News Liam Jones retires from AFL

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Can you show me where the state government has mandated that employees who do not get vaccinated are to be terminated without pay?

My issue (as it relates to this thread) is with the AFL's direction to clubs that unvaccinated players be stood down with either no pay or as little as 25% of the minimum wage.

"The Blues could put Jones on an inactive list if he does not return, where he would be paid 25 per cent of the minimum wage under the agreement struck between the league and the AFL Players Association, which is approximately $23,000. He would also be paid for the first 36 days of this year’s contract that began on November 1, which is approximately $40,000."

Do we know if Finn Maginness, a player who actually tested positive for COVID, is also being stood down with the same reduction?

Again. Read. I literally posted the link.

The AFLPA (the Players Union) negotiated with the AFL (the Employer) as to the various options were a player to choose not to be vaccinated, as the Employer (Clubs / the AFL) is legally required to hold evidence that Employees (including Players) are vaccinated in order to provide them with work outside their usual place of residence.
Imagine cheerleading for big pharma haha

Imagine thinking world leaders from across the planet all come together and decided at the same time they want to shut down the world, throw away trillions of $ and cost 10s of millions of lives, all for a so called power grab so people have to stay home and socially distance or get a jab 🧐

Hmm something doesn’t add up there....

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Imagine thinking world leaders from across the planet all come together and decided at the same time they want to shut down the world, throw away trillions of $ and cost 10s of millions of lives, all for a so called power grab so people have to stay home and socially distance or get a jab 🧐

Hmm something doesn’t add up there....

Big business made bank during covid and the rich got richer.

You will be showing your papers forever and you begged for it.
Liam should just retire
Screw the AFL for not respecting peoples body autonomy.

Also stuff people saying it's selfish.
You all got vaxxed for yourself because you were scared.
In fact you are all selfish for pushing it on everyone as one size fits all.
Is it just me or do geelong and North Melbourne have a disproportionately high number of this kind of poster??
Big business made bank during covid and the rich got richer.


Wealthy people are very good at having the means to make the most of opportunities to gain more wealth.

Take Jeff Bezos; Amazon make money by selling shit online, and hosting content via AWS.

Everyone at home means they were buying lots of shit online, and streaming content on Netflix et al that use AWS. Both things they were doing anyway, that made Bezos idiotically rich anyway.

If you had spare cash to invest during the stock market crash in March 2020, you'd have made a shitload of extra money too.

You don't need to have a pre-planned global pandemic that somehow you convince all the world's governments to cooperate and get in on to be able to take advantage of opportunities though.
I just assumed it was hosted there so the boss could avoid paying tax in Australia on his BigFooty millions.

No, BIG has other sporting forums.

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This kind of inversion of reality some people are pushing is really stunning to see.

These two rights aren’t equivalent.

The right Jones (and others) are exercising has been an accepted right without punishment for all of your life, and mine. The right “to demand“ unvaccinated people “stay away” from you in public, in workplaces or on airplanes has never been a right. Ever. It has never even been discussed as a right, until five minutes ago. You have never had the right to demand anybody not share a public space with you, no matter who they are, or what their medical status is.

This is a made up right that should not exist — and up until now, hasn’t existed — in a civil society.

You could not get on a plane until the early 1980's unless your had the smallpox vaccination. Mandatory to travel overseas. Vaccinations eradicated the disease so it is no longer needed.

And your argument is specious, I have always had the right to keep people away from me who has the potential to harm me. Everyone has. So a Carlton teammate of Jones, if he doesn't get vaxxed has the right to say he doesn't want to play with the modern equivalent of a leper.
Vaxxed catch and spread covid just as much.
This is simply about power and punishment and not about public health.
You've been made look the fool by lies aimed at tricking the very stupid. I'm talking the bottom 1 or 2%
I sincerely hope your self centered madness doesn't lead to harm to yourself, and more importantly, innocent others. Unfortunately the chances are it will.
Please come to your senses. Please don't let the low self esteem that drives your desperate need to feel special continue to cloud your reason.
I'm sure you can be better :thumbsu:
Imagine cheering for more death and serious illness. Hows your polio and smallpox going mate?

I'm not cheering for that
I'm for pro choice and people being able to make their own private medical choices without being bullied.

The world has gone crazy that the above statement is now deemed alt right conspiracy theory yet three years ago it would have been a socially acceptable opinion to have.
You've been made look the fool by lies aimed at tricking the very stupid. I'm talking the bottom 1 or 2%
I sincerely hope your self centered madness doesn't lead to harm to yourself, and more importantly, innocent others. Unfortunately the chances are it will.
Please come to your senses. Please don't let the low self esteem that drives your desperate need to feel special continue to cloud your reason.
I'm sure you can be better :thumbsu:

Who has made me look like a fool?
No one has countered anything I've said.
I'm fine with people willingly getting vaxxed I'm just not okay with mandatory vaccination tied to your livelihood and blocking people out of society to basically punish them.
Undoubtedly he can be. Most of us are rolling up our sleeves not because we believe we personally are at much risk of serious illness, but to protect the community at large.
Not me. I did it so I can keep my job and go to the pub on a Friday night. The community can stick its own head up its bum for all I care
Who has made me look like a fool?
You have
No one has countered anything I've said.
I'm fine with people willingly getting vaxxed I'm just not okay with mandatory vaccination tied to your livelihood and blocking people out of society to basically punish them.
Vaccination isn't mandatory.
However, one should expect to take responsibly for ones own actions or lack there of. Not demand that others take responsibility for them. That's just selfish and entitled.
Again, I hope your willful ignorance, driven by your lack of self esteem doesn't lead to harm for anyone in your orbit.
Please grow a brain and get vaccinated :)
Please stop conflating ‘anti—vaxxer’ with someone who is pro-choice and against mandates.

Anti-vaxxer is a deliberately loaded term which heavily connotates moronic people who suggest vaccines cause autism etc.

Jones is within his rights to refuse.
Are you saying he is vaccinated, but is refusing to disclose that information due to principle?
Imagine cheerleading for big pharma haha
Effectively, that's what anti-vaxxers are doing.
The majority of Covid hospitalisations in Victoria are unvaxxed people. The costs of intensive multi-day hospital stays and the interventions required far surpass vaccine costs.

Unless of course, you think 'big pharma' only make profits from vaccines and all other products, drugs and services are done so on a non-profit basis?
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