Past #26: Tarryn Thomas [Part III] - 18 week suspension confirmed; ineligible to play in '24 season; NMFC has officially sacked Tarryn.

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You’ve got an ally in Jimmy Bartel, who’s gone up a fair bit in my estimation

Yeah I thought GWS would be a likely destination for Tarryn for a whole variety of reasons, but not after what Bartel said.
Yeah I thought GWS would be a likely destination for Tarryn for a whole variety of reasons, but not after what Bartel said.
Bartel nailed the point that eludes B. Scott (and A. Mackie); Thomas has had his second chance, and transgressed in the middle of it.

'Forgiveness isn't working'
Bartel nailed the point that eludes B. Scott (and A. Mackie); Thomas has had his second chance, and transgressed in the middle of it.

'Forgiveness isn't working'
Worse than that, he openly came out and said he would do it all again, he is ether guilty of the allegations of treatment of women or a fool of the highest order, possibly both in fact, however either precludes him being on our list and completely justifies sacking him with no ifs or buts, , what others do is on them, but its refreshing as a NMFC member to see any current reporting not being pointed at us. now we just have to address the onfield performances that are the current lightning stick of critisism.

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I'll say this - if a club/head coach reaches out to TT and he re offends, the head coach should be sacked and the club fined imo.

NMFC went above and beyond to help this bloke and he straight up shit in our faces.

He is a shit campaigner to the core.

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IMO it's great to see that the state doesn't have a monopoly on real world impacts of condemnation and contempt. It's sad that corporations and guilds are the alternatives. It is also a worry if the people involving themselves in this unaccountable and unplanned sphere of punishment aren't aware of the ways that it's gone very wrong historically when it's given the air of legitimacy/officialdom. The people who made efforts to bring in a "blind" and "equal" legal system had legitimate worries. Our legal system, by many accounts of those invloved, is ****ed, but it can be argued that many of the people involved in it's evolution going way back (I'm no huge fan of common law) made decisions in order to avoid the worst of the alternatives (as well as to aid the selfish individual ambitions of some of the initiators) and that they did indeed avoid the worst.

If we want to punish people for actions that are never proven illegal.. do we work on the legal system so that it catches them, or forge a second way. (How about just pissing them off from your lives?) If we go for a 2nd lane of legitimised justice, shouldn't there be some serious discussion of the ways to avoid the pitfalls? Why bother maybe, these people are monstors and we all agree, just look at the headlines. Anyway, there is no method to work out what we think. Look into the experts thoughts on how hard it is to take anything serious from surveys. The only argument for common law IMO. If there is some extra-legal punishment system promoted, who are the investigators, thugs/police, layers.. etc. How are they held accountable and kept in check.

Nah. He is the worst! He Represents bad thing! It's him or 1000's more! It's the vibe! Don't tell me details its bigger than that! FFS. How will this 2nd lane treat people as individuals and not some kind of representative, when it's spotlight only hits a tiny fraction. It can't. Not him or her, they.

So 8 clubs are willing to go through the process …….even after Scotty copped heat and rightfully so..
Geez the hypocrisy of them knows no boundaries……it should be categorically no ..particularly if they have agreed to be seen to be supporting the stance of no violence against women…
I mean, we should hope he never gets on screen again right. It'll do the nation good. Nation building scheme worthy. They should throw a $110m proposal at it. As soon as all the celebrities obey the zeitgeist we should hit Utopia. Yes, Rob Sitch style.

Maybe, I dunno, maybe we should wonder why there was no examination of the "facts" and criminal verdict in a court and fight against that, they must have been horrible I assume. Whatever hindered that from happening is the greatest problem eh? Nah. Lets initiate an initiative that impacts everyone and turns them against themselves, but that the small minority who actually perpetrate notice as much us we notice a 6 goal loss. There's the headlines to consider, after all.

Was it better when we didn't know the lives of celebrities? When the brands on their clothes and the money in the banks didn't by default mean they were role models or representative of anyone but themselves. when you could watch people who were great at something without thinking you, or the media and the sponsors, were owed something more than just that. Horace must have loved his 40's.
Jesus Christ his outcome was a diversion.

It doesn’t mean that he left Scot free.

Edit: in order to get the diversion you have to make admissions on the charges otherwise you don’t get the diversion. And it’s totally in his rights to do the diversion but obvs it didn’t work lol
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I mean, we should hope he never gets on screen again right. It'll do the nation good. Nation building scheme worthy. They should throw a $110m proposal at it. As soon as all the celebrities obey the zeitgeist we should hit Utopia. Yes, Rob Sitch style.

