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  1. Strapping Young Lad

    2022 Victorian State Election-November 26

    One of the highlights of the night was seeing her horse face drop its lip.
  2. Strapping Young Lad

    Play Nice Scott Morrison in the Multiverse of Ministries.

    Loving Zoe Daniel right now.
  3. Strapping Young Lad

    Play Nice Scott Morrison in the Multiverse of Ministries.

    Off The Couch how are you feeling now?
  4. Strapping Young Lad

    Play Nice Scott Morrison 2.0 - How Long? Part 8 - Lose Unit. Game Over, Bulldozer. Cont in Part 9

    “Murdoch” doesn’t die with Rupe, unfortunately.
  5. Strapping Young Lad

    Play Nice Scott Morrison 2.0 - How Long? Part 8 - Lose Unit. Game Over, Bulldozer. Cont in Part 9

    I have very little faith that we’ll vote this clown out.
  6. Strapping Young Lad

    Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 7 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

    Gerard Healy really is a prehistoric twat, listen to his bitching about the questioning of Scomo. I guess he has no issue with the hair dressing photo op.
  7. Strapping Young Lad

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 6

    Tell me you’re a piece of shit why don’t you.
  8. Strapping Young Lad

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 6

    I love random anecdotes. Here’s another one for you. I scooped a glass of water out of the ocean once, could see nothing in it, therefore whales aren’t real.
  9. Strapping Young Lad

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 6

    We certainly are, at an alarming rate. The impact of land clearing and erosion are clearly visible in rural Vic, and this is relatively new, seen only on the last 50-100 years. I don’t know how you could argue otherwise.
  10. Strapping Young Lad

    Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 6 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

    Did the ****wit stop for photo opportunities while he cooked a curry tonight? I actually struggle to think about this cretin being our Pm without swearing under my breath.
  11. Strapping Young Lad

    Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 6 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

    Have we had a bigger dickhead as PM? Put your hand down, Tony.
  12. Strapping Young Lad

    Australia's policy on climate change is completely inconsequential

    Australia’s policy on climate change is an embarrassment.
  13. Strapping Young Lad

    Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 4

    “I don’t stop the rapes, mate”.
  14. Strapping Young Lad

    Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 4

    So someone else is responsible for the current malaise regarding how Women are treated, that isn't the government involved? Do tell.
  15. Strapping Young Lad

    Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 4

    So you admit that that the Australian liberal government is opposed to women's right to respect, justice and safety?
  16. Strapping Young Lad

    Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 3

    The ALP are weak as piss.
  17. Strapping Young Lad

    Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 3

    I’m not sure you could have missed the point by more.
  18. Strapping Young Lad

    Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 3

  19. Strapping Young Lad

    Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 3

    It’s lame, but the audio doesn’t sound like it’s background music in an outdoor setting at all.
  20. Strapping Young Lad

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 3

    That’s the fear from conservatives though isn’t it. They think gay people are going to hold them down and make them gay or force themselves on others who aren’t gay. ****ing morons.
  21. Strapping Young Lad

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 3

    “Andrews should resign for the deaths from the QT breach” nek minit “the disease isn’t infectious enough for everyone to be following restrictions and rules that are an inconvenience to me”. The dumbest of the dumb.
  22. Strapping Young Lad

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 3

    I’m sure I’m not the only here who feels like I’m getting dumber every time I read one of your posts, but anyway... Andrews called a presser as he is quite rightly aware that any outbreak or quarantine breach requires immediate communication to people within this state, as there is anxiety...
  23. Strapping Young Lad

    Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 3

    He really is an utter ****wit.