes on between the players, managers, coaches and list managers. The stuff that no-one hears about. The complex deals on picks, the tele-conferencing that doesn't happen because Justin is bogged at Westlakes and has not much to deal with anyway.

Hiccups, hold-ups, hang-ups, egos, stubborn fools, greedy guys, people's lives, careers, education, housing, family, medical - also footy. Please just remember you clowns, you galoots, you festering goobers - this ain't easy and this ain't no disco...…...
Liked for the use of the word "yers".

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Y'know what. Good on OR, Reg and 10cp and every other ITK who has said enough is enough.

They are doing something they don't have to, and ungrateful posters harass them wrong or right.

If you aren't mature enough to consider how fluid situations are, then maybe you should just quiet down and let more reasoned people do the posting.

Overly-emotional posts are par for the course on here, but Trade Week brings out the worst.

Shame on you people, whose self-control is so lacking, whose privilege is so over-grown that you think you are owed your sugar hit now.

I have been on this forum since I was 17, and I never flipped my biscuit over bad information. The worst I did was get ahead of myself and call the 2011 side premiership contenders.

Go sit back and watch Papley highlights, or check out an old Eddie reel, and know that the good times are coming, and good things come to those who wait.
Not 90%. Just a vocal minority. Most are able to accept the little bits and pieces we get are all we can have, and can even understand that this time of year in particular, situations are constantly changing/evolving so when things don't work out we don't attack our info supply.

Ignore the crying. Personally it would be better for me timewise for everything to have been done by the first Monday afternoon, however... Realism.
Minority? It’s like.....**** ALL. It must be 1 percent of us.

On behalf of the entire Board I implore the ITKs to close your eyes and visualise this:

Pretend you’re on stage. There are 1000 people in front of you. 999 are cheering. One booing.

Don’t walk off stage. There’s still 999 of us dumb campaigners here applauding. Check the likes. Do the math.

I would like the ITKs to do a Tom Brady for us.....

“We’re still here. We’re still here. We’re still here.”
I would genuinely like some of you lot to get an actual look at the machinations that go into these deals/trades/swaps/pick-splits/upgrades etc - do yers have any idea how many people are involved with these things? how many aspects of a person's life are affected? from every part of a player's partner's life through to the myriad of calls that need to be made once an offer to change clubs is made? property, schooling, career opportunities for partners, family of origin, medical issues, the sad little kids to placate, on and on...……….

Sure a lot of this stuff is done after the deal goes through, but there still remains a shitload of decisions to be made and it would rarely happen that things aren't held up by just a single, simple thing like someone that needs the ok she can get a posting interstate with her job, or a school admission issue or perhaps the property market is tighter than expected.

Then there's the stuff that goes on between the players, managers, coaches and list managers. The stuff that no-one hears about. The complex deals on picks, the tele-conferencing that doesn't happen because Justin is bogged at Westlakes and has not much to deal with anyway.

Hiccups, hold-ups, hang-ups, egos, stubborn fools, greedy guys, people's lives, careers, education, housing, family, medical - also footy. Please just remember you clowns, you galoots, you festering goobers - this ain't easy and this ain't no disco...…...
This is the longest you have ever made.
Y'know what. Good on OR, Reg and 10cp and every other ITK who has said enough is enough.

They are doing something they don't have to, and ungrateful posters harass them wrong or right.

If you aren't mature enough to consider how fluid situations are, then maybe you should just quiet down and let more reasoned people do the posting.

Overly-emotional posts are par for the course on here, but Trade Week brings out the worst.

Shame on you people, whose self-control is so lacking, whose privilege is so over-grown that you think you are owed your sugar hit now.

I have been on this forum since I was 17, and I never flipped my biscuit over bad information. The worst I did was get ahead of myself and call the 2011 side premiership contenders.

Go sit back and watch Papley highlights, or check out an old Eddie reel, and know that the good times are coming, and good things come to those who wait.
What is this ‘you people’ shit though?

Count them up. How many people have actually posted negative things in the past week?
By the way, I had to study Lord of the Flies in high school back in the day.

I never really understood how a society left to its own devices could tear itself apart so quickly.

But seeing BF during trade week.... It finally makes sense...

Every year I’ve had to listen to trade radio because I bleed navy blue and I need to know who is coming and going from the team I love. Finally this year I find big footy and there are several individuals that share amazing information and means I don’t have to listen to the dribble that is trade radio. To the individuals that stand to ruin this for the rest of us because you insist on behaving like children that aren’t give a lollipop please pull your heads in. And ITK’s thank you for sharing please don’t stop.
What is this ‘you people’ shit though?

Count them up. How many people have actually posted negative things in the past week?

How many people ribbed reg about the AMT business? Posted something about it not happening yet?

A lot of people are happy to pretend like they ain't part of the problem, is a big part of the problem.
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