Maybe, I dunno, maybe we should wonder why there was no examination of the "facts" and criminal verdict in a court and fight against that, they must have been horrible I assume. Whatever hindered that from happening is the greatest problem eh? Nah. Lets initiate an initiative that impacts everyone and turns them against themselves, but that the small minority who actually perpetrate notice as much us we notice a 6 goal loss. There's the headlines to consider, after all.

Was it better when we didn't know the lives of celebrities? When the brands on their clothes and the money in the banks didn't by default mean they were role models or representative of anyone but themselves. when you could watch people who were great at something without thinking you, or the media and the sponsors, were owed something more than just that. Horace must have loved his 40's.

Isn't that the problem. The legal justice raised his punishment to the level of diversion. I'll assume that we don't want everyone in diversions to be fired and have their professions guild work to bar them from further employment. So if it is somehow known that diversion is held by the community as insuficient punishment for his actions, there's a problem with the outcome. How do we find that out tho. the public doesn't have the inside knowledge of specifics. this is why many people for a long time have argued for justice to be run by the state. it is the only body that can even hope to apply it equaly and blindly. it's spotlight is wide enough and it's ability to attain the facts is strong enough.

If another lane of justice, corporate/media/mob/whatever, jumps in to raise the punishment to a higher level ok. It is a sick society where the state has a monopoly on justice imo. But what are the safeguards. Where are it's limits, who is accountable for **** ups, burden of proof, etc.
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Isn't that the problem. The legal justice raised his punishment to the level of diversion. I'll assume that we don't want everyone in diversions to be fired and have their professions guild work to bar them from further employment.

If another lane of justice, corporate/media/mob/whatever, jumps in to raise the punishment to a higher level ok. It is a sick society where the state has a monopoly on justice. But what are the safeguards. Where are it's limits, who is accountable for * ups, burden of proof, etc.

You still don't get it. In the context of the previous allegations, the AFL investigated the new allegation, concluded that what he did was unacceptable, and gave him 18 weeks suspension after considering de-registration. North management were then provided with the details of the new allegation and also concluded that what he did was unacceptable, to such a level that they had no choice but to sack him.

It's not as if both the AFL and North are hiding the details so they can pretend that what he did wasn't so bad. Think about it logically - are North (the employer) going to overreact to allegations against a star employee just so they can sack him? To what end? They're fabricating a response to evidence to justify sacking their gun player? As if.

You're trying to pretend you're applying a dispassionate legal argument to suggest the evidence falls short of supporting the outcome. It's a laughably inept argument, based on insufficient understanding of contractual arrangements.

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You seem to continue to believe that employee, employer and guild are participants of equal power.

Do you think little club pushover nmfc would fight against the apparent tide of uninformed, click baited, dopamine dependant viewers and it's own self imposed social justice pose, even if they wanted to? The spotlight is bright.

I haven't followed the saga closely at all, havent given it my time. I have no expertise or experience in any relevant fields and never claimed to. Happy? I've got no clue what the contract terms were, specific actions taken, their context, the evidence, the admissions, the impact or even an opinion on the righteousness of the punishments.

I hope not too many employers start feeling that any worker who gets a diversion needs to be blacklisted. Silly idea tho, the public outrage spotlight never strays far from the special people. If he was a no name book binder would there be a push to get him out of the industry and anyone opposed to that called nasty names. Do we want that? anyway
You seem to continue to believe that employee, employer and guild are participants of equal power.

Do you think little club pushover nmfc would fight against the apparent tide of uninformed, click baited, dopamine dependant viewers and it's own self imposed social justice pose, even if they wanted to? The spotlight is bright.

I haven't followed the saga closely at all, havent given it my time. I have no expertise or experience in any relevant fields and never claimed to. Happy? I've got no clue what the contract terms were, specific actions taken, their context, the evidence, the admissions, the impact or even an opinion on the righteousness of the punishments.

I hope not too many employers start feeling that any worker who gets a diversion needs to be blacklisted. Silly idea tho, the public outrage spotlight never strays far from the special people. If he was a no name book binder would there be a push to get him out of the industry and anyone opposed to that called nasty names. Do we want that? anyway

Bolded 1, that's obvious.

Bolded 2, false equivalence.
Isn't that the problem. The legal justice raised his punishment to the level of diversion. I'll assume that we don't want everyone in diversions to be fired and have their professions guild work to bar them from further employment. So if it is somehow known that diversion is held by the community as insuficient punishment for his actions, there's a problem with the outcome. How do we find that out tho. the public doesn't have the inside knowledge of specifics. this is why many people for a long time have argued for justice to be run by the state. it is the only body that can even hope to apply it equaly and blindly. it's spotlight is wide enough and it's ability to attain the facts is strong enough.

