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  • With The old Nole you would of been right - he's changed a lot physically and mentally. It's the commentators job to build drama remember
    Forgot to mention that prior to 'supporting' the Cavs I was a 76s fan because of Allen Iverson so I've grown to dislike the Pistons haha.
    Haha yup, I'm an adopted Michiganite. Only problem is that I was a Bulls 'fan' as a kid because of Jordan obviously and seeing as I got older I lost interest in the NBA until LeBron came around and I jumped on the Cavs bandwagon until he farted on Cleveland and took his talents to south beach. So I decided I'm a Bulls fan again because I like Derrick Rose. Couldn't have picked any worse teams ay... ****ing Chicago and Cleveland lol.

    Got into the MLB this year after playing MLB The Show 11 on PS3 non-stop. As for the NFL I always used to watch the SuperBowls but never really supported a team so last year I thought I may as well get behind the Lions because they are rubbish. Future is extremely bright though. They're on ESPN this Tuesday playing the Chicago Bears and going for 5-0, get on it!
    That thread i made about henderson being a chickenshit when he could of cannoned into Scarlet and the argument i made why at that point our club required that sought of effort, well i watched the exact same scenario from a player that also has been critisised for being a squib at times, develop against sydney. Except he(rielly) smashed into the star oppisition player and set the scene for the rest of the night which the star player(bolton) eventualy saw out on the bench with a collision injury. It was almost as if someone read that thread....and guess what? sydney were on top when it happened, just like geelong were when Henderson squibed......spookily surreal.
    So tell me, is tomic going to be an average tour player who pops up every wimbledon because the surface suits his play as it suits most Australians and very few europeans see it anymore? or is he actualy going to be any good?
    Federer and Andy Murray --- seriously they must be doing some voodoo or something.. year after year ridiculous draws?? wtf??
    are you really that blind? it is pretty clear tambling and symes were vying for the same spot, given tambling is starting on a wing. who else from our foward setup would you squeeze jaensch in for? thought so. so shutup and stop whinging.
    Drummond, I hope your lack of presence on the Adelaide board is only an off-season thing, look forward to your match reports in the season proper.
    Not sure, I am really not his biggest fan, always struck me as a bit of a seagull so wait and see.

    Spewing about Pup and Duigs tonight.
    Its a strange feeling to read you posting to yourself when your actualy not posting to yourself but you appear to be! lol
    I'll support him as a player now no doubt... I actually feel pretty bad for the guy. Its not his fault Richmond spectacularly underrated Buddy. Wallace on aa yesterday was fairly enlightening really... talking about the abuse that players get from the richmond fans, i can understand why maybe some players might blossom once they're free from that.

    Its a gamble that would be worthwhile were it low cost. Not sure we didnt overpay. Guess time tells now.
    No idea... people are focussing on when he was drafted.

    For some reason they have forgotten that after he was drafted highly hes played 100 odd mainly mediocre games.
    Go the Legs...How are you sleeping? Great Win last week and I think we can run over some of the old Doggies on Sunday. By the way are you in the Redlegs Cheer Squad. I have a friend who sits near them and always asks me what Drummond looks like??? Description?? If you see a young lad 6'3", thick glasses, Norwood cap, Tee shirt and scarf near the cheer squad go up to him and ask if he is Andrew...tell him you are Drummond...we follow your comments on Big Footy. Do it early as he is prone to slink away if the Legs are down...GO REDLEGS!!!!
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