If another lane of justice, corporate/media/mob/whatever, jumps in to raise the punishment to a higher level ok. It is a sick society where the state has a monopoly on justice imo. But what are the safeguards. Where are its limits, who is accountable for * ups, burden of proof, etc.
You realise he was sacked because he did it again?
Until recently I was confident that TT would have the choice of at least 3 clubs to land him another big contract starting in 2025, but this new major anti violence against women movement has come at the worst possible time for him. The media had been quite positive about him returning to the AFL, but that has now turned 180 degrees. Brad Scott also couldn't have picked a worse time to make a statement in support of TT returning to the AFL. I see from the post by DarkPhoenix that the Essendon FC has been quick to distance itself from his statement in an effort to limit the reputational damage to the club by stating that he isn't under list management consideration at the moment, which after the shitstorm that Brad's words whipped up is now probably true.

This is now such a politically sensitive topic that I suspect clubs will not want to burn their hands on TT in the wake of public and media criticism of Brad Scott's comments. The other clubs will be grateful that he tested the waters for them, instead of finding out the hard way for themselves. Maybe one or two clubs will quietly try to land him before the 2026 season, but it will be too fresh in people's minds to do so before the 2025 season. I don't even think the AFL would agree to register him after the stance they have taken on domestic violence and privately they are likely to make that clear to all clubs so as not to have any one of them cause unnecessary reputational damage to the club and the AFL if they were inclined to move that way. It'll be interesting to see how long he is banished for before he is allowed to return.
Ligma I wish I was as young as you. If I was I would pfffft this post into oblivion like I think you just might have a go, at slowly thinking about it. Or maybe ironic derision is more the style these days, I dunno i dont keep up with fashion. There will come a time in your life where you realise some thing that you once held as self evident becomes obviously wrong. When it happens you will experience a scary but correct sense of the world. It's wild.

who chose it? who defines it? Is IT even a thing? how does it get applied equally? what bodies do we need to create with what powers to reach everyone. how can it be argued against? what happened to the last it and for how long will the new it last? You realise our political system is set to have almost half the population against the ruling officials? You realise the CEO's and Marketing managers have a number of factors on their mind other than "justice" when they set terms with their employees?
Ligma I wish I was as young as you. If I was I would pfffft this post into oblivion like I think you just might have a go, at slowly thinking about it. Or maybe ironic derision is more the style these days, I dunno i dont keep up with fashion. There will come a time in your life where you realise some thing that you once held as self evident becomes obviously wrong. When it happens you will experience a scary but correct sense of the world. It's wild.

who chose it? who defines it? Is IT even a thing? how does it get applied equally? what bodies do we need to create with what powers to reach everyone. how can it be argued against? what happened to the last it and for how long will the new it last? You realise our political system is set to have almost half the population against the ruling officials? You realise the CEO's and Marketing managers have a number of factors on their mind other than "justice" when they set terms with their employees?
Absolute dribble.
Ligma I wish I was as young as you. If I was I would pfffft this post into oblivion like I think you just might have a go, at slowly thinking about it. Or maybe ironic derision is more the style these days, I dunno i dont keep up with fashion. There will come a time in your life where you realise some thing that you once held as self evident becomes obviously wrong. When it happens you will experience a scary but correct sense of the world. It's wild.

who chose it? who defines it? Is IT even a thing? how does it get applied equally? what bodies do we need to create with what powers to reach everyone. how can it be argued against? what happened to the last it and for how long will the new it last? You realise our political system is set to have almost half the population against the ruling officials? You realise the CEO's and Marketing managers have a number of factors on their mind other than "justice" when they set terms with their employees?

Ligma I wish I was as young as you. If I was I would pfffft this post into oblivion like I think you just might have a go, at slowly thinking about it. Or maybe ironic derision is more the style these days, I dunno i dont keep up with fashion. There will come a time in your life where you realise some thing that you once held as self evident becomes obviously wrong. When it happens you will experience a scary but correct sense of the world. It's wild.

who chose it? who defines it? Is IT even a thing? how does it get applied equally? what bodies do we need to create with what powers to reach everyone. how can it be argued against? what happened to the last it and for how long will the new it last? You realise our political system is set to have almost half the population against the ruling officials? You realise the CEO's and Marketing managers have a number of factors on their mind other than "justice" when they set terms with their employees?
You just type words. No meaning. Just words